Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1)

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Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1) Page 16

by G. R. Lyons

  “Dude.” Kade's voice broke through his thoughts. “Don't be playing that fag shit.”

  Zac's fingers slipped on the strings, making a horrid, screeching sound. “What?” What the hells had he been playing?

  “That song,” Smitty spat. “The guy who wrote it was a fag, remember?”

  Zac scrambled to think of what he'd just been playing. He couldn't remember deciding on any one thing as he'd picked up his guitar and started to play.

  Then it hit him. “Oh.” It was a Will Knightley song, the first he'd ever learned to play on piano and since adapted for strings on his own, long before he realized others had done so before him. It was his go-to piece, the one he always played when he was stuck or stressed.

  And apparently Will Knightley, the famous musician whose works were still known to this day, centuries later, had been gay.

  Of course that would be the one fact that Kade and Smitty would remember from Music History.

  “It's just a song,” Zac scoffed, setting his guitar aside, hating himself even as he said the words. It wasn't just a song. Far from it. Zac's entire reason for being was wrapped up in Will Knightley's music. He never would have found his passion as a musician if he hadn't been inspired by the songs that man had composed hundreds of years ago. Kady and Smitty would never understand. They had their idols, yes, but had never expressed the kind of exquisite, bone-deep, nameless something that Will Knightley had inspired in Zac.

  “Yeah. Gay.” Kade and Smitty laughed, high-fiving one another.

  “Whatever,” Zac said, waving them off.

  “Gay,” Kade repeated.

  “Yeah, so was Dyckson,” Zac threw back, naming Kade's all-time favorite rock star.

  Kade got a sour look on his face. “Shut the fuck up.” He grabbed his bag and stormed off.

  Smitty laughed. “Don't mind him. He's just pissed because a girl turned him down last night.”

  “Since when would he care about that?” Zac asked, chuckling. “Not like he couldn't find three more behind her.”

  “Apparently this one's special,” Smitty said, making air quotes with his fingers. “Pussy-whipped bastard.”

  Zac snorted a laugh to cover a sigh of relief, thankful the conversation had turned.

  “So, dude, check it.” Smitty held up his hands. “Party, tomorrow night. You, me, Kade, and the groupies. Yeah? Come on, I know it's a school night and all, but listen–”

  Zac shook his head. “Sorry, man. Can't.”

  “What? Why not?”

  Because I won't cheat on Adrian. Not a fucking chance. Zac scrambled for an excuse. “Eh, you know, I've…got a thing,” he finished lamely.

  “You've got–” Smitty cut off and glanced down before quickly looking back up at Zac's face. “Oh. A thing.” He paused, then asked, “Was it Cyndi?”

  “Wh–” Oh. Smitty thought he meant he had a disease. Zac shuddered. Thank gods that wasn't the case. Then again, it was as good an excuse as any, but he knew the risk of lying. “No, man. Just busy.”

  “Too busy to party with your mates?”

  “Dude, it's my last term. I'm this close to graduating. And I'm still working full time. Yeah, I'm fucking busy.”

  “Alright, alright.” Smitty held up his hands, backing off. “I get it. You do your thing, dude. I'm proud of you.”

  Zac snorted. “Yeah? And when is your sorry ass ever gonna graduate, huh?”

  “I'm…uh…” Smitty shrugged. “I actually have to by next term or my old man's gonna cut me off.”

  “No shit?”

  Smitty nodded. “So, yeah, guess I need to buckle down, too.” He sighed. “This sucks.”

  “Sorry, man.”

  “How do you do it?” Smitty asked. “Pay for school all on your own?”

  Zac rolled his eyes and grabbed his things, needing to get off to his next class. “It's called a job. Maybe you've heard of it.”

  “Fuck off,” Smitty chided, laughing and shaking his head. He spread his hands and shrugged. “Some things are just outta my control, you know? Besides, I don't want no boss's leash choking me.”


  That gave Zac an idea. Fighting a grin, he turned and waved. “Later.”


  Zac walked off, mentally checking his schedule. He should have just enough time after classes that day to run downtown and check out the adult store. Adrian needed something to control, and Zac knew just the perfect gift to make that happen.

  * * *

  ADRIAN PRACTICALLY raced to the door when he heard the knock. He and Zac had been meeting nearly every day that they didn't have classes, ostensibly so they could work on their project, but they usually didn't get that far. It was so easy to fall right into a heated kiss before even saying hello and not come up for air until they were both utterly sated, naked and tangled up on one of their beds. They hadn't even had actual sex yet. Not from lack of wanting. Adrian was definitely eager to try it, and Zac had hinted, more than once, that he was desperate to feel Adrain inside him, but the high of just being naked together, touching one another, was still more than enough, more than Adrian ever dreamt he might get to experience. The rest could wait.

  Although, Zac had said something about a plan to take things all the way. Adrian groaned at the thought, wondering if he meant it for that very day. He felt like he'd been hard for hours, just thinking about it, anticipating Zac's arrival.

  And now Zac was here. Adrian threw open the door and grinned at the sight of his man standing in the hallway. Even with the disturbing goth look, he couldn't get enough of just staring at Zac. The tall, slender build. The pale skin. The mischievous, grey eyes. Those long, slender fingers—musician's fingers, talented fingers—that made Adrian feel things he'd only ever imagined.

  Adrian reached out to hook a finger around Zac's studded collar, dragging him into the apartment and blindly pushing the door shut behind him. He was just about to pull Zac into a kiss when he finally registered the look on his face.

  “What's wrong?” Adrian asked, loosening his hold.

  Zac grimaced. “I feel like an idiot.”

  Adrian went still, lowering his hands to his sides. Was Zac changing his mind? Did he not want Adrian anymore?

  Before Adrian could say anything, Zac went on: “I was going to bring you a surprise today, and I forgot it.”

  Adrian blinked. “Forgot–”

  “I got you something,” Zac said, a hint of a blush on his pale cheeks. “Well, something for us, really, but–”

  Us. That was a word Adrian never thought he'd get to hear. His worry started to fade and he felt a smile tug at his lips as his own cheeks warmed. “Yeah?”

  Zac nodded, grinning. “I think you'll love it. I just can't believe I forgot it. I was almost here when I realized it wasn't in my bag.” He paused, then leaned closer and whispered right against Adrian's lips, “It's a sexy surprise.”

  Adrian blushed more and swallowed hard. “Condoms?” he squeaked.

  Zac laughed, the sound low and throaty. “Hells, no.”

  Adrian pulled back, blinking. “No?”

  Zac shook his head and leaned closer again. “I'm clean,” he said, an apologetic look on his face as he added, “You've seen my test results. And you're a virgin.” Adrian ducked his head, and Zac immediately tucked a finger under his chin and lifted it so Adrian could see the smile on his face. “There's nothing wrong with that, babe. Nothing at all. I love the fact that you're a virgin, and that I get to experience all these firsts with you. So, no, no condoms. When we get there, I want us to feel every bit of each other. Nothing between us.” He paused, then added, “We've got enough between us outside these doors. In here? I want nothing keeping us apart. Not in any way.”

  Adrian blushed again. He had no experience to tell him how much of a difference there was between sex with condoms and sex without, but he imagined the latter had to be better. Just the thought made him giddy.

  “Can you just imagine?” Zac whispered, br
ushing his lips along Adrian's jaw. “Coming inside me? Marking me? Making me yours?”

  Adrian shuddered.

  “Think of me walking across campus,” Zac went on, trailing his fingers along Adrian's sides, sending goosebumps across his skin under his clothes, “after we've just had sex, knowing your cum is inside me, knowing that you've been inside my body, owning me. Maybe you'll see me walking funny and trying so hard to hide it, but you'll know the reason why, because you did that to me.” Zac cupped his hand over Adrian's hard cock as it strained against his zipper. “And I'll get to walk around all day, still feeling you inside me, constantly aware of you–”

  Adrian groaned and yanked Zac into a bruising kiss.

  The rest of the world faded away as heat rushed through his body. His heartbeat was loud in his own ears, his panted breaths a harsh, grating sound over the top of it. But Zac's moans cut through it all, driving him mad. He was barely aware of their frantic movements until they collided on the bed, totally naked, all that skin pressed together from head to toe as they wrestled and grappled and rolled about, trying to touch one another everywhere all at once.

  In Zac's arms, there was no boring schoolwork, no demanding father, no prison of an apartment, no social anxiety, no medication. It all vanished under a haze of bliss.

  An odd sound cut through the room, but it was too low to make out clearly, and Adrian was too far-gone to care.

  “Ade?” Zac asked between panted breaths. “Do you need to get that?”

  The words didn't quite register, and before he could make sense of them, Zac moaned.

  “Oh, fuck…”

  Whatever Zac had said was forgotten as they raced toward orgasm, both of them shattering and falling over the edge almost at the same time.

  Adrian collapsed on top of Zac and tried to catch his breath.

  He blinked slowly and lifted his head as his senses slowly came back to him. He found himself sprawled out over Zac, their chests pressed together, his head on Zac's shoulder, a sticky, sweaty mess between them.

  Adrian tried to lift himself on shaky arms. “I'm crushing you.”

  “Uh uh.” Zac shook his head and pulled him back down. “I like your weight on me.”

  Adrian groaned and slumped back down. “You say things like that and you'll make me hard again.”

  “Mmmm, shame,” Zac teased. “Can't have that, now, can we?”

  Adrian reached down and slapped Zac's hip.

  “Mmmm,” Zac moaned. “Yeah, baby, spank me.”

  Adrian snorted a laugh and hid his face, feeling a blush creep over his cheeks. “Shut up.”

  “Come on, you know you like it,” Zac purred. “I know I do.”

  Adrian groaned again. “Fuck.” His hips moved automatically as his cock started to grow hard again. He felt Zac's grin as Zac reached down and wrapped a hand around his length, gently stroking it.

  “Come on,” Zac said. “I wanna suck you off in the shower.”

  Adrian shuddered at the thought and pushed himself up. He followed Zac into the washroom, right into the huge, walk-in shower, the hot water coming on instantly and beating down on their shoulders from multiple angles.

  “Gods, I love your shower,” Zac said with a moan, tilting his head back under one of the sprays.

  Adrian watched him, seeing the utter bliss on his face. The last time they'd taken a shower together, it had been in the cramped shower stall in Zac's tiny apartment, the two of them barely fitting in the space.

  He pulled Zac into his arms. “I wish I could give you this.”

  Zac leaned back to look at him. “Give me what?”

  “This. All of this. Anything. Whatever you wanted.”

  Zac slowly started to smile, the look almost bittersweet. “You don't have to give me anything. You've already given me you, and that's more than enough.” Zac blushed and looked away. “Sorry, that's…probably too much too fast.”

  Adrian rested their foreheads together. “I liked it,” he whispered, then added, “You don't have to give me anything, either.” He straightened, giving Zac a significant look. Zac was struggling financially. There was really no reason the guy should be getting Adrian anything.

  Especially when Adrian couldn't get him anything in return. Every bit he spent was his father's money, not his own. He couldn't even get away with buying Zac a gift without his father knowing about it and questioning it. The whole thing was entirely unfair. He couldn't get Zac anything, so Zac really shouldn't get him anything.

  “Take it back,” Adrian blurted out.

  “What? Take what back?”

  “Whatever this surprise thing is,” Adrian clarified. “Take it back. I don't want you spending your money on me.”

  Zac chuckled. “It wasn't very expensive. And it's something you'll like, trust me.” Adrian started to protest again, but Zac held up a hand, cutting him off. “It's for us, alright? For both of us.” He paused, then added, “We have to do so much hiding outside these walls. I want us to be free when we're together. Let me do this. Just this one little thing.”

  Adrian studied Zac's eyes. The man would probably do whatever Adrian said if Adrian insisted, but Zac looked so eager that Adrian just couldn't bring himself to say no again.

  And, if he were being honest with himself, he was giddy and curious at the thought of whatever this surprise might be. No one had ever given him a surprise before. He'd never had a proper gift before. Never even had anyone in his life to give him one. No friends. Certainly no lovers. And his father wasn't exactly the gifting or surprise type. Not by a long shot.

  He smiled despite himself. “Alright,” he agreed.

  Zac grinned. “Good. I can't wait to show it to you.” He pulled Adrian close, thrusting lightly as their cocks lined up between them. “And I know you're gonna love it,” he murmured, leaning forward to brush their lips together, “because I know how much you love telling me what to do.”

  Adrian melted into Zac's kiss. That alone was pure heaven. Everything else was just one hell of a big bonus.

  But Zac was right. Adrian did love telling him what to do.

  “On your knees,” he murmured against Zac's lips.

  Zac grinned at him and did as he was told.

  Chapter 14

  ZAC STRETCHED up for one more kiss before they shut off the water and got out of the shower on shaky legs. Adrian looked positively sinful with the sated look on his face and the relaxed posture of his entire body.

  He tore his eyes away and grabbed a towel. If he looked at the guy any longer, he'd be up for round three, and then they'd get absolutely nothing done.

  Zac dried his body, then stood in the washroom doorway while he attempted to towel-dry his hair, leaning against the doorjamb and watching Adrian dress. He couldn't help grinning at the sight. Clothed or not, Adrian was beautiful. Even watching Adrian put clothes on was something he could do all day.

  Not that he didn't prefer all that skin to be completely bare. Still, just knowing what lay beneath the clothes, and knowing that he was the only man lucky enough to have seen it all…

  “What are you looking at?” Adrian asked. He was still barefoot and shirtless, and had paused in the middle of fastening his pants.

  Zac grinned. “You.”

  Adrian blushed. “Why?”

  “Because you're hot.”

  The blush intensified, and Adrian quickly turned away, but not before Zac caught a hint of a smile on the man's face.

  Zac breathed a laugh, then wrapped the towel around his waist while he stepped out of the bedroom and headed for the kitchen to get a bottle of water.

  He grabbed two from the fridge, just in case, and went back to the bedroom. “Here, babe.”

  Adrian stepped out of the closet with a shirt in hand. “Oh. Thank you.”

  They met in the middle of the room and Zac held out one of the bottles. Adrian reached for it, their fingers brushing, and just that bit of contact was almost enough to make Zac tackle Adrian to the bed.

  “Behave,” Adrian said, but the little smirk on his lips ruined the intensity of the command.

  Still went straight to Zac's core, though.

  “Yes, sir,” he murmured, winking at Adrian before drawing his hand back.

  Adrian smiled at him, then draped his shirt over his arm to free his other hand so he could twist the cap off the bottle and take a drink.

  Zac was about to do the same when they heard the front door slam shut.

  Adrian's water bottle hit the floor.


  Zac hesitated a moment, torn between wanting to calm Adrian—who went suddenly pale—and going to see who the fuck had managed to break into the apartment.

  Fuck, indeed. Was Adrian armed at all? Did they have anything they could use against an intruder? And how the hells had anyone managed to get in?

  Zac snatched a letter opener off Adrian's desk and strode out of the room, feeling ridiculous wearing only a towel, but there was no time to do anything about it. Just as he stepped through the doorway, he saw Adrian snap out of his funk.

  “Zac, no!”

  Zac rushed into the living room and lurched to a stop, so Adrian almost slammed right into the back of him. The intruder stared at them, tucking a key card into the pocket of an expensive-looking suit as he slowly raked his gaze over Zac's half-naked form.

  “Who the fuck are you?” Zac asked. It was one thing to get an assessing look from Adrian, but this guy managed to turn the same kind of look into something dirty and judgmental.

  The man narrowed his eyes. “Sebastian Frost.”

  Zac blinked. “Oh!” He lowered his arm, setting the letter opener aside. Holy shit, Adrian's dad! “Mr. Frost.” He paused awkwardly—this was so not how he imagined meeting the man—then strode forward and extended his hand. “It's nice to meet you, sir.”

  Mr. Frost looked at Zac's hand with disdain, then ignored Zac and looked past him instead.

  “How long has this been going on?” the man asked.

  Zac slowly lowered his hand and glanced over his shoulder at Adrian. His man—so confident and dominant in the bedroom—had vanished, leaving a scared little boy in his place.


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