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Afternoon Rhapsody: Bandicoot Cove 2

Page 5

by Jess Dee

Hah. That one was a no-brainer. Bianca’s hands found his boardies, and for the second time that afternoon, she freed him from the pants. Only this time she didn’t stop at freeing him. She shoved those swim shorts right down to the floor, leaving Brody wearing absolutely nothing.

  He didn’t give her the opportunity to appreciate his nudity or his rigid erection. He was too busy sliding her bikini bottoms over her hips, down her legs and insisting she kick them off. Then he knelt at her feet, placed a hand on either side of her waist, leant in and pressed the lightest kiss just above the crease between her left leg and hip. Right on top of her tattoo.

  “No stinging,” he whispered, before tracing his tongue around the rose and bee. So gentle was his caress, Bee almost couldn’t feel it. But the butterfly-soft sensations stirred her just as much as the strong pull of his mouth on her breasts had. It stirred her to unimaginable levels of lust. A wicked tease that turned her knees to jelly and made her legs shake uncontrollably.

  From the minute she’d gotten the tattoo she’d loved it—but never more so than this very second. Never more so than with Brody’s mouth sampling every stroke of color. And when that mouth settled into another tender kiss, though she couldn’t see, she knew from his position that his lips were centered on the bee. The honeybee.

  As he nuzzled her tender skin, his hand made its way up her inner thigh, and with deadly precision, came to settle on her pussy. With his touch way firmer than his kiss, he drew a finger over her inner lips, parting them beneath the pressure. Warm liquid spilled from her core as hot chills raced up her spine.

  He didn’t pause, didn’t hesitate, he just slid that finger inside her, burying it as deep as it could go.

  Bianca shoved her hand over her mouth to muffle her cry. For the first time in a year, a man had his hand on her pussy. In her pussy. God, it felt so good. So right. So…provocative. Made her want more. A whole lot more. Made her want everything.

  He gave her more, sliding a second finger inside her. That in itself would have made her moan, but as he did so, he turned his head just slightly, so this time when he kissed her, it was not the tattoo that his lips met. It was her clit. Her aching, swollen clit. The moan became a stifled cry as she pressed her hand harder against her mouth.

  “No,” Brody said against her tender nub, “don’t hide your cries. Don’t hide anything from me.”

  When he swiped his tongue over that tender nub, Bianca didn’t try. She dropped her hand to his head, tunneled her fingers into his hair, and with a throaty, unrepressed groan, begged for more.

  Brody gave it. He moved his fingers in and out, curving them to her shape, plunging them in at the same speed as he laved her clit. Slow, lazy flicks of his tongue, up-down, up-down.

  It was heavenly torture. With every thrust of those fingers, he touched something inside her, something deep, a knot of nerves that increased her pleasure exponentially. But that wasn’t all he touched. With every plunge, every lick, he touched her soul. Reached a part of her she’d repressed for so long. A part that needed to feel love, that needed that soul-deep connection with another person. For more than ten years she and Rick had held that connection. But it had been lost, snapped in the devastation of the divorce.

  Yet here was Brody, finding the threads, pulling at them, connecting with her on a level that was more than just physical. Here was Brody—Oh, God! Here was Brody, sliding a third finger inside her. Stretching her. Licking her with fervor, a passion that made her head spin.

  Her restraint snapped. Tongues and fingers and soul-deep connections were no longer enough. She wanted one thing, and she wanted it now. Sheets and beds be damned. She had no time for them.

  She yanked on Brody’s hair, none too gently, and pulled away from him. Before he had time to object, she lowered herself to the floor, straddled his thighs, forcing him to sit back, and took his mouth in an impatient kiss, pressing her body to his.

  His erection jammed between their bellies, leaving a damp trail on her skin. Damp—but nothing compared to the moisture that spilled onto his thigh as she ground against him.

  She nipped at his tongue, ate at his mouth, demanding he kiss her back, and when he did, when his lips seduced and his mouth devoured, she moaned deep in her throat. His thigh wasn’t what she wanted. Not even close.

  She squirmed against him, wiggled her hips, raised her bottom and found his cock. A soft sob caught in her throat as she rubbed her clit against it, fiercely, her climax already building.

  Brody tore his mouth away from hers with a harsh groan. “Wait!” He panted, hard. “N-not yet.”

  “Remembered steps,” Bee grumbled as she ground against him. “No…need…guide me…anymore.”

  “Protection,” he rasped against her throat. He sucked at it, stopping just short of leaving a mark. “Need…condom.”


  The word stopped her short. Sheesh. When last had she used a condom? When last had she needed one?

  The idea of needing one now threw her. A year without sex was an eon of drought. The idea of anything interfering with the smooth feel of male flesh inside her doused her desire just the tiniest bit.

  She inhaled, once, twice. Wrapped her head around the thought of protection. Hated it instantly. So foreign. So unknown. But if it was necessary… “I…I’m on the pill.”

  For so many years she’d wished she could stop taking the birth control. Now, just this once, she silently thanked her lucky stars she hadn’t.

  Brody gazed at her with hungry eyes. “Clean?”

  She blinked. “Clean.” Since Rick was the only man she’d slept with, ever, there was no risk to Brody as far as that went. Still, the conversation sat uncomfortably with her.

  “Me too, Honeybee. I swear it. Would never do this if I wasn’t.” The sincerity shone from his face, and her instinct told her to believe him. He’d connected with her on that soul-deep level. How could she not believe him?

  And then conversation stopped as he kissed her again, a kiss as fierce as the one she’d just laid on him. Concerns vanished. Fears were vanquished. Nothing had place inside Bianca’s head apart from the insatiable longing that pounded through her once again.

  This time when she rubbed her clit against this cock, he didn’t stop her. Didn’t pull away. This time, he thrust up to meet her, increasing the sensation flooding through her, bringing her closer to the brink.

  Time and again they rocked together, until her juices coated his shaft and her lust reached epic proportions. No more teasing. No more torment. She wanted all of him.

  Her gaze caught his, and in perfect sync they stopped rocking. This time when Bianca raised her hips, Brody pulled back slightly, positioning himself right beneath her. She grasped his cock to hold him steady and lowered herself onto him.

  His fingers were nothing compared to his shaft. With every inch she moved, he filled her more. His erection, full, hard and throbbing, pressed inside her, stretching her wide.

  Oh, dear God. Yes. Yes, yes, yes.

  She’d missed this. Missed it more than she’d ever believed possible. Missed the closeness that came from a man and a woman coupling. Missed the sensations that flooded her pussy as she enveloped him completely. Missed the intensity and the… Holy crap! The pleasure.

  Jesus, that felt good. So good, so unbelievably good.

  She swept her body up in a graceful arc, lifting off Brody before settling back down on him, enveloping him again.

  The low, gratified groans that filled the room could be either of theirs. Bianca couldn’t tell. She only knew she was right where she wanted to be, doing exactly what she wanted to do.

  Her head fell back as Brody grasped her waist, and as she arched up, sliding up and down him, over and over again, he assisted her, moving her body in time with his measured thrusts.

  Like a well-choreographed dance, they made love. They rocked together fluidly, like age-old lovers, each anticipating the other’s needs seamlessly.

  Brody leant in and nuzzled her neck whi
le Bianca wrapped her arms around his shoulders, holding him as she would a cherished lover. Together they soared. And when sensation built to a peak, and Bianca could no longer hold the rhythm of her dance, when her swaying became erratic, insistent, Brody swept a hand from her hip to her belly and swiped his thumb over her clit.

  Bianca exploded. Her entire body stiffened save for the erotic pulsing of her pussy walls, which seemed to clench around his cock a million times over. Every clench increased the sensation. His thumb, so precise in its swipes, sent mad thumps of pleasure rocketing through her, and all the while, the rasp of Brody’s irregular breath tickled her ear.

  When at last she came down from the high, when her orgasm subsided and she could begin to focus properly with her eyes, it was to find Brody’s face scrunched in pain. His jaw was rigid, his teeth clenched together and his eyes squeezed shut.

  She stroked her hand over his hair and whispered hoarsely, “Your turn.”

  That was all it took. With his arms wrapped tight around her, he flipped them both over. Bianca found herself lying on her back, her legs wrapped around his waist. Brody lay above her, his cock still snug in her pussy.

  No, not snug. He was moving. Fast, slamming into her, pushing deeper inside than he had been, filling her, plunging, faster, faster—until with a loud cry, he stilled. His entire body turned rigid and then relaxed as he pulsed inside her, bathing her pussy in his come.

  Bianca gloried in his release. Her inner walls, hypersensitive from her own orgasm, trembled around his cock. Endless seconds passed before Brody finally collapsed atop her, utterly spent.

  “Honeybee,” he murmured, his voice throaty and sexy as sin. “That was…perfect.”

  Chapter Six

  Brody lay like deadweight on Bianca—and Bianca could not have luxuriated in the feeling more. She loved the familiarity of having a man’s body on top of hers. Loved how comfortable she felt with him and how satiated he’d left her. She let her hands play on his back, sliding her fingers over the grooves of his muscles, caressing his damp skin.

  Oh, yeah. Brody Evans was all man, and right now there was no other man in the world she wanted lying above her.

  “I guess it’s true what they say. It’s just like riding a bicycle.”

  Brody chuckled. “Lady, I’ve been on many rides before, and this one was nothing at all like riding a bicycle.”

  She laughed too. “I mean you never forget.”

  “I know what you mean.” Brody placed a kiss on her nose. ”And believe me, I’ll never forget this ride.”

  She smiled at him. “Me either.”

  “You sore at all?”

  Bianca clenched her thighs, checking for any achy spots. “A little tender, maybe, but not sore.”

  Brody pushed off her immediately, and Bianca objected out loud, hating the weightlessness around her.

  “Shh.” He eased her legs apart and settled on his knees between them. “You said you were tender. I just need to make sure you’re all right.” And with that, he buried his face between her legs and kissed her. And kissed her and kissed her and kissed her. Until Bianca completely forgot the tenderness and felt only the dizzying climb to satisfaction all over again.

  Her climax was softer this time ’round, less potent, but no less exquisite. She came with his tongue on her clit and his hand on her tattoo, blissful ripples undulating through her body.

  Tears filled her eyes, and she had to blink rapidly to try to clear them. The blinking didn’t help. The moment was too beautiful, the emotions streaming through her too powerful. Whatever she felt for Brody overwhelmed her. The first man she’d made love to in a year!

  All at once she missed Rick terribly. The realization descended so quickly, it shook her. How could she have gone almost a year without his touch, without making love to him? How could she go the rest of her life without it?

  Rick had been her rock for her entire adult life. And most of her adolescence as well.

  “You’re crying,” Brody whispered.

  Bee nodded. “I am.”

  He shot her a rueful smile. “Was it that awful?”

  She smiled back through her tears. “No. It was that good.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever reduced a woman to tears before. Not by my tongue, anyway.”

  “You just brought back a lot of memories for me. That’s all. Memories I’ve tried to suppress for a long time.”

  He settled back on his haunches and rested his hands on his knees. “Memories of sex?”

  She sniffed. “Memories of making love.”

  “Is that what we just did? Make love?”

  She held his gaze for a long time, even as a tear dripped off her nose. “That wasn’t just sex for me.”

  His eyes turned more green than blue. “For me either.”

  Bee wiped her eyes. “I haven’t slept with anyone besides my husband. Ever.”

  Brody watched her intently. He gnawed at his lower lip. “Have you dated anyone else over the past year?”

  “A few guys. But none of them really interested me. I went out with them a couple of times but couldn’t take it further than that. I guess I just wasn’t ready for anything intense.” She nudged him with her leg. “How about you? You dated anyone since the big split?”

  “I have.” He nodded slowly but offered no more information.

  Bianca’s heart began to pound. She knew she didn’t have a right to ask, but she asked anyway. “Have you…made love to anyone else?”

  His chest heaved. Then he shook his head. “Not really.”

  Bianca blinked, attempting to still her racing heart. “Not really?”

  “I’ve slept with a few women.”

  Bianca tried to breathe. She tried to inhale air into her lungs, tried desperately, but couldn’t seem to find any. It was like all the oxygen had been sucked out of the room. Off the island even. “A few?”


  “Oh.” It was all she could think of to say. As primly as she could, she rose first to her knees and then to her feet, searching for her bathing suit. The top was close by and she scrambled to put it on. The bottoms were a little harder to find. She finally located them on the other side of the couch and pulled them up.

  Her movements were stilted. It wasn’t easy dressing when she couldn’t breathe. It was even harder when pain seemed to rain down on her like a million sharp needles. Her chest ached, and her lungs burned. Surely if she found at least one mouthful of air she’d feel better? But no. It just wasn’t there.


  She didn’t turn around, couldn’t face him. “I need to go now.”

  “Go where?”

  “Home.” Home? Really? She hadn’t had a real home since Rick had moved out. The small place they’d bought when they’d finally been able to afford one had lost any semblance to a home. It had simply become a house. If she’d thought it lacked the noise and laughter of a big family before they’d split, now it closely resembled a mausoleum. “Er, back to my bungalow. I need to get ready for the cocktail party.” Not true. The cocktail party wasn’t scheduled to begin for another two hours, at least. And the most she needed to do for that was throw on a dress or sarong over her bikini. Well, maybe shower first, as she was pretty sure she smelled of sex.


  Like Brody had had. With three other woman.

  Anguish cut through her, gutting her, leaving her not only gasping for air, but torn apart, wide open and utterly vulnerable.

  His hands settled on her shoulders, startling her. She hadn’t heard him stand or walk over.

  “You’re upset.”

  “I’m fine.” Or she would be, in a thousand years or so.

  “I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  “You should have kept it quiet? Protected me from the truth?” She bit off the last word before she said it. Again.

  He sighed heavily. “If you wish to hear it, I’ll never keep the truth from you. But the last thing I want is to hurt you.”

  Too late. The hurt was there, and it wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “I have to go.”

  “Really?” His hands left her shoulders. “We hit one little bump and you have to walk away?”

  “You slept with three other women.” Still no damn air. “That’s not a bump. It’s…it’s a deal breaker.”

  “Bianca…” His voice trailed off, as though he wasn’t sure what to say next. “I’m a single man, separated from my wife, on the verge of a divorce. It’s not a crime to sleep with other women.”

  Oh, the words that welled up in her chest, the things she wanted to say, to spit out at him. But she couldn’t. Couldn’t find the energy to do it. Couldn’t find the guts or the strength. So she focused on something else. “Did you think about those other women when you neglected to wear a condom with me?” She spun around to glare at him.

  He looked like he’d been slapped. “That’s not fair. I would never, ever put your health, your safety, at risk. Never. I said I was clean. I am.”

  “So what, you wore condoms with them?”

  “If you must know, yes. I did.”

  Bianca threw her hand up in the air, stopping him from saying any more. She didn’t want to know. She was loath to hear anything about his sexual exploits, anything at all. She didn’t want the details of his sex with anyone else.


  “I can’t do this anymore.” She couldn’t. Not for one more second.

  “Can’t do what?”

  “Play this game.”

  He pursed his lips. Relaxed them, opened them to speak and then didn’t.

  “I can’t do it, Rick.” The words came out on a loud sob. “I can’t pretend you’re not my husband. Can’t pretend you’re not the man I’ve loved my whole life. I can’t pretend that hearing you’ve…you’ve…” The words almost choked her. “You’ve slept with other women doesn’t affect me at all.”

  His betrayal tangled around her neck and squeezed. Yes, they were in the process of divorcing. Yes, they hadn’t been together for a year. But still. This felt so much like Brody…Rick…like Broderick had cheated on her, she couldn’t bear the hurt or the treachery.


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