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Ride: Maelíosa and Sage: Episodes 9-12 (Puca Mates Collection Book 3)

Page 6

by A. C. James

  Nathan wet his lips. “You know, you go on without me. I’m fagged. I’m going home.”

  Suzanne raised her eyebrows and put her hands on her hip. The resemblance to Cyn really was uncanny, even if Nathan didn’t want to see it. “Nathan, you’re a good mate, and I can’t let you go without a drink.”

  She was already putting on her sweater and handbag.

  “Okay,” he said finally. “One drink. And then I’m going right home, you understand?”

  Suzanne winked at him and walked toward the door, sashaying her hips in a manner that Nathan had to admit he found arousing.

  “Sure,” she purred. “Come on, there’s a pub right down the way.”

  Nathan knew exactly which pub they were going into—it was one he’d frequented many times over the past year, alone. Since They Live Among Us was published, he spent all of his time promoting his book and drinking the proceeds. His whole body ached. I really should have gone back to my flat. But that realization was too late now that he was sliding onto a barstool with a curvy Cyn look-alike right next to him.

  When they were seated with their drinks, Nathan turned to Suzanne. “How’s business?”

  She shrugged, looking bored. “Fine. About as bloody well as can be expected.”

  Nathan took a slug of his pint.

  “No one buys books anymore,” she continued. “Unless they’re as saucy as the things you write. I saw your interview on the telly. So, tell me about the next one you’re writing.”

  He frowned. “What?”

  “Don’t be daft,” Suzanne said. She waved her hand in the air and took a long gulp of ale. “Your next book! You mentioned it the other day, I saw you on the telly. Channel 4 and everything!”

  Nathan sighed. “Oh...that.” He flashed back to his ransacked office, then glanced at Suzanne. “Nothing much to tell. I mean, only vague plans at this point.”

  “Nathan, you’re such a tease,” Suzanne purred. She put her hand on his arm and squeezed. “You can tell me. I swear...mum’s the word.”

  Nathan stared at her. He couldn’t tell if she was doing all this on purpose. Was she flirting, or did she have more sinister intentions? He couldn’t be sure. Nathan reached into his pocket and slid some coins across the counter.

  “I’ve really got to run. I’m knackered from the signing.”

  Her eyes widened. “You’re not going to finish your drink?”

  Nathan shook his right hand in the air for effect. “See,” he said, pointing to his fingers. “I’m all swollen up.”

  “Poor thing,” Suzanne cooed. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it with her own. Nathan jumped back, and she stared at him. “What the bloody hell is this about? Why’re you acting like this, Nathan?”

  Nathan stumbled backwards before turning and darting out of the pub. What a bloody horrible day. She probably thought he was a nutter. Maybe he was being paranoid after the break-in, but he wasn’t really up for company and he didn’t care what she thought anyway. He hurried quickly down into the Tube. A train was coming and he had to run to catch it.

  “Finally,” Nathan said to himself as he slid down into a seat. The train lurched around a corner and he slid across the seat.

  Three stops later, Nathan climbed off the train and stretched as it took off down the tunnel with a gust of sour air. He wrinkled his nose and headed toward the stairs. The station was practically deserted, and Nathan glanced around nervously. There was one person behind him; a small, slim man dressed in black.

  “’Ello there,” Nathan said. “Quiet night, eh?”

  The man glared at him and stepped forward, darting past Nathan and up the stairs.

  “I’m going barmy,” Nathan muttered as he began the climb up to the surface. “No wonder he legged it out of here.”

  Nathan heard footsteps behind him, and he ducked to the side to allow the person to pass. But instead of passing, the footsteps slowed. As he turned around, there was a sharp pain in his back, and he realised that someone was grabbing him from behind.

  “Hey! Oi!” Nathan yelled.

  His arms were held fast behind his back.

  “What the bloody hell d’you think you’re doing? Take my money, whatever’s in my wallet. I—” His speech was cut off as a bag rapidly descended over his head, making the world go black.

  Nathan stumbled, but the person gripping his arms was strong, so he didn’t fall. He was being dragged up the few remaining steps and then across a concrete surface. Something shoved him hard in the ribs and he let out a yelp, tumbling forward. Panic rose in Nathan’s throat as he tried to reach out and break his fall, but his arms were still held fast behind his back. He cringed as he landed on a soft surface.

  “Go!” Nathan heard someone growl before an engine started. I’m in a bloody car. He was growing more panicked by the second. Someone bloody kidnapped me. It was the last thing he thought before a sharp blow fell on his head, knocking him unconscious.

  NATHAN OPENED HIS EYES. Everything was pitch black. He thought he was outside, until he tilted his head up and realised there was no moon or stars. His hands were bound tightly behind his back, but at least the bag was off of his head.

  “Where the hell am I?” Nathan asked.

  He was leaning against a cold wall in a damp, dank room. The surface beneath him felt like smooth concrete, or something equally hard. The room smelled musty and unused. As he tried to tip forward, he realised that whatever was binding his hands was somehow locked to the wall.

  Some git is going to be unpleasantly surprised when they see they’ve got the wrong bloke. A tremor of fear coursed through him. Unless they meant to get me. Then what the bloody hell are they going to do with me? I don’t have any money.

  Suddenly, a bright yellow rectangle of light appeared. A door, at the top of the stairs. Nathan sucked in his breath and waited as a large, bulky figure began descending towards him.

  Episode 10

  Chapter One

  Sage shifted in the chair. He stared at Maelíosa, his eyes riveted on her face. “Are you fucking joking?”

  Maelíosa drew back, as if the language offended her. “No.”

  He ran a hand through his hair. She was as hard to read as she was beautiful, and it was impossible not to think about her body when mating with her was the current proposition.

  “I’m not kidding. This is a real offer, and likely the only way your application will be accepted in time.”

  Sage winced. He knew, of course, what that meant. If he didn’t accept the offer, his remaining time would be spent in bed, too weak to help Carina with her homework. It meant making arrangements for his daughter’s life, with someone who would do more than a half-decent job of caring for her. Time was everything, and Sage couldn’t risk losing another minute second-guessing this arrangement.

  “I’ll do it.” He’d applied for a mate, but he hadn’t really expected anything to come of it. Not with the long wait list.

  Maelíosa didn’t move.

  “And thank you. I really, really appreciate this. I...” He trailed off, desperately curious about Maelíosa’s motives. What was she getting out of this, anyway? He couldn’t be sure, but he thought there was a small smile on her beautiful face, and he couldn’t stop thinking about kissing those full lips. He didn’t know how this whole mating thing worked, but he was pretty sure it was more than just a ceremony.

  Sage shifted again in his seat as his cock hardened against his inner thigh. His jeans were way too tight. “What else d’you need from me?”

  “For right now, nothing,” Maelíosa said. “You’ll bring your things to the Realm, of course. I’ll escort you and your daughter.”

  Sage wondered how his daughter would adjust, not just to a new school or a new city, but to a whole other Realm.

  Maelíosa stood up and brushed her palms off on the hem of her tunic. Sage couldn’t help but notice how the garment clung to her slender but muscled frame. “Do you have any questions about what I’ve explained or the welco
me packet I gave you?”

  “I probably should have questions, but after the other day, I didn’t think my application would be accepted,” Sage said. He shook his head and chuckled. “But I’m damn sure I will at some point.”

  Maelíosa grinned. She led him out of the room, keeping her head high. Sage glanced at her and watched as she darted behind the front desk, grabbing Kieran’s sleeve and whispering something too soft for him to hear.

  “Dad?” Carina stood up with a nervous, hopeful expression on her face. “What’s going to happen? What’s going on?”

  Sage couldn’t help but break into a grin as Carina bounded across the lobby and stopped in front of him.

  “Honey, we’re gonna stay here. Well, not the Realm. It’s not temporary...” He gestured outside the window. “Since you’re under eighteen when you enter the Realm you won’t be bound by the same rules. Maelíosa explained that the magic guarding the veil takes hold once someone comes of age... when they can mate. When you’re an adult you can choose to leave, but if you return you will need a mate to cross the veil. I’ll be able to visit once Maelíosa and I are mated if you decide to go to college or return to the States. I know we talked about it. Are you sure you’re okay with that?”

  Carina’s face lit up, and she leapt into Sage’s arms. His midsection ached but he ignored the pain, wrapping his arms around his daughter’s slender waist and hugging her close.

  “Dad, I’m more than okay. I’m so happy,” Carina whispered in Sage’s ear. “I can’t believe it!”

  Sage hugged her tightly, then gently set her down on her feet. “Me neither, baby,” he said, ruffling the top of Carina’s already-mussed hair. “Maelíosa says she’s going to escort us into the Realm. You have everything, right?”

  He’d reminded her more than once to make sure she grabbed everything from the bathroom for her suitcase. His brain was so foggy these days that he often repeated himself.

  “Dad, come on. I’m nine, not three, remember?”

  She raised her eyebrows so seriously that Sage had trouble not bursting into laughter.

  “And yeah, it’s right here.” Carina skipped over to the other side of the lobby and grabbed her pastel suitcase, dragging it behind her. “I’m so excited!”

  “Me too,” Sage admitted.

  He didn’t tell Carina that he was equally nervous. In the SEALs, he’d been through hell and back—that was expected. This, on the other hand, was completely uncharted territory. Sage had no idea what was about to happen. All he knew was that once he was mated with Maelíosa, he’d be mated for life. And having a mate meant someone for his daughter, which was all that really mattered to him. But now that it was really happening, he couldn’t help wondering what Maelíosa looked like under her tunic.

  As if on cue, Maelíosa appeared so stealthily Sage thought maybe she’d teleported. Was that something they could do?

  “Are you all ready?” Maelíosa glanced from Sage to Carina. “If you have your things, we can go now.”

  “It’ll be a real craic,” Kieran hollered from the front desk.

  The man at the desk had been watching them. He seemed really amused, but Sage wasn’t sure why he was wearing such a face-splitting grin.

  Maelíosa whipped her head over her shoulder and glared at him. “None of your cheek, thanks. I’ll be back later, Kieran. Make sure you file that paperwork.”

  “I will in my fuck,” Kieran said.

  “If you had two brains you'd be twice as stupid,” Maelíosa muttered.

  Kieran laughed.

  “And you’d best watch your mouth with a kid around,” Maelíosa scolded.

  Kieran put up his hands defensively. “Relax, love. I forgot. I’ll file your bloody paperwork.”

  Maelíosa rolled her eyes and then turned back to Sage. “All right, come with me.”

  Sage couldn’t help but notice how straight she stood and how brisk her manner was. It was almost like being back in the SEALs.

  Sage carried his suitcase in one hand and Carina’s in the other as they walked behind Maelíosa. At first Carina insisted on lugging her own things, but Sage could tell she was getting tired. He didn’t blame her—the terrain was hilly. Sage admired the way Maelíosa navigated the steep slopes. She was nimble, more graceful than Sage would’ve guessed. Trailing behind her and watching her hips move was making the hike harder, in more ways than one. Her occasional sarcastic outbursts probably wouldn’t appeal to many men, but he suspected there was more to her than most.

  “We’re almost there,” Maelíosa said over her shoulder. “I know it’s been a bit of a leg, but—” She let out a cry of surprise. “Darcy, what the bloody hell are you doing out here? Does Da know?”

  Sage raised his eyebrows as a coltish girl, who almost looked like a younger version of Maelíosa, skipped into sight. She had dark, shining eyes, tan skin, and glossy hair pulled back into a messy ponytail.

  “Ariel told me about your mating. The whole clan is curious about it. I couldn’t wait,” Darcy confessed shyly.

  Sage watched the girl carefully size him up and then turn toward his daughter with the same calculating gaze. “Howya!” Darcy said.

  “Hi,” Carina said, sounding a bit shy. “I’m Carina.”

  “I know. I’m Darcy,” she said, a grin spreading wide on her face. “Wanna race?”


  Darcy pointed off into the distance. Sage squinted, putting his hand on his forehead. The island was misty and damp, but there was a tall stone tower rising out of the fog.

  “There,” Darcy said. She smiled at Carina and hopped from one foot to the other. “C’mon, let’s go!”

  “Okay,” Carina said. She turned toward Sage. “Dad, d’you mind?”

  Sage could barely keep from grinning himself. He’d worried a little about Carina—how she’d fare in the Realm, among new people and strange things. Knowing that she’d likely already made a friend helped him relax. One less thing to worry about.

  He gave a slight nod of his head. “Go for it.”

  “I’ll take your suitcase,” Maelíosa said.

  Carina and Darcy took off running, brown hair flapping behind their backs. Sage heard a cry of “That’s not fair!” and looked up to see Carina running beside an elegant, muscled young filly. He burst out laughing.

  “My sister,” Maelíosa said, rolling her eyes. “She’s a bit of a handful sometimes. I’m sure she’s pleased over having another girl around.”

  Sage snorted. “She looks like you... I mean, younger.” And far less beautiful, he wanted to say, but bit it back. He didn’t know his mate-to-be very well, but he got the distinct impression Maelíosa was the kind of woman who wouldn’t know what to do with a compliment.

  Maelíosa raised her elegant eyebrow. “And?”

  “Nothing,” Sage said, shoving his hands in his pockets.

  ABOUT TEN MINUTES LATER, Sage was standing in front of a large stone castle with Maelíosa rolling Carina’s bag.

  “This is it,” Maelíosa said with a reassuring smile. “I’ve lived here my whole life, seems like ages.”

  Sage had a hand over his eyes to block the sun, and was looking toward the highest point of the structure.

  She squinted at him. “Knackered from the climb? Or are you up to seeing your quarters?”

  Sage smiled. “My quarters. Sounds like I’m back in the Navy.”

  Maelíosa pushed the heavy-looking door open with ease, slipping inside. The inside of the castle was darker than the emerald pastures and bright blue skies outside. Sage had to blink a few times before following her inside.

  When his vision adjusted, Sage could hardly keep from gaping. He halted in the middle of the most lavish, beautiful room he’d ever seen.

  Maelíosa pointed off toward the left. “Our great hall is that way, and your quarters are upstairs. This way,” she said, gesturing toward a huge spiral stone staircase. “You can kip if you’d like.”

  “Oh, no thanks,” Sage said.
He started up the stone stairs behind Maelíosa, still trying not to gawk at the pastoral beauty around him. “I’m not really tired.”

  “Here we are,” Maelíosa said.

  She’d walked from the top of the stairs off to the right and pushed open another heavy, rustic-looking wooden door on copper hinges. “This is my chamber. I’ve made room for your things in that armoire,” She pointed toward an ancient-looking piece of furniture that stood on four feet. “The bottom drawers.”

  “And where will Carina be staying?”

  Maelíosa smiled. “There’s a room at the end of the hall, but I’m betting if Darcy has anything to do with it they’ll end up rooming together.”

  Sage grinned. He hadn’t known what to expect, and no one told him he’d share her chambers, but he supposed he should have figured as much. His cock lengthened at the thought of tossing her onto the huge bed in the center of the room and ‘mating’ with her. He steadied his breath, grabbed his suitcase and rolled it over to the bureau. Setting it down on the floor, he unzipped his suitcase and began pulling out pairs of socks, jeans, and immaculately folded white t-shirts.

  “Shit,” he muttered under his breath as he dropped a pair of socks. He bent over to grab it, and as he stood up, he noticed Maelíosa’s dark eyes glued to his ass.

  Chapter Two

  “Like what you see?” Sage raised his eyebrows and smirked.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Maelíosa said smoothly. “I don’t need your manky socks. I’ve got heaps of my own.”

  She smirked, trying to cover her mortification. Her cheeks were starting to redden and burn. She tossed her long, dark hair over one shoulder and tried to turn away.

  Sage dropped the socks on the floor and stepped closer. Maelíosa was suddenly aware of his scent surrounding her, overwhelming her senses with clean, fresh sweat, a bit of sunshine, and something spicy that could only be American cologne. She was flustered. Her heart was pounding, and her skin prickled with heat. No one in the clan ever got to her the way Sage did, and he exceeded all her expectations of a mate, at least in the looks department. She certainly wouldn’t kick him out of bed for eating crisps.


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