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Finding Chrissten l(-5

Page 8

by N. J. Walters

  Chrissten shook her head. “I have no idea.” And she honestly didn’t. Her emotions were yo-yoing all over the place. In the past few minutes she’d felt everything from aroused to scared to determined to angry to happy and everything in between. It was exhausting.

  Bethany patted her leg. “It will get better in time. All that matters is you’re safe here.”

  For now. The words went unspoken even though they echoed silently in the air around them. Chrissten knew it wouldn’t last. Brian was out there somewhere searching for her. Not because he loved her or cared for her, but because, in his opinion, she belonged to him.

  Screw him. She was going to get dressed and have a wonderful evening. She dug into the box and came up with a pair of faded jeans. They’d probably be too big for her but a belt would fix that. She’d wear the blue sweater with it.

  She turned to Bethany. “See if you can find me some shoes.”

  Chapter Seven

  Chrissten sat at a table for two just beyond the bar. The corner was quiet, or as quiet as a bar could get. The music was soft and mellow, the ambiance congenial. Haven was crowded, but the clientele was relaxed and enjoying themselves. This was a classy place. No rowdy drunks here. And if a problem arose she knew one of the men would take care of it immediately with little fuss.

  Hank was working the door and she had a perfect view of him as he spoke to patrons entering and leaving the establishment. He looked right at home there. But he was watchful. Vigilant. His eyes were constantly moving, searching for any hidden danger. It seemed to be second nature to him.

  She admired the way his jeans clung to his thick thighs and perfect butt. The material of his dark T-shirt strained at the shoulders and clung to his biceps. And she wasn’t the only female who noticed. A low growl emanated from her chest before she could stop it. The noise startled her. She was jealous. Which was absurd. Hank didn’t belong to her. She had a mate. She had no claim on Hank at all.

  Hank’s head whipped around the second she growled. She wanted to look away but his laser gaze snared her. Her skin began to heat under his perusal. Her nipples beaded against her bra and Chrissten was glad she’d worn a sweater, which would hide her aroused state. Her pants were too constricting and she wanted to squirm to try to alleviate the ache between her thighs.

  She couldn’t believe she was getting aroused in a public place and all because Hank stared at her. This was crazy.

  She managed, with some difficulty, to pull her gaze away and study the club. Michael and Benjamin were both pouring drinks behind the dark oak bar that spanned one wall. They were both tall, handsome males. Michael was laughing at something one of the waitresses said to him as he filled her drink order. Benjamin was chatting with several men who sat at the far end of the bar. They both appeared to enjoy their work. She liked them both but felt nothing beyond friendship for them.

  Isaiah worked his way around Haven, moving from table to table, keeping an eye on everything and everyone while Neema and the other waitresses served drinks and food. Kevin was in the office with Craig and Teague was working his culinary magic in the kitchen.

  Bethany and Quinn had disappeared for the past hour. Chrissten didn’t want to think about what they were most likely doing upstairs.

  And there it was again. The image of two people making love popped into her head, but it wasn’t her brother and his mate she pictured. No, it was her and Hank. Both of them naked, their limbs entwined.

  Once again her gaze was drawn to the front entrance and the male standing there. She propped her chin on her hands and sighed. He really was fine. It didn’t hurt to look even though she knew she couldn’t have him.

  “Thought you could use this.”

  Reluctantly, Chrissten let her gaze leave Hank and settle on Meredith as she slid into the empty seat alongside her. When she saw what Meredith had brought her, she smiled and reached out for it. The tall glass was cold, the concoction inside thick and smooth. “A vanilla milkshake.” She sipped from the straw, savoring the cool, sweet taste. “That is so good. Thank you.”

  Meredith smiled. “My pleasure. There’s more where that came from. Teague whipped it up just for you.”

  Once again she was reminded of how much this pack, these people she hadn’t known just days before, were willing to do for her. “I’ll have to thank him later.”

  “He’d like that.” Meredith traced a finger over the stack of napkins she’d brought with the milkshake. Chrissten got the sense she was nervous, which wasn’t like the older woman at all. No, not nervous. That wasn’t quite right. It was more like she wanted to tell Chrissten something but didn’t know how. She was uncomfortable. Yes, that was it.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” Her stomach tightened and the tasty milkshake congealed into a cold mass in her belly. She pushed the glass away, her pleasure in the treat gone.

  “Nothing is wrong, not really.”

  As if sensing his mate’s distress, Isaiah prowled alongside the table and rested his hand on Meredith’s shoulder, silently offering her his support. She reached behind her and touched his hand.

  This was what a true mating should be like. Chrissten watched the silent communication between the pair and felt even more bereft. She doubted she’d ever have what they did. She didn’t expect to survive her battle with Brian. She was under no illusions that she was stronger than he was. Brian was a pureblooded werewolf and she was a half-breed. She’d need the element of surprise and a lot of luck on her side in order to defeat him.

  She knew the Haven pack was prepared to fight him on her behalf, but she couldn’t allow that. They’d already done so much for her. No way was she letting them risk their lives for her. This was her problem and she’d deal with it.

  “Everything okay here?” Isaiah’s deep voice pierced her thoughts.

  Chrissten waited to see what Meredith was going to say.

  “Everything is fine.”

  “Then you told her.”

  Chrissten straightened in her chair. “Told me what? Have you found Brian?” In spite of her resolve, she broke out into a cold sweat. The thought of being anywhere near him again made her ill.

  “No, no, nothing like that,” Meredith hurried to reassure her before scowling at her mate. “It’s just that—”

  “Your father is arriving tonight,” Isaiah broke in. “He’ll be here around closing time.”

  Chrissten went numb inside. She wasn’t sure how she felt about this. It was one thing for Quinn to tell her she’d meet the guy someday, another thing totally to expect him within a few hours.

  A large presence loomed behind her. Chrissten knew without looking that Hank was standing there. She didn’t question why he was here. She was just glad he was. As always, he made her feel safe.

  “What’s going on?” Hank’s tone was almost accusing as he addressed his alpha.

  Isaiah frowned, letting the younger male see his displeasure. “Chrissten’s father is coming to see her tonight.”

  “Is that a good idea?” She was glad Hank asked that question. If anyone had asked her opinion on the matter she would have elected to put off this family reunion until this mess with Brian was taken care of.

  Isaiah stared at Hank for the longest time. It was obvious he didn’t like the fact his judgment was being questioned, but Hank didn’t back down. He stood behind her, not touching her, like a sentinel ready to guard her.

  “Better to get it over with. And he may be helpful if he’s still here when we find Brian. We’re looking for a group of six purebloods that we know of, maybe more. We need all the help we can get.

  This was the first she’d heard of this. She felt totally out of the loop. “What do you mean, a group of six?”

  Meredith reached across the table and took one of Chrissten’s hands. She hadn’t realized how cold she was until she felt Meredith’s heat seep into her chilled skin. “Brian is part of a pack of purebloods.”

  Chrissten nodded. “I knew there were more of them than Brian.
I just didn’t know how many.”

  “Damek found out there are six of them in total.” Isaiah crossed his arms over his chest, the frown on his face making him even more intimidating.

  “How? How did Damek find out?” Chrissten needed to know everything they did.

  A smile curved Isaiah’s lips upward making him appear cruel in the dim light. “He questioned Doctor Morton before he died.”

  What was left unsaid was that Damek had killed him. Chrissten wasn’t sorry. Phillip Morton deserved to die for what he’d done to her and other females in his sick experiments. “What else did Damek find out?”

  Isaiah shrugged. “That there are six purebloods. Craig is searching for possible locations where they might be staying. We know they’re still in the city.” He stared pointedly at her.

  She clenched her jaw to keep her teeth from chattering. Her body was coated in a sweat. She was so cold. She took a deep breath. “Because I’m still here.”

  Meredith nodded. “He’s a mated male. He won’t leave without you.”

  She’d known that to be true, but to hear another werewolf confirm that fact made it even more real, more deadly. Only one of them would live through the coming confrontation. Or maybe both of them would die.

  And on top of this she had to meet her biological father.

  What was next? The apocalypse?

  She closed her eyes and struggled for control. Meredith squeezed her hand before releasing it. “You’re safe here with us.”

  Chrissten took a deep breath and looked at the couple who had opened their home to her, the alphas of the Haven pack. “Thank you for everything you’ve done.” She needed to thank them just in case something happened and she had to leave suddenly. Events felt like they were beginning to spiral out of control.

  Meredith looked concerned. She couldn’t decipher Isaiah’s expression. Chrissten kept her own face blank as they turned and left her and Hank alone.

  “You are safe here.” He leaned down and braced one hand on the back of her chair and the other on the table in front of her. His forearm was thick with muscle and covered with a light smattering of dark blond hair. A watch with a wide leather strap was wrapped around his wrist. His fingers were long and wide. Strong.

  Chrissten was afraid she’d never truly feel safe again. It was an illusion. Shit happened and you dealt with it. That was life.

  “You don’t have to talk to him if you don’t want to. Your father.”

  She turned her head so she could see him. Hank’s expression was fierce, his eyes blazing with an inner fire. “I don’t think I have much choice.”

  “Bullshit. This isn’t about Donovan Brody. It’s about you, what you want.”

  The ice around Chrissten began to thaw as Hank’s words sank in. He truly meant them. Other than her brothers, no one else had ever put her first.

  “I know you mean that, but it’s probably better for me to get this over with.” Once she met him she could put it behind her, like Quinn had done.

  Hank leaned in close until their mouths were practically touching. His breath was warm against her skin. “I’ll be with you.”

  His promise warmed her because she knew he meant it.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He brushed his lips against hers and stood back before she could object. She glanced around hoping no one had noticed the kiss. The rest of the pack was busy with the crowds. Chrissten gave a sigh of relief. Her life was so damn complicated.

  Hank stood and brushed his hand over her hair. “Don’t worry, Chrissten. Everything will work out.”

  She watched as he made his way back to his post by the door. He might believe what he’d said but she didn’t. She knew better. Her entire family did. Everything didn’t always work out. Sometimes bad shit happened.

  Chrissten pulled her soupy milkshake back in front of her and took a sip. It was warm but it still tasted good. She kept her eyes on the door, watching Hank while she waited for the man who was her father.

  Hank channeled his anger, putting the energy into being vigilant and prepared. He hated seeing Chrissten so worried and afraid. She’d covered it quickly, but he’d seen the flash of fear in her eyes when Isaiah told her she would be meeting her father tonight.

  Damn selfish bastard. He should stay in Wolf Creek and wait until Chrissten wanted to see him. She’d been through enough already and wasn’t nearly back to full strength.

  On the other hand, Hank had to be fair to the guy. He hadn’t known he’d had kids and he knew his daughter had been hurt. If it had been Hank he’d have been here as soon as possible after Chrissten was rescued.

  Hank didn’t know how he felt about Donovan Brody. Personally, he didn’t care what the guy did. He only cared how it affected Chrissten.

  He used his peripheral vision to watch her. She looked so alone sitting in the corner by herself. He could spend all night looking at her. She was wearing the blue sweater he’d seen earlier, the one that matched her eyes. It set off her blonde hair, making it appear even lighter. She’d braided the thick mass and the tip of the braid almost hit her waist. His fingers itched to unwind it and let it flow through his fingers, over his body.

  Her jeans were a bit baggy but that was to be expected. She was still way too thin. He could easily imagine her with curves. His dick twitched. Oh yeah, she was gorgeous now, but with curves she’d be a total knockout.

  She needed to gain some weight. At least she was drinking her milkshake. He’d suggested it to Teague when Chrissten had come downstairs earlier. She needed the calories, plus he thought she’d like it. Craig had mentioned once that she liked vanilla ice cream and milkshakes.

  A movement at the far end of the bar caught his attention. The door to the upstairs apartments opened and Quinn and Bethany emerged. No need to ask what they’d been up to. Bethany’s hair was slightly mussed and she had a sleepy smile on her face. Quinn just looked content.

  He was glad they were happy, but it was hard to watch. He wanted what they had and he wanted it with Chrissten.

  His chest ached as he turned his attention back to the door and what was happening in the bar. Chrissten was here and she was safe. That’s what truly mattered. Eventually Brian would make his move and Hank would kill him. He didn’t care if the other male was a pureblood. Hank was fighting for his life. Without Chrissten he didn’t have one. She was it for him, the one and only. He knew that as sure as he knew his own name.

  Even if he didn’t survive the fight with Brian, she would be free. That was his goal. He wanted Chrissten to be free, to feel safe. She deserved no less.

  The night seemed to last forever. Usually Hank enjoyed his job. He liked listening to the music and watching the people, seeing how they interacted. He always had. He was happier on the fringes.

  The bar was busy, as usual. The band was finishing up for the night and several couples had taken to the floor for the last dance. It was slow and easy.

  Hank glanced toward Chrissten. She was sitting with her eyes partially closed, swaying to the music. He left his post and strode to the table. “Dance with me.”

  Every muscle in his body tensed as he awaited her reply. He wanted to dance with her, wanted to feel her body alongside his as they moved to the rhythm of the music.

  “I’m not very good, but I promise not to step on your toes,” he added when she hesitated. His tone was light but what he was feeling was anything but.

  A tiny smile curved the corners of her mouth. “You promise?”

  “Cross my heart.” He held out his hand and almost howled with pleasure when she took it. With her in front of him, he put his hand on the small of her back and guided her around the tables to the small dance floor.

  He knew the other members of the pack were watching them, could feel their eyes on him. Screw them. He was making his intentions public whether Chrissten realized it or not.

  He slid his arms around her waist and rested his hands on the small of her back. He was careful not to h
old her too close. He didn’t want her to feel confined in any way. Plus there was the problem of his erection. He didn’t want his unruly dick poking her in the belly.

  This wasn’t about pressuring her. All he wanted was for Chrissten to relax and enjoy herself for few minutes. Surely that wasn’t too much to ask.

  She slipped her hands up his chest before linking them around his neck. Her touch burned through his shirt. His erection got bigger and his jeans grew tighter.

  They began to sway to the beat the music. It wrapped around them, cocooning them in its sultry notes. Hank angled them toward the corner where it was darker and more private.

  She was tall for a woman. Strong too. But next to him she seemed almost delicate. She’d probably kick his ass if she knew what he was thinking. There was no doubting she was tough. She had to be in order to survive the ordeal she’d come through. No, Chrissten was a fighter. But right now, she was all woman, and she was in his arms.

  He moaned when she ran her fingers across the back of his neck. For once in his life he wished his hair was longer so she could run her fingers through it.

  “You like that?” The teasing lilt of her voice had his balls drawing up tight to his body.

  “Yeah, I like it.” He ran one hand up her spine to her nape, cupping it beneath the heavy braid. He used his hold on her to shift her closer until her breasts grazed his chest.

  She sucked in a breath and Hank almost moaned again when the motion pushed her breasts even closer. Even though it was impossible, he’d swear he could feel her peaked nipples through the fabric of her bra and sweater and his shirt.

  Her hips swayed to the music and her pelvis grazed his groin. He growled in response as his cock threatened to explode. One touch from this woman was better than hours of foreplay with any other.

  Her gaze flew to his face. She looked startled at first, then her eyes darkened and her lips parted. She was as aroused as he was.


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