Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1)

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Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1) Page 15

by G. R. Lyons

  The man lifted his chin. “The safety of the residents is my business.”

  Zac shook his head, just stopping himself from rolling his eyes. “His name is Adrian…” He paused. “Huh. I actually don't know his last name.”

  “Adrian Frost?”

  Zac blinked. “Did…Did you just say Frost?”

  “Excuse me one moment,” the man said, pulling a mobile out of his pocket. He tapped through a few screens, then Zac heard a beep.

  “Yes?” came a voice over the mobile's speaker.

  “Mr. Frost,” the man said. “This is Winston at the front desk. I apologize for disturbing you. It seems you have a…a visitor–”

  “Oh! Zac. Yes, I'm sorry, I forgot to call him in.”

  “Ah.” Winston smiled with relief. “Very good, sir. I shall send him down.”

  “Thank you.”

  Winston slipped his mobile into his pocket and gestured toward the elevator. “Right this way.”

  Zac stood there, gaping at the man, then slowly followed.

  Adrian Frost? He couldn't be serious.

  Zac stepped into the elevator car after Winston, clutching his bag as the man selected a floor, the very last button on the panel. Winston stepped back, clasping his hands as the doors slid shut.

  The elevator rushed down smoothly, passing the only floor to which Zac had ever been in the building. When it finally came to a stop, Zac stood there, staring across the short hallway between the elevator and the only door he could see.

  “Have a good evening, sir,” Winston said.

  Zac nodded absently and stepped out of the car. He heard the door shut behind him, but couldn't take his eyes off what lay before.

  Adrian lived here?

  And no wonder. If he was a Frost, he was most definitely loaded. So beyond filthy rich, Zac couldn't even begin to fathom the kind of money the man must have.

  Taking a deep breath, Zac crossed to the door and knocked.

  Adrian answered, smiling shyly at him. “Hi.”

  “Um, hi.”

  “Sorry, come in.” Adrian stepped aside, and Zac slowly made his way into the apartment, gaping at everything in sight. The place was huge. Zac's entire apartment could fit in the living room alone. Maybe more than once.

  “Holy shit,” he breathed.

  Adrian's shoulders tensed. “Something wrong?”

  Zac slowly shook his head, still looking around, then stared at Adrian. “You're a Frost.”

  Adrian frowned. “Yeah…”

  “How did I not know you were a Frost?” Zac asked, almost to himself.

  “Is that…bad?” Adrian asked, seeming to cave in on himself.

  Zac hesitated, then answered, “I'm a Cinder.”

  Adrian frowned again. “Alright?”

  “Cinder,” Zac repeated. “Frost and Cinder? As in, the great feud?”

  Adrian slowly shook his head.

  “You don't know about that?” Zac asked, amazed.

  Adrian shrugged. “If it's anything to do with my father…” He shrugged again.

  “Wait, you're saying you don't know anything about the old rivalry between our families?”

  Adrian shook his head again and backed up a step.

  Zac laughed and let his bag slip off his shoulder. He looked around for a place to put it, then headed deeper into the living room, hesitating as he looked at the pristine couches. “Um, is it alright if I…sit down?”

  “Why wouldn't it be?” Adrian asked, moving closer.

  “I'm just…kinda afraid to touch anything.”

  “Zac.” Adrian sighed. He hesitated a moment, then closed the distance between them, grabbing Zac around the neck and pulling him into a kiss.

  Zac melted. “Mmmm.” He kissed Adrian back, then let out a sigh.

  “This is not me,” Adrian whispered, gesturing at the apartment. “This is all my father. All of it.”

  “Oh.” Zac pulled back just enough to look around again. Too little color. Almost no personality. Definitely no life. Seeing it all a second time, it really didn't look like Adrian at all. Sure, the man fit in well, but there was something missing.

  “Please, sit,” Adrian said.

  Zac still hesitated.

  “Sit,” Adrian barked.

  Zac sat, then shuddered with pleasure, looking up at Adrian towering over him. A look of lust flashed across Adrian's face before the man cleared his throat and shook his head, taking a step back and sitting down a few feet away from him.

  “So what's this feud?” Adrian asked. “Don't tell me I'm supposed to hate you on principle. I don't think I could.”

  Zac laughed. “I couldn't either.” He paused, looking at Adrian from under his eyelashes. “I like you too much.”

  Adrian blushed, and Zac grinned at the sight.

  “So this feud,” Zac said, taking pity on Adrian and reining in the flirting for a moment in exchange for a more serious tone, “started with our grandfathers. They used to work together. Opened their own investment firm. Made ridiculous amounts of money. They both got married,” Zac went on, “but my grandfather's wife died, and he blamed it on Frost.”

  Adrian frowned. “Why?”

  “Because Frost made him come in for an emergency meeting with a client, one that my grandfather later claimed Frost could have handled on his own, and while they were at the meeting, my grandfather's wife had some sort of accident. Can't remember exactly what, now, but he swore that, if he'd been home, it wouldn't have happened.”

  Adrian looked down. “I'm sorry,” he whispered.

  Zac shook his head and waved off the apology. “That's not all.” He waited until Adrian looked up, a curious expression on his face, then went on: “My grandfather took revenge by seducing Frost's wife away from him. Mrs. Frost left your grandfather, and married mine instead.”

  Adrian went very still. “Are we…related?”

  “No, not at all,” Zac told him. “There's more.”

  Adrian blew out a breath, then nodded and sat back to listen.

  “After the wedding,” Zac continued, “Mr. Frost then took his revenge. He found some loophole in their company contract that allowed him to split the company and take a majority of the clients with him. So he did. Then my grandfather retaliated by stealing clients back. They went back and forth like that for years, fighting and tricking and undermining each other until they both nearly lost their entire fortunes. In the midst of all this, my grandfather found out his new wife couldn't bear children, so he divorced her and married someone else.”

  Adrian snorted. “Had to have an heir.”

  “Exactly. Your grandfather also remarried, this time to your grandmother. They had your dad. My grandparents had mine. And the feud continued, right up until your grandmother died.” Zac paused. “Did you know her?”

  Adrian shook his head. “She died before I was born. And Grandpa died when I was three.”

  Zac nodded. “From what I heard, your grandparents were madly in love, so when your grandmother died, your grandfather just gave up. Stopped fighting back in the feud. Turned almost everything over to your father. But still, to this day, there's bad blood between the families.”

  “Wow.” Adrian slowly shook his head again. “I had no idea–” He cut off, then said, “Oh. That's why Father pointed him out at the gala.” Adrian paused again and looked at Zac. “Must have been…your brother? Father introduced us and emphasized his name. I didn't get it at the time.”

  “Yeah, Milo. He worked at the company yours just bought.”

  Adrian growled. “Not my company.”

  Zac's eyebrows went up and he sat back. “I'm sorry, didn't mean to–”

  “No, I'm sorry,” Adrian said with a sigh. He glanced around as though someone might be watching, then lowered his voice. “I want nothing to do with the company. Once I graduate, I'll be free of it.”

  Zac grinned, turned on by the fierceness in Adrian's voice. “Yeah?”

  Adrian nodded. “My grandfather apparently
left me some money. I have to graduate to earn it, but once I do, I'll be able to afford to break away from my father.”

  Zac frowned, glancing around at the apartment. “But what about…” He gestured at everything.

  “This is all Father,” Adrian told him again. “I don't have a single bit to my own name. Everything is his. Everything I buy has to be approved. I'm not even allowed to get a job to have some money of my own.” He paused. “Not that I could really handle a job,” he murmured.

  Zac blinked. “You have nothing?”

  Adrian shook his head.

  “Holy shit.” Zac looked around again. Talk about masks and appearances. This place was little better than a prison. “I'm so sorry.”

  Adrian shrugged. “I'm…comfortable. I just have to obey my father for a few more months, then I'm free.” He paused and looked at Zac. “Graduating means everything to me. I have to get there.”

  Zac reached over and gave his hand a squeeze. “You'll get there.”

  Adrian squeezed back, but didn't release his hand. He looked up at Zac shyly, and Zac scooted closer. He'd never once pictured himself just sitting around, holding hands with a guy, but he had to admit it was rather nice.

  They fell into silence for a moment, until Adrian asked, “If your grandfather was rich…” He trailed off and blushed. “I'm sorry. That's none of my business.”

  Zac laughed. “You mean, you want to know why I'm flat broke?”

  Adrian grimaced, then nodded.

  “That's because Dad gave my grandfather a big fuck-you when he married my mom.”

  Adrian's eyebrows went up. “How's that?”

  Zac chuckled. “Grandpa didn't approve of her. Wanted my dad to marry some other girl that he'd picked out for him. Grandpa threatened my dad, saying he'd be cut off if he married my mom.” Zac shrugged. “He married her anyway because they loved each other, and Grandpa disowned him. Cut him off entirely.” He shrugged again. “My family have always struggled because of that, but we're happy. That's all that matters.”

  Adrian looked at him, a bittersweet smile on his face. “I wish my family was like yours.”

  Zac barked a laugh. “I'm not so sure about that. You're all shy and quiet, and don't like crowds?” Adrian firmly shook his head. “Yeah, see, I'm one of eight kids. It's perpetual chaos in my house.”

  Adrian blinked. “Eight kids?”


  Adrian shuddered. “Yeah, no thanks.”

  Zac laughed, and they fell silent again, sitting beside one another and staring out the floor-to-ceiling windows, watching the waves roll toward them.

  “Hey, Zac?” Adrian whispered.


  “I'm glad your family is happy.”

  “Yeah, me too.” Zac smiled, then paused before he whispered, “Hey, Ade?”


  “I'm glad you've got a way out.”

  Adrian glanced at him, and they smiled at each other before looking out at the view again.

  “Yeah,” Adrian sighed. “Just a few more months.”

  Zac nodded. It seemed they had the same goal.

  * * *

  ADRIAN WATCHED as Zac headed for the washroom. They'd actually managed to get some work done on their project, making decent progress despite the way the afternoon had started. All that stuff about their families…

  No wonder his father had been weird about Zac's brother when he'd introduced them at the gala.

  There was no way in all seven hells Adrian could ever let his father know that he and Zac were in a class together, let alone partnered on a project.

  And that wasn't even touching on the fact that they'd been intimate.

  Adrian smiled at the thought. He couldn't help it. He was terrified of his father finding out, but just the fact that something had happened between them, something Adrian had only ever dreamt about, made him feel more alive than ever before.

  He glanced toward the washroom, hoping to catch sight of Zac when he came out, then heard his phone ring.

  His body broke out in chills. Zac was there, so there was only one person who could be calling.

  Adrian picked up his phone and answered, “Yes, sir?”

  “I hear you have a guest.”

  Adrian swallowed hard. The tone was difficult to read. Did his father suspect something? Was Adrian not careful enough? Had someone seen something?

  “Yes, sir.”

  “And who is it?”

  Adrian paused before he answered, “His name is Zac.” He intentionally left out Zac's last name, though he wouldn't be surprised if his father had the pull to get access to the class roster and find it out. “He's in my class. We're working on a project together.”

  “Well, I certainly hope he's holding up his end.”

  Adrian rolled his eyes. “He is, sir. We both are.”

  “Good. You make sure of that. So who is this person? Who is his family? You know it's never too early to start fostering prospects and business relationships.”

  Adrian clenched his free hand into a fist. “It's for general ed, sir. Not one of my finance classes.”

  “Oh. Still…” Mr. Frost paused, and Adrian didn't dare say anything, knowing there would be more and that he couldn't interrupt. “Strange that you've never had a guest before.”

  “It's just for school, sir. Didn't have much choice in the matter.”

  “It wouldn't hurt you to at least try to be social. Hells, it's well past time you had a girl over. Though you'd best be discreet,” his father hurried to add. “I'll not have rumors that my son is entertaining the wrong kind of woman.”

  Adrian tightened his jaw, took a deep breath, and managed to answer, “I would never, sir.” Definitely never. A woman? He shivered. Good gods, no. The very thought was sickening. That was one worry his father needn't harbor.

  As for men, though…

  “Tell me more about this project.”

  Adrian dug out his syllabus and explained the project as quickly as he could, outlining why they had to work on it together.

  “Ah, yes, I do recall seeing that.”

  Adrian rolled his eyes. Of course his father had seen it. He'd long since stopped being surprised at just how informed his father managed to be about his schooling.

  The thought sent a shiver of fear through him. He was definitely going to have to be more careful.

  “Well, I won't keep you. Just make sure you both stay on top of things. Don't be afraid to delegate to this Zac person. You will be running the firm one day. Wouldn't hurt for you to get some actual practice in controlling people.”

  Controlling people. Right. Because that was such a noble endeavor.

  No, the only place he wanted to exercise control over someone was in the bedroom.

  And the only someone he wanted was Zac.

  “Will do, sir,” he forced out.

  “Good.” Mr. Frost paused, then said, “See you at the next meeting.”

  Adrian started to say goodbye, but the phone clicked, his father having already ended the call. He dropped his phone on the table with a sigh.

  “Who are you controlling?”

  Adrian whirled around and saw Zac standing at the far side of the room, his arms crossed and a curious look on his face.

  “You heard that?” Adrian asked, grimacing.

  “He's remarkably loud,” Zac said with a snort, pointing at the phone.

  Adrian rolled his eyes and nodded. “Try growing up with him.”

  “That was your dad?”

  Adrian nodded again.

  “And he was asking you about me?” Zac asked.

  “He heard I had a guest,” Adrian said. At Zac's curious look, he explained, “It's kind of unprecedented.”

  Zac's eyebrows went up. “You've never had a guest here before?”

  Adrian shook his head.

  “Never never?”

  “Never.” Adrian paused, watching Zac slowly cross the room to sit beside him. “You're the first.”

  “That's…” Zac chuckled. “Actually, I'm not sure what that is. Sad or…sweet?” He shrugged and gave Adrian a grin. “Lucky me.”

  Adrian smiled back, and their hands met on the couch between them. “Yeah. Me, too.”

  Zac bounced his leg and played with Adrian's fingers. “I take it you're not even out to your dad.”

  “Gods, no.” Adrian firmly shook his head. “Not a chance. He wouldn't be able to handle it.”

  Zac studied his eyes, then gave his hand a squeeze. “Then we'll really be careful.”

  Adrian nodded, then watched curiously as Zac glanced around, a sly look on his face.

  “You know…” Zac began, then looked at Adrian sideways. “That doesn't mean we can't be a little less careful right now.”

  Adrian gasped out a breath of relief and dragged Zac into a bruising kiss. “Bedroom. Now.”

  Zac grinned and ran off. Adrian watched him go, feeling a silly smile on his own face, then jumped up to follow.

  Chapter 13

  ZAC SMILED to himself as he idly strummed his guitar and watched Adrian walk across campus at lunch. They'd only been together for a couple weeks, and were having to hide it every step of the way, but Zac couldn't remember ever being happier.

  What had started out as a little fling brought on by the mystery of a secret fan had turned into something that Zac had never imagined possible, at least not so soon.

  He was very much in danger of really falling for Adrian.

  And the more time they spent together, the more he wanted to shout it to the heavens. He wanted to run around telling everyone that he'd reached heights of bliss with this incredible man, something they should all be so lucky to experience, but neither of them could afford that. They both only had a few more months until freedom. Just a few more months until they could graduate. Then Zac would have more prospects and Adrian would have his inheritance. They'd both be better off, but first they had to actually get there.

  Being outed before that happened was not an option.

  He knew it would happen someday—he couldn't exactly keep up the pretense of having not met the right woman for the rest of his life—but he was determined to put off the revelation for as long as possible. Same with Adrian. All they had to do was pretend a little while longer.

  But hiding it in public was becoming harder every day. Just watching that man walk across campus made Zac ache to drag him off to bed and surrender to him.


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