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Filthy Cowboy

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by Amy Brent


  Amy Brent


  Filthy Cowboy

  Billionaire Romance Action Series

  Sports Secret Baby Romance

  Older Man Younger Woman Romance

  Billionaire Navy SEAL Adventures

  Auctioned to the Billionaire Cowboy

  Christmas with 3 cowboys

  Exclusive Excerpt and Cover Reveal: Boss Me Please!

  Similar Books by the Author

  Copyright © 2017

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.

  Personal Note


  I am Amy Brent. I love reading and writing steamy romances that are full of heat, heart and humour!

  First I want to thank you for choosing to read my book. You have no idea what this means to me - you have chosen to give me your time, your trust and your openness - I am so grateful that you have opened up your heart to my words!

  For your reading pleasure, I have included a few bonus stories right after the main book.

  Included with this book are two exclusive cowboy romances - Auctioned to the Billionaire Cowboy and Christmas with 3 cowboys. You will love Christmas with 3 cowboys if you love cowboy menage romances.

  Also included is an EXCLUSIVE COVER REVEAL AND EXCERPT from my yet to be released ‘BOSS ME PLEASE’

  (Boss Me Please releases on March 9th, 2017)

  I hope you have as much fun reading this book as I had writing it!

  So go on, Spoil Yourself Crazy!

  xoxo, Amy


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  Also get the three part series - The Billionaire’s Property for FREE!

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  It doesn’t matter who you are or what you look like, so long as somebody loves you

  Roald Dahl

  Filthy Cowboy

  I swear, Luke Daniels is as stubborn as a mule and hung like a horse. He spends his time drinking whiskey, riding bulls, and sleeping with every horny woman in west Texas. I gave him my virginity and my heart when I was just a girl. Now, it’s payback time…

  I haven’t seen Luke in six years. He was my first lover, my first love, and the first boy to break my heart. But he had his dreams and I had mine, so I was fine with never ever seeing him again.

  Okay, that’s a lie. I’ve missed him every day – and every night – for six years. I long to have him back in my life. And back in my bed. And back between my legs.

  Then he’s almost killed by a bull and I’m sent to bring him home. The old spark instantly ignites. All I can think about is riding him like a bucking bronco, like I used to, even though he’s stitched up like a baseball and not supposed to do anything strenuous.

  The question is, now that we’re back together, will Luke come to his senses and stay with me? Or will the lure of the rodeo once again tear him from my arms?

  Luke Daniels

  Here’s a tip for you fellas out there the next time you’re laid up in the hospital after a goddamn bull gores the living shit out of you at a rodeo.

  Hell, I guess this is a good tip regardless of why you’re laid up.


  If you ever get the chance to fuck a hot young nurse in your hospital room bathroom, I highly recommend you take it. Just grab that bull by the horns and ride her like there’s no tomorrow.

  That hot young nurse had been giving me warm-lotion hand jobs for three days, ever since they took the catheter out of my pecker so I could piss on my own. Shit, she’d had my pecker in her hand more than I’d had it in mine.

  Started out, she was just gonna help me into the bathroom to take a piss. I wasn’t wearing anything but one of those flimsy hospital gowns, which she untied and tugged down my arms after coming into the bathroom with me and closing the door. I stood there naked as the day I was born, with my long pecker dangling between my legs for the whole world to see.

  Without a word, she reached down and cupped my balls with her left hand and started tugging on my pecker with her right. The damn thing went hard in her hand so fast it made her moan.

  She let go of my pecker, then pushed down her scrub pants to her ankles and leaned over the sink and stuck out her ass and said, “Fuck me hard with that big old thing, cowboy. Fuck me hard right now.”

  Never let it be said that Luke Daniels didn’t follow a medical professional’s advice. I dug my fingers into her hips and squared up behind her, then drove my big old pecker into her tight little twat like pushing a sausage through a straw. Hot damn, this little girl was tight, man. Tightest little pussy I’d ever seen. Course, any pussy’s gonna be tight when you stick something in it as big as my pecker. Still, I looked down to make sure I’d stuck it in the right hole.

  That little nurse grunted every time I thrust it into her, like it was pushing all the wind out of her lungs. I put my hands on her chubby little ass cheeks and watched my pecker slide in and out of her. I could only get about half of my pecker inside her, but it felt like heaven on a stick. My balls were tight as walnuts and I could feel the blood pumping in my loins.

  There is no better medicine, in my opinion, regardless of what ails a man, than a piece of sweet, young, tight pussy. I love the way it feels, the way it looks, the way it smells, and the way it tastes.

  I’m telling you, fellas, if they could bottle this little gal’s pussy the world would be a healthier place. And you and me would be addicted with the first dose.

  As I hammered into her, listening to her gasp and moan, I thought about what sweet, caring individuals nurses were, especially the ones who had to put up with the likes of me. I was a lousy fucking patient, no pun intended. If that goddamn bull’s horn hadn’t ruptured my appendix and spleen, I would have just put a Band-Aid over the gash and gone on about my day.

  Not that I had any say in the matter when it happened.

  As I understand it, I was laying there in the goddamn dirt with my guts spilling out all over my sterling silver National Rodeo Champion belt buckle and the fucking rodeo clowns were all puking their guts out around me. If there hadn’t been a veterinarian there wrapping a horse’s leg I would have probably bled to death right there in the Houston arena, like goddamn Spartacus or something.

  Fucking rodeo clowns. Goddamn pussies, every single one of them.

  Anyway, like I was saying, nurses are such caring, sweet individuals who go above and beyond to take care of their patients. God bless their souls and God bless this little girl riding my pecker who was now making sounds like her top was about to blow.

  She was bent over the sink with her cheek pressed to the mirror, holding onto the sides of the sink for dear life, saying she was about ready to cum. I was right there with her, buddy. The moment she slid home I was coming in right behind her.

  I suddenly learned that not all nurses are that dedicated to the health and rehabilitation of their patients. The one that jerked open the bathroom door and started screaming when she caught me slamming my sausage into the young nurse’s twa
t did not see the humor of the situation.

  She was a fat old hag with a butch haircut and a face that could stop a clock. She stood there in the doorway, getting all red-faced and fuming like she’d caught us fucking in the back of the church or something.

  I gave her an “I’ll be with you in a minute” smile, but didn’t stop what I was doing. I just kept hammering it to the young nurse while she stayed bent over, grabbing the sink and grunting each time my big old cock slammed into her tight box.

  I could see sweet thing’s face in the mirror. She didn’t acknowledge the nurse standing in the doorway watching us. She just kept her eyes closed and her mouth hanging open. I reckon she figured she was screwed anyway (again, no pun intended), so she might as well hang in there long enough to get her rocks off rather than stop midstream. Or mid-stroke...

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” the old nurse wailed after she had watched us for ten of fifteen seconds. I reckon it took her that long to comprehend that she wasn’t imagining things.

  “I’m just doing my physical therapy,” I said, my hands tight on the girl’s hips to hold her steady while I rammed it to her good. I shook my head and grinned at the old bat without missing a beat. “I had no idea how much better this would make me feel. You ought’a give this little gal a raise. She’s a goddamn miracle worker.”

  “Stop that before you bust your stitches!” she yelled, waving her hands at me.

  “Darlin’, I’m not gonna stop till I bust this nut,” I yelled back, ignoring the pain that was ripping through my left side where the bull had gutted me. His fucking horn stabbed into my guts about six inches they said, then he picked me up like a rag doll and shook his big old head, twisting my guts around like a meat grinder before tossing me to the side.

  The doc had patched up my guts and sewn up the gash about a week ago, so I was still healing. There was a big bandage on my left side covering the wound, with a mile of gauze wrapped around my waist to keep it in place.

  I also had several cracked ribs and they were taped up, but they didn’t bother me much. I’d cracked my ribs so often I felt funny if I didn’t have a pain when I breathed.

  Even though it hurt like a motherfucker and I could look down to see blood soaking into the bandage, I wasn’t gonna stop poking it to this little gal until I blew my load in her hot box. I expected the old nurse would understand and be okay with it after she had time to think things over. Every man feels better after bustin’ a nut.

  And brother, I was getting close and I was feeling fine.

  The young nurse moaned and pushed her ass back against me. My big old pecker just kept ramrodding her like a derrick drilling for oil. She said she was cumming, so I quit holding back and came right along with her.

  I was glad we were about done. The old nurse standing in the door watching us was starting to give me the creeps.

  I closed my eyes and gritted my teeth and came like a bursting dam. I gave her a few more good thrusts just to make sure she got hers, then collapsed back on the toilet seat.

  My big old cock slid out of her and flopped wet and nasty against my leg.

  My side hurt like a son of a bitch.

  The patch covering the wound was now drenched with blood. Blood was seeping from under the bandage, sluicing down my left hip and leg like a little stream running south.

  The last thing I remembered before blacking out was the old nurse yelling at the young one, the young one tugging up her pants and crying, and thinking that I had died just like I wanted to; while fucking a sweet young piece of pussy that milked my old pecker like a milking machine.

  And if that had been the last thought to go through my head, that would have been just fine with me.


  I woke up back in the hospital bed where I’d been lying for the last week. The doctor was there, a humorless little fucker with thick glasses and cold hands named Shively. He was shining a fucking bright light in my eyes and asking if I knew my name.

  “My name is get that fucking light out of my eyes,” I said, trying to wave him away with a hand that wasn’t quite working right. I heard him say something to the old nurse who had walked in on me boning the young thing. She was on the other side of the bed, changing the dressing over the gash in my side. Obviously, the woman had no comprehension of the concept of being gentle. She was poking and prodding me with the finesse of a goddamn one-armed butcher.

  “You can’t get out of bed without assistance, Mr. Daniels,” the doctor said, sliding the pin light into the front pocket of his white lab coat. He leaned over my belly and poked his fingers around the wound. Lightning bolts of pain shot through me and almost made me jump off the bed.

  “Fuck, man,” I said, leaning my head up to glare at him. “Get your fucking fingers out of there.”

  “You busted your stitches,” the nurse growled as she finished redressing the wound. She had one of those deep husky man voices like she’d been smoking cigarettes and drinking rotgut whiskey all her life.

  I made the mistake of glancing into her eyes. She was still pissed at me, but I thought I saw something else there, maybe a little spark of lust, given that she did help get me back into bed with my sticky pecker hanging out. It probably just took one good look at it to melt all the rust off her old cooch.

  Jesus, I hoped she didn’t come back later wanting to ride my knobby pony. She was a big old girl with dark hair on her upper lip. If she climbed on top of me it’d probably kill me. Then again, I’ve stuck my cock into bigger, uglier women, but that was always late at night after getting a snoot full of booze. Funny, how your standards drop the later at night it gets.

  I’ll be honest with you, fellas. I’ve woken up with some coyote ugly women in my days. I call them coyote ugly because I was like a coyote with its leg caught in a trap. A coyote will gnaw off its own leg to get out of a trap. If a coyote ugly woman was laying on my arm, I would have gnawed it off to get the fuck away from her.

  “Can you give us a few minutes, nurse,” the doctor said, nodding toward the door. The nurse huffed at me and gathered up the stained bandages and carried them out the door.

  The doctor stuck his pudgy fingers under his glasses and rubbed his eyes. He blew out a long sigh and shook his head at me. “Mr. Daniels, I’m going to tell you once more. You cannot get out of that bed without someone helping you.”

  “I had help getting up,” I said, smiling through the pain. “And I had help getting off.”

  He cleared his throat and shook his head again. “You do realize that you probably cost that girl her job.”

  I winced as I brought my hands up behind my head. “Oh come on, doc. They ain’t gonna fire that girl just because we were having a little game of hide the sausage in the bathroom.”

  “You’re wrong,” he said. He took off the glasses and cleaned them on his tie. “Nurse Pritchett is on her way to human resources right now to file a complaint. At the very least, the girl will be suspended for a week or two without pay. At worst, she will be fired without references.” He set the glasses on his nose and glared at me through them. “So, I hope you’re happy with yourself. I hope it was worth it.”

  I grinned at him. “Jesus, doc, did you see that little girl? Big old tits, big old ass, pussy tighter than Dick’s hatband. Of course, it was worth it.”

  He lifted his chin and looked down his nose at me. “You really are an asshole, Mr. Daniels.”

  I held out my hands and smiled. “Guilty as charged, doc,” I said. “Guilty as charged. Now, cut the shit and tell me when I can get the fuck out of this place. I’m starting to get bed sores lying here.”

  “You had massive internal injuries where that bull gored you,” the doctor said. “And you just busted your stitches. You’re not going anywhere for at least another week.”

  I pushed myself up on my elbows to shoot him a hard look. It hurt like a sumbitch, but I wasn’t gonna let him know it. “Doc, you either sign my fucking release papers or I’ll walk out of here o
n my own.”

  He folded his arms across his chest and huffed at me. “You wouldn’t make it half a block before you collapsed and bled to death.”

  I nodded at the window. “I’d rather die on the sidewalk out there than die in this bed in here.” I locked onto his eyes so he would know that I was not fucking around. “I can’t spend another week in this bed. I’m not cut out to be a fucking patient. I make my living on the backs of bulls and broncos. Every minute I lay here I can feel my body dying. I need out of here, doc. I need out of here now.”

  He blew out a long breath and held out his hands. “Fine, I can release you in two days if you have someone who can at least look after you for a week or two, just in case you do something stupid and bust those stitches again.” He wiggled a finger at me. “Seriously, Mr. Daniels, if you bust those stitches again you could get a serious infection or even bleed to death.”

  “I’ll be careful, doc,” I said, falling back on the pillow. “My pal Cody said I could stay at his place until I was all mended up.”

  “Okay, then I’ll release you in two days.” He had my chart under his arm. He flipped it open and scribbled something on a page.

  “Fine,” I said, closing my eyes. Without warning, a sharp pain shot up my left side and crashed into my brain. Fireworks started going off in front of my eyes. I felt a cold sweat wash across my face. My stomach started churning like a cement mixer. For a moment, I thought I was going to hurl chunks in the air.

  The doc glanced at me from over the chart. He saw the color draining from my face and the sweat dotting my forehead. He gave me a smug look but didn’t move to help. He tapped the medical chart on the foot of the bed. “See, this is what I was talking about. You need to stay here.”


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