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Anyone But Her

Page 14

by Everhart, Allie

  "I'm not rushing you. I'm just hungry."

  I am kind of in a hurry to see Luke but I also want to spend time with Birdie. We take our time at dinner and finish up around eight.

  As we wait for the check I text Luke. We're leaving soon. Be there in a half hour.

  He texts back. I don't know if I can go now. Cal is making me watch a movie with him.

  Damn, I was really looking forward to seeing him. Stupid Cal. He's always getting in the way of my love life.

  "What's wrong?" Birdie asks. My face must show my disappointment.

  "Cal's making him watching a movie. He doesn't know if he can get away."

  "Cal can't watch a movie alone?"

  "He can, but it'll look strange if Luke gets up in the middle of it and goes somewhere."

  "Hmm." She taps her fingers on the table. "We need an excuse."

  "I know but I can't come up with one."

  She slowly grins. "I've got an idea."


  Leaning forward and resting her arms on the table, she says, "Okay, don't get mad at me."

  "Why would I get mad at you?"

  "Because I'm gonna ask Luke out."

  "What?" I sit back, tossing my napkin on the table. "Why would you do that?"

  "I told you not to get mad."

  "Of course I'm mad. You're going to ask Luke out, knowing how much I like him?"

  "Calm down. It's not real. It's just a way to get Luke out of the house so he can see you."

  "With you tagging along?"

  "No! Geez, you're slow tonight. Must be the whole being in love thing. Makes your brain stop working."

  "Just tell me what you meant."

  "I call up Luke and tell him what we're up to. He hangs up and tells Cal it was me on the phone and that I asked him out. Cal won't think anything of it because he knows I ask hot guys out all the time."

  "You're definitely not shy when it comes to that. But what about Liam?"


  "Liam. Opera Guy? I thought you guys were going out tomorrow."

  "Oh, shit, that's right." She shrugs. "I'll just tell him things didn't work out between me and Opera Guy."

  "If you do, you know Cal will tease you for months, saying how he knew that guy wasn't right for you."

  "So he'll be his usual annoying self. Big deal. I'm used to it. And I'm willing to put up with that to help you see Luke."

  "You're an awesome friend."

  She smiles. "I am, aren't I?"

  "So how long is this going to last? How long are you going to fake-date Luke?"

  "As long as you want me to. But I'll still be dating other guys, ones I'm actually interested in. If Cal sees me with one of them, that would be a problem."

  "We'll deal with that if it happens. For now, we'll try your plan and see if it works." I hold my phone out to her. "Here's Luke's number."

  She squints as she reads it. "Does that say Katy?"

  "Yeah, that's the fake name I assigned to his number in case my parents happen to see my phone when he calls or texts."

  "Clever." She winks at me. "You're pretty good at this secret romance stuff."

  "It's not a secret romance. Okay, maybe it is but...never mind. Just hurry up and call him."

  She punches his number in her phone and waits for him to pick up. When he does, she says, "Hey, Luke, it's Birdie. I'm calling for Taylor." She grins at me as she talks. "She really wants to see you tonight and we're not letting her idiot brother get in the way so we came up with a plan."

  She tells him the plan then waits for him to respond. She gives me the thumbs up, letting me know he's on board.

  Cal would kill us if he knew we were all tricking him but I don't care. I need to see Luke.

  Chapter Fifteen


  "Who was that?" Cal asks as I put my phone away.


  He scrunches his face up. "Birdie? Taylor's friend?"

  I laugh. "How many girls do you know named Birdie?"

  He grabs the remote and lowers the volume on the TV. "Why was Birdie calling you?"

  "She wanted to know if I could go out tonight. I told her I could. I know we're watching the movie but I've seen it at least twice so—"

  "Wait." Cal was reclined on the couch, his feet on the coffee table, but he quickly puts his feet down and sits upright, turning to me. "Are you telling me Birdie asked you out?"

  I shrug. "She didn't call it a date but I'm guessing that's what it is."

  "Okay, hold on." He shakes his head side to side like he's trying to rattle his brain to make sense of this. "Tell me exactly what she said."

  "She asked if I'd meet her at some restaurant across town and then maybe go to a movie, but then she said it might be too late for a movie."

  Cal stares at me, his jaw dropped.

  "Why are you looking at me like that? It's not that unbelievable. Girls have asked me out before."

  "Yeah, but this is Birdie."

  "Why does that matter? She's a girl, just like any other girl."

  "Except she's not like any other girl. She's..." He pauses, like he's searching for the right word. "She's different. She's also Taylor's friend, which makes going out with her not cool, man."

  "Why? Why can't I date Taylor's friend?"

  "Because..." He pauses as he thinks up a reason, then points his finger at me. "Because if you date Birdie and it doesn't end well, I'll be the one paying for it. Birdie and Taylor will both blame me because you acted like an ass."

  "Then I won't act like an ass." I half-smile. "I promise."

  He stands up. "This isn't funny, Luke."

  Actually I'm finding it hilarious. I don't know why he's getting so upset over this.

  "You can't date Birdie," he says emphatically, as though it's a law.

  "I already told her I'd go." I stand up, motioning to the TV. "Finish the movie. I'll see you tomorrow."

  Walking to the door, I feel him behind me.

  "Luke, stop."

  I turn around. "You're not talking me out of this. All I'm doing is meeting her for dessert. We may find out we don't even like each other."

  "I already know you won't." He crosses his arms over his chest. "She's not your type."

  "Then you have nothing to worry about." I turn to leave but then stop and look back at him, getting the feeling there's something he's not telling me. "Whose type is she?"


  "You seem to think Birdie has a type. So what's her type?"

  "How the hell should I know? I'm just saying you're not it. Neither is that idiot taking her to the opera."

  "She dumped that guy. She said it wasn't going anywhere."

  He smiles. "I knew it! I knew he was all wrong for her. Opera Guy with Monster Truck Girl? They never even had a chance."

  "I gotta go. I told her I was leaving five minutes ago."

  "What time will you be home?"

  I laugh as I open the door. "What are you, my dad? You got a curfew for me?"

  "Don't be an ass. I was just asking. We've got an early tee time."

  "I'll be up in time. Don't worry."

  He watches me leave, then I hear the door shut behind me, harder than normal. He's angry I'm going out with Birdie, which makes me wonder if he secretly wants her for himself. But that would be crazy. The two of them fight constantly and act like they hate each other. So maybe it's like he said and he's mad because he thinks I'll break Birdie's heart and he'll have to deal with the fallout from Birdie and Taylor. This is why he can't know about Taylor and me. If he's this upset about me dating Birdie, just imagine how upset he'd be if he knew I was seeing his sister.

  I text Taylor as I get in my car, On my way.

  Driving there, I go way past the speed limit because I can't wait to see her. When I arrive at the park I spot Birdie's yellow Jeep and pull up beside it.

  I chose this park because it has secluded areas with benches surrounded by trees where Taylor and I can be alone without being seen. We
can sit and talk. Or kiss. I'm not really sure what will happen tonight. We don't have much time. It's already eight-thirty and she wants to leave by ten.

  Getting out of my car I hear Birdie's voice.

  "Hi, Boyfriend!" she says, laughing as she walks up to me.

  My eyes quickly go behind her to where Taylor is standing, wearing a short denim skirt, white tank top, and bright white sneakers. The white shows off her tan and the skirt shows off her long, lean legs. I'd love to run my hand up and down those smooth, beautiful legs, ending in places that would make her moan like she did when we kissed that night.

  "Hey, Birdie," I say as she gives me a hug. I smile at Taylor. "Hey."

  She smiles back as she walks up beside Birdie. "Hey."

  We don't hug because we'll be doing that and more as soon as Birdie's gone.

  "So did he buy it?" Birdie asks.

  "Cal? Yeah, but he was pissed."

  "Because you left during the movie?" Taylor asks.

  "Because I was going out with Birdie."

  "Why would he care?" Birdie asks.

  "He thinks you'll fall for me," I say, "and then I'll break your heart and he'll have to deal with you and Taylor getting mad at him because somehow it'll be his fault."

  Birdie hangs her arm over Taylor's shoulder. "We'd never do that, would we?"

  "I wouldn't, but you would. You love blaming Cal for stuff."

  She laughs. "True. I guess he has reason to be worried. Oh, well. I'll let you guys..." she smiles at me, "do whatever you're going to do."

  I'm curious what she means by that. Did she and Taylor talk about what would be happening tonight? I'm guessing they did but now I'm wondering what that is.

  Birdie walks off. "See you at ten. Meet here for pickup?"

  "If it's easier I could drop her off at your house," I say.

  "Wouldn't work," Birdie says as she opens the door to her Jeep. "If my parents saw you guys together they'd blab to Taylor's parents and your secret would be out. My parents are the worst at keeping secrets. Every Christmas, my mom slips up and tells me what I'm getting." She gets in the Jeep. "This year it's a new phone."

  "She already told you?" Taylor asks.

  "Yep. She even told me which one I'm getting. Anyway, have fun!" She shuts her door and drives off.

  Taylor laughs. "Birdie's a little crazy but I love her. She's the best friend ever. She's the one who came up with the story so we could meet tonight."

  "Cal was acting really strange when I told him I was going out with her."

  "Strange, how?"

  "He almost acted jealous but I'm sure that wasn't it. Those two can't stand each other."

  "Yeah, they've been fighting for as long as I can remember."

  "Enough about them." I go over to Taylor and wrap my arms around her. We're not in a secluded area but finding one could take several minutes and I can't wait any longer to touch her, to feel her in my arms, to kiss her. I lean down, my lips just inches from hers.

  "Luke." She says it like we shouldn't be doing this but she's smiling like she wants it to happen.

  And so I kiss her. My arms are around her waist and I pull her closer, against my body.

  "I couldn't wait any longer," I murmur over her lips. Then I lift my eyes to look at her. Her eyes are wide, her mouth slightly parted, her breaths fast and shallow.

  She reaches her hands behind my neck and brings my mouth back to hers and kisses me. I slip my tongue in her mouth and feel her hands grip my neck as she presses her body against mine, as if she wants to close even the tiniest gap between us.

  We remain there kissing for who knows how long, not stopping until a group of kids runs past us, heading to the playground.

  "We should probably find another spot," I say to Taylor.

  Taking her hand I lead her past the playground and away from the tennis courts and basketball courts. There's people everywhere tonight. I didn't think it'd be so crowded.

  "Sorry I couldn't come up with a better meeting place," I say. "Being new to the area I didn't know what to suggest."

  "This works," she says. "There really isn't a place that'll be completely private."

  "I know it was short notice but I really wanted to see you. I couldn't wait any longer."

  "Me too. It's hard to get away with so much going on and my family keeping tabs on me."

  "We probably won't be able to meet up like this again for at least a week, maybe more."

  "Because of the tournament next week?"

  "And the commercial for WaveField. We're filming it on Monday."

  Her face lights up. "You're still doing the commercial? Luke, that's great!"

  "We're going to do as you suggested and keep the focus on fitness instead of golf so we don't break any rules. But obviously everyone knows I'm a golfer."

  "Do you know when it'll start airing?"

  "They're hoping to run it the following week. They want to take advantage of whatever press I get from the tournament next week, meaning I better not fuck it up."

  "You won't. You've played that course enough to know how to manage the tougher holes."

  "Yeah, but I took time off when Albert died. I missed a lot of practice time. I probably shouldn't even be playing next week."

  "Then why are you doing it?"

  "Because your dad's making me."

  "What do you mean?"

  "He told me I'm playing whether I want to or not. He said he's letting me stay at his house so I can continue following my dream to be a pro golfer and that if I skip a tournament I'm not following through on my end of the bargain."

  "But if you're not ready to play then maybe you shouldn't."

  "I told your dad that. I told him my head wouldn't be in the game so soon after Albert died."

  "And what'd he say?"

  "That I should play for Albert. That I should go out on the course and pretend Albert's watching and play for him and not me. I thought about it and he's right. Albert would've been pissed if I'd skipped a tournament because of him. I know he's gone but I still feel like skipping the tournament would be letting him down. That's why I'm playing next week."

  "Are you nervous?"

  "It's odd but I'm not. Not even a little, and yet I've got a lot riding on this. If I don't play well next week WaveField may not sign me on to do more commercials and I really need that kind of exposure to get my name out there so I can get sponsors when I go pro."

  "You're going to be on TV, Luke!" she says, a huge smile on her face. "You're going to be a star!"

  I laugh. "Not quite. It's just one commercial and it's regional."

  "Yeah, but still, like you said, it could lead to other stuff. Look how many companies my dad does commercials for."

  "That's because he's a golf legend. He's one of the greatest golfers of all time."

  "That could be you someday."

  "Or it could be you. Or Cal."

  She leads me over to a bench and we sit down.

  "Don't tell anyone I told you this but..."

  "But what?"

  She glances around to check that we're alone. "I don't think Cal will go back to pro golfing. I think he's done."

  "He's not done. He's just taking time off."

  She shakes her head. "He's done. I overheard my dad telling my mom Cal doesn't have what it takes to make it."

  "Why would he say that? Just yesterday, Cal beat me on the course. Only by one stroke, but still."

  "He's inconsistent, and he can't handle the pressure. He does great when he's golfing for fun but when he's in a tournament, he chokes."

  "He just wasn't ready to go pro. Give him a year or two, or maybe three, and he'll be fine."

  "He also has a shoulder injury. He went to the doctor yesterday and they said he might need surgery."

  "No shit? Why didn't he tell me?"

  "He's in denial. He's trying to pretend it's not happening. He doesn't know what he'll do if he can't golf anymore."

  Leaning back on the bench I rub my hand
over my jaw. "I had no idea any of this was going on. I can't believe he didn't tell me."

  "I don't think he wants you to know. Between you and me, I think he's jealous of you. He doesn't want to be. He wants you to do well. He just wishes he could be more like you."

  "And now your dad's helping me, which I'm sure makes Cal feel even worse. He feels like he let your dad down."

  "Yeah, but don't tell him I said that. Don't tell anyone. Please. You have to promise me you'll keep it a secret."

  "Yeah, of course. I just wish Cal would talk to me."

  "He will. When he's ready."

  We sit quietly for a few moments, then Taylor says, "So after this, I won't see you for a week?"

  "Not unless you sneak into the guest house in the middle of the night," I kid, but I actually wish she would. I've had dreams about it, of me waking up and finding her in my bed, wearing nothing but a pair of black lace panties. I know she'd never do that but it makes for a damn nice dream.

  "Since we don't have much time we should probably stop talking." Taylor bites her lip and puts her hand on my knee and I instantly feel myself getting hard. That's what she does to me. She can turn me on with just a look or a touch, which is a problem if we're around her parents.

  Leaning her against the back of the bench I slip my hand behind her head and kiss her. Her body crumples into my arms and she grips the front of my shirt. She keeps hold of it as I kiss a line down her neck, then along her throat as she tips her head back. Soft breathy moans come from her mouth, turning me on so much I can barely stand it. I want her. I want her so damn bad, and I think she wants me too. But we can't do it here. Or at all.

  We shouldn't even be kissing. It's wrong, and yet it doesn't feel wrong. It's only wrong because her family doesn't approve.

  My hand is on her thigh and I slowly move it up, under her skirt, until I reach the seam of her panties. They're silky and outlined in lace, just like in my dreams. She moves her hips ever so slightly, urging me to continue.

  "Taylor," I say softly over her lips, my fingers moving over the silky fabric between her legs that I'm dying to rip off so I can do all the things I'm imagining in my head right now.

  "Don't stop," she whispers. Her eyes are closed and I pause a moment to gaze at her face. She's so damn beautiful. And sweet. Kind. She deserves better than to be felt up at some city park.


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