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Number Neighbor

Page 4

by KD Robichaux

  HunterNumberNeighbor: What do you like about him? What makes him so special to you?

  His questions make it seem as though he’s annoyed. Maybe a tad jealous?

  No, it’s a text, and they always come off differently than what we try to convey. One reason why I usually hate texting. However, he must be reading my mind when he sends a follow-up response.

  HunterNumberNeighbor: I mean that in the nicest way possible, by the way. *smile emoji

  I smirk, but I can’t respond, because I hear Dr. Sage’s office door open, signaling he’s ready to see patients. I put my phone away and remind myself to answer Hunter at lunch.

  Chapter 6


  * * *

  It’s as if the second hand on my wall clock stops ticking with her words.

  I’m in love with my boss.

  In love? Not infatuated with or even just a crush. But in love? And she dropped this bomb with no regrets, no regard for her number neighbor’s feelings or obvious interest in her. Friend-zoned with one sentence.

  I have these feelings, deep feelings of desire for him, and he doesn't even know I exist.

  Oh how very wrong you are, lovely Ivy. You can’t walk into a room without every pair of eyes locking on you. There’s not a person in this building who doesn’t know you exist.

  My heart thumps inside my chest, “deep feelings of desire for him” on an eternal loop inside my mind as I open my office door, sliding my phone into my pocket before glancing out into the reception area of my private practice. I watch as Ivy tries to stealthily put away her cell phone before I see, but I catch her every movement, her every breath.

  God, how I want to reward her, tie her up and kiss and stroke every inch of her perfect skin. She’s in love with me. Has deep feelings of desire… for me.

  Before I do anything stupid, like walk up to her desk and profess my undying love for her, I move into Exam Room 1 for my first patient of the day.

  By the time I make it back to my office to eat my meal prep for lunch, Ivy is already gone from her desk. She’s probably in the break room with Jenika. If not, the only place she really likes to go for her lunch hour is the place around the corner that’s an all-day breakfast restaurant.

  My phone vibrated in my pocket several minutes ago, but since I was with a patient, I had to force myself not to read the text that could’ve only been from Ivy. All unprogrammed numbers in my new cell are blocked from notifications, so because she’s the only person in my Contacts, she’s the only person who would set off the ringer. I could barely concentrate on Mrs. Weaver’s concerns about her test results, knowing my woman had sent me a message but I was unable to read and respond. Right now, she’s probably thinking Hunter is ignoring her, mad that she is in love with someone else and jealous he no longer has a chance with her.

  I close my office door and hurry around my desk to my leather rolling chair, leaning down to pull my meal prep out of the mini fridge before popping it into the microwave for two minutes. And then I tug my cell out of my pocket, finally allowing myself to read her words.

  Ivy: Sorry it took me so long to respond. My boss has a strict no-cell rule. But I’m on lunch now. To answer your question… I… I don’t really know how to answer, really. I SHOULDN’T be in love with him. Not just because he’s my boss, but because… I don’t have a good reason to. Like I said, he doesn’t even know I exist. I get a clipped greeting from him every morning, and that’s about it. So he’s not particularly nice. He’s just… IDK. I feel a pull toward him I’ve never felt with anyone else.

  My heart pangs knowing I’ve made her feel invisible. But what else could I do? She’s so young, so innocent. I couldn’t bear the idea of openly flirting with her, and her in turn thinking I was harassing her, couldn’t stand she might think I was too old or was just taking advantage of my authority. If I were to come on to her, would she believe I did it to all my female employees? I’d rather keep my distance—well, at least that she was aware of—than have her think of me as some creep. So I was short with her, and everyone else who worked in my office, so there’d be no chance of her quitting to avoid the awkwardness.

  Ivy: What do I like about him? He’s the most handsome man I’ve ever seen. But that sounds so shallow. His intelligence is astounding. His patients adore him, because they say he’s so attentive and caring. I respect him so much. He’s in his mid-thirties and already owns his own practice. I mean, he’s just… amazing.

  Before I think better of it, I jump on something she just said.

  Me: “They say he’s so attentive and caring.” You don’t know this from personal experience? What kind of doctor is he?

  Ivy: He’s a gynecologist. And no. I’ve never actually been to a gyno before.

  Me: I’m no expert, but aren’t women supposed to start seeing one of those when they’re like… a teenager?

  Ivy: Well, if they happen to be sexually active when they’re a teenager, then yes. But as I told you last night, Mr. Judgy Pants, I’m still a virgin. So I’ve had no reason to go.

  Me: Okay, so I’m having a thought.

  Ivy: Oh, God. Ok. I asked if you were game, so lay it on me.

  Me: I clearly have no shot with you, since you’re in love with someone else. And while I think you’re absolutely stunning, smart, and funny as hell, I am not one to stand in the way of true love. If you feel a pull toward this dude that you’ve never felt before, then it obviously isn’t just a little crush that I would be able to distract you away from with my hard-earned 8-pack LOL! So I’m gonna help you get him.

  Do I feel guilty as hell for playing her this way, for keeping up the lie and not letting her know it’s actually me she’s speaking to about me?

  Fuck yes.

  Am I willing to give up this wide-open doorway of communication with the girl I’ve been so obsessively infatuated with for the past several months that I bought the house next to hers just so I could stalk her more easily?

  Fuck no.

  Because I have no doubt that when she finds out I’m her number neighbor, she’ll want absolutely nothing to do with me. Not only that, she’ll probably hate me for tricking her this way.

  But it’s too late now. I’m in too deep. I just want a taste of her. Just… one taste. And then I’ll tell her the truth.

  For now though, I’ve got the perfect plan.

  Ivy: Wow. Like… wow, Hunter. You are as genuinely sweet as your 8-pack is glorious. *big smile emoji So how are you going to help me get him? Especially when I can barely speak when he’s around. OMG. Speaking of! He gave me an assignment today! I felt like such a big deal! I know that sounds so stupid, but HE asked ME to do something for him. And I did it. And I didn’t fuck it up. So maybe now he’ll see he can ask me to do more for him, and he’ll continue to until we’re actually exchanging full sentences with each other. *wide-eye emoji

  I glance at the tray on the edge of my desk and grab the file folder out of it. Sure enough, she did exactly as I’d asked. Actually, she went above and beyond what I required, going so far as to highlight Mrs. Dower’s phone number so I could easily find it to call her, and she put a sticky note on one of the pages. Her neat handwriting makes me smile, seeing she labeled the blood test results for me so I wouldn’t have to search through the week’s worth of notes from the woman’s hospital stay.

  She’s fucking perfect.

  Me: Ok, now trust me on this. You’re going to want to say no. With your gymnophobia, you’re probably going to want to block me for even suggesting this, but like I said, just go with it.

  Ivy: Oh, God. I’m telling you right now, if you’re suggesting I just waltz into my boss’s office, strip off all my clothes, and pounce on him, you’re certifiable and absolutely no help, because that would NE-VER HA-PPEN.

  Me: Nope, not what I was going to say.

  Ivy: All right then. Bring it.

  Me: Lovely Ivy, it’s about time you make an appointment to see a gynecologist. Oh look, how convenient! You happen to w
ork for one.

  Ivy: WTF?! No way! I can barely speak to the man. You expect me to be able to drop trou and let him examine me??!!

  Me: Did I not warn you that you’d want to say no and just to trust me on this? Think about it, Ivy. He’s “attentive and caring” with his patients. You’d get to see a whole new side of him. Plus, you’d get his hands on your pussy, which is like… the whole point, right? What easier way than to schedule it into his appointment calendar? LOL!

  Outside my door, I hear her burst out laughing at her desk, so I’m not worried when I receive her next message.

  Ivy: I hate you.

  Me: Oh, is it opposite day? Man, I haven’t played that since I was a kid. *wink emoji But for real. Are any of your coworkers also his patients?

  I obviously know the answer before she sends it, but her explanation makes my chest feel full.

  Ivy: Yes. All of my female coworkers are his patients. At first, I thought it was because all of them think he’s deliciously gorgeous like I do. But come to find out, it’s because he’s really a damn good doctor and they don’t trust anyone else.

  To hear she thinks so highly of me makes me long for her in a way I’ve never felt before.

  Me: So there’s your opening. No pun intended. Make an appointment. He’ll have no choice but to talk to you then.

  Her little growl of annoyance from the reception area makes me grin, especially when I receive her short reply.

  Ivy: Fine.

  Chapter 7


  * * *

  My palms are sweating and my fingers feel numb and stiff as I put my name down for his 6:00 p.m. appointment. His last one for the day. Usually, I leave at 5:30 after we check in the final patient. Well today, I’m that final patient, and it’s going to be just him and me in that room.

  I feel the distinct sensation of nausea rising in my stomach. I can’t believe I let Hunter—who, I might add, is still very much a stranger—talk me into this. I oddly feel completely safe with him. It’s as if I can be candid and unafraid when I’m talking to him. Not only that, but this whole number neighbor game has just risen to a whole new level, and the playing field has grown far too scary for someone too afraid to play. So I’ve gotta pull up my big girl panties and be brave.

  I won’t back down. Something in me fights those voices of my phobia and anxiety. Besides, he sees hundreds of vaginas a month. Mine is nothing special.

  I click Save on the appointment setter screen and swallow back the rising bile.

  “Shit,” I whisper, seeing it is too late now. The appointment has been locked and he has been notified. I stand and start to pace, going to the printer and grabbing medical records, clumsily bringing them back to my desk. I can’t breathe. The room feels small and I feel giant in it.

  HunterNumberNeighbor: So? Do you have a date with the doctor or what?

  His message distracts me, causing a nervous smile to spread on my cheeks.

  Me: Yes. I regret it. Wish me luck.

  HunterNumberNeighbor: You will do great. I know it.

  Me: Yes, spread eagle in front of my boss—who I so badly want to bend me over one of his exam tables to make love to me—while he stares at my crotch. That won’t be awkward at all.

  HunterNumberNeighbor: I told you, lovely Ivy. If I were him, I would take full advantage of that beautiful gift you are literally putting in front of him. What if he comes on to you? Do you want that?

  I gulp. The reality? Yes. God, I want him so badly, and maybe I think I would want him to come on to me, because I know it won’t happen. So the fantasy is something I can relish in without so much fear.

  Me: I want him to do whatever he wants to me. Haven't you ever felt that way about a woman before? You just want to ravish her in the most animalistic way. Possess her, because she wants it?

  HunterNumberNeighbor: You have no idea. I’ve been there. The lust is kinetic. You feel this pull of gravity and you think even being inside them isn't close enough. I have been there before.

  His words are hot and stoke the lust I’m feeling. Hunter has a sensual way about him, and if I weren't so caught up on my boss, I probably would have tried something with him. Most likely a phone fling, because I wouldn't have the balls to do anything else. But he is charming and arousing through our messages.

  Me: I wish he would see me like that. Maybe this was a bad idea. I’ll just be another patient, Hunter. What is this even going to do? It’ll just make it even more awkward when he’s so curt with me. This won’t get his attention.

  HunterNumberNeighbor: Well, care to wage a bet? If you go in there, spread open that beautiful body to him, and something doesn't ignite in him, then he’s a damn fool. And I’m always willing to be here as your back up. *wink emoji

  HunterNumberNeighbor: I’ll put $50 on it.

  I blush, rolling my eyes.

  Me: Such a dude. *eye-roll emoji

  HunterNumberNeighbor: Good luck, lovely Ivy. Talk to you very soon. Can’t wait to be $50 richer.

  I put my phone away and bide my time, the minutes going in slow motion, feeling like hours all on their own. God. What am I doing?

  * * *

  I pace the room, standing in the paper robe Dr. Sage has his patients wear. My panties are still on, because I can’t seem to fully commit. I tried to talk myself out of this. Jenika left twenty minutes ago, and fuck if she didn't give me all kinds of shit today for setting myself an appointment.

  I’m playing with fire.

  He’s your boss!

  I let a small sound rush out of my mouth. Rushing toward the chair to grab my clothes to back out, I’m stopped by a rap on the door. It’s too late to change my mind.

  “Ivy? Can I come in?”

  He’s here, and I’m already aching in my core, the sound of his voice causing a pool of arousal to collect at my center. I hurry and climb on the table, sitting flat on my ass and doing my best to cover myself up.

  “Uh… um, yeah!” I holler, my voice shaking. Great. Just great.

  He walks in and looks me over once, glancing down at my new patient paperwork just a split second later. It gives me time to look at him in the way I really like to. He’s tall, 6’2”, with slabs of muscles not even close to being hidden behind his navy slacks, white button-up, and emerald green tie. His shiny brown oxfords are large, showing the substantial size of his manly feet. He’s breathtaking and exotic.

  “How are you feeling today?” He sets my chart down and sits on the round, backless rolling chair, moving across the room until he’s inches from me. His eyes dart to mine and my throat goes dry as if it were the damn Sahara Desert.

  “Um, okay. I just needed a checkup?” It comes out unsure, and I all but face palm myself right there.

  “A checkup. Is that a question or statement?” He smiles, a soft laugh tumbling from his beautiful lips. He’s never smiled or laughed in front of me like that before. Must be that bedside manner and patient charm they are always boasting about.

  “Yeah, sorry. I’m just nervous. This is my first appointment, and you're my boss. This is all just… odd.”

  His eyes flash, looking me over again. He looks stoic, and sexy, and oh so fuckable.

  I can’t do this!

  “I’m not your boss in here, Ivy. Not even close.”

  My breath catches. What was that? Did he mean something by that or am I just so oversensitive and aroused that I’m reading too much into it?

  “Oh. Okay.” He looks at me for a brief moment, and I squirm under his gaze.

  “I have to ask you a few questions. Please answer them to the best of your knowledge.” He turns and grabs his tablet off the table with my chart.

  “Last menstrual cycle?”

  My cheeks heat already. “Two weeks ago. My last day was the 9th.”

  He nods, entering in the information. “Are you on any medications? Birth control? Health management? Any type of therapy?”

  I tuck my hair behind my ear and gear up, my hands playing with one
another in my lap. “Just Xanax for anxiety on rare occasions.”

  He peers up, tilting his head and gaging me. “Specific causes of anxiety?”

  I nod, knowing where this is going. “I have gymnophobia.”

  He bites his bottom lip then and look at my hands in my lap. That has me squirming in my seat. That lip needs to be between my teeth.

  “Birth control?”

  He doesn't address my phobia further and I am thankful. I’m not here to talk about that. In fact, I’m here to get over it.

  “No. I would like to be though. I don’t really know my options.”

  Setting the tablet down, he rolls back over to me, placing his hands on my knees, and I do shiver this time.

  “Okay, we can talk about those options today. Let’s get to the pelvic exam first.” He caresses my knees with his thumbs, and if I weren't so sure I’m reading into everything too much, I’d swear he’s teasing me, arousing me on purpose—claiming me.

  “Are you sexually active?”

  “No,” I whisper.

  “You planning to become sexually active?”

  I swallow deeply.

  “Uh… I don’t… I don’t know.” It comes out almost as a moan, and then his eyes come up to mine. Something sparks between us, electricity igniting his touch and jolting through me.

  “Lie back.”

  I do what he says without batting a lash. I watch as his eyes flash, and I’m hypnotized by it. I try to tell myself to be calm and stop making this all up in my head, but he holds my gaze and makes it impossible. This isn't real—

  Oh my God.

  As I stop dead in the middle of that thought, he does something that isn't supposed to happen, and I know I’m not reading into something innocent. I whimper. Dazed, confused, turned on, and a ball of mixed emotions from both ends of the spectrum.

  Dr. Sage takes one of my ankles and places it on his shoulder, nipping at the skin of my calf before taking the other and putting it on his other shoulder. His eyes never leaving mine as I whimper, my chest rising and falling rapidly, as my heart races a mile a second.


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