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Ice on Fire (Treble and the Lost Boys Book 1)

Page 25

by G. R. Lyons

  “I'm gonna try to get your pills for you tomorrow,” Zac said, brushing Adrian's hair back off his forehead.

  Hope shone brightly through the haze of exhaustion in Adrian's eyes. “You are?”

  Zac nodded. “It'll be easier if you can come with me–”

  Adrian shook his head emphatically. So much for that idea.

  “Alright,” Zac said, forcing himself to keep smiling. “I'll try to get them myself.”

  Adrian frowned. “What about money? I already owe you so much.”

  “You let me worry about that.”

  Adrian looked down and nodded, his eyelids drooping.

  “Baby, listen, I need you to stay awake for one more second, yeah?” Zac asked. Adrian blinked slowly, forcing his eyes open. “I need to know which pharmacy you use, and who your doctor is…”

  Adrian slipped an arm free of the sheets and pointed at the washroom. “I kept the bottle. They usually get turned in to exchange.”

  Zac darted back into the washroom and hunted around until he found the empty pill bottle tucked into Adrian's toiletry bag. Snatching it up, he scanned the label. There was everything he needed: the pharmacy's name and address, the prescribing doctor, the drug's name and dosage, everything Ryley said they'd need to help their case. Clutching the bottle in his fist, Zac rushed back to the bedroom.

  Adrian was asleep. Thank gods. Zac sank onto the edge of the bed and let out a sigh, hanging his head and bracing his forearms on his knees.

  With any luck, the next day, he'd have Adrian's pills, and everything would get better.

  Chapter 21

  ZAC FOLLOWED Ryley into the pharmacy, then hung back out of the way, close enough to listen but not enough to hamper Ryley's chances. He'd considered taming his look to make himself more respectable, to look more like he belonged with the business-casual insurance agent, but then he wouldn't have had time to change for work, and he was rushing about enough as it was lately. Opting to let Ryley work his magic, Zac stood nearby and pretended to browse the racks of vitamins.

  “Can I help you?” the pharmacist asked.

  “Yes, thank you,” Ryley said, pulling out a business card. “I'm Ryley Skye with Sturmwyn Insurance. I'm here on behalf of my client, Adrian Frost.”

  The pharmacist took the card and gave a nod. “What can I do for you, Mr. Skye?”

  “Mr. Frost is in need of a refill of his prescription,” Ryley said, pulling out the empty pill bottle Zac had given him and setting it on the counter.

  The pharmacist picked up the bottle. “And Mr. Frost can't come for it himself?”

  Ryley shook his head, a grim look on his face. “I'm afraid Mr. Frost is not in a condition to leave the house, so he sent me.”

  “Hmmm.” The pharmacist read the bottle's label, then turned to his computer. “Oh, yes. That one.” Ryley glanced at Zac, sending him an encouraging smile, then turned back toward the counter just as the pharmacist frowned. “I'm sorry, Mr. Skye, but I don't see you listed as Mr. Frost's agent of record.” He paused and eyed Ryley. “In fact, his file shows no agent of record whatsoever.”

  “It's a brand new policy,” Ryley lied smoothly. “We haven't had time to submit it yet.”

  The pharmacist shook his head, pushing the empty bottle back across the counter. “I'm afraid there's nothing I can do.”

  “What if you called his doctor?” Ryley suggested. “Surely, he could authorize–”

  “I'm sorry, no,” the pharmacist interrupted.

  Zac couldn't stand it anymore. He darted over to Ryley's side and gripped the counter to stop himself from grabbing the man and threatening him.

  “Please,” he begged. “Adrian needs this.”

  “Zac,” Ryley hissed.

  “I'm sorry,” he told Ryley, then turned back to the pharmacist, “but he does. He's falling apart.”

  The pharmacist must have seen the desperation on Zac's face because his expression softened to something like sympathy, but he still shook his head. “I can sell this to Mr. Frost, but that's it.”

  Shit. Zac fidgeted, then hit on an idea. “What if you sell it to me? Like, what if I was your customer, and–”

  The pharmacist shook his head and held up a hand. “Look, besides the fact that I reserve the right to refuse anyone service, this particular medication has been specifically crafted for Mr. Frost.” He gestured at his computer. “It's not some generic thing you can get just anywhere. His father had a team of doctors working to design this medicine specifically for him since nothing else was working. I've been special-ordering that particular drug for him since he was a teenager. I'm sorry, but I can't sell it to just anyone. Not even to you,” he continued, looking at Ryley, “unless you can prove you're his agent of record and allowed to engage in business on his behalf.”

  Ryley nodded, taking back the empty pill bottle and passing it to Zac. “I understand,” he told the pharmacist. “Thank you for your time.”

  The pharmacist nodded and went back to work.

  Zac watched the man go, then hurried to follow Ryley when he headed for the door.

  “That's it? We just give up?”

  Ryley gave him a sympathetic look. “I'm sorry. There's nothing more we can do. You'll have to get Adrian down here. There's no other way.”

  “But–” Zac looked around helplessly, then growled and scrubbed his hands over his face. “Shit. I don't need this right now!”

  “I'm sorry, babe.”

  Zac sighed and lowered his arms. “Not your fault,” he muttered, then sighed again. “Thank you for trying.”

  Ryley nodded. “You gonna be alright?”

  Zac bounced his leg, picturing having to tell Adrian that he'd failed and that the man was going to have to brave the public long enough to go across town to get his pills himself. That was not going to be a fun conversation.

  “Yeah, I'll manage.” Somehow.

  “Alright. Hey, maybe if you can't get him to go, I'll write up a contract for him to sign. We'll have to figure out some way to show payment, otherwise the agency won't list the contract as valid and show me as agent of record, but if we can manage that, I can try again.”

  Zac nodded absently. Just more steps to go through, but if it did the job, it might be worth it. “I'll ask him,” he said, though how he was going to come up with money for an insurance policy was beyond him. Bad enough he was already considering owing Ryley just for the pills.

  “Let me know and we'll get it done,” Ryley said, giving him an encouraging smile as he got into his car.

  Zac waved him away, then got into his own car and sat there for a moment, trying to calm down. He had a full shift ahead of him, and he needed to be on his game.

  Then he'd have to go home and convince Adrian to leave the apartment long enough to go get his pills.

  * * *

  ADRIAN FOUND himself pacing the apartment again, the action part of his routine now as he waited for Zac to get home from work. He'd already gotten all of his schoolwork done, the tasks taking longer and longer each day as he struggled against the demons in his head before he could even think about concentrating on the work. Then he'd cleaned a bit. Then went back over his schoolwork, making sure it was perfect, just for the sake of giving him something to do. Still, the hours dragged on, like they did every day that Zac had work and Adrian had nothing else to do but stay home and hide away from the world.

  But this time would be different. Zac would come home with his pills. If Adrian had those, he knew he could survive until graduation, no problem.

  Finally, the door opened and Zac came inside.

  Adrian darted across the room, then came to a stop when he saw the exhaustion all over Zac's face.

  “Hey,” he whispered.

  Zac sighed. “Hey, babe.” He locked the door and tossed aside his wallet and keys.

  Adrian fidgeted. “Did–” he started to ask, then hesitated. He didn't want to rush Zac when he'd just gotten off work and looked so tired, but he was shaking with need

  Zac sighed again and shook his head before Adrian could finish asking. “I'm sorry, babe. It didn't work.” He tried to smile, then shuffled off to the kitchen.

  Adrian watched him go, feeling everything crumble around him, then darted after Zac. “What? Why?”

  Zac shrugged. “We'll either have to get you down there yourself, or have you sign a contract showing Ryley as your agent of record, so he can do it for you. Either way…” He trailed off with a grimace.

  Adrian hugged himself. Oh gods. He couldn't. There was no way. He couldn't go down there himself, and as for getting an agent, he'd have to have money for a contract, and that was something he most definitely didn't have. He was out of options.


  “I know, babe, I know,” Zac growled, scrubbing his hands over his face. “I'm so sorry.” He sighed. “We'll find a way–”

  “How?” Adrian yelled, his whole body shaking with desperation. “I can't–” He gasped, chest heaving with panted breaths. “I can't do it, Zac. I'm not gonna make it. I need– Please. Gods. I just– If you could–”

  “If I could what, Ade?” Zac yelled back, throwing up his hands. “What? What could I do? What the hells could I possibly do that I haven't already done?”

  Adrian shuffled back a step, staring at Zac. He'd never seen the man lose his temper before, especially around him.

  “I'm sorry,” Zac bit off, holding up a hand. “It's just that– Fuck. Ade, you're not the only one having a hard time here.”

  “What hard time?” Adrian demanded. “I'm barely holding on, Zac,” he went on, the words tumbling out, beyond his control. “It's all I can do just to get out of bed in the morning. Going to school– All those people–” He gasped for breath. “And without the pills– Oh gods.” He clenched his hands into fists, desperate for his razor. “I'm not gonna make it, Zac. I can't do it anymore. And you won't even–”

  He broke off, firmly shaking his head.

  “What, Ade?” Zac growled. “I won't what?”

  “You won't even acknowledge me!” Adrian yelled, shocking himself. He panted, frantic, and couldn't seem to stop. “I'm losing control and you won't so much as look at me when we're out there–”

  “Because I can't, Ade! You know that. I can't be out. I can't lose everything–”

  “Well I did!” Adrian shouted. “I lost everything. I gave up everything. For you, gods damn it all! I gave up everything for you, because I couldn't let my father make me deny you to your face–”


  “But you won't risk anything for me–”

  “Hey!” Zac shouted back, startling Adrian into silence. Adrian panted while Zac stared at him, fuming, looking like he wanted to tear into Adrian but was exercising extreme patience to stay where he was, holding his tongue. Finally, Zac squeezed his eyes shut, took a deep breath, and huffed it out again, looking up at Adrian. “I'm going to go before I say something I might regret,” he told Adrian through a clenched jaw, then turned and headed for the door.

  Adrian darted after him. “Where are you going?” he begged, feeling panic set in.

  “Out,” Zac bit off.


  “Adrian,” Zac growled, rounding on him as he snatched up his wallet and keys. “I am this close to losing my shit with you. Do me a favor, alright?” he barked. “Go to bed. I'll be back later.”

  Without another word, Zac threw open the door and stormed out. Adrian watched the door swing shut, then let out a whimper as the latch clicked, shutting them apart.

  Adrian ran into the bedroom and dove under the sheets, covering his head as the panic took over, his whole body shaking uncontrollably until sheer exhaustion dragged him into sleep.

  * * *

  ZAC STORMED out to his car, then veered off at the last moment and circled the block, deciding to walk off some fury before he got behind the wheel, knowing he was in no state to drive.

  He needed to get away. Go somewhere and not think for a little while, separate himself from Adrian and school and work and money—all of it—so he could get his head back on straight and calm down.

  As Zac started back toward his car, his phone rang.

  He let out a sigh as he tugged it from his pocket, hoping it wasn't Adrian calling. Seeing Smitty's name on the screen, he quickly answered.


  “Yo, Blaze,” Smitty shouted over some background noise. “Dude, look, I know it's a school night, but–”

  Zac turned away from his car and headed down the street. “I'll be right there.”

  “Dude, seriously? Fuck yeah! This party is awesome, man. You're gonna love it. Get your ass over here.”

  “See you in a few.” Zac rang off and pocketed his phone, heading straight for the nearest shuttle stop, the same one Adrian used on school days. If he was going to get away, he was going to get good and drunk in the process, so there was no point in even thinking about driving. The autopilot function in his car had been damaged in the accident, and he hadn't bothered getting it fixed. He didn't have the money, and he'd figured it was a feature he could live without for the time being. Sure would be nice to have now, but it was too late for that. Besides, the shuttle could get him home later on just fine, even if it would take longer.

  A drunken party was probably the last place Zac should be, but it was just the distraction he needed. Something to take his mind off Adrian for a few hours. Hells, he was already behind on his schoolwork. One more night wouldn't kill him, especially when his sanity was hanging on by a thread.

  He had no idea how he was going to avoid the women, but he'd have to manage. Find some excuse. Make up a lie. Whatever it took. He was going to drink and unwind, that was it. Nothing else.

  Almost an hour later, after making several stops around town, the shuttle pulled up just a few blocks away from his bandmates' house. Zac walked the rest of the way and let himself in, the rooms crowded and the music booming, the party clearly in full swing. He greeted a few people along the way as he headed for the kitchen, needing the buzz of alcohol as quickly as he could get it.

  “Blaze!” Kade threw his hands in the air. “You made it!”

  Zac gave Kade a fist-bump, then did the same with Smitty, who shoved a cup into his hand and said, “Dude, you look like you could use this.”

  Zac saluted him with the cup, then chugged down the entire contents in one go.

  “Ha!” Smitty laughed. “Get this man another drink.”

  Zac's cup was immediately refilled, but he took that one slowly, leaning back against the counter as he looked around.

  “Yo, dude, check it out.” Kade leaned toward him and opened his hand, cradling a bunch of little gel caps in his palm. With his other hand, he pointed at a group of girls dancing together in the living room. “You see those girls over there?”

  Zac jerked his head in a nod.

  “I'm gonna slip these in their drinks,” Kade said with a smirk. “It's like instant sex.”

  Zac raised his eyebrows, hoping he came off curious rather than disgusted. “Oh yeah?”

  “The latest and greatest in aphrodisiacs,” Kade assured him, grinning and nodding. “Completely tasteless, dissolves instantly in any liquid, and super concentrated. Just one of these little babies can get those girls riding your dick all night long.”

  Zac took a sip of his drink, saving himself from having to say anything.

  “Watch this,” Kade said. He flashed Zac a smirk, then sauntered off to join the women, each of them clutching a plastic cup of beer as they danced together.

  Zac rolled his eyes, watching as Kade slipped them the drugs. He was itching to stop the man, but he didn't dare. Besides, it was pretty much expected that coming to these parties meant experimenting with some drug or another. Not that he thought the women had it coming, but they certainly had to at least have some idea what they were getting themselves into just by being there.

  Same went for him, for that matter. How the hells was he going to get a
way with not joining the orgy when it inevitably came? He'd have to figure out a way to sneak out before that happened.

  Zac finished his drink and set his empty cup aside, then squeezed through the crowd to reach the washroom. He used the toilet, washed his hands, and made his way back to the kitchen, the buzz of alcohol already setting in thanks to an empty stomach.

  “Here,” Smitty said, shoving a full cup at him. “Thought you could use a refill.”

  “Thanks,” Zac said, taking a big gulp.

  Smitty wandered off, but Zac hung back, leaning against the wall and sipping at his beer, idly watching the crowd. Some people danced while others gathered around a table, doing various drugs, while still others were already stripping off their clothes right there for everyone to see.

  Zac blinked heavily as he took another sip. The lights were starting to blur a bit around the edges, and the more he looked, the more he was sure things were moving in slow-motion. He rubbed his eyes and looked again. His skin tingled pleasantly, and the music almost seemed to creep right into him, making him want to move.

  The empty cup fell from Zac's fingers. He couldn't seem to feel his knees, his legs buckling underneath him. The heat in the room became oppressive, Zac just managing to clumsily slip out of his jacket, letting it fall heavily to the ground. Something touched him, the contact sending heat and tingles throughout his body.

  Everything just felt…good. There was no other way to describe it. His whole body felt alive in a way it never had before, the sensations more exquisite. Colors were more beautiful. Sounds were like breath for his lungs. Every bit of contact with everything he touched seemed to set him on fire.

  He drifted on a haze of pure bliss, the whole blurry experience almost erotic.

  Someone put another cup in his hand, and he was halfway through it when the delightful sensation suddenly shattered, everything pleasant turning to agony.

  He stumbled toward the kitchen sink, knowing he'd never reach the washroom in time, and started vomiting.


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