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Fate Page 39

by Tia Wylder

  “Oh, damn, I knew we had forgotten something,” Mark mused, offering her the creamer. She accepted it, filling her cup with the pale liquid until her coffee was a pale tan shade. She mixed in a gratuitous amount of sugar as well, to the point that Mark was considering her with a scrutinous expression. “Can you even taste the coffee with all that mess?” He asked with a quirk of his lips.

  “I can taste it just fine, we can’t all have such extremely refined tastes as you,” she said dismissively. He chuckled, seeming to pay her antics very little mind.

  “Join me on the front deck? The view is nice this early in the day, and it’s not awfully hot,” he suggested, slipping towards the front of the house without bothering to wait for her response. She trailed behind him, sipping from her cup as she stepped into the cool morning air. It was still a bit dark out, just before sunrise.

  “A bit early to have your daughter up, isn’t it?” Jasmine said carefully, sitting on the front porch swing. Mark laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

  “Well, more like it’s a bit early for her to have the two of us up,” he corrected, moving to sit beside her on the swing. The movement was gentle, the swaying in the early morning breeze rather refreshing and altogether rejuvenating. “Jenny wanted to make absolutely sure that I made things right between the two of us, and wouldn’t stop bothering me until I woke to make your breakfast,” he explained. Jasmine chuckled, brushing her hair behind her ear and continuing to sip her coffee.

  “So, it was all her idea, then?” She teased, feigning an affronted manner. He stammered, trying to find an appropriate means of backpedaling.

  “Easy, Mark, I’m just teasing you,” she murmured, resting her head on his shoulder. “I know where I stand when it comes to this… relationship. We’re playing pretend until my dues are paid, and I was silly to think you could consider me anything more than… a friend,” she breathed, feeling herself growing increasingly serious as she spoke.

  Mark remained silent, looking a bit bothered by her assessment. “I don’t hold it against you. I know you could never see dating someone like me. Especially considering the means through which we met,” she chuckled. He sat upright, shifting to face her more fully.

  “Is that really what you think of all this, Jasmine? You think I could never see myself with you? Why on Earth would I suggest the facade to begin with, if I didn’t think you were an attractive young woman?” He inquired bluntly. She reddened, fidgeting with her coffee cup and refusing to meet his gaze. “Jas, when I brought you to my home, I intended to take your virginity as we’d arranged. However, the more time we’ve spent together, the more I’ve come to realize you’re more than a means to get my rocks off. I enjoy your company, I enjoy your wit, and I adore every moment we’ve spent together. Which is why…,” he trailed off, looking as if he was uncertain as to whether he wanted to continue.

  “What?” Jasmine urged, reaching out to touch Mark’s cheek. He smiled warmly, resting his hand atop her own.

  “Which is why I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend for real. No games, no more lies. I understand if you’re not interested, but I would love to try this whole dating thing again,” he admitted. Her eyes widened in bewilderment and delight, and she drew her hand away to cover her mouth, which formed a perfect ring of surprise.

  “You’re… being serious?” She implored gently, and he hesitated before leaning in to close the distance between them. Though her initial reaction was to be alarmed or startled, she felt no desire to draw away from his embrace. She pressed her lips to his, tangling a hand in his short hair. “I take that as a yes,” she said breathily as he drew away.

  “Serious as a heart attack. So… what do you say?” He smiled. She hesitated, pressing the tips of her fingers to her lips. There was a tingling sensation in her skin, a feeling she couldn’t deny that she enjoyed. She met his gaze, wonderment sweeping over her at how sincere his expression was.

  “I say… yes. Yes, Mark, I’ll be your girlfriend,” she smiled. His lips parted, and he whooped loudly before drawing her in for another kiss. Their lips lingered for a long moment, and they only broke apart when the sound of the front door slamming closed caught their attention.

  “You made up!” Jenny cheered. Jasmine reddened, averting her gaze.

  “Yes, yes. You little matchmaker, you. Come on, let’s play dolls,” Jasmine suggested, rising to her feet. Jenny nodded enthusiastically, rushing forward to grab Jasmine by the hand and pull her inside. The nanny glanced back at the man who she could now call her own, a warmth settling in her chest.

  She couldn’t believe how fortunate she had become.

  She trailed behind Jenny, relieved that the issue had resolved itself in a way; specifically, in a way she never could have anticipated. It was almost overwhelming, to the point that she couldn’t be alone with Mark for fear that she’d do something embarrassing. As much as she wanted nothing more than to spend the day in his arms, her duties as Jenny’s nanny had to take priority.

  “I’m so glad you and daddy made up,” Jenny chirped, pushing into her room. Jasmine chuckled as she messed up the girl’s hair, receiving a rather indignant squawk in turn.

  “You really look out for your dad, don’t you?” Jasmine murmured, slipping into the room behind the young girl and closing the door behind them. Jenny smiled a cheeky smile, shrugging her shoulders as she walked towards her collection of dolls. She grabbed two, seemingly at random, before handing one over to Jasmine.

  “He takes care of me, so I take care of him,” Jenny explained as if it were the simplest thing in the world. Perhaps it was, in the girl’s mind.

  “Well, you don’t have to take care of your daddy on your own anymore, okay honey?” Jasmine murmured, sitting on the floor with crossed legs. Jenny nodded quietly, and the two fell into the mindset that their little games so oft swept them up in. Jasmine had trouble, at times, keeping up with each doll and their unique stories. She could only wonder if Jenny had perhaps watched too much tv, or had some rather unsavory friends considering the stories she could come up with. It made for very interesting games, nonetheless.

  “And don’t forget to bring my money next time,” Jenny said in a gruff voice, pointing her doll’s arm at Jasmine’s. Jasmine parted her lips to reply, cutting herself short as there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” Jenny called out, setting her doll to the side and smiling brightly as her father stepped through the door. He looked between the two girls, smiling nervously.

  “I was hoping to have a word with Miss Jasmine, honey,” he murmured.

  “I’ll be back soon, alright sweetheart?” The older woman informed the younger girl, rising to her feet and offering Mark a warm grin. Jenny shrugged her shoulders, waving at the two as they stepped out of the room. Jasmine hesitated at the doorway for a moment, watching as Jenny lost herself in her own mind. “Your daughter is very creative,” Jasmine mused as she and Mark walked away from the girl’s bedroom. He rumbled a laugh, looping his arm within hers.

  “She tends to let her mind wander a bit too much, but I would never stifle her imagination,” he said agreeably. Jasmine squeezed his arm, not really paying much mind to where they were going until they approached Mark’s room.

  “So… what did you need, exactly?” She inquired softly, feeling nerves creep up her spine as they stepped into his bedroom. He met her gaze, smiling gently before drawing away from her. He approached the bedside table, rummaging through it for a moment. Jasmine found herself caught up in his pervasive scent throughout the room, inhaling a deep breath and feeling as if she could taste the man’s essence on her tongue. Her cheeks flushed at the thought, and she tried to think of anything except the act of thoroughly tasting him. He paid her little mind, continuing to rummage through the table with a thoughtful hum.

  “I had something to give you, actually,” he said upon retrieving something from the nightstand. She quirked a brow upon seeing a small jewelry box gripped in his hands, and though she knew it was impossible, she c
ouldn’t help thinking, just maybe….

  However, he turned around and popped the lid off of the box. Her eyes widened in delight upon seeing a large emerald necklace with diamond accents and a golden chain.

  “What on Earth are you giving me this, for?” She gasped, trying not to sound as shocked as she truly felt. He quirked his lips in a smile, removing the necklace from the box and stepping forward as if to fix it around her neck.

  “I know the more traditional means is a promise ring of sorts, but I thought of you the moment I lay eyes upon this. While it’s no ring, it certainly holds its share of promise, I’d say,” he hummed. Jasmine felt as if her heart might pound out of her chest, smiling bashfully as he encircled the golden chain around her neck. He closed the clasp, stepping back to admire his handiwork as she turned to face him. Her face was alight with a blush, the deepest shade of red that had likely ever adorned her cheeks.

  “How… how does it look?” She stammered out. He smiled tenderly, leaning in to ghost his lips to hers. She breathed a shaky sigh as he pulled away, reaching out to cup her cheeks in his hands.

  “It’s beautiful. You’re beautiful in it. You’re beautiful without it, but with it… stunning, radiant,” he said warmly. She found herself smiling sheepishly, and he brushed a lock of hair away from her eyes.

  “Thank you. I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve this, or especially what I’ve done to deserve you, but I couldn’t imagine a better way for my auction to have worked out,” she grinned. He returned the expression, looping their arms together once more.

  “I couldn’t imagine a better woman to spend my time with, truthfully. I’ve never really felt this way about someone before. Of course, I loved my wife when we were together, but this is somehow… different,” he managed, just scarcely able to get the words out. She felt her heart swell with adoration, resting her head on his shoulder as they walked side by side back to Jenny’s room. “I’ll be ordering delivery tonight, I thought the three of us could spend some time bonding,” he added as an afterthought, pausing outside his daughter’s door and meeting her gaze.

  “That sounds wonderful. You know, Mark, before I met you, I’d never believed I was worthy of the attention of someone like you. I still don’t feel quite worthy, but the fact that you picked me above all the others… it makes me feel wanted, for the first time in my life,” she whispered. His eyes widened in surprise, and she averted her gaze, not wanting to appear as vulnerable as she felt.

  “I’ll never understand how anyone could not want someone as kind, generous and beautiful as yourself,” he smiled. He captured her lips in one final, lingering kiss before drawing away. He knocked on Jenny’s door, and the young girl opened up, looking delighted to see her two favorite people waiting to greet her. “Jenny, honey, we’re ordering delivery. I’m assuming you want your usual from La Petite Pettigrew?” Mark inquired softly, snickering as his daughter turned scrutinous eyes upon him.

  “You’re not going to try and get me to eat snails again, are you?” She demanded. He smiled innocently, shrugging a shoulder much to Jenny’s obvious dismay. “Daddy, I hate snails! I don’t even look at them, let alone eat the gross things,” she whined rather dramatically. Jasmine hid a smile behind her hand, not wanting either to think she was taking sides.

  “No snails, alright, no snails. How about some squid?” He continued to tease, receiving a vaguely queasy look from his daughter.

  “Daddy,” she whimpered, dragging out the word.

  “Alright then. Smothered chicken, no veggies, extra cheese?” He finally allowed, much to Jenny’s obvious relief. “And the beef wellington for me, and… I think you would like the red snapper, Jasmine. It’s one of my favorite dishes, and not too heavy on the stomach,” he suggested, smiling wryly. Jasmine tapped her finger to her chin, seeming to consider his words.

  “Well, I am a fan of seafood,” she admitted, nodding decisively. “Alright, the red snapper for me. If I find you have led me astray, Mr. Stanford, you will pay dearly,” she said in a very serious voice. Jenny giggled, grabbing Jasmine by the hand and moving to pull her back into the playroom.

  “Daddy has the best taste, at least… when he’s not trying to make me eat snails and other yucky stuff,” she said, considering her father with a pout. Mark smiled adoringly, reaching out to pat his daughter on the head.

  “You know I just like to play with my girls,” he hummed. Jenny quirked her lips upward, considering Jasmine with a rather knowing expression. Jasmine reddened, looking between the two of them with a rather uncertain gaze.

  “I highly doubt your daddy was talking about me, Jenny,” she muttered nervously. Mark winked at the two of them before turning his back, slipping away to presumably place the delivery order.

  “It’s okay, Miss Jasmine. I don’t mind sharing my daddy. Especially with someone as nice as you,” the young girl chirped. She took Jasmine by the hand, drawing her into the play room once more. While Jasmine’s mind whirled with thoughts of Mark and their potential relationship, it just seemed like any other day for Jenny. Perhaps the young girl was more attached to Jasmine than even she had expected. When she had agreed to be Jenny’s nanny, she had certainly never imagined that she would have such a well-behaved child in her care. Then again, many things in the Stanford estate were coming as a surprise. She supposed at the rate things were going, she shouldn’t have been awfully shocked to find that Mark was secretly some sort of modern day knight. Instead of slaying monsters, however, Mark slayed evil exes. She chuckled at the thought, and without realizing, played the thought a bit into the doll soap opera that she and Jenny were organizing. Jenny was nothing short of thrilled by the turn of events, and Jasmine realized with a start that for the first time in her life, she felt as if she actually belonged. She felt as if she were where she was meant to be. All because she’d attempted to sell her virginity.

  Chapter Six

  The food they had that evening was nothing short of delicious, and everyone had done their share of picking off of each other's plate. Jenny was less picky than Jasmine might have expected, though she supposed she couldn’t blame the girl for her reluctance to eat snails or squid. The red snapper had hit the spot just right for Jasmine, and a touch of weariness settled over her once the dinner was consumed. Jenny fared no better after her large portion of chicken, and Mark considered the two females for a long moment, stepping towards Jenny to scoop his daughter up in his arms. She yawned, curling against her father’s chest as he carried her away from the table. Jasmine rose to her feet as well, trailing behind the two and trying to force herself to remain awake.

  “I swear, they put horse tranquilizers in the food they serve,” Mark hummed, bouncing Jenny a bit in his arms. She remained quiet, seeming content to fall asleep on her father’s shoulder.

  “I would believe it. I’m surprised that I’m even conscious right now,” Jasmine announced sleepily. Mark laughed, pausing to allow Jasmine to fall into step beside him. “How are you not exhausted?” She demanded blearily, giving Mark’s shoulder a little nudge. He considered her from the corner of his eye, quirking his lips upward.

  “What can I say? I’m a grown man, I’m used to eating more than my share,” he smirked. Jasmine rolled her eyes, leaning against the doorframe as the man slipped into his daughter’s room. He stepped towards her bed, laying the girl’s small frame in the center of the bedspread. He took a moment to tuck her in, kissing her forehead tenderly before stepping back. Jasmine watched the scene unfold with an increasingly familiar sense of adoration, drawing her lip between her teeth to smother her cooing at the precious scene.

  “So you’re not tired, whatsoever?” Jasmine inquired softly as Mark edged out of his daughter’s room. The older man grinned, reaching out to caress Jasmine’s cheek.

  “Not really. I suppose you’re ready to turn in for the night, though. I’ll walk you to your room,” he announced, taking her by the hand and guiding her along. She followed his lead, hesitating as they grew clos
er to her room and all but planting her feet to keep from progressing. “Something wrong?” Mark inquired gently, considering her expression carefully. She could feel the flush on her face, the betrayal of her eyes as they darkened in desire.

  “I’d like you to take me to your room,” she said softly. His eyes widened, and he stared at her as if he couldn’t believe what he’d just heard.

  “My… my room?” He repeated in a questioning tone. She nodded her head, fidgeting uncontrollably beneath his gaze. “For what reason?” He continued to prod, though he had paused in his path to her guest room.

  “I think that’s pretty obvious, Mark,” she answered, her voice hoarse. He reddened at the implication, but gripped her hand more tightly and drew her in closer. He leaned in to press their lips together, his tongue brushing her lower lip before probing for entrance. She parted her lips, swiping her tongue across his they tangled where they met. She tensed a hand in his hair, gasping breathily against his lips as he reached around her. Mark rested his hands on her perfectly round rear end, squeezing slightly. He seemed all too thrilled by the sharp gasp that tore itself past Jasmine’s lips, and she glanced over her shoulder to make sure they were not being watched. As he squeezed her butt once more, she whined, pressing her face against his shoulder. “I said take me to your room, not take me in the hallway,” she breathed against him. He chuckled, swiftly moving to scoop her up bridal style. She swallowed a squeal, wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her to his room with ease.


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