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Page 5

by Tera Lyn Cortez

  “You will have your jobs, as we each shall have ours. It is in the best interest of the entire group that we let the person best suited for the job actually do it. Don't worry, you will get your opportunities.”

  We stood in silence after that, waiting for Celeste to return. I shifted from foot to foot, impatient and anxious at the same time, hoping and praying that the dungeon was empty.

  After what felt like forever, but was probably only minutes, she returned, and manifested in the midst of us. Since we had a forged a bond, I felt her presence before she appeared, but everyone else was startled.

  “I did not search every cell, but I traversed the hallway down to the other door at the far end and saw no signs of trouble. It is dark, and we will need quite a bit of light to function.”

  “Okay, let's move in.” Xavier opened the heavy door the rest of the way, and we filed in behind him cautiously.

  Taryk positioned his globe of light near the ceiling, turning up the brightness so we could easily see around us. The floor here in the hall was packed dirt instead of stone to match the walls. Doors were positioned on each side of the corridor, somewhat irregularly and rather far apart.

  The first of the cell doors stood open, and I took the opportunity to peek inside. The room was nothing more than a rectangle with solid stone walls and floor. No bed, or creature comforts provided.

  “People were actually kept in here?” I felt horrified. Once the door was closed there would be no light, and you would experience total isolation and sensory deprivation.

  “All manner of creatures have resided in these cells. They are both physically and magically reinforced to ensure there can be no escape, and no attacks could come from within them.” Yuri flitted around, having left my hood to join in the investigation. “The walls between them are thick to help guarantee there can be no communication between the prisoners.”

  In spite of knowing that one must do truly atrocious things on the outside to make it in here, I still felt bad for anyone subjected to it. Until I thought about the dark mage and her injustices. She belonged in a place far worse than this, so...

  “The entrance to your hidden room will be in a space between the cells. Your father would not tell me which one, to protect the location should I be compromised, but he said you will feel it.” Yuri seemed more distressed than the rest of us at this point, and I had no idea how to calm her.

  “Well, then I will just start making my way down the row and see what happens. The rest of you can keep an eye out just in case.”

  Stopping at the first expanse of wall, I stood still and waited to see if there was any indication that this might be the one. Nothing seemed to pique my attention, so I moved on. One by one, I paused in front the bare expanses of wall between the cell doors. I crisscrossed the wide walkway since the cell doors were offset from each other on each side. I made it to the heavy door at the end of the cell block having found nothing.

  “What is on the other side of this door? Are there more cells?” I paused in front of it, hoping whatever might be over there wouldn't be as terrible as my imagination started forming. But I hadn't found anything in this particular area, so we needed to move forward.

  Xavier walked up and stood next to me. “There are just a few in there. They were reserved for the worst of the worst.”

  “All right, let's check them out.” I reached to push the door open and received multiple cries of “Wait!” in unison.

  “Let me go first.” Celeste reappeared next to me. “I only came as far as this door, and we need to be certain it's safe.”

  I assumed that if something had been in there, we would know it by now. Near the top of the door was a tiny, barred window leading directly through to the other side, and we hadn't exactly been quiet. But I hung back and waited for her to investigate.

  She was gone only briefly. “Everleigh, on the other side of this door is very unpleasant. The room was used for torture, and there are souls still trapped here. You will no doubt be able to feel them, and I do not want you to enter unprepared. I don't believe they will be able to physically harm you, but you will be uncomfortable. On the plus side, I did not detect any with their magic intact, either.”

  “Can I release them and send them on their way?” If we could purge them from the area, it would be much easier for me to work. And seeing as how I was unsure whether trapped souls could communicate, I didn't want to leave any witnesses to our escapades. Especially since assumed we most likely would not be able to bring all the things from the hidden room with us right now.

  Celeste looked thoughtful. “I cannot say. Since you have not performed your invocation, you are not technically the reigning scribe. However, you are very powerful, and may be able to. I can show you how.”

  “Wait a minute!” Taryk broke in. “We don't need to spend the extra time worrying about them. Let's just get in, get what we need, and get out.”

  I took his hand and explained to him why I didn't want to leave them in there if we didn't have to.

  “As much as I hate to admit it, she is right.” Xavier looked concerned at the prospect of leaving behind any tattletales. “But we also have to consider that using magic here is like sending up a beacon. If there is anyone monitoring, they will know someone is in the castle.”

  “Releasing a soul actually uses very little magic,” Celeste explained. “It is similar to opening a portal, but because the veil is everywhere, it is a short distance to travel. She basically just needs to open it up and it will suck them through.”

  “Well, let's get started. Show me how to do it, please. The sooner they are gone, the sooner we can get on with our search.”

  I released Taryk to place my palms against Celeste's outstretched, spectral hands. “I am going to attempt to use the bond to show you how to open a portal to the veil. Hopefully, you will be successful. Once open, the veil will seek to balance and pull the souls through to where they belong. It requires a great sacrifice of energy, especially the first few times, so be prepared.”

  I nodded grimly, and closed my eyes, saying a quick prayer that this would work, and I would be able to complete the task. Our bond proved to be strong, indeed, and it took only seconds for me to receive the information she attempted to show me. She pushed it forth, and I allowed it to settle in, committing to memory not only the procedure, but the feelings and thoughts she experienced throughout the process.

  It seemed both simple and complex at the same time. Provided the universe would allow me to generate a portal through the veil without the invocation, I believed I could manage the task.

  “Is there anything else I should know?” Heads shook all the way around, and I prepared to enter the chamber of horrors, as I had begun thinking of it. “Wait!”

  Everybody turned to look at me.

  “What?” Taryk had grasped my hand again and was squeezing it tightly.

  “Celeste? You are a soul. Won't it try to suck you through as well?” I was panicking at the mere thought of losing her, especially by my own hand.

  She paused. “I suppose you are correct. Good catch.” Looking pensive, she frowned as she tried to decide the best course of action.

  “How about if I give the bracelet to Xavier, and you two go down the hall, and on the other side of the far doorway. Taryk can come with me for moral support. You guys can wait in the stairwell for us to finish.”

  “And I should do what, exactly?” Yuri piped up from her place in my hood.

  I slid the bracelet off and passed it to Xavier as I answered. “I will leave that up to you. I know your people have an affinity for souls. What I don't know enough about is how this may affect you, so I don't want to make any decisions for you.”

  My response seemed to curtail any sass she had been about to give me, and she hovered quietly, deep in thought for a moment. Her tiny eyebrows drew together as she debated her options.

  “I believe I will wait for you on this side of the door. Close enough to be of assistance as needed
, but not directly in the thick of things.”

  Nodding, I turned to the door and prepared to open it. Xavier laid his hand on my shoulder one last time before heading down the hall with Celeste.

  “I don't know how many souls are in there, or how strong they are. But if you need help keeping them out, open our bond, and allow me to assist you in any way I can.”

  I let go of Taryk to hug him and nodded. “Go. I will not open this door until the other is closed.”

  Listening to his footsteps echo as they retreated gave me a chill. I had never before been subject to anything like what I was about to experience, and I knew I advanced into it ill prepared. For a soul to be tortured, and then trapped in the place it had happened must be maddening.

  As the door latched on the other end of the hallway, I looked Taryk in the eyes and took a deep breath, placing my hand on the door once more.

  “Remember, whatever you are feeling when you enter, it isn't real. I will not let them hurt you. What you are about to feel is only the echo of actions past.”

  I nodded, swallowing to wet my suddenly parched mouth. It was game time.

  I pushed the door open and stepped through. Taryk's orb lit up most of the room, leaving few dark corners, and my eyes widened in shock.

  The ceiling was high with chains hanging down. Numerous tables and racks stood throughout the space. A deep pit went directly through the floor in the center of the room. Manacles with more chains hung from the walls. Dark stains marred most of the surfaces. The air in the room was sluggish. It stank of mold and had the coppery tang of old blood.

  The doors to the few cells leading off the room were closed, and my imagination began to run away with me, imagining what it must have been like to wait in one. You would easily be able to hear the screams of those who were here in the foyer, and quite probably the sounds of whatever torture was being administrated at the time.

  I looked at Taryk, who squeezed my hand for reassurance. I was wary as I had not felt any souls within the confines of the room, and did not know whether I should attempt to open the portal or wait. I feared using my voice and attracting unwanted attention.

  About the time I won the argument with myself about opening the portal, whether I felt the souls or not, they made themselves known. They slammed into my psyche like a ton of bricks, and I staggered; even Taryk's grip on my hand was not enough to keep me from slamming into the wall.

  I had not been prepared, and once they struck, I couldn't erect a shield. My brain couldn't even comprehend what they had endured. It felt like rusty nails dragging along the inside of my skull. I could hear their screams and feel their pain. Tears coursed down my face, and I instinctively curled into the tiniest ball I could make of myself, trying to protect against the onslaught.

  My bones felt as if they were being broken. My flesh burned as if someone dropped acid onto my skin, I could feel it eating through the layers. Their anger at being confined here was all consuming. I didn't know how much more I could take without breaking.

  It took Xavier reaching through our bond and shutting everything out for me to get hold of myself again. Once I managed that, I looked around, realizing we were no longer in the torture chamber. Blinking, I looked up at the worried faces surrounding me.

  “Thank goodness you came back to us.” Celeste hovered nervously above me.

  “What happened?” Taryk knelt on the floor next to me, half cradling me in his lap.

  Instead of answering them right away, I inspected myself. I saw no blood, no patches of flesh that had been eaten away. My bones all felt intact, even the arm that had slammed into the wall was only sore. My head though, that was another issue entirely. I would never forget what I just experienced. Ever.

  Gingerly, I stood and looked at the others. “That. Was. Terrifying.”

  Taryk still held my hand, having gotten up beside me. “Can you tell us what happened? If you don't want to talk about it, show me through our bond.”

  “I hope nobody ever has to see that. Don't go looking for it. I am going to do my best to lock it away and pretend it never happened.”

  “Do you think that's healthy?” Xavier started to give me his opinion, and I cut him off sharply.

  “Just. Don't. Okay? Don't.”

  I took a deep breath and looked at Celeste. She waited patiently for me to begin.

  “I was inadequately prepared. I got caught off guard because I couldn't feel them at first. I couldn't feel anything.”

  She nodded. “I believe they linger deep within the pit. I apologize, it didn't occur to me to let you know you may have to scan for them.”

  “Don't apologize, it's not your fault. Whoever tortured these poor souls is at fault. I don't care what they did, nobody deserves this. Nobody.”

  The group stood quietly for a moment at the vehemence of my words.

  Yuri fluttered next to me. “Nobody is a strong statement. You have no idea what they may have done. All creatures are capable of doing horrific things.”

  “I don't care. If you could feel the pain. The anguish. It's wanting to die but knowing the suffering will continue. There is NO REASON to ever subject any living thing to what just invaded my head. EVER.”

  I was breathing erratically by the time I had finished the statement, and my heart was hammering. I had slipped back to the very edge of my control just thinking about it. Taryk squeezed my hand gently, trying to pull me back.

  “Not even the dark mage?” Xavier asked quietly, looking me square in the eye. “If I gave you some of the details of what she did, maybe you would change your mind.”

  His quiet statement punctured the cloud surrounding my thoughts. The soft voice with which he delivered those two sentences spoke loud and clear.

  I took a deep breath. Then another. I reached out for Taryk's calm presence, desperately attempting to match my rhythms to his. He reached out and enveloped me in the calm that was his way, and my body responded.

  I looked at Xavier. “I'm sorry. I just needed to get control so I can go back in and get rid of them.”

  “Is there another way?” Taryk made it painfully obvious that he didn't want to see me go through that again if he didn't have to.

  “No. There isn't. And I will be fine, now that I know what to expect. I have a plan.” I looked at him and winked.

  “Oh boy...” Yuri teased me. “Look out. She has a plan!” She zipped toward the ceiling as I swatted at her playfully.

  “Quiet, you. Or I shall take you in there with me.” She ducked behind Xavier, who was shaking with silent laughter.

  “Okay, guys, here's my idea.”

  Chapter Seven

  Taking a deep breath, I rested my hand against the wood door. The only thing separating me from the chaos waiting on the other side. The genius of my plan lay in its simplicity.

  Xavier would use our bond to create a mental shield for me. As soon as Taryk and I stepped through the door, I would call forth the portal. A merge between the two of us would allow me to access and use his power if I had trouble keeping the portal open while it sucked the tortured souls through. Once all the nasty beasties had made their way to the other side, I’d close the portal, and we move on with our search. Easy, right?

  Ha. Since when did anything ever go as planned?

  I took one last look at Taryk, and he nodded at me, smiled, and squeezed my hand. “You can do this.”

  I nodded back, pushed the door open and stepped inside. Immediately, I felt the pressure from the agonized souls as they attempted to get inside my head once more. Xavier held strong though, and pressure was the only effect they had on me this time.

  Calling for the ring to guide and assist me, I made my first attempt at opening the portal to the other side of the veil. It opened, wavered, and disappeared. Frustrated, I dug deep, and tried again. This time I succeeded in opening a portal approximately three feet across. The view to the other side of the veil entranced me, and I lost concentration, allowing it to slam shut once more.
br />   “Damn it.”

  Taryk squeezed my hand. “Once it is open, draw on me. Look at the floor. You've got this.”

  I nodded. Third time's a charm, yes? My energy had already begun to wane, so it was a good thing I had him to rely on.

  Squaring my shoulders, I requested the portal again. This time, I took his advice and did not look to the other side. It almost got me when I realized I could see the souls as they passed through, but I was able to catch myself and refocus.

  We had made it until the last soul. He was a great big one and fighting every step of the way. I struggled to maintain the portal while I waited for him to succumb to its call. All of a sudden, I felt Taryk's hand tighten on my own. Turning to look toward him, I saw my worst fear.

  Celeste, clearly discernible, had been dragged clear down the hallway and into the chamber. Doors were no use in holding her spiritual form. You could see her struggle to resist the call of the veil, but it was proving to be too much for her. Bile rose in my throat. I could not lose her. She caught my eye and began shaking her head furiously.

  “He must pass over. DO NOT close it until he is gone!” She continued to fight, as did the massive creature we were trying to banish. She would occasionally gain some ground, backing farther away, whereas he kept inching closer. She came within a few feet of the portal, then appeared to get a grip and stopped short.

  I pulled everything I could get my hands on from Taryk, but I knew his power waned as well. I began to fear we were going to lose this fight when a beacon of light shot across the room. Yuri, in all her golden glory appeared to fly right up to the monster and shove him through.

  The second he was gone, I released the energy and the portal appeared to close in upon itself. Taryk dragged us back into the hall and we sagged against the wall, with Yuri and Celeste on our heels.

  “Yuri! My hero. How did you do that?” I had never been so thankful for my little friend as I was that moment.

  Xavier came striding down the hall to join us, having released the block as soon as the pressure to get in my head disappeared. “Are you okay? You did it.”


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