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Fate Page 38

by Tia Wylder

  “Every moment I spent with our daughter was a reminder of your betrayal. I love Jenny, but with your genes, I am not optimistic for her future,” Deborah said snidely. Jasmine lurched upright, pointing an angry finger at the woman.

  “Jenny is a precious little angel, and you’re not worth your weight in crap if you can speak so poorly about her,” she bit out, the words carrying a bit less weight than they would have if she were sober. As it stood, a mildly strong breeze would have been enough to knock Jasmine off her feet, but she wasn’t about to sit and let some ditzy blonde insult her own daughter.

  “Oh, this again? Really, Mark? You’re that much of a one trick pony?” Deborah inquired boredly, and Mark leaped out of his seat, lurching towards the woman as if he intended to strike her. He simply got in her face, baring his teeth in a near snarl.

  “Don’t drag her into our affairs, you hag. I’m giving you one last chance to get out of here,” he hissed.

  “Or what? Are you going to hit me? Have you dropped to that level as well?” The blonde ex-wife said tauntingly. The ferocity behind the argument sent fearful shivers down Jasmine’s spine, and she was beginning to grow vaguely queasy. The pleasant high of her excessive drinking was crashing quickly, and she needed to break up this fight by any means necessary. She clumsily rose to her feet, reaching out to touch Mark’s arm. He jerked away, his hands clenched at his sides.

  “You have no right to continue to try and ruin my life. We’re not married anymore. You have no say in my life,” Mark shouted, drawing the attention of nearly everyone in the restaurant. The beautiful sounds of the piano came to an abrupt stop, and it seemed the eyes of everyone in the entire restaurant were upon them at that moment.

  “I may have no say in your life, but I can save another woman from your trap,” Deborah said darkly, turning to face Jasmine. Jasmine shrunk beneath the other woman’s gaze, but the blonde’s expression softened somewhat as the two sized each other up. She stepped closer to Jasmine, resting a hand on her shoulder. “I’m giving you a fair warning because I wish someone had done the same for me. Do not get tangled in Mark Stanford’s web. It’ll bring you nothing but heartache,” she said earnestly. The queasy feeling rose up in Jasmine’s throat again, and she turned pleading eyes towards Mark. He shoved his ex-wife away, seeming intent upon screaming a thousand more curses upon her. All Jasmine wanted to do at that moment, however, was left. She hesitated, reaching out to touch Mark’s arm once more. He stopped in the midst of his tirade at Deborah, turning his angry gaze upon Jasmine herself.

  “What!?” He demanded, his voice cold. Jasmine drew away hesitantly, tears springing to her eyes unbidden. Though she’d not known Mark long, she had certainly never expected to see such anger from the man. While she knew divorces tended to get ugly, but for him to put his hands on his ex-wife seemed unthinkable. Now his anger was turned on her, and she was afraid that she might say the wrong thing.

  “I just… Mark, can we please just leave? This is getting out of hand,” she said in a soft and pleading voice. Mark narrowed his eyes towards her, his body quaking with anger. Then, he realized that it was no longer his ex-wife alone who was suffering his rage. He took a step back, trying to compose himself.

  “I...I’m sorry, Jasmine. Let’s go,” he said urgently. He reached out to take her by the arm, but she drew away, skittering towards the exit of the restaurant.

  “This is only the beginning sweetheart! Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Deborah called out. Tears spilled freely down Jasmine’s cheeks, and though she knew she wasn’t really Mark’s girlfriend, the pain she felt at that moment was all too real.

  She stepped out into the cold evening air, wrapping her arms around herself and sniffling softly. She said nothing as Mark stepped out into the night, stepping up beside her. He stared imploringly at her, but at that moment, the emotion was too raw-- too fresh.

  “I’m sorry,” he repeated, his sorrow sounding sincere. Jasmine hesitated, brushing the tears away from her eyes before speaking.

  “Can you just call the limo?” She inquired shakily. Mark’s jaw clenched, but he exhaled a weary sigh and withdrew his cellphone. With a swift text to the limo driver, their ride appeared in minutes.

  This time, Jasmine sat as far from Mark as possible. Perhaps later she could forgive him. For now, however, she just wanted to sleep this whole thing off.

  The ride home was a silent one, with Jasmine trying to ignore the longing gazes Mark repeatedly turned on her. She wanted to blow the situation off and return home on a good note. The way he’d treated his ex conveyed something, however, that struck an unpleasant chord within her. Mark seemed extremely apologetic for his part, but she wasn’t quite able to put his furious gaze behind her quite yet.

  When they arrived home, she slipped out of the limousine before anyone had the opportunity to open her door for her. She stalked towards the front door of the estate, yanking it open and stepping inside without a word. Mark trailed behind her, the babysitter he’d hired watching them with a bemused expression. For all Jasmine cared, the acne ridden jailbait could have her fun with the man. She supposed she had gotten a little ahead of herself in thinking the man was some sort of a dream come true, but she hadn’t realized how quickly she would be proven wrong. She inhaled a quaking breath, making her way upstairs and towards her guest room. She could hear Jenny calling out behind her, and she hesitated, glancing over her shoulder to acknowledge the young girl.

  “Miss Jasmine, I take it the date didn’t go well,” Mark’s young daughter inquired balefully, and Jasmine hesitated for a moment before replying. It wasn’t Jenny’s fault that her father was acting like a real asshole, and she couldn’t find it within herself to treat the girl poorly because of it. She quirked a small smile, reaching out to muss up Jenny’s hair.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. Things will work out fine, I’m sure,” she said gently. Jenny pouted, sticking her bottom lip out as far as she could manage. Jasmine chuckled, patting the girl on the head before turning back to retreat into her room. “I’ll be out in a bit to put you to bed,” Jasmine called out, and Jenny nodded uncertainly. The young girl trailed off to her own room, apparently intent on waiting for Jasmine to elaborate further on the date. Jasmine wasn’t sure she wanted to divulge any details of the incident with Mark’s daughter, not to mention the more intimate details being entirely out of the question. She would kill for a genuine girl friend to discuss things with, but for Jasmine, friends tended to be very rare. It made for a rather lonely existence, but it was one she had grown used to. She wasn’t sure how, exactly, to go out and make new friends. She was hoping to have one in Mark, and if she were honest, she would have liked it to go a little further than friendship. That seemed entirely out of the question as it stood then, however. She sighed, slipping into the walk-in closet and shimmying out of her cocktail dress. She dressed in a simple long pajama top and a pair of sleep shorts, looking in the mirror to take the bobby pins out of her hair. She stepped out of the closet, shifting towards the bathroom to wash the makeup off her face. Now, she wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed and sleep this whole situation away. However, she had made a promise to put Jenny to bed, and she intended to hold true on it. She dried her face with a towel, considering her reflection for a long moment. She looked utterly and completely exhausted, being honest with herself. She simply hoped the young girl in her care wouldn’t trouble herself too much with the affairs of the older inhabitants of the house.

  She slipped out of her bedroom, shuffling towards Jenny’s room where she knew the young girl would be waiting. She brushed her hair behind her ear as she stepped through the door, smiling at Jenny where she sat on her exorbitantly large bed. Though Jasmine had no idea what such a young girl needed with such a large bed, it at the very least made their occasional heart to hearts a bit more comfortable. She sat on the edge of the bed, reaching out to take Jenny by the hand. Jenny looked far more troubled than such an innocent young girl should, and Jasmine had a
feeling that she had much to do with that.

  “Do you not like my daddy?” Jenny inquired, getting straight to the point. Jasmine looked stricken, knowing she could not explain the totality of the situation. She hesitated, squeezing the young girl’s hand.

  “Your daddy is very kind. I like him a lot,” she said gently, and Jenny’s eyes welled up with tears.

  “But you’re still going to leave us, aren’t you?” She sniffled, causing Jasmine’s eyes to widen dramatically.

  “Oh, honey, no. It’s nothing as serious as that. I’m going to stay on as your nanny for as long as I’m able, but…,” she trailed off, glancing towards the doorway. Though he was out of sight, she was sure she could sense Mark listening in. “I’m not opposed to giving your daddy a second chance. I just need some time to… think things over. I’m not leaving you, and I’m not leaving him alone,” Jasmine assured her, reaching out to brush the girl’s hair away from her eyes. Jenny nodded sullenly, and Jasmine pulled her into a tight hug.

  “Well… If things aren’t totally broken… like with mommy,” Jenny muttered. Jasmine hesitated, kissing the girl’s forehead.

  “I’m sure it will work out, sweetheart. Even if it doesn’t, you and I will always be friends,” she assured the girl. Jenny hummed her acknowledgment, and Jasmine rose from the bed, drawing back the blankets to properly tuck her in. Jenny still looked troubled, but there was not much Jasmine could do to sooth Jenny. She slipped out of Jenny’s room, immediately spying Mark lingering near her room. She hesitated, drawing in a shaky breath before closing the distance between them. Mark smiled nervously, and Jasmine gave pause before half-heartedly returning the expression. She tried to edge past him, gripping the doorknob to her room.

  “Jasmine, I was hoping I could have a word with you,” he muttered, fidgeting uncomfortably beneath her gaze.

  “I’m not so sure that’s a clever idea right now, Mark. Give me some time to sleep this off. We can talk in the morning, after we’ve both… cooled off a bit,” she said gently, reaching out to rest a hand on his cheek. He breathed a sigh, resting his hand on top of hers. His touch was gentle, and it was almost enough to make Jasmine reconsider her position. However, she drew away from the man, offering him a sad smile. “Tomorrow,” she promised.

  “Alright… goodnight then, Jasmine,” Mark murmured. She slipped into her room, closing the door behind her. She was certain she had never felt so torn in her life. Who was the real Mark? The kind one she had come to know and adore, or the man with the violent temper?

  She supposed she had little choice but to wait.

  Chapter Five

  The next morning, Jasmine woke to a knock at her door. She sat upright in bed, rubbing her eyes wearily. She had no idea what time it was, but as far as she was concerned, it was too early for anyone in their right mind to be awake. She stared at the door, hesitating for a moment before speaking loudly.

  “Come in,” she called out, musing that Jenny might have still been feeling rather troubled. The doorknob turned, and the door was pushed open to reveal Jenny and Mark with a tray of food held in the man’s grip. She quirked a brow curiously, unable to stop the smile that her lips formed. “Well, what’s all this?” She inquired with a cheerful smile. Jenny smiled brightly in turn, dragging her father towards the bed. She snatched the tray out of his hands, placing it in Jasmine’s lap.

  “We made breakfast for you,” the young girl supplied, and Mark smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “It was Jenny’s idea, and you know how hard it is to tell her no,” he explained. Jasmine met his gaze with a quirk of her lips. Jenny looked between the two of them, before quite obviously clearing her throat.

  “I’m going to go play with my dolls while you enjoy your breakfast, Miss Jasmine,” she announced, none too subtly. Mark and Jasmine watched her go, a vaguely amused expression adorning Jasmine’s face. For his part, Mark looked altogether embarrassed by the situation but reluctant to let the opportunity slip through his hands. She grabbed the fork she’d been supplied, idly keeping an eye on the man as she brought a bite of pancakes to her mouth. He shifted from foot to foot, looking rather uncomfortable as she continued to dig into her food.

  “I get the feeling there’s something you want, Mark,” she hummed, grinning at him as she took a bite of strawberry between her lips. He reddened, clearing his throat uncertainly as he obviously tried to figure out to poise his train of thought.

  “Well, you’re correct as usual, Jasmine,” he finally settled upon, averting his eyes as he crossed his arms over his chest. She hummed her acknowledgment, setting her fork down and watching him with a mischievous expression. It was almost adorable, how uncomfortable he was at that moment. If she hadn’t been so annoyed with him the night before, she might have told him as much. As it stood, she took a rather twisted pleasure in the way he shuffled his feet. He brought his eyes up to meet her gaze, smiling an uncertain smile. “I thought you may feel up to talking today. Regarding last night’s… misstep on my part,” he muttered. Jasmine hummed under her breath in acknowledgment,

  “I’m listening, at least,” she murmured, watching him with a sly quirk of her lips. He hesitated, considering her expression for a long moment before managing to get the words out.

  “I just… wanted to clarify a couple of things,” he said carefully, slipping closer to the bed and sitting on the edge. She watched him quietly, allowing him to plead his case, so to speak. “I’m sure it probably seems that I’m… well, a right bastard,” he said softly. Jasmine had to swallow a laugh, clearing her throat and tilting her head in faux innocence.

  “I’m afraid I have no idea what you mean,” she said dismissively, keeping her gaze intensely focused upon him. He fidgeted beneath her stare, refusing to look her in the eye as he fumbled with his words.

  “I’m trying to apologize, here, Jasmine,” he sighed balefully. She smiled cheekily, reaching out to rest her hand atop his. He offered her a pout, and she giggled before squeezing his hand in her own.

  “I know, Mark. I’m just having a bit of fun with you,” she murmured. She hesitated, slipping her hand up higher on his arm. “I forgive you, of course,” she chuckled. He considered her with wide eyes, seeming unable to believe her. “I slept on it, and I can understand how you might have lost your temper. I shouldn’t have pressed you so hard. I hope you can forgive me as well,” she murmured more quietly. Mark laughed incredulously, pulling her into a tight embrace.

  “Don’t be ridiculous, you have nothing to be sorry for,” he said warmly, resting his chin atop her head. She felt comfortable in his arms, resting her cheek against his broad chest. They simply sat for a moment, enjoying each other’s company.

  “The breakfast in bed helped, by the way,” she murmured, giggling softly. He chuckled contently, brushing a hand through her hair.

  “I’ll have to give Jenny my thanks,” he hummed. She smirked, drawing away from him.

  “Well, while you’re doing that, I’ll finish my breakfast. It looks too tasty to go to waste,” she mused. She picked her fork back up, gesturing towards the door with the prongs. Mark quirked a brow, considering her with mild disbelief. “I’m serious, I’m finishing this meal before I come out of this room,” she huffed, gesturing more insistently for him to step away.

  “Well, I’ll see that you remain undisturbed for the duration of your meal,” he said formally, bowing before slipping towards the door. Jasmine watched him go with a small smile, her heart swelling now that they had put the trouble behind them. It didn’t make her any more real of a girlfriend to the man, but she could at the very least entertain her fantasies in good conscience. It was true enough that she could see how the man had gotten frustrated with his ex-wife, especially considering how she had tried (and succeeded) in ruining their date. Truthfully, she was rather irate with the woman as well. It did no good to worry herself with it that day, however, and she was determined to make the most of the time she had with Mark and Jenny.
br />   The breakfast was perhaps the most appetizing thing she had ever eaten in her life, and she could only wonder if the billionaire had hired someone for the sole purpose of coming in and cooking a makeup breakfast for her. That was a ridiculous though, of course, but she thought it a rather amusing one all the same. She finished the meal in short order, leaving the tray on her bed as she stepped in the walk-in closet to get dressed and prepare to face the day. She dressed in a simple blue dress, pinning her hair back before slipping back into her main bedroom area to grab the tray she had left. She supported it with one arm, stepping out of the guest room and checking the immediate area for either of her housemates. She had expected Jenny to be lingering outside of her room, eager to start the day on a solidly good note. Jasmine could only figure she had gone to her room to play with her dolls, in which case she would have a bit of time to herself. She took the tray to the kitchen, where she found Mark sipping a large cup of coffee. She smiled to herself, creeping up behind him, only to get startled herself as he turned to face her.

  “Are you up to a bit of mischief?” He inquired mildly, taking another long swallow from his mug.

  “Oh, of course not,” Jasmine lied innocently. She placed her tray on the counter, fixing herself a cup of coffee as well.


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