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Page 45

by Tia Wylder

  Zachary looks at me with an exasperated eye roll. “It’s barely the afternoon. You’re telling me you can’t run a background check and send out a few letters by 5 pm?”

  Another sigh echoes from the waiting room, and Zachary just shuts the door and walks back over to me. “Are you interested in taking over some of her responsibilities? If she sighs at me like that one more time, I might have to kill her, and honestly, I don’t have time for a murder trial.”

  I laugh despite myself. This jerk is undeniably charming; I can see why my sister fell for him.

  “I can certainly try, but I’ll be straight with you Mister Graham. I didn’t apply to work here to be a receptionist, or fetch coffee, or make copies. I want to work hard, and get as much as experience as possible while I’m in your office.”

  Zachary’s face gets a very mischievous look on it, and I know I’ve struck a chord. I know he’s not stupid enough to make any sort of advance toward me in my interview; he’s an entertainment lawyer, and I’m sure sexual harassment suits are half of his business. But there is an air of electricity floating around us, and it’s obvious both of us can feel it. I’m betting it had everything to do with his natural charm and probably accounts for how he’s able to manipulate vulnerable young girls into falling for him. I refuse to allow myself to get sucked in, no matter how many times he gives me that half-smile.

  “I’ll e-mail you tonight to make sure Marlena got you everything you needed. And you’ll be ready to start tomorrow?”

  “Ready as I’ll ever be,” I say with a smile. Zachary walks me out, his hand behind the small of my back without touching me. When he is standing so near to me, I am suddenly aware of how tall he is. He is towering over me, and I want nothing more than to get away from his as quickly as I can for many reasons. But if he is getting any sense of my discomfort, or confusion, he’s not letting on.

  “Marlena, can you please, at least, print off the forms for Ava to fill out before she leaves?”

  Marlena rolls her eyes and starts clicking until papers begin printing off behind her, but you’d think Zachary had asked her to run a marathon while performing a concerto on a slide whistle. I try not to shake my head, but I suspect my reaction is obvious because Zachary gives me a knowing glance as he retrieves the forms from the printer.

  “I have a phone conference in ten minutes, so I won’t be able to take this from you directly. But why don’t you fill them out, then slide them under my door? We wouldn’t want to tax my receptionist’s delicate constitution.”

  I snort laugh inadvertently, and Marlena shoots us both daggers. But Zachary ignores her as he walks back to his office, yet not before turning back to me. “9 am, on the dot.”

  I nod and give him my brightest smile. “You’ve got it!”

  Once he’s in his office with the door shut, Marlena begins tapping on her desk with her pen. “He’s a notorious playboy, you know. He flirts with everyone. I’m not sure what makes you think you’re so special.”

  Her jealousy is palpable, and hilarious in how misplaced it is. Just because the guy is flirting with me doesn’t mean I have any intention of returning his affection. Whatever affection that may be. I just shake my head at her and start filling out my forms. I’ve got a lot of work to do, and filling out forms is nothing compared to what will come later.

  I’ve got to make a billionaire playboy fall in love with me, then break his heart…

  Chapter Two

  I walk into my apartment and find my roommate, Liza, crashed out on the couch, watching TV, still in her roller skates, for some reason. She works at a 50s-style diner, and one of the requirements is that she serves tables while wearing a pair of vintage roller skates, so finding her exhausted after a day of work is not all that unusual. Finding her still in her uniform, however? Rare.

  “Liza? Did you skate home from the restaurant?” I ask as I drop my bag on the floor and collapse on the beat-up old sofa next to her. She moans.

  “Yes, actually. I forgot my cell at home so I couldn’t call a rideshare and Anthony forgot to pick me up again.”

  I shoot her a look that makes it clear I am angry on her behalf. It is common for her on-again-off-again boyfriend to just blow her off for dates, but recently, he’s also begun forgetting when he’s supposed to pick her up from her job, and it’s insane that she puts up with such atrocious behavior.

  “Liza, you really need to stop putting up with this garbage. You’re too good for Anthony, and you work too hard to waste your time with someone who isn’t worthy of you,” I say as I hand her a beer out of the little fridge next to the couch. She takes it, but then she smacks me on the leg.

  “He’s not that bad. He’s just… forgetful. Besides, you’re one to talk. You’re trying to seduce some dude for revenge. It’s like a romance movie, and you’re that blonde actress who is always giggling and acting stupid around the man she likes?”

  I laugh. “Liza, you just literally described every actress in every rom-com.”

  She waves a hand at me. “Whatever. You need to get your house in order before you start judging my life choices, sunny girl.”

  I can’t argue with her. Liza is the only person in the world who knows everything about Josie, what happened between her and Zachary Graham, and what I am planning to do. She thinks my plan is insane, and that I am going to regret it, and I can’t even tell her she’s wrong. I don’t know if this will work, or if Zachary will even be interested in me. But I know I must try. I must make things right for Josie.

  Liza reaches over and squeezes my hand reassuringly. “So, I take it you got the job, huh?”

  “Yup. It was a piece of cake. You know, if the cake involved working my ass off to get an amazing internship opportunity with the express purpose of making a sexy lawyer fall in love with me.”

  Liza turns to me with an eyebrow raised, her brown eyes dancing. “Sexy, you say? You think he’s sexy?”

  “It’s not a matter up for debate. He is empirically an insanely attractive man. I just have to keep reminding myself what a monster he is, you know? That my sister would still be alive if it weren’t for him and his behavior.”

  Liza crosses her legs, the wheels on her skates spinning and making a strangely soothing noise that lulls me into a false sense of security. When she crosses her legs, she’s about to drop a truth bomb on me. And I can feel the bomb getting ready to explode.

  “Honey, I just want you to keep something in mind. Josie was a wonderful girl, but she had… issues. You would know that, even if she didn’t. So, please remember that maybe, just maybe, her narrative might not be the most reliable. You go out there, and you get your revenge if it’s deserved, but keep an open mind. Some things may not be what they seem.”

  With that, Liza hops up on her skates and weaves her way toward her bedroom. “Wait! Where are you going? You can’t say something like that and then ditch me!”

  “I have to take a shower. I smell like fryer oil. And you need to get a good night’s sleep. You have to get up extra-early so you can… sexify yourself for your first day tomorrow.”

  The sound of her skates on the hard wood disappears into her bedroom, and I’m left mulling over her words.

  Could she be right? Could Zachary be a good guy?

  No. It’s too late to doubt myself now. And I have planning to do.

  * * *

  It is the morning of my first day of work at Harper, Graham, and Graham, and I need to make sure I look as amazing as possible. Liza’s mom works at the most exclusive clothing shop in Los Angeles, and she got me a huge discount on a sample designer jumpsuit with flowy black pants, a sequenced top, and just enough of a plunging neckline. I throw on a pair of knock-off red-bottomed red shoes, swipe on some makeup, pull my blonde hair into a high ponytail, and head for Zachary Graham’s plush office.

  When I arrive, five minutes early, the office is bustling in a way it wasn’t the day before. There are women and men running around, carrying stacks of papers and folders, and
gathering around each other’s desks to talk about work. A man that looks a lot like Zachary, but at least five years younger, rushes by me without noticing, heading straight for a cubicle in the back. I hear him start at whisper-shouting at a man inside.

  “Where the hell is Zach?”

  I can’t hear the other man’s answer. But the Zachary clone’s face turns red.

  “That singer won’t stop calling the main switch board, and they keep forwarding her calls to me. I don’t have time for this, and he was supposed to be in an hour ago. I have to be in court and if she calls my cell phone one more time…”

  He turns around and makes eye contact with me. I freeze in my tracks, like a deer in the headlights. “YOU!” he shouts so loudly; the whole office turns and stares at me.

  “Me what?” I ask, both terrified and confused.

  He stalks over to me. “You’re Zach’s new intern, right?”

  I nod, unable to form words. Up close, he’s just as attractive as Zachary, and it’s just as unnerving.

  “Come with me.”

  He starts running towards Zachary’s office, and I have to run double-time, almost triple in my stupid shoes, to keep up. When we get inside the office, the man sits down and picks up the phone with a sigh.

  “Ava, right?”

  I nod again, still finding myself devoid of the ability to speak. He just shakes his head at me. “I’m Donovan Graham, Zachary’s brother, and his partner in this law firm. And once again, I am picking up his slack, because he’s disappeared to god knows where. So, now that he’s hired an intern, you’ll be picking up his slack. And you’re starting here.”

  “Right, of course. Happy to help. But I literally just got here, so if you could maybe fill me in on what client this is regarding?” I ask, trying to hide my nervousness.

  “Hell, if I know!” he responds, clearly annoyed. “Some pop singer he just signed. A needy one. And she keeps calling the front desk because he’s not answering his cell phone, so they send her to me like I know what is going on. And I don’t. I’m writing down her number. I want you to call her and put her at ease until Zachary graces us with his presence. Can you do that?”

  Please don’t make me. “Yes, happy to.”

  Donovan gets up from the desk, shoves a piece of paper into my hand, then disappears into the hall, leaving me standing there. I look at the number and cross over to Zachary’s desk, dialing and sitting in his massively comfortable desk chair. It takes a moment, but a nervous, tiny voice answers.

  “Zachary! Finally! I’ve been calling all morning! I need to…”

  I cough to try and stop her from talking a-mile-a-minute. “Miss, this isn’t Zachary. This is Ava Webber, his intern. Zachary hasn’t arrived in the office yet, but I just wanted to call and assure you that he will be in soon, and we will be working on your case immediately.”

  I sit back in the chair and put my feet up on the desk, propping the phone against my shoulder as I look at the window on to downtown Los Angeles. The office really does have a beautiful view, and it’s so distracting, I almost forget that I’m on the phone. Until the tiny voice on the other end starts talking again.

  “Well, can YOU help me? I just need to know if Zachary received the e-mail from the producer I’ve been talking to. He’s been texting me incessantly, and I’m worried he’ll change his mind if things don’t start moving along some time soon. He’s one of the most well-respected guys in the industry, and I don’t want to blow my shot to work with him. You know?”

  I lean over to look at Zachary’s computer, but it’s password protected, so I can’t get into his email. I start looking through the files on his desk and realize I don’t even know who I’m talking to. “I’m sorry, love. What is your name? The switchboard didn’t tell me, and I’ve been working here about ten minutes.”

  She laughs. “Bethany Day. And yes, that Bethany Day. The one you’ve never heard of before.”

  Now it’s my turn to laugh. “Well, Bethany Day, there isn’t much I can do now, but I promise I will talk to Zachary as soon as he gets in.”

  As if on cue, I hear someone clear their throat in the doorway. When I look up, I see Zachary standing there, leaning against the doorframe with an amused grin on his face. Today, he isn’t wearing a suit, but perfectly snug dark jeans, and a loose V-neck white t-shirt, so his defined chest muscles are peeking out, along with a wisp of dark, manly chest hair. My mouth is agape, and I feel like I’ve been caught with my hand in the cookie jar. I quickly take my feet off his desk, then remember to say something Bethany.

  “I’ll have Zachary call you back, ASAP! More soon!” When I hang up, Zachary gives me a curious eyebrow raise.

  “Who am I calling back ASAP? And I’m happy to see you’ve made yourself comfortable. Can I get you a coffee?”

  “I certainly wouldn’t object,” I say without thinking, then vow to dial back the sass when he looks surprised. “It was Bethany Day. She’s been calling since sunrise apparently, and your brother was really mad that you weren’t here. They kept forwarding her to his cell phone, and he didn’t know what to do. So, he asked me to talk to her. Since you weren’t here. At 9 am. Like you said I should be.”

  Damn my sass.

  “I was at a few… informal… meetings about Bethany actually. And just because I said you had to be here at nine doesn’t mean I have to be. I am the boss, you know. Even though you’re dressed like a million dollars.”

  I know I’m blushing, but I try to stifle it as best I can. I don’t always react well to compliments, and even less so when they come from men that look like Zachary Graham. “That’s unimportant. And I think we can move on from your arrival time. Bethany mentioned something about a producer and text messages. I don’t know. You haven’t really filled me in anything yet.”

  Zachary sits in the chair across from me, seemingly enjoying the reversal in our roles. “Bethany Day is the artist I have signed on to represent. Entirely on spec, with the intention of being paid when she takes off, which she will. She’s incredible. She has this vibe… I can’t entirely explain it. But people will love her. So, I’ve been working my ass off to set up as much of a support system for her as I can. I was just meeting with a potential agent out in Malibu, hence the laid-back outfit. And the lateness.”

  I lean forward, curious, wanting to know everything possible now that I’m here. Just because I’m screwing with Zachary doesn’t mean I can’t do the absolute best job possible. I don’t do anything half-assed, and I won’t start now. Even when he’s looking at me with those sparkling, hazel eyes that seem to see right through me.

  “What agent?” I ask as I get a pen out of my bag.

  “Leilani Morgan, with The Grantham Group. They focus on women emerging in the industry and are the best at offering across-the-board support. The producer who is interested in working with her is Professor Sam, and the fact he’s interested at all is a huge deal for all of us.”

  I can’t help but be impressed. Professor Sam is a world-class producer who has worked with some of the most popular pop and hip-hop artists in the world. If he has a hand in your album, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have a number one hit. “And a manager?”

  Zachary smiles. “You know your stuff, Ava. Leilani suggested someone who is freelance and an absolute maniac. Her name is Batya Gavriella, and she loves working with emerging female artists. So, now we just need to get Bethany in a studio to record a proper demo, then start introducing her around to record companies, hoping someone sees what we saw, and signs her.”

  I have been jotting names down like a madwoman and trying to keep track of everything Zachary is saying. In spite of myself, I am excited to be a part of this, even if I want to punch Zach in the face. In his stupid, beautiful face. “You should probably call Bethany back. She seemed really nervous and excited, and I think she’s been waiting for you to get back to her for a while.”

  Zachary looks at his watch, then his phone. “Actually, since you’ve already spoken to he
r and established a rapport, why don’t you give her a callback? I have a meeting about something else, and could use the backup.”

  I feel panic set in at overseeing anything. Just because I got cocky sitting in his office doesn’t mean I suddenly want to oversee anything.

  “I’ve been here for an hour. I’m an intern, not an associate. I don’t think it’s a great idea for you to leave me in control of this huge new client.”

  Zachary stands up from his chair, his huge muscles bulging under his shirt and the sexy crinkles around his eyes amplifying as he smiles at me. “I trust you. You’re obviously brilliant. You’re confident, or you wouldn’t have plopped yourself down at my desk like you own the damn place. And let’s be honest, looking like you do, you could sell water to a drowning man. I don’t think I have anything to worry about. Plus, I’ll be back in an hour, and I think I’ll have something exciting to tell you. Lunch at The Grotto?”


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