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After the World Ended (Among the Stars Volume 0)

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by C.O. Amal

  Today we do not have to go for hunting. A stag’s meat will last up to two weeks. So I can relax two weeks. In these days I usually go to the edges of the New Soberfield and visit other survivors mainly for news. In these days we need all the news we can get. Mainly me and Luc are the news collectors.

  Usually you can see Parker, Danny and Jacobson trying to bring back old technologies. They have a collection of flash lights, old radios and cell phones but all those handy equipment don’t have the enough battery power, and now they are just something you can watch behind a glass layer.

  When I reached in front of Luc’s house he was doing something with Hanna. When he saw me he quickly stood up and paced towards me.

  “What were you doing?” I asked.

  “Oh, her doll’s eye got outside. I fixed it for her.” Luc said.

  “Are you ready to go to Johnny’s house?” I asked.

  “Yeah. Let’s go.” He said.

  We slowly started walking. Johnny is a middle aged man who often wander further away from New Soberfield. He has an extraordinary skill to collect news. He know about more things you cannot even imagine. He had said that he worked for a secret government organisation. And it is he who first told us about idea of a plague trying to destroy us.

  We haven’t reached much when an old man with a large beard appeared in front of us. He looks friendly. So I immediately began my news collector’s job.

  “Hey, where are you going to?” I asked.

  But I already knew what he is going to say. They all said the same.

  “I am going to a sanctuary.” He replied. “You can join me if you want.”

  “No thanks. We are happy here.” I said.

  “Oh, happiness won’t last longer. Most of the places in the direction you’re now going to is filled with them.” He said.

  “What? Who is them?” I asked.

  “The crazies, of course.” He said.

  “How did you escape?” Luc asked eager to know more about it.

  “Oh, they let me go.” He said.

  “Let you go? Why? I mean, aren’t they the one who kill people?” I asked confused.

  “Oh, I forgot. They are now spreading a word about a new religion. They claim that they have found god. I don’t have any idea what those crazy bastards are saying, but I agreed with them and they let me go.” He said.

  “What the? Are we going to be safe?” I asked.

  “Oh! I again forgot. These days I forget a lot. They are burning people, who opposed with them, in a stake. You better escape here and come with me to the sanctuary if you don’t want to be the part of the crazies, of course.” He said.

  “But how could there be a sanctuary among these forest lands? As far as I know this plague had spread throughout the world. That means there is no sanctuary.” I said.

  “I am not going to change your mind but the dreams I have are visions to the future. This lady told me everything about the works of the crazies and so far they all were true. These crazies were once normal people that you may know already, but these people don’t have any idea what is happening around them. Someone is trying to divert us from something. My guess is that the real end of the world haven’t reached here yet.” He said.

  “Who is the lady?” I asked.

  “It is she who appear in my dreams. She told me what I need to know. Soon you may also have this dreams. And one more thing. If I were you, I would probably stay away from those crazies.” He said. “I need to reach a certain location before the sun goes down. So I am going.” The old man left the scene.

  Me and Luc stayed there until the old man went away from our sight.

  “I think we need to check on Johnny.” I said.

  “Yeah. I totally agree.” Luc said.

  We quickly continued our journey.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 4

  A.D. 2087, New Soberfield

  Me and Luc increased our pace to Johnny’s house. A moment later we ran. We passed a bridge and entered into a place where many buildings are standing. Most of the buildings had crumbled in the war and nature took all of them.

  Road is filled with rusted old vehicles and we rushed through the now leaves covered road. We were about one mile away from Johnny’s house when we saw smoke rising through the trees. We stopped and examined our surrounding. It isn’t normal that smoke rising in great amount. We slowly moved forward. Before long we saw the reason for the smoke.

  In a distant behind a building there is a big fire going on. And then we saw them. The crazies. They had surrounded the place and they does look like normal people. Not further away there are people tied to a stake. They are surrounded by fire woods.

  One of the mad men is reading a book aloud. We stayed behind a building and peeked at the mad men.

  “Oh, lord of all things, wash away the sins of these young men in the holy fire. Each day more people are falling to the demons’ hands. Show your face to these men and cast away the demon horde.” The mad man said. “Lit them up.” The man said to a nearby mad man with a fire torch.

  The man with the torch slowly moved towards the stake.

  “Please let us go. We will join you.” One of the men who had tied to the stake said.

  “You can join us in heaven. Oh, lord, show these men a little mercy.” The man lit the stake using the torch.

  Within moments fire consumed everything. Scream of people filled the air. Then the mad men moved towards another stake. They repeated the words from the book and the man with torch moved towards the stake. That’s when I noticed the men who had tied to that stake. One of them is Johnny.

  “Oh man, Johnny is in that stake.” I said.

  “What should we do?” Luc asked.

  “We can’t do anything. Look at those crazies. They are everywhere.” I said.

  That stake also began to burn away. People who were tied to the stake screamed at high pitch sound. The mad men aren’t showing any mercy. It’s actually a miracle the old traveller we saw earlier escaped from these men.

  “Commander, where to next?” A man asked the mad man with the book.

  “We need to kill all these bitches living in this place. They don’t deserve to be part of our holy group. God has spoken and he told us to exterminate all the threats. Search all this place and bring all those fuckers here. We will burn them in the holy fire.” Commander said.

  I heard it clearly and I don’t need any more seconds to take a decision.

  “Luc, let’s get out of here.” I said.

  “Okay.” Luc Whispered.

  We quickly bolted into a run.

  “What are we going to do? They will come to our place soon.” Luc asked.

  “I think it’s time for us to leave that place.” I said.

  “Where would we go?” Luc asked.

  “To the sanctuary, of course. We don’t have any other place to go.” I said.

  “Do you think they will agree?” Luc asked.

  “They don’t have any other choice. If those crazies found us death is certain.” I said.

  Luc nodded.

  We quickened our pace and before long we reached our home. Danny and Parker were just outside the house doing something.

  “Parker, Danny, where is Jacob?” I asked without taking a breath.

  “He is inside his house.” Danny said. “What is it?”

  “It’s the damn crazies. They are here. We need to leave this place fast. Quickly pack your things.” I said.

  They don’t need further instructions. They quickly began their job. Luc went inside his house to call his father and mother. I quickly got inside my house.

  “Maria? Maria?” I called out.

  “Yeah. I am in here.” Maria said from the kitchen.

  She was busy preparing the lunch. I quickly got inside the kitchen.

  “Stop what you’re doing, and pack your things. We are leaving.” I said.

  “What is it?” She asked.

  “Crazies are here.” I said. “
Now move out.” I demanded.

  Maria quickly began her job. I put a pair of clothes in my back pack. Maria did the same. I also took some knifes, match boxes and lots and lots of candles.

  At the time Maria and I exited the house, others were already out of their houses.

  “Okay everyone. We will move south. If there are normal people out there, they are towards the south. It is in that direction people who were looking for the Sanctuary went. So we will also go in that direction.” I said.

  Everyone nodded. Hanna quickly let go of her father’s hand and she held on to Maria’s hand.

  We slowly began our journey.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 5

  A.D. 2087, Edges of New Soberfield

  I led everyone in the south direction. We passed more rusted cars on the way. We also saw some apple trees. Everyone filled their back packs with fresh apples. Each time when we were near any water sources such as streams or rivers, we checked our water situation and filled our water bottles.

  Fresh water in this new world is always safe to drink without any filtration methods. Water sources are originated from the mountains and they are always clean. If we think they are not clean we could always drink water from the vines. Vines contains the freshest of the waters.

  “They may catch up with us if we are moving in this speed.” Luc said.

  “They were miles away when we last saw them. So no need to worry.” I said.

  Suddenly a man jumped in front of us.

  “Where are you all going to?” The man asked with a grin.

  By the way he talks it is clear that we have ourselves a crazy!

  “That’s none of your concern.” I said.

  “Joe, he looks friendly. Is this how we talk to a new person?” Jacobson asked.

  I tightened my grip on my bow and arrow. “Jacob, we don’t have any more place for another person and we will be late.” I blinked my one eye at Jacobson indicating that I am trying to save his arse.

  “Late for what?” Jacobson looks like don’t have any experience with eye tricks.

  “Jacob, we can’t be late. Did you forgot it already?” At least Sophie understood my sign.

  “I don’t care you’re late for anything. You all go back the way you came or I am gonna rip your throat out.” The crazy said with a crooked grin.

  Now everyone in my group understood why I lied. I quickly aimed my arrow at the crazy.

  “Go back where you have come from or I will be the one who is gonna rip your throat.” I said.

  “Let’s see you try bitch.” The crazy took a knife from his waist band.

  I looked at Maria. Maria quickly understood what my facial expression meant. She closed Hanna’s eyes with her hands.

  The crazy screamed and rushed towards my group. Without a second thought I released my arrow from my bow. With a swoosh, the arrow went straight through the crazy’s neck. He dropped dead.

  “Run. More will be on us at any moment.” I said.

  We quickly bolted into a run. Maria lifted Hanna in her arms and she carried Hanna with her.

  Before long we reached near the grass field from where we had hunted yesterday. We slowly walked through the thick tall grass. In a distance a herd of deer grazed through the grass. Birds chirped from the trees. And crickets began to sing. It is about evening and sun is in bright orange colour in the horizon.

  We ran most of the way. We walked a little. By the time we reached the edges of New Soberfield we were all tired. We stopped under a tree for a moment and drank water from our water bottles. Each of us have three water bottles full of water. We don’t know whether the land we are walking in to have water or not. We took precautions in every way.

  It is spring season and on the way we saw large fields full of beautiful flowers.

  “Wow. Can I grab one flower?” Hanna asked.

  “Yes. Go ahead.” Maria said.

  Maria stopped behind us and she looked at Hanna who went to pluck a flower. Hanna quickly returned with a handful of red and yellow coloured flowers.

  “Maria, keep walking.” I called out.

  “Yeah. Coming.” Maria said.

  Maria and Hanna ran rest of the way to reach near us.

  “Don’t stop like that okay. We wouldn’t know if someone tried to kill you.” I said to Maria.

  “Don’t be jack ass Joe. We weren’t that far. She needed a flower so we both stopped. Look how beautiful they are.” Maria said pointing at the flowers in Hanna’s hands.

  “This is spring. There will be plenty of flowers where we are going.” I said.

  “Okay, okay.” Maria said wanting me to shut up.

  I nodded and walked in the front line with Luc. Luc and me are the hunters in our group and it is our duty to protect the rest of them. Danny, Jacobson and Parker are pretty old and they are not up for a fight if it comes to that even though they have an athletic body.

  Darkness slowly began to creep through the land. Roar and growl of wild animals came from various corners.

  “We will stay in that building for the night.” I said pointing at a two story building.

  The building looks secure and it is something you would not pick for the night, so no one will be looking for us in that.

  Everyone agreed and we walked towards the building.

  * * * * *

  Part 2 – Wandering in the Forest

  Chapter 6

  A.D. 2087, Unknown Location

  We got inside the building and examined all the rooms. Everything is in ruin. We checked the living room and it is found to be cleaner than the rest of the building. So we cleaned the living room a little more by removing the chairs and tables to a side.

  We spread out a plastic sheet on the floor and we all cuddled in the large clean sheet. Outside is mostly plunged in darkness. We slowly lie down on the plastic sheet touching each other. With the thoughts about the sanctuary I closed my eyes.

  * * *

  I woke up with the sound of birds. When I opened my eyes I found myself in a green field.

  “What the hell?” I asked myself.

  I slowly walked around and found no one.

  “What the hell happened?” I asked myself. “Where is everybody?”

  The field is very big and as far as I can see this place is filled with grass. There are trees there and there and on the trees there are birds chirping so loudly. Sound of birds is actually very sweet and pleasant to my ears.

  I walked towards a higher ground and when I reached higher, I looked around. I see grass everywhere but no people. Wait a minute. Far away under a tree nearby a stream there is a young woman sitting on the grass.

  “Thank, god.” I said myself.

  I ran all the way to the lower grounds, towards the small stream. When I reached there I found that woman staring at me.

  “Hello, where am I?” I asked.

  The woman smiled. I can’t shake away the fact that she is beautiful than all the girls I have seen so far. Her radiant face really is tempting. Her white shirt and white skirt are glowing with radiant colours. For a moment I lost in thoughts staring at her. Silence greeted me.

  “Where do you think you are?” She broke the silence.

  “Well, this must be a dream, right? And you must be an angel from heavens.” I said.

  She giggled. “You’re right about the dream part, but I am no angel.”

  “Then who are you?” I asked. “As far as I know only angels have such a radiant face.”

  “I am nature. And my name is Evelyn.” She said.

  I looked around confused. “Nature? You mean mother nature?” I asked.

  “Yes.” She smiled.

  “What am I doing here? And how is this possible?” I asked still confused.

  Evelyn paced towards me and when she reached near me, she touched my brow. Her skin met mine and electricity passed through my body. I felt, relaxed. I felt, I am at peace.

  “You looks tired of running.” She said.

“Yeah.” I said. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

  “You’re here because I called you. I am in danger and I need help from people like you.” She said.

  “What danger?” I asked.

  “Dawn is near and my time is limited. Go south until you reach a waterfall. Above the waterfall you will find your answers. And most importantly stay away from people. Their words are trickery and they may change your path.” She said.

  I still am confused.

  “Don’t forget, stay away from strangers until you’re at the waterfall.” She reminded me.

  “Joe? Joe? Wake up Joe.” I heard Maria’s voice.

  Suddenly light filled my eyes. And I found myself lying on the floor of the ruined building. Maria is shaking me. Outside sunlight illuminated everything.

  “Get up Joe. We need to leave.” Maria said.

  “I have a dream about the sanctuary!” I said.

  “What?” Maria asked.

  “It was like the travellers had told me.” I said.

  “So where to?” She asked.

  “We should still go in the south direction.” I said.

  “Okay. Get up fast, Luc is waiting for you. In fact everyone is waiting for you.” She said.

  I quickly stood up and took my back pack from the corner. I put on the back pack on my shoulders and followed Maria to outside. I found everyone readied to continue the journey.

  “Are we continuing the journey?” Jacobson asked.

  “Yeah. We should stick to the south.” I said.

  We slowly started our little walk through the now leaves covered road.

  * * * * *

  Chapter 7

  A.D. 2087, Soxenberg

  We slowly moved through the road. The road is mostly claimed by nature and there is only a narrow way left now. There are rusted vehicles on the side of the road but trees had grown out of them. Vines have covered most of the trees.

  After about an hour of walk we saw signs of human life again. Not far from where we stood we saw a small village of survivors. From this distance we can’t say they are normal or the crazies. Maria took her binocular from her bag and looked. She then handed me the binocular. I accepted it and looked through its scope. I can see kids playing and people talking each other.


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