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His Naughty Waitress (Insta-Love on the Run Book 4)

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by Bella Love-Wins

“Can I bring a few friends? Well, my sister and my best friend.”

  “Of course. Anyone you want. If you ladies are free, you can stay overnight…or longer. There’s plenty of room.”

  I turn to look him in the eye. Damn. Those eyes. He undoes me. This rush of whatever it is, well, it’s dangerous. I harden myself. I’ve got a job to do outside.

  “Thanks,” I say, glancing at the door. “I’ve got to go. Hopefully your meals aren’t already cold.”

  He nods. “See you out there.”

  Chapter 5


  Missy leaves after pushing her tits back into her bra and straightening out her dress. The missing button and her twisted ponytail make me smile.

  This bathroom hookup is unexpected, but I happen to like sexy and carefree surprises. She has an edge about her. It’s fucking contagious. I can easily get addicted to a woman like her. Not that anything about what happens during this trip will go beyond the next couple of days.

  Smiling down at my bare chest, I walk out the door and grab my winter jacket at the front door.

  Inside the restaurant, Missy is back behind the counter. She stands there as though nothing just happened between us. I glance over to where the rest of the guys are seated. Our food isn’t out yet. They’re on their phones or joking around. None of them are looking this way, which gives me the perfect chance to get a fresh shirt. Of course, by the time I get outside, have the driver pull out my luggage and shove it into the back seat of the limo, they’re all staring out the window.

  I find another shirt and quickly return inside, but take a detour before getting back to the table. Except Jeff is now sidled up to the counter, chatting up Missy as she brews a pot of coffee. She’s a grown woman, so I head back to our table. I pick up some of their conversation in passing. Fuck. Jeff probably propositioned her with cash, because Missy tells him she’s not a whore.

  There goes my chance for more fun with her on this trip.

  I sit at the table again.

  “What’s up with the change of clothes?” Victor asks.

  “Our little waitress friend bumped into me. Ruined my shirt, but whatever,” I tell them.

  Chauncey shakes his head and leans over to me. “Like hell she did, unless ‘bumping’ is what you kids call ‘fucking’ these days.”

  I ignore him. We may have a bet on, but I know these men well enough to be able to anticipate how crazy they’ll carry on once they find out what I was up to with Missy. They won’t care that she’s right there, or that we’re sitting in a public place. For this reason, I keep my mouth shut.

  Jeff returns to the table with his briefcase of tip cash. “Our sweet little waitress has a code of ethics, it appears,” he says in a disappointed tone.

  “What the fuck did you do?” I demand.

  “Chill out,” he answers. “All I did was offer her the same amount of cash that we did for the girls from Milan…you know, to see if she’d join us while we’re in town.”

  “You’re an idiot, you know that?” I get to my feet. “In case you didn’t notice, we’re not in Europe, and not every woman is for sale, dickhead.”

  “What difference does it make?” he asks as I head back to the counter to do some damage control.

  If she’ll even talk to me now.

  “Hey,” I call to her, tapping my fingers on the countertop.

  “Yeah?” She doesn’t turn to look at me right away. The cook has just placed several orders on the high shelf between the kitchen and the dining room, which Missy is now arranging on the tray. It looks like the food we ordered.

  “Look, I’m sorry about my friend. He can be an idiot sometimes.”

  “Oh you mean for offering me twenty grand to basically be his holiday whore?” She turns to me, but it’s only so she can reach for a second tray to fit all our orders.

  “Like I said, he’s an ass…I hope it doesn’t discourage you from coming to the lodge anyway. I’m sure you and I would have a good time.”

  “Your preppy squad is…interesting, but that guy crossed the line.”

  “Let me make it up to you,” I offer.

  “How exactly would you do that?”

  Her question tells me I still have a chance. The problem is, money is out of the question now, so I go with time. “Stay with me at the lodge for a couple of days. I’ll spend every waking moment making amends.” I want to add that I’ll keep working at it all night long, but it even sounds cheesy in my head.

  She smiles. I can tell she’s tempted. I watch as the wheels turn in her head. She has to need this break from the everyday, given that she’s a waitress at a shitty diner. It occurs to me that she has just turned down twenty grand from Jeff. That kind of money must be a lot for her, yet she told Jeff to go to hell. I suddenly have a lot more respect for her.

  “Okay, but you just make sure he stays the hell away from me.”

  “I’ll make sure of that. I promise.”

  “Then… yes. I’ll be there.”

  Chapter 6


  I swipe the phone to end the call, heading back to my bedroom to start packing. Opening my closet door, I take out two almost identical cocktail dresses from my closet. These are two of the outfits I wore to the Macy’s job I used to have. I step over to the mirror behind my bedroom door, and hold each one in front of me.

  Neither of them seems appropriate for an evening over at the famous Neville mansion, but fuck it. It’s Saturday evening. No clothing stores are open anyway. I look at the dresses again. The one with the asymmetrical neckline wins out. Returning to my closet, I put the other dress back, find pajamas, some sexy lingerie, a few other outfits to round out the trip, and the usual overnight essentials.

  Dressed in a pale blue dress with tan cowboy boots with my hair pulled up in a bun, I check the mirror again. This works. As Rosa-Beth is way better at applying makeup, I leave my face alone. She promised to meet me over at my bestie Tanya’s place so we can get ready together. I zip up my travel bag and lift it to one shoulder, throw on my winter coat, and grab my purse and keys. It’s time to pick up the girls.

  “It’ll fit,” Tanya shouts as she slides the zipper up my back. Apparently, Rosa-Beth has cozied up with Tanya enough to convince her that my taste in evening wear is not going to cut it for tonight. They decide to stuff my size eight body and size ten ass into a size six slinky, tight, way-too-short cocktail dress that leaves nothing—and I mean not a damn thing—to the imagination.

  “I don’t think my brain is getting enough oxygen,” I tell her. I’m serious, but she ignores me.

  “See?” Tanya turns me around to face her bedroom mirror. “It’s perfect. I’m so glad you got us an invite, hun. After this ugly breakup with Randy, one door closes, so now my two legs can open. If we’re getting laid tonight, it’s our civic duty to look memorable.”

  Rosa-Beth giggles from her spot on the bed, to which Tanya announces, “You too, miss college graduate.”

  “No way, Tanya baby. I’m going for the experience…just so I can say that I’ve been to the Neville lodge. Missy, do you even remember all those times Dad would take you up there to do repairs around their lodge when you were little?”

  “No. How old was I?”

  “Four or five, maybe? He never took me along because I was in grade school all day, and you were in that half-day kindergarten program. Can’t you remember? You would come home with all these stories. Like once, you told us you wanted a football for Christmas, because one of the Neville boys taught you to spiral a football while Dad was working inside.”

  “That’s so strange, because I don’t even remember that.”

  “Well, you were young. And at home, you’d say they were your boyfriends when we played house. Can’t you remember? I’d tell Dad that if you were old enough to have an imaginary boyfriend, then I wanted one too.”

  None of this rings a bell, but I start to believe this is why Carter seemed so familiar to me. “Interesting,” I mutter.

sp; “It was a long time ago,” Rosa-Beth continues. “Anyway, I’m going with you ladies to kill time. Nothing more. You both know I can’t do the random sex thing. I’m way too emotional to let some strange guy put his happy stick up my hoo-hah.”

  Tanya waves a finger in Rosa-Beth’s direction. “Don’t give me that. We all know you’re dying for some action. Admit it. You’ve been horny as hell since you got back from college.”

  It hits me that my sister is probably being more reserved because I’m in the room. I roll my eyes and turn from side to side in the mirror, entertaining the idea of wearing this skimpy piece of fabric.

  “Just because I’m horny doesn’t mean I should spread my legs for these guys,” Rosa-Beth finally says.

  Tanya shakes her head frenetically in disagreement. “No, you’re going to spread your legs, because if one of them wants you, you can work the angles for more Louboutins.”

  I grin, reminded that Tanya is a bad influence on us both.

  She puts on an expression that confirms she is dead serious. “Listen ladies. I was up at one of their parties last year. It was insane! They threw around wads and wads of cash just because they felt like it. I’m not talking dollar bills…I mean hundreds. I don’t know about you two, but if they do that again, me and my sexy ass will be dropping to the floor and stuffing Benjamins every place that has room…down my cleavage, up in my panties, wherever they’ll stay until I can get them out the door and into my landlord’s hands to make this month’s rent.”

  That detail helps to explain why one of the douchebags offered me twenty grand to chill with them. I can’t admit this to Tanya and Rosa-Beth, especially not the fact that I told him to fuck off.

  “I’ll be right there with you,” I agree, scowling over at Rosa-Beth. “We need the money, thanks to my dear shopaholic sister.” My sister cringes. She won’t like what I have to say next. “Look sis. You don’t have to be prim and proper just because I’m here, and definitely don’t be shy tonight at the lodge on my account.”

  Tanya adds. “Just don’t agree to any dates after this weekend is over. It’s simpler that way. No second dates.”

  “Why?” Rosa-Beth asks.

  Heck, I’m curious too. This evening can be considered a second date with Carter, loosely speaking, if I can call our restroom tryst a first date.

  “They only come up here once or twice a year. They’ve also got a track record. None of them have ever hooked up with our town’s riffraff after their trips are done.”

  “How would you know that?”

  “I make it my business to know, honey.”

  “I don’t think I can go that far,” Rosa-Beth says. “I mean, sleeping with a guy who’s practically a complete stranger?”

  “Whatever, Miss Prissy,” Tanya says.

  “Exactly,” I agree.

  Rosa-Beth shakes her head. “You need the money more than I do, Missy.”

  Did my sister just say what she did? If looks could kill, my sister would have no fucking pulse right now.

  “I need the money, Rosa-Beth?” I ask, gritting my teeth with my fisted hands to my side in case one should independently reach up and punch her in the eye socket. “Last time I checked, you’re the one who racked up a shit load of credit card debt, you little shit.”

  “True, but I’m not the one who’s trying to keep the house, Missy! We can’t afford to live in a house.”

  “It’s all we have left of Dad.” I stare at her in disbelief. Thank goodness Tanya is around to keep me close to sanity right now but even Tanya’s presence isn’t enough. “You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want, Rosa-Beth. I’ll take care of things, like I’ve been doing. For the record, I don’t care if you sleep with someone this weekend. And I don’t care if you don’t. Fuck anyone you want.” I huff out a breath. “Well, anyone except for the one I’ve picked out. Carter. You should both know that I’ve already tried out the merchandise, and I want another taste.”

  Tanya’s eyes widen to the size of golf balls. “When did you get to do the nasty with one of them already? I heard they just got into town.”

  “They stopped off at the diner.”

  “What? You did the deed at the diner? And you didn’t phone or text? Some bestie you are.”

  “I was already backed up at work, hun. Sorry…so, you want the blow by blow?”

  “I want to know how come you didn’t give me a heads-up that they came to your place of work.”

  “They weren’t around long enough for you to make it over, Tanya.”

  “It was long enough for you to fall on one of their dicks.”

  “It was an accident!” I cry out, giggling.

  “What a convenient mishap!” Tanya grins, and I see she has once again diffused an argument, stepping up as the peacemaker between my sister and me. She has a way of easily playing this referee role each and every time sparks start flying. “Let’s get dressed, ladies,” she announces. “I’m ready to frolic with the rich and famous.”

  Chapter 7


  “Make it quick, motherfuckers,” I say.

  I’m ready to deal the last few hands for our poker evening, which is how we decide to kill the time as we wait for the entertainment to arrive. It’s eight of us around the poker table. We’ve been playing for hours. Malcolm isn’t here, but as Dominic flew in at the last minute, we welcome him to the fold. He loves Italians. Probably more so because he is Italian.

  I deal the cards for Five Card Stud. Dealing is about all I’m good at. The gambling part, not so much. One look at my hand, and I fold, along with Dominic, Markus and Chauncey.

  “Check on the flight, Vic,” Chauncey says for the hundredth time. He runs a hand through his light blond hair, tapping the fingers of his other hand on the table.

  “Stop asking. It hasn’t landed yet,” I tell him.

  “I hate having my time wasted,” he grunts.

  “Get the driver to take you to the slopes or something. No one’s stopping you from going out to get your freak on.”

  “It’s probably just as slim pickings out there. Why the fuck do you think we fly in the entertainment?”

  “He’s got a point,” Jeff agrees, raising his bet. “This is Bumfuck, Nowhere. Couldn’t even convince that cute waitress to come up here with twenty large.” He looks around the room. “The chick’s too naïve to realize she can use the money. This shit could never happen back in New York, or over in Vegas or LA. See, that’s why no one won our bet today. We’re in the sticks.”

  “You sure about that?” I ask, mostly to get a rise out of him, because I don’t plan on bragging.

  “Are you trying to tell us something?”

  I nod. “Yeah. Play the fucking hand. That means, call, raise or fold, dumbass.”

  Chauncey stares at me. “Hey, you never know. Maybe she’ll still show up. Would be fun if she brings a few friends.”

  I’m wondering the same thing, but after the stunt Jeff pulled with the tip money, I have my doubts.

  Prentice, who’s been bluffing his face off all night, wins with a hand full of nothing. “Grow a pair, losers,” he says, raising his whiskey to his lips.

  I push my chair back from the table and drop the deck in front of Markus. “I’ll be outside.”

  Prentice leaves the game too, following me with his box of cigars. We head out front through the large foyer.

  “Think she’ll show?” he asks as he lights one up.

  I shrug. “I won’t be surprised if she gives a rain check on the invite.”

  A white Ford coupe rolled up just a few minutes later. The driver stopped a few feet from us.

  I smile.

  Things are looking up.

  Missy is in the driver seat, and she has brought along a couple of women around her age.

  She cuts the engine. The two passengers step outside first. Right away, I surmise the petite, dark-haired one is Missy’s sister. She seems timid, almost overwhelmed, as though she’s not sure whether or not we’ll
party with her or cut her up in little pieces. The taller blonde with a halo of curls looks familiar. She gives us a look like she’s seen it all.

  Missy steps out of the car looking sexy as hell. The dress she has on under her open winter coat is draped low in the front, showing off her cleavage and then some. The hemline reveals her long legs that taper down to strappy heels. There’s no doubt in my mind that it barely covers her ass. I can barely push back the image of those legs wrapped around me earlier. My dick starts to grow in my pants, ready for another round with this fiery little hellcat.

  “Good evening, ladies,” Prentice greets them before I can get my mouth working. He saunters over and takes Missy’s hand in his. “Nice to see you. Marcie, was it?”

  “It’s Missy,” she says flatly.

  “Of course, and you brought friends!”

  “Yes. This is my sister, Rosa-Beth, and my best friend, Tanya.”

  Prentice and I exchange handshakes with them.

  “We’ve met,” Tanya says to Prentice. “Last year. Right here, in fact.”

  “Oh, did we?” he asks, checking her out more closely.

  “We spent some time together.” Tanya explains.

  She leans closer to him and whispers something in his ear, to which his eyes and smile widen.

  “Tanya, of course. You look great!”

  Missy walks around to the trunk of her car. “Which one of you big, strong yuppies wants to help get our bags inside?” she asks. “Or do you have help for that too?”

  Prentice rushes over to take all three bags. “We do have help. But they’re not here yet.” He looks over at me for a moment, and then he turns to Tanya and Missy’s sister. “How about I show you inside, and Carter can help Missy park in the garage at the side of the house?”

  He isn’t really asking a question. The ladies figure that out somehow, and follow him inside. Missy walks up to me with her arms folded.

  “I made it,” she informs me. The smile threatening to light up her face is already making her eyes sparkle. It expands the semi that’s been happening in my pants.


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