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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 19

by Lara Swann

  “Mm, I’m fine, Leo. It’s not this morning I want to think about.” I gave him a small smile, watching his eyes shift from concern to a thrilling heat. “Besides, sex is supposed to be a natural instinct after life-or-death situations.”

  “Is it now?” He flashed that cocky smile at me. “That would explain a few things.”

  His gaze turned considering for a brief moment, and I could well imagine he was thinking about all the life-and-death situations he faced regularly - and no doubt what he did after them.

  “Leo!” I scowled, pushing at his chest. “You’re not meant to think about sex with other women when you’re around…the girl you’re sleeping with!”

  My mock-outrage stumbled as I tried to work out how to describe what I was on-the-fly, and my heart stuttered in my chest at the thought.

  “No?” Oblivious to my confusion, he leaned down and tilted my head up to his, until his sparkling blue eyes were all I could see, inches from mine. “Not even if it’s to consider just how much better this is?”

  My stomach did another flip, and I felt my knees weaken against him.

  Oh damn. Okay. Yes. Maybe that’s allowed. Fuck.

  The cocky bastard always knew how to drive me crazy, and I felt a low, hot need sear through me. The ache in my pussy grew stronger and I moaned against his lips.

  “Okay. That’s allowed.” I said breathlessly.

  “You know, I think you’re making these rules up as you go along.” The smoldering amusement in his voice has me clutching onto him again, and I tried to recover enough to continue the verbal sparring, but I really just wanted to jump him.

  “Of course. Female prerogative.” I kissed along his jaw, enjoying the slight roughness of stubble, and let my hands roam over him.

  His laugh was deep and rough, and full of far more intent than our teasing words. “At least you admit it.”

  I didn’t care anymore. “Pool? Now?”

  There was nothing I wanted more than his naked ass in the pool right now.

  He grinned down at me, but with a sigh, shifted my hands away from him instead and leaned in for one last teasing kiss. “Fuck, I wish. But I have a few flights to book - and if you want to actually enjoy the pool, I should probably give you a little time alone first, hmm?”

  I narrowed my gaze and stepped back. He had a point, but my libido was reluctant to admit it. I felt ready and aching for him already.

  “Well, if you’re sure…” I gave him a sweet smile.

  Then, in one quick motion, I drew my t-shirt over my head. I didn’t notice where it landed as I pushed my skirt off my hips and stepped out of it, looking up at him innocently in just my bra and panties. His gaze was locked on my body, and I received the same thrill I always did from knowing just how much I affected him. I wouldn’t have thought I could ever do this so easily, but the way I intoxicated him gave me a unique confidence that was near addictive.

  I matched his cocky smile from earlier as I unclasped my bra and let it slide neatly to the floor, exposing my firm breasts to the warmth of the sun. If I hadn’t been distracted by the heat inside my body, I would have been relieved to finally ditch the clothes. And the water was calling to me almost as much as Leo did. I shimmied out of my panties and sauntered past him, enjoying the way he growled under his breath.

  “Fucking tease.” The muttered words were one of the compliments I enjoyed most.

  He watched me until I got to the edge of the pool, his eyes burning into my back as I slipped down to dangle my legs in the water. I shivered in pleasure at the cool relief of the water, then arched up, stretching my body out while the sun fell around me. It felt ridiculously liberating to be sitting here naked, and I reveled in the idea that no one else could see me. Well, no one except the exact person I wanted.

  After a few moments, I cast a glance over my shoulder, affecting surprise at seeing Leo still standing there, hungry eyes watching me.

  “Ohh, didn’t you have something more important to do?” I gave him another sweet smile and pulled my hair over shoulder innocently.

  His posture turned predatory and my heart skipped a beat. That was the side of him I loved arousing.

  He strode over to me, lifting me to my feet with an effortless movement that took my breath, before spinning me around to look up at him.

  “You,” He enunciated it carefully, danger pulsing from his body and making my pussy ache with need, “are not at all the good girl you pretend to be.”

  He claimed my mouth again, but this was nothing like our other kisses - this was deep and possessive and intent. It was pure power and strength, and I gave myself over to it within the first breath, nerves dancing in eager anticipation. His intensity pushed me back, until I was hanging on the edge of the pool, only still standing by the way he cupped me to him. Being a moment away from falling sent another surge of adrenaline through me, adding to what he was doing and making every sense come alive within me.

  His hands traveled over my naked body, sliding down smooth curves until he withdrew from my mouth with a sharp bite to my lip, fire burning in his eyes.

  “Now I’m going to go back inside, princess,” One hand rose to frame my breasts, then tweaked my nipples aggressively, pulling on them and making my body shiver with need. “And you’re going to behave. Then when I’m ready, maybe I’ll come and give you what you need.”

  He was nibbling down my neck, little bites mixed with swipes of his tongue, and I knew if he wasn’t supporting me I’d have either sunk to the floor or drifted away into the clouds by now. Fuck, he was good at this.

  My hard tits were on fire from his attention, and I cried out helplessly, wanting so much more. “Until then, you wait nicely for me.”

  He stepped back in one smooth movement, taking me with him so I didn’t fall outright into the water, but he didn’t give me much chance to get my shaky limbs under me before turning and disappearing into the house with an arrogant smile.

  Ohh fuck…

  I was left gasping for breath, staring after him with need clawing at me and the overwhelming power of his presence stealing every other thought. Since that first night, his overall attitude towards me had softened, but I couldn’t deny that it was this that got me worked up like nothing else. The strength and confidence that poured out of him, the way he took me over and mastered my body so completely. Every inch of skin tingled where he’d touched it and I had to take deep, shuddering breaths to calm my racing heart.

  I was left staring at the door he’d disappeared through, wondering whether to curse or thank myself for provoking him. I’d somehow forgotten that teasing was such a double-edged sword, but on the other hand…I fucking loved this.

  I let out a short, breathless laugh as my pulse started to steady a little, dipping down to sit with my legs in the water again, letting that sweet coolness try to quench some of the fire raging inside me. It only took a few minutes before I was grinning to myself, loving that I could provoke him to such extremes, and eagerly awaiting when he’d be finished with his business.

  A few minutes of sitting in the sun and I was able to remember what I’d originally been so desperate for. I slipped into the water with a happy sigh and cooled off the long, hot time in the sun.

  A couple of strokes up and down the length of the pool and I was even grudgingly admitting Leo might have been right about giving me some time to enjoy it. The sweet scent of grass and greenery surrounded me from the garden, and I could hear the slight rustles of movement from the trees set around the edges, but apart from that it was blissfully quiet. Peaceful.

  I’d always loved swimming - the way the water felt against my body, the way it held me up and the ease with which I could move. It felt like I imagined flying would be, and without the hindrance of a swimsuit or bikini it felt even more natural. I swam a few lengths, enjoying the stretch of my muscles after too long without exercise, but it wasn’t long before I found myself simply lying back and letting the water push me to the surface. My eyes closed aga
inst the sun and my mind drifted with my body, unaware of anything except the easy peace around me.

  “Hmm, now I don’t know whether to disturb you at all.” The sound of Leo’s voice made me jerk up, righting my body to turn and look at him crouching at the edge of the pool as I realized that I hadn’t noticed him return at all.

  I had no idea how long I’d spent lying on the water like that.

  “Disturb me. Definitely.” I gave him a quick grin and twirled in the water, enjoying the eddy of currents I made and inviting him in.

  He laughed and stood, removing his clothes with the same ease I’d displayed earlier. I watched hungrily as his hard, tattooed chest came into sight, the sun gleaming from it as if he was some Greek god. That thought seemed appropriate, and my body stirred eagerly again.

  His pants came off a moment later, and I was caught by the view of his powerful naked body in the full light of day. I’d explored every inch of it over the last few days, but most of it had been in bed, with obscured light at best. This was different. Now I could fully appreciate the way every muscle rippled under his skin as he moved, the pure strength of his body…and his hard, obvious interest in my own glistening figure.

  He slipped in almost silently, propelling himself from the edge to skim the water before slowly bringing his legs under himself and twisting around to face me. I shouldn’t have been surprised, really - silent was his game.

  I swam over easily, dipping under the water for a moment to cool off before wrapping my legs around his waist and settling weightlessly on top of him. His arms wrapped around me as I wriggled on top of his lap, enjoying the way his hard cock pressed up against me and our skin slipped and slid against each other. He growled into my ear and I laughed, tipping my head back and gazing up at the dazzling blue sky.

  “It’s so nice here. I’m not sure I’ve ever felt relaxed like this…so free…” I sighed happily.

  “Free, huh?” Leo’s wry voice intruded, and I blushed at the irony.

  “You know what I mean. I’ve never done anything like this before - crazy cross-country trips, skinny dipping with strange men, not caring about what anyone thinks…” My fingers trailed down his shoulders, enjoying the hard strength there as I reflected softly.

  “Being kidnapped by said strange men, shot at by thugs…glad I’m providing all-round entertainment, princess.” I could hear the laughter in his voice, but for some reason I knew he wasn’t mocking. He was just keeping it light, and I instinctively understood why - these were dangerous thoughts for me. Especially so close to going back home.

  “What would you want, Alessa?” His voice was a gentle murmur in my ear, his hands running down my body and keeping me close to him. “If you didn’t have to think about your family. What would you want for you?”

  My heart pounded hard in my chest, and I almost regretted my light-hearted comment. I wasn’t sure I wanted to think about this.

  I shrugged uneasily. “I don’t know. It doesn’t really matter.”

  I pushed forward against him again, touching and kissing and trying to forget about it. But it wasn’t quite that easy. I’d never really considered this before. I’d always known that I would marry some mafia boss and be a good, obedient wife for him - a trophy, maybe, but the idea of having a family and raising kids gave me its own satisfaction. I loved my sisters dearly, and helping to raise them had been one of the things I’d enjoyed most - and part of the reason my family meant so much to me.

  It had only been the choice of husband that had made me anxious - and being so carefully confined and protected all the time.

  I pulled back and looked at Leo, saw him watching me consider the question. “Maybe I wouldn’t want much different. I’ve always wanted to raise a family of my own, you know.”

  He nodded, simply accepting my thoughts without comment, and as his deep, understanding blue eyes met mine, unexpected emotion surged up within me.

  You. I’d want you, maybe.

  I pushed it away almost immediately - there was no way I could think about that. It was too dangerous. Too impossible. And I couldn’t let him hear it at all.

  Leo’s brow creased slightly and I knew he’d seen something on my face. Not wanting to give him a chance to ask, I blurted something else instead - something milder. “Just maybe not with someone like Viktor. I guess I’d like to have the choice…with that, and other things too.”

  His features softened and he leaned in to kiss me, taking some of the tension out of my body before raising his eyes to look at me. From the way they turned serious, I knew what he was going to ask.

  “Have you thought about…just not going back?” The intensity of his gaze seared into me, and I shook my head automatically.

  It was one thing to think about all this, but it was just talk - ideas, thoughts. Nothing more. This time together had been a lovely fantasy, but that’s all it was.

  “No. I couldn’t do that…I’m Alessa Santini. They’re my family.” My voice was softer than I would have liked, but the truth of it was hard and clear within me. They were my family. I wanted to support them in all the ways expected of me, however nice this interlude was.

  He gave me a long look, seeming about to say something more before he finally nodded, and I was glad he didn’t try to challenge me. I knew what my answer was, and I wasn’t sure I could take a debate about it right now - not with everything else that had happened, and the beautiful potential of the sun on our backs.

  He seemed to sense it and let the subject go, because he walked along the bottom of the pool, shifting us towards a wall and pinning me there easily.

  “Okay, princess. Let’s just make the most of your choices now then, shall we?” He smiled with that familiar predatory grin, and my heart sped up again in my chest.

  I shifted against him and smiled back, running my fingers down the firm muscles of his chest.

  “Mm, exactly what I’ve been waiting for…” I murmured against his ear, then nipped it lightly and trailed a few kisses down his neck.

  This was what I needed - passion and pleasure to overwhelm any other thoughts. Just this moment, here and now, where everything felt perfect despite whatever waited for us outside this pool.

  “Good thing, girl, because after earlier - I’m not playing nice.” His eyes sparked at me and with one swift movement he lifted me up to sit on the edge of the pool.

  I gasped as the water ran down my body, but he’d already parted my thighs and nuzzled between them. My pussy spasmed with pure want as he made his intentions clear, and then his mouth was on me and I couldn’t think about anything else anymore. Exactly what I’d wanted.

  My hands came around to grip his hair, and I tugged him to me selfishly. I loved that I could be as passionate and demanding as I liked in my pleasure and he’d accept it all - then come and take me over and show me exactly who was actually in control.

  His tongue found my inner lips, already wet with both the remaining droplets from the pool, and the muted heat of my desire. As he started working in firm, long strokes the sensation of the cool water receding and my own inner heat expanding to flush my whole body was just perfect. I could feel my need gushing out onto his tongue, creating a sticky warmth between us as tension built quickly in my body. He hadn’t been the only one affected by this morning, and while the swim might have given me a little more patience, the lust boiling inside me was still waiting, and he set it flaring with his easy expertise.

  His tongue swapped between dipping inside me, taking long strokes that teased my inner lips, and flicking up to play with the sensitive nub there. I was moaning and writhing against his mouth within moments, and I welcomed the tension growing inside, the way he seemed to make every part of me so damned sensitive. As if he’d read my mind, he looked up at me, deep blue eyes burning.

  “Touch yourself.” He commanded gruffly, the vibrations of it teasing my pussy.

  I gasped as his tongue dipped deep inside me, obeying with a moan and letting my hands rise to touch m
y breasts. Sparks flew straight to where he was licking me and I moaned out loud, squeezing and rolling my tits with a roughness that let me pretend it was his touch. I bucked up against him, only his hands stroking and caressing against my thighs keeping me from losing my balance and slipping into the pool. But I didn’t care, I just wanted him - wanted more.

  The pleasure built higher and higher inside me, any remaining moisture from the water burnt away by the sun glaring down on us and my own combustible inner heat. My cries became louder and I had a moment to hope there really wasn’t anyone else around, then I was lost again.

  “Leo…” My voice cried out in warning as I got closer to the climax tingling just under my skin.

  With one smooth movement, he withdrew and brought me back down into the water with him. I cried out, breath whooshing out of me as the cool water washed over me. The suddenness and unexpected sensation jerked me back from that edge, only to have him press me against the wall, his body covering mine and making me shudder all over again.

  His mouth found mine, the taste of my sweet scent there making me moan as I felt his throbbing hardness pressing against my core.

  Ohh, god…

  His hands closed around my hips and then he was there, pressing into me and letting the wall and the water take my weight as he thrust hard inside. I was slick and ready from the pleasure he’d just given me and my legs came up eagerly to wrap around his waist, pulling him further into me and making my pussy clench and spasm against him. He groaned and our tongues tangled together as our bodies disintegrated into a mess of passion. I was touching and tasting every part of him that I could reach, and he thrust into me with ever increasing urgency, our mutual need driving him hard.

  I had been so close before, and with his cock stretching me blissfully that fire came back almost instantly, the heat inside me building in time with his until I was shuddering and shaking, trying desperately to hold back the explosion and wait for him.


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