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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 13

by Lara Swann

  It would have to be enough.

  I waited until I was around the corner - convinced that Leo might be alert enough to hear me otherwise - then started running, the thin corridor passing quickly and giving way to the small entry.

  The man looked up in surprise as I stumbled to a breathless halt in front of him. The run hadn’t been anywhere near enough to wind me, but the adrenaline was making me breath hard. Decision made, I went for it.

  “Please, you’ve got to help me. T-the man I was with - he kidnapped me. I have to get out of here. Do-do you have a phone? My father…”

  I stopped suddenly, not sure whether to mention my father’s connections to the mafia. The guy looked suspiciously down the hall, reacting far too slowly for me.

  “Please. Quickly - he’ll be after me any moment.” I knew Leo. I knew how fast he could move. The moment he found me gone… “There’s a reward - my father will pay a lot of money. Just please—”

  I didn’t even know what I was asking for, but he looked me up and down in slow consideration, my heart beating hard in my throat as he finally shifted.

  “A’rite. I’ve somewhere ya can hide, girlie.” His voice grated on me, sending an unpleasant shiver down my spine, but I seized on the offer.

  “Thank you. Oh god, thank you.” I mumbled it as he started moving back down the corridor, the way I’d come, trying not to gush.

  I was finally doing it. I was finally going to be alright. This nightmare would be over.

  I looked down the corridor, expecting at any moment for Leo to come running down, eyes flashing furiously as he pulled me out from behind the thin, gnarled man in front of me. But it didn’t happen, and then the stranger was pulling out keys for what looked like a supply closet.

  Yes. Hiding. That made more sense, anyway. Leo would suspect I’d run off, and then when he chased after me, I could get away. I just needed to let my father know, and he’d come get me.

  The door opened and I looked at the thin room, lined on all sides with shelves of linen and cleaning supplies.

  “Thank you.” I breathed it again as I stepped inside and turned.

  He nodded to me, flashing a gap-toothed grin. “I’s tell ‘im you ran, if he asks. Then I’s come get ya.”

  I nodded, trying to get myself under control as he shut the door on me, darkness enveloping the room again. I heard the key turning in the door, and anxiety surged briefly - but it made sense. The door had been locked before, so it needed to be now as well. Same reason I couldn’t turn the light on, however much I wanted to - it would be suspicious. It was actually probably safer like this - if Leo charged into random rooms in his search, this would be one he couldn’t access.

  I was just feeling paranoid after being kept locked away for the last few days. That was all.

  Just don’t think about what happens if there’s a fire.

  My panicky mind was not helping.

  I just wished I’d been able to call my father first…but there was no time, of course there was no time. Leo was going to explode out of that room in a few moments.

  I started to pace in the small area, before remembering that I should be quiet instead, and settling down on the floor to wait. I felt a momentary pang of guilt at leaving Leo so abruptly like that, but that was a stupid feeling - he’d kidnapped me, damn it! It wasn’t like I could’ve said goodbye.

  I tried not to think about the instinct that made me want to say goodbye. That was part of the reason I had to get the hell away from here. Leo was starting to make me think and feel the wrong things. I was getting confused with— but now it would all be over.

  I was doing the right thing here. I knew I was. I needed to get back to my family and away from the disaster that I’d fallen into.

  So why did it feel so wrong?

  I ground my teeth and tried to breathe. It was just scary, and risky, and the stress was getting to me. That was all.

  “Alessa!” The shout reverberated through the thin walls, and I heard the stomping of Leo’s furious feet. My breath caught in my throat again, but I heard the moment he passed me, probably on the way to the reception desk. This was it. This was the moment I found out whether any of this had worked. Everything I’d been trying to accomplish since the moment he’d taken me.

  I ignored the small part that kind of wanted to see him rip the door open - to prove his infallibility, as he had done so many times before. But I heard the rumble of distant voices, and several minutes passed without him coming back. Hesitantly, I started letting myself think this might have actually worked.

  Then I heard the lock in the door, and I jumped up to my feet.

  He hadn’t gotten the key from that man, had he? Oh, please…

  But the hand that opened the door and flicked on the light was older and thin, and I let out a sigh of relief as I saw the very man enter the small space.

  “He went runnin’ out lookin’ for ya, girlie. We gots some time now.” He shut the door behind him, and I suddenly registered the gleam in his eye for what it was.


  I swallowed quickly, looking up hopefully. “We can call my father? He’ll come get me, and I promise, he’ll pay you—”

  The raspy laugh whistled through the gap in his teeth. “Dontcha try’n fool me, girl. I knows what ya wantin’.”

  I backed up, suddenly aware of the very limited space in the small supply closet. He only took that as an invitation to move forward, and I bit my lip hard as I suddenly realized what I might have gotten myself into.

  “No—you can’t. I—my father…” I tried to get myself together, to tell him who my father was, but I was distracted by the horror in front of me. I couldn’t help staring at the thinning, greasy hair that hung limply from his head, or the way his bloodshot eyes leered at me. His face was puckered and as he closed the distance between us, his foul, smoky scent enveloped me.

  I swallowed again, and shook my head hard.

  “My father is—Antonio Santini. The Italian mafia. Don’t come near me.” I tried to inject some strength into my voice, but I was finding it difficult as the reality of the situation caught up with me.

  Idiot! You’re a damn idiot, Alessa! You got away trying this shit with Leo, for some god-damn reason…but this is different. And you don’t have a clue what you’re doing out here.

  “Yeh, yeh, ya don’ need impress me, girlie. I’s give ya what ya afta.” His lewd grin made me shudder and I bumped up against a shelf behind me - nowhere left to go.

  When Leo had come onto me in that arrogant, sexy way of his, I’d thought there was something wrong with me when I’d fantasized about him taking me…forcing me. Now, faced with this, I finally admitted to myself that it would never have been force - I hadn’t actually been unwilling at all.

  Because this here - this was what forced felt like. Hell, even Viktor, or whatever mafia boss my father lined up for me…they seemed fine right about now.

  His hand reached out for me and I reacted instinctively, balling a fist up and throwing it at his face. I had no clue what I was doing, and even I could tell the punch was wide - but maybe he was old, and slow, and…

  His hand caught mine, and the satisfied leer faded into sour anger as he twisted it around behind me, turning my body and pressing me up against the hard shelves. Too late, I realized he probably knew his way around a fight, working somewhere like this.

  “Tha’s not how you’s show ya appreciation, girlie.” His warm breath against my ear made me shudder again, and I struggled futilely in his grip, the pain of it stinging my eyes.

  Terrified and helpless, I did the only other thing I could think of - I screamed.

  Chapter Eleven


  The moment I entered the empty bedroom, with a towel casually draped around my waist, my blood froze.

  The next few seconds became a blur as I forced my jeans on and stormed out of the room, crashing the door against the wall and yelling her name. Any instinct to be discreet and avoid attention disappea
red with the wave of fury and fear that crashed over me.

  I wasn’t sure whether I was more angry at her, or at myself for letting it happen. I should have known. I never should have taken my eyes off her.

  Too many sleepless nights followed by the long drive had lowered my guard, but I couldn’t accept excuses. That was the kind of weakness I hated - and something I’d worked so hard to eradicate. And now, failing had put Alessa at risk of god-only-knew-what. This was not the kind of place to run off. Not that she’d have given any thought to that.


  I stormed into the entryway, bearing down on the unsavory looking man there immediately.

  “The girl I came in with - you seen her?” My voice was low and hurried, breath coming sharply from the anxiety I couldn’t suppress.

  He cocked his head, as if considering, and it was all I could do not to drag him over the low desk between us and slam him against the wall for answers. Only the concern that it would shock him into silence held me back.

  “Yeh, went runnin’ out thattaway. All frantic-like too.” His voice was a slow drawl, but as soon as he tilted his head towards the door, I was off. “You’s two havin’ a fight?”

  I ignored him, my focus and anger reserved for one thing only as I stormed out of the door.

  What the hell was she thinking? What did she expect to find out here, around a dodgy motel?

  Surely she could see that staying with me was safer than that? I couldn’t understand how she’d expected to find help. But then again, after the first time, it had been clear that her escape attempts were fueled by desperation more than proper planning.

  I scanned the parking lot, but there was no sign of movement or disturbance - my car still lay silent in the dim street light. I ran towards the edge, looking over to the long road leading back to the highway, but there was no one on it and I couldn’t imagine her running for miles in the hope of hitching a lift from whoever was left driving at midnight.

  It didn’t make sense. Even for Alessa. She hadn’t run from Jay’s - in a place she knew, even if she was afraid - there was no way she’d find the chances better here. If I’d been in her position, I would’ve asked the nearest person for help or—


  I spun back on my heel instantly, suddenly seeing that fucking bastard’s contempt for what it was. Charging into the motel and seeing the reception abandoned only confirmed my suspicions and I cursed myself for being a fool. I’d been so intent on getting her back that I hadn’t stopped to think.

  “Alessa!” I called again, throwing any remaining caution to the wind in the need to get to her now.

  There was no response, and I started working my way down the corridor, slamming my shoulder against the motel rooms indiscriminately and hearing the splintering crack of wood as I searched. Thank god for bad low-maintenance motels. Though with the adrenaline pumping through me, I was pretty sure I could have gotten through anything.

  I was sure Alessa must be hiding somewhere in here - it was the only thing that made sense, and anger rose again as I considered the possible reasons that man might be helping her. I had to get to her before anything more could go wrong.

  The first couple of rooms were empty, and my urgent frustration was growing with every loud crash I made. The third was met with a squeal of outrage followed by an angry shout from the couple entwined together in a mess of sheets. I turned from them without comment, cursing how long this was taking. Damn girl.

  I had my shoulder against the fourth before a scream from across the hall froze my blood.


  My stomach twisted at hearing her pure terror, and I turned in one quick motion, any other thought disappearing in the instant need to get to her.

  The two doors across from me were from another of the motel’s rooms - and what looked like a supply closet, with a worn Private sign next to a deadlock in the corner.

  Of course. If I’d wanted to hide her…

  I was at the second door a moment later, yanking on the handle and throwing it open to see Alessa backed against the opposite end, his lean form pressed up against her.

  This wasn’t me - smashing doors open, jumping in without thought. I was a trained hitman. A professional. I’d spent years learning how to plan and act - appropriate discretion, subterfuge and skill. Not raw emotion and power.

  But the moment I’d seen her gone, something in me had snapped. Now, facing another man touching her like that - red clouded my vision.

  “Leo—” I heard her breathless cry in the same moment that his face twisted to glance at me, but I barely noticed either of them.

  I was already in front of him, one hand darting out to grab his loose shirt at the collar and jerk him backwards. He let go of Alessa from the shock of it, whirling to try and hit me, but he had no chance.

  I slammed him back against a set of shelves - the force of it knocking cleaning product down around us. I could only guess at what my expression showed from the way his eyes widened and his face became slack. Part of me wanted to rant and rage at him - let dull, crushing blows show him just how wrong he’d been to touch Alessa. But getting Alessa out of here was more important.

  I dismissed the idea with regret and swung another hook at his head instead, hitting his temple and feeling him sag in my arms until I supported his full weight. My hands moved to his head instinctively, one cupping his chin and the other gripping the back of his head in readiness for the practiced move that would end him for good.

  Except that my eyes darted to Alessa before I could do it, and the wide-eyed horror there caught at me. Her eyes glistened with tears, and I could tell she was trying to pull herself together and out of the shocking fear of moments before. I didn’t even know if she was registering what I was doing, but for some reason I hesitated anyway.

  It was the right thing to do - I didn’t know what he knew or what he’d do when he woke up and found us gone. It didn’t even matter - we’d made enough of a disturbance that covering it up was the only option.

  I glanced back at Alessa and then cursed myself as I simply hit him again and let him drop in a heap to the floor, turning to her instead.

  Maybe the second blow will kill him and solve your problems anyway. Maybe. Fuck. What the hell is wrong with you, Leo?

  I looked Alessa over once to reassure myself that she was alright, before the suppressed anger exploded out of me.

  “What the fuck were you doing?!” I stepped up to her, my blood pulsing at what had almost happened here.

  “Getting away from you, you bastard!” Her voice was high as she snapped out a response, eyes flashing with an anger of her own and hands pushing at me.

  We glared at each other and then I pulled her into me without thought, the need to know that she was truly alright overpowering me. Her eyes shifted as my arms wrapped around her soft form, and then I was leaning forward instinctively, tilting her chin up to me as everything I felt became too much.

  I took her mouth in one searing kiss, the full lips everything I’d imagined as their warmth responded to me. I felt her moan against me, and my hand came up to hold the back of her head as I deepened it, my tongue opening her hot mouth. The kiss was as intense as I felt - as everything that had just happened - strong and passionate with my need to know she was alive and safe.

  Pure lust overtook me, unrestrained by any second thoughts as I let that need drive me, and felt her respond in a way that was more natural than I’d ever seen. We clutched at each other, joined in that one passionate embrace as our bodies shifted together. I could feel us approaching the cliff edge of complete abandon and I scared myself by just how ready I was to forget about anything else. I could fee us about to jump off into that dark, beautiful oblivion, before everything else intruded and started pulling me back. The kiss was one moment away from becoming so much more when slowly, reluctantly, we parted.

  Her dark eyes were hot and glazed as they looked up at me, her teeth biting at the lip swollen from our kiss and making
me lean in yet again. A spasm ripped through her before I could, her body shuddering from the intensity of everything that had just happened, and she collapsed against me, head on my chest as she clutched me tight. Sobs overtook her and my arms closed tighter, my heart stuttering with hurt for her.

  “Shh…shh, it’s okay, Alessa.” I murmured against her ear as I felt her struggling to regain control. “You’re safe now, it’s okay—”

  “Safe?!” She pulled back from me, her tone turned harsh and mocking as she glared up with a frustrated anger. “You mean except if I run off, or do something you don’t like, or-or get caught up with any of the scum you’re talking to?! Then you’ll fucking kill me, right?”

  Her breath came heavy and fast, and I growled in my own frustration as I faced the truth of it. I’d wanted - needed - her scared, but I couldn’t deal with her believing that anymore. Or her risking her life by thinking someone like the broken man at our feet would give her a better chance than me…

  “Fuck that, Alessa. If I was going to kill you, it would have happened long before now. In case you haven’t noticed - you’ve already run off, and attacked me, and resisted every step of the way. No, for some fucked up reason I’m not going to hurt you.”

  Her eyes widened, and I saw the hope light in them for a brief instant before I cut her off. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you go. No, I’m going to drag you with me, keep you as safe as I damn well can, and when I’m set up and sorted - then I’ll let you go. As I’ve promised. And if you could make it just a little easier, maybe we can get to that quicker.”

  My breath heaved with the tense energy of letting all that out, and we stared at each other as I finished. It might not be what she wanted, but it was the best I could give her, and I felt the impasse between us before she bit her lip and looked away. She refused to respond or appreciate it, but I could tell that she knew it was a hell of a lot better than it could be.

  “I want to get out of here.” Her voice came low and strained, and I let her push past me towards the door.

  I glanced at the man on the floor on our way out, and shook my head again. Alessa was making me say and do things I’d never thought I would, and if I thought about it too long, it unnerved me.


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