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Hitman's Captive: A Bad Boy Romance

Page 40

by Lara Swann

  I frowned.

  “You remember that?”

  “It was only a couple of weeks ago, baby-Bella.”

  “Yeah but…it was boring as hell for you. I thought you zoned out over that lunch.”

  He grinned at that, eyes lingering on my body again before jumping back to my face.

  “Yeah, I did - started picturing you naked, all the ways I was going to take you and make you mine again…hmm, maybe you’re right. Guess they might not have been impressed with you after all - maybe I just remember how impressed I was at the thought of you like that…”

  The frustrated laugh strangled in my throat and I slapped my hand against his chest again.

  “God damned arrogant asshole.”

  “You love it, babe.”

  His mocking tone had me rolling my eyes.

  “Okay, maybe I’ll think about it. Time to get out of here.”

  He grinned again, took one last kiss and levered himself up from the bed.

  “Good - I’ve got more important things to be doing, anyway.”

  I shook my head at his attitude as he took to the balcony again, still not bothering to reclaim his t-shirt. Which I was maybe grateful for as I watched the way he stepped over the railing and then lowered his body to hang from the bottom before dropping to the ground.

  Our rooms weren’t close to each other, and we hadn’t wanted to risk people seeing us coming and going from each others rooms or constantly walking down the wrong hallways. The way the bedrooms were arranged had each facing a central garden, with balconies overlooking it - and for Seth, it was a simple matter to climb from his room to mine via that garden. The first time he’d done it he’d muttered something about the horrendous security, and I’d pointed out it was for pleasure, not built with terrorists in mind.

  I turned with an affectionate sigh and settled down in front of my computer. There was a reason I hadn’t gotten very far with this MCAT prep - beyond just my constant arrogant distraction. His words replaying again in my mind, I hesitated, then swapped to the tab with the information on that internship.

  Chapter Fifteen


  I knocked firmly on Bella’s door, and the surprised expression when she opened it and found me on this side for once amused me.


  “C’mon, we’re going on a road trip.”

  She squinted at me, confused, and then the familiar frustration flickered over her pretty features.

  “I can’t - my father—”

  I was still annoyed her father seemed to insist on treating her like a child, and that she didn’t do anything about it, but I didn’t think this was the time to mention that. Instead, I grinned.

  “Don’t worry - this time we’ll go on foot.”


  Her eyes glanced over the large rucksack on my back and she frowned at me. For someone with laser-sharp intelligence, sometimes she could be a little slow. Of course, I wasn’t making much sense, but still - with a girl like that, you had to take any edge you could get, and I liked being one step ahead of her for once.

  If you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.

  Ace’s motto came back to me and I took her hand.

  “You promised next time I’d pick the location. I’m holding you to it.”

  “You are?”

  “Are you coming or not?”

  I flashed her a seductive smile and let my eyes linger on the tight t-shirt she was wearing. The high-cut shorts gave me a lovely glimpse of her thighs as well, and my hand found it’s way over to the waistband.

  “Cut that out!”

  She glanced hurriedly down the corridor, but I chuckled. If there’d been anyone around, I would have known.

  “You really need to start trusting me with that, babe.”

  “I trust you to know if we’re being watched. I don’t trust you to care enough about it to stop what you’re doing.”

  Probably a fair point.

  Her glare had me grinning again and I grabbed her hand, pulling her along behind me, deciding we’d had enough conversation.

  She sighed and followed, looking at me with that fond exasperation I was starting to enjoy, a slight color lighting her cheeks as we made our way down the stairs. It wouldn’t have mattered a bit if anyone had seen me dragging her along anyway, as that seemed like fairly typical brother behavior to me. But I preferred her coming willingly, and enjoyed the curiosity that lit her face as soon as she got over the way I’d taken her from whatever she’d been doing without any notice, or indeed permission.

  “So where are we going?”

  “To my idea of a road trip.”

  “A beach with a view?”

  Yep, that sharp intelligence was back on it. So much for the surprise.

  “I’ve already got the view, baby-Bella. So really, just the beach.”

  I took an eyeful of that view and she shoved at me again, shaking her head. But she smiled, obviously liking the idea.

  “Alright, alright, I’ll go along with it. But I might drag you in the water.”

  “No way - I think I’ve already suffered that enough for you.”

  We made our way down the garden towards the private beach at the end, messing with each other in the way we did to give an outlet to other, more intense desires while other people could potentially see us. With the the flurry of activity in the garden that was probably a good thing too, as people ran around putting up marquees and setting up tables to serve food and drink at the gala this weekend.

  I was smiling easily and it was hard to believe the lightness of my step as we crossed past the railings that screened the start of the beach. Crazy to think what a good round of fucking could do to a guy, but the edge from those long, hard months away was finally starting to wear off. I was sleeping better - at least, when we slept - and starting to feel at ease with things again. The guys at base had even commented on what good pussy I must be getting.

  I glanced down at Bella again and smiled as I thought about just how good. Turns out, my eighteen year old self hadn’t been such a bad judge after all. And who would have thought the things a prissy, stuck up rich girl would want to do? Not that that description fit Bella very well - at least when she was with me. Untamed wildcat might be better. Fierce and ferocious and just as eager for it as I was.

  When we got to the beach, I turned off, heading away from the open area to a nice alcove I’d found to the side. It was still probably Terence’s land, but it was kind of in between two of the private beaches along here - but not really visible from either. It reminded me of a few of the places on the more public beaches I’d been, and the things I’d done there…

  Bella gasped as we turned into it and stopped to look at me. I’d laid out the rugs, lanterns and practical stuff like crockery earlier in the day, but the food was on my back - figured if I left it laying around, some animal would get to it before we could.


  “See? Should’ve gone with my idea in the first place.”

  She laughed a little and flopped down on the rugs, exploring the area I’d made for us.

  “You never actually suggested it, you know.”

  “Well, a 6 hour round trip sounded a little more attractive…”

  “Hah - so what’s the plan, hmm? Did you bring me chocolate?”

  I shouldered the bag off and lay back down beside her, our bodies settling into their usual side-by-side array as I started rooting one handedly through the large rucksack, bringing out various things.

  “I set things up with plates, cutlery and wine glasses, and you want something I could feed you with my hands?”

  Her eyes dilated a little at the mention of feeding her and I put that on the to-do list for this afternoon. The thought had my cock twitching too - already hard and eager. I was planning on a little more than just sex though.

  “Okay, I’ll shut up. You tell me.”

  “Babe, I don’t think anything could shut you up.”

; “Hey!”

  Her outrage was quashed by my mouth as my hands found something else to think about than the food.

  “Mm, so this food…it doesn’t need eating immediately?”

  Her mind was obviously going to the same place, but unfortunately the answer to that question didn’t work quite so well.

  “Ah…mostly. Except the ice cream.”

  Her eyes lit up and she jumped back from me. My body protested at the loss of contact and I dragged her back.

  “You brought me ice cream?”

  I god-damned hoped that breathlessness was because of me and not the thought of ice cream, but I laughed anyway.

  “You and your ice cream…”

  “So we could eat the ice cream…then the rest of it later?”

  I scowled at her.

  “Sandwiches before ice cream. That’s how it works.”

  “Ugh…since when were you such a stickler for the rules?”

  “I am in the Navy, remember.”

  “Okay, okay, sandwiches.”

  I shook my head, but my own body was protesting that course of action, and I suddenly wondered why I was insisting on doing things in the proper order. Taking her here and now seemed like a damn fine idea to me. Except that I had intended to spend a bit of time with her not fucking.

  Stupid idea.

  “Right, understood, next time I won’t bother with the food. Except maybe dessert.”

  Bella laughed again, and the warm, happy sound of it made me smile. God, this girl did things to me.

  She helped me pour the wine and start opening the little packages I’d brought.

  “This looks good - did you make it?”

  “Hah, no. I only cook for survival. Becky did.”

  The sharpening of her glance amused me - or would have done, if there wasn’t a whisper of unease at what it might mean. The idea of her being jealous was cute, but the emotions that might lie under that were dangerous. And not something either of us could embrace.

  “Who’s Becky?”

  I held her gaze mildly and the slightly accusatory expression dropped off a little.

  “Wife of a military buddy. He’s down range at the moment, so we help out sometimes. She gave me these in return.”

  I recalled the way Becky had looked me up and down, commented that she thought I was eating better but decided to give them to me anyway. For the truck, she’d said, since boys like us needed food constantly. I swear half the time she thought of us the same way as she did her kids.

  “Oh. Okay.”

  I could see her mind whirring behind her eyes, taking in the world she knew nothing about - didn’t have a part in. It might bother her, I knew, but there was no way I was mixing up those two parts of my life. One was stability and security - a home that I would always return to. The other was a crazy leap of insanity, a spark soaring on the wind that would peter out soon. They didn’t have any place together, and I’d protect the first with everything I had.

  She bit into the sandwich and let the moment pass, and I was glad I didn’t need to articulate that. Somehow, I didn’t feel it would go well - and I didn’t really want to spoil the beautiful day.

  We chatted casually as we made a slow way through the sandwiches, nuts and fruit I’d brought.

  “I used to come here all the time, you know.”

  “To your father’s beach?”

  That didn’t seem surprising.

  “No - this alcove. It’s sat right between our land and Kaylee’s - we used to hide out here as girls.”

  “It’s a good place. Nice and private - that was probably useful for a couple of young girls.”

  She gave me a slow look, knowing exactly where my mind was going, but I continued anyway.

  “Useful for other things too…”

  She smiled up into my slow kiss, but then pushed me off.

  “You promised me ice cream first.”

  I laughed and shook my head, sitting up and reaching for the small cool-bag that had hopefully protected it from the blazing summer heat.

  It was a little soft, but ice cream was always better like that anyway. Bella certainly seemed to have no objections, and I was glad I’d remembered her fixation with the stuff as I lay out on the rug, feeling satisfyingly full but with another ache I was looking forward to satisfying. My eyes closed as I listened to her chatter about some of the things she’d done with Kaylee here, my mouth quirking at the description of her childhood.

  Then she went silent, and a moment later landed on my chest in complete disregard for my ribs.


  “Hah, I thought these hard muscles didn’t even notice impact.”

  “Depends on the impact.”

  I muttered it, but decided to take full advantage as my hands came around her pert ass and pressed her further against me, her lips finally reaching mine for a deep kiss made a little more sticky and sweet by the ice cream.

  “I take it you’re all done?”

  “Well, not all done…”

  I laughed and twisted us over, placing her beneath me on the rug as my hands started exploring again. She gave a breathy moan and started doing the same to me, coming up under my t-shirt and running those hot little nails along my chest the way I loved.

  “Mmm, you know, I’m looking forward to this military themed gala…”

  “Uh huh?”

  It wasn’t really at the top of my mind right now.

  “I know you weren’t convinced about inviting your guys, but it’s worked out pretty well in the end.”

  My mouth started nuzzling at her neck and my hands slipped up the t-shirt that clung to her beautifully, covering her warm breasts as she melted against me while for some reason continuing to talk.

  “It’ll be fun to meet all your hot SEAL friends.”

  That did have me raising my head, and I found myself with a dose of that unpleasant emotion I’d almost criticized her for earlier. My voice came out as more of a growl than I’d intended.

  “You better not be looking at them too closely.”

  She just laughed, clearly enjoying the effect she had on me. Which only made me both harder and more possessive. She wriggled under me, one eyebrow rising.

  “Well, you know, I think I might have a thing for guys in uniform.”

  My eyes sparked at her as she looked up and down at me, even in civilian clothes.

  “In uniform, or out of it, baby?”

  She let out a little moan and nibbled at my lip.

  “Hmm, I don’t know. Maybe you could show me ‘out of it’, and then at the gala I can make my mind up?”

  The innocence on her face was a complete outrage.

  “Just so long as it’s only me you’re looking at to decide that.”

  She laughed again, one hand running down my top until it reached my ass, squeezing.

  “Suggest you get out of uniform then, soldier.”


  It was a murmur as my eyes lingered on her, enjoying the teasing even while plotting revenge. A long, slow revenge. My hands moved to the edges of my t-shirt as I held her gaze, but she was puzzling over that comment.


  “I’m in the Navy. Sailor.”

  She laughed again, shaking her head.

  “Aye, aye, Cap’n.”

  I scowled at her, the planned slow seduction foiled by her ironic tone. Instead, I ripped the t-shirt off and started on my belt as my mouth teased at hers.

  “I’ll have you know, this prissy rich lifestyle is just as much a mystery to me.”

  She grinned, but then I was out of my clothes, and her attention was thoroughly distracted.

  At last.

  Sometimes the damned girl never shut up.

  Her clothes didn’t stay on much longer after that, and the refreshing wind from the sea felt good against the bare skin that was already burning up with need and desire for her.

  “I did have a couple more desserts…”

  Her expres
sion almost objected before she saw what I was bringing out of the bag. The whipping cream and chocolate sauce made her eyes light with fire again and she grabbed at them.

  “You did bring me chocolate!”

  Her tone was laughing as she shot some of the cream into my mouth. I grinned as I licked it off and shook my head.

  “That wasn’t where I was thinking you would aim that thing…”

  She laughed again, but it was deeper this time, thicker with the same lust running through my blood. I took the can off her and decorated her bare chest, my mouth and tongue following, focusing on her tits. The cream was nice - soft and fluffy - but I preferred the taste of her skin underneath, the way her pert tits stiffened under me as my hands started working their way down. She was moaning at that, and caught her fingers in the cream as she watched my eager mouth, taking it into her mouth in such a tempting, teasing way it made me growl.

  “Keep doing that, and it won’t be your finger you’re sucking so prettily.”

  Her laughing eyes told me she knew exactly what she was doing. A moment later she pushed me off to the side, her body hot and flushed from my attentions as she took the cream and chocolate with a speculative glance. Curious, I lay back and watched as she swung herself up on top of me, her already wet pussy settling on my stomach in a way that had me fighting not flex my hips, or sit her on me just a little lower. Then she started to drizzle the sauce over my chest - following the lines of my tattoo and making me groan. That skin was always sensitive, and I could already picture her sweet mouth following those lines, tracing them as she’d done before without the cream.

  I reached up to cup her tits again, massaging that warm, wonderful skin as she filled in the eagles with dots of cream before leaning down to start licking at it. I groaned at the feel of her warm, darting tongue against the coolness of the cream, the contrast lighting up the path she took with sparks of heat. My cock twitched hard against her ass and the minx started rubbing up against it, almost casually - except for the look she shot me.

  “Fuck, Bella…”

  My hands found her hips and I started thrusting up, the way she bit her lip showing me just how much she was anticipating feeling that. She was grinding against my rock hard abs, moaning a little as she worked herself up while playing with my chest.


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