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[Wild fang project] Garouden I pure fighting action novel

Page 18

by Unknown

  His eyes were moving into that direction until he noticed a human shadow moving, doing familiar Karate moves with hands and feet that he recognized doing with his own body hundreds of times.

  “Is he practicing Hokushinkan style Karate!?”

  Himekawa approached this figure and the movement stopped at once.

  “Oh!!, Mr. Kajiwara, It's you!!” Himekawa said.

  As the shadowy figure stopped moving, He turned to face Himekawa.


  “Wow, you surprised me...” Making a strange expression, Kajiwara did not look or sound surprised even though that is what he said so.

  “You sure don't sound like a cat or another animal that might be wandering at this hour.”

  “ You're Mr. Kajiwara, am I right?” Himekawa said by getting close to him.

  “That's correct.”

  “ I'm Himekawa Tsutomu from Hokushinkan's main branch.”


  “ I'm a person that has worked very closely with Matsuo Shozan Sensei. He has taken good care for me.”

  “Oh, I see. So, what are you doing here?”

  “ I was waiting for someone, an old friend of mine.”

  “A friend of yours?”

  “Yeah, sort of...”

  “Might this person be Tanba Bunshichi?” Himekawa asked while Kajiwara made a strange look.

  “How do you know him?”

  “I've been looking for him, do you know where he is?”

  “He's supposed to come here soon, I guess.” The moment Kajiwara answered, they heard a thin scream within the darkness.


  “Over there!!” Himekawa said, moving his head towards the place where the scream came. Both men ran towards it.


  All of a sudden, Bunshichi's head had been hit by Shimura's kick with the right leg. A kick launched at flash speed that Bunshichi had to bent his elbow on the side of his head to block it.


  While the kick landed, He steeped into his opponent's area with his right foot and kicked Shimura's leg with his left foot. That was the moment when Shimura launched a left fist that came flying at Bunshichi's face.

  This was not an usual Karate blow, It was a weird attack. Bunshichi waited for contact and twisted his head to cross it. He was aiming for the leg but Bunshichi's kick was quite shallow. If he seriously wanted to cause more damage and having enough space, instead of launching a kick, Bunshichi would have punched him in the face.

  Usually, if the opponent was at his same level of fighting skills, he would have not resort to launch a high kick all of a sudden. For that Bunshichi would have used his other foot and launched a few solid punches at the low and mid sections before launching a solid high kick that would not miss its target.

  Suddenly, everything fell into place for Bunshichi.

  “He's a guy that likes to brawl creatively.” Bunshichi thought while using some light footwork.

  In simple terms, his opponent mastered Karate just to use it as the base while mixing it with a few tricks here and there that will give him the advantage in a fight. A person just like himself used to deal with street combat often.

  If that was the case, Bunshichi had the perfect answer for it.

  “Hah, so you and me are the same, then?” he muttered quietly.

  Then, he stopped all of a sudden, and he lowered down his arms in a relaxed stance. He just stood there in an upright position without an expression. His opponent closed the distance but he was using a defenseless posture, in a fight, this was almost unthinkable. For a moment, he doubted if Shimura had an attack planned for that. He started doubting what was coming up next.

  “Will he use a kick? A punch maybe?” Bunshichi started getting distracted.

  It only took him 0.1 seconds to find out the answer as a right fist flew over towards Bunshichi's face. Even if it was only a second, hesitation can decide the outcome between victory and defeat. In this case, Bunshichi improvised a left fist but before he could launch it, it was caught with a right knee and pulled his left arm back.

  While retreating, he saw that giant fist covering all his field of vision coming at him. Too late to do anything, his reflexes moved his right hand and caught that punch between his face and his open hand.

  Absorbing the strong impact like a cushion, Tanba felt the power of that attack but his right hand was holding Shimura's fist and he tried to sneak behind Shimura's back when he realized something.


  “Gwaaaargh!!” He screamed while his fist was inside Bunshichi's right arm. Shimura's wrist had been broken.

  At the same time, Shimura's right knee had been sunk into Bunshichi's butt. A powerful attack that was way too close and it would have given Shimura more openings while Bunshichi was recovering from the pain of the impact, he felt it deep.

  But this was not to be, as Shimura reached his limit of pain tolerance and collapsed in the floor screaming loudly like a flute. This was the scream that Himekawa heard.


  Crazy dog's face was bleeding profusely, it was noticeable that blood were pouring from his mouth and nose. Even though, initially he was reeking of alcohol and tobacco, now his mouth was filled with blood and he was reeking of iron. Even half of his shirt changed color to a more darker stain.

  In contrast, Tsurumi's face had become pale. His countless punches and kicks failed to reach the desired effect. He was sweating buckets but all that effort amount to little compared with the final result.

  That's because the weight difference was simply too big. Almost 90 lbs of difference between him and the giant man.

  Even though the giant wasn't a Karateka, he was still a pro-wrestler, used to take kicks and punches to the face while minimizing the damage for long periods of time. But the body weight wasn't the only reason of his failure.

  There's also the reach difference. Once you're grabbed, You'd be scared that your enemy will step into your balance area. If you could avoid it, You'd be able to reduce the damage that the opponent would inflict to you.

  The mad dog was grinning and laughing loudly every time he will take a punch or a kick, even now with his bloody face, it was amusing to him. There was no mistake that he was thinking in that pleasant moment when he would have caught Tsurumi and finish him with whatever he pleased.


  In the other hand, Tsurumi, who was battered, injured and had ran out of options, was paralyzed by fear. But that didn't diminished his courage one bit. He still had the guts to not run away.

  “Hey, brother. I get that you're tough but he's still coming for me, wanna switch?” Bunshichi said in a relaxed and friendly tone to Tsurumi, that didn't answer and kept a determined look. But in reality, he did not have the composure to answer.

  You just have to see that poor guy Shimura rolling in pain on the ground, his screams were loud enough to Tsurumi to hear, but he dared not look his way.

  Bunshichi thought to himself that this was the very fear he experienced from Kajiwara in that fight six years ago, Tsurumi was in the same position and must be feeling the same.

  “Doryyaaahhhh!!!” Tsurumi screamed before he jumped into Crazy Dog's chest.

  Charging back his arm, he made a fist but then, he left the index and middle fingers out and positioned them in form of a V, with those, he was aiming to stab Crazy Dog's nostrils, but as soon as they got closer. He decided to aim higher than that.

  He was going to attack him right in his eyes.

  Crazy Dog shook his head with a bloody smile. He stood in the same place and, even knowing that his opponent was aiming to take his eyes out, he didn't panic at all. It only took a small sway back with his head and the attack was useless.

  While in mid air, Crazy Dog seized Tsurumi's shoulders and his fingers stopped right in front of Crazy Dog's face, showing the vast difference in reach of both men. Crazy Dog let a maniacal laugh while Tsurumi was paralyzed by fear.

�� screamed Tsurumi.

  Not only he failed to land that attack, it was the only attack that he could launch on him. For a desperate man without options, this was the best he could hope for. Without making a mistake, Tsurumi thought that he would be able to pull it off if he was desperate enough.


  Tsurumi tried to pry himself open but Crazy Dog had him well secured with his arms like a bear hug. Tsurumi tried to scream loudly but his scream stopped midway.

  “AieeeGUHHHHHHH!!!” Crazy Dog pressed him until all his oxygen escaped from his lungs.

  “Baaaaahhhh” Tsurumi grasped for air, but when he tried to scream again, Crazy Dog pressed him once again.

  This time, the mad dog kept pressing him without letting him breathe. His shoulders bulged like a bump while Tsurumi's ribs were making cracking sounds as his mouth was while open and he was convulsing shaking his head back and forth.

  His face started to turn blue while he flapped his mouth, desperately trying to grasp some air from his surroundings but it seems he wasn't able to.

  Crazy Dog unfastened his right arm and Tsurumi desperately let his lungs have some air but he was still seized by the giant's left arm, gasping violently. This time It was Crazy Dog the one that charged back his arm and made a fist, but it was different from Tsurumi. He only let one finger out, the index finger, that considering the thickness of his hand, it seemed that it was a giant pole.

  “….What is he planning to do with that?” Bunshichi was a little puzzled.

  But when he saw how much he charged back that spooky finger, he felt his spine as cold as ice. In Bunshichi's mind, there was conflicting feelings. For one, he wanted to see what would be the result of that attack, but in the other hand, He wanted to stop him from executing a man that was already defeated.

  “Stop!!” Bunshichi Yelled a few moments later, but it was already too late.

  Tsurumi let out a big, It was more like a howl that would pierce the ears of anyone that would listen to it.

  A noise so hideous that it seems it was done by a dying beast, but enough for you to discern that it was a voice emitted by a human in an extreme moment. If it was you making this sound, you'd wish it was the last time in your life that you emitted a sound like that.


  It wasn't going to happen for a second time, ever....

  Even if he was still alive, Tsurumi probably would not have the chance to make that scream again, but he will have to settle down with the kind of life he will get after recovering from the consequences of this fight.

  This sound was the ultimate, desperate attempt to tolerate a horrible injury that will affect not only his martial artist career for the rest of his life, but his regular life for as long as he'd live, which he could just suppose, it wasn't going to be long enough.

  What Crazy Dog did, while he was holding Tsurumi, used his gigantic hand to grasp and press the back of Tsurumi's head.

  Moreover, he launched and stuck his thick right index finger into Tsurumi's right nostril with all his strength, breaking muscle, bone and cartilage all the way to the edge. There was no mistake, That blow penetrated so deeply that it reached even his throat.

  Tsurumi continued to let out a strange noise, very similar to a dog that was being strangled to death. As if something was stuck in his throat. Crazy Dog released his left hand that was used to press the back of Tsurumi's head. Tsurumi was struggling, as if he was lifted up in the air and he was writing something on the ground.

  His mouth was half-open and his body was trembling. His blood was overflowing everywhere and along with his jaw, it was dripping all over the ground.

  “A pro-wrestler can get his hands dirty too.” Bunshichi remembered he heard that from Kajiwara.

  “Mr. Himekawa...sir?” someone was calling from the darkness. Himekawa Tsutomu stood next to Bunshichi. Looking at the gruesome scene with stiff eyes. He would have preferred making his snarky smile but his heart has become still as well.

  “Mr. Himekawa?” A man came from the darkness and kept on calling him. It was the same man that made that phone call before when he was with Saeko.


  “Would you mind if I watch this fight quietly without intervening?”

  “I don't care.” Himekawa responded.

  Crazy Dog finally pulled out his finger and Tsurumi collapsed on his knees and his back. The city lights shone on Crazy Dog's index finger. It was glowing with shiny, wet red colors mixed with a little of black at the same time.

  Crazy Dog opened his bloody mouth and sucked his finger making a loud sucking noise. Turning around facing Tanba.

  “I'm fighting you...” Himekawa whispered in the darkness while walking out to the light. He walked casually with his hands down on the sides.

  “Disgusting white pig...” Himekawa muttered with a calm voice. Crazy Dog's red face has turned even more redder.

  In half a second, Himekawa charged all of a sudden!! The mad dog didn't run away. Bunshichi was staring at Himekawa's right hand the moment he made first contact with Crazy Dog. Himekawa and the mad dog clashed violently.

  Because of the impact, Himekawa was blown far away to the back. Crazy dog moved forward with the same speed as Himekawa was flying to the back. Crazy Dog's humongous body fell on Himekawa and it seem he was covering him completely. He could not move his body. Felt like a small mountain decided to sit on him. Himekawa tried to get himself out from under him. He finally stood up and cleared out the dirt on his shirt.

  “Puuhh...Is been a while, I tell you.” He looked at Bunshichi and smiled widely.

  “Just now....” Bunshichi said while looking perplexed at Himekawa.

  “Did you stab him!!?”

  “You saw it, didn't you?”


  Himekawa asked him humorously, maybe Bunshichi missed it for a second.

  Every part of the face, for as simple and strong as it may look, It carry a great deal of sensitivity and delicacy.

  Even if you don't see it, it’s the point intersecting the middle of our nose and upper lip. If you press softly enough, you'd feel the sensitivity. But the harder you press, you will feel the pain and agony until you stop. If you were in a real combat situation, your body will make your vitals to hold in a tight spot, making them harder to reach. Doesn't matter what kind of person or his fighting background could be, if he or she see something flying to his or her face, the body will make all sorts of movements to avoid it. Any sort of small moves could protect these tiny vital spots.

  “His opening attack was so simple, that, unless I did something flashy to distract him, nothing else would have worked as easy as that to take him down.” Himekawa said with a cool voice.

  “So...You intended to defeat him from the start?”

  “Yes.” Himekawa answered while looking at the man that was assisting him.

  “Katou, please clean this up and get help for the injured. Mr. Kawabe should be at the Tokai Kankou hotel as we speak, so you can call him there.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man named Katou said. At that same time, there was a rustling sound nearby. It was Crazy Dog who was lying face-down like a small mountain, he moved his body slowly but surely, and got up.

  “Pro-wrestlers are a people without a pattern, don't you think so, Bunshichi?” Himekawa asked.

  “That’s quite impressive.” he added shortly thereafter.

  Bunshichi was mysteriously impressed too. It was amazing to see someone who was able to stand up after getting one of his vital points violently smashed in such a way, he didn't think there could be people like that.


  Crazy dog stumbled a bit but he was able to get up. Bunshichi and Himekawa were looking at that immense body of his while Crazy Dog turned around. He did it slowly as if he was searching for Bunshichi and the others. While he turned, it was visible that his nose was twisted in an unnatural way. He looked at Bunshichi and Himekawa with pale eyes.

  Himekawa walked towards Crazy Dog wit
h a relaxed walk and he even stood in front of him.

  Crazy Dog did not move, that was when Himekawa lifted up his right hand, lowered down his hip and slightly hit Crazy Dog's chest with his palm. Crazy Dog's giant body fell down defeated and stumbled down on his back. This time, though, Crazy Dog remained immobile for the rest of the time they were there.

  “So, shall we go, then?” Said Himekawa with a big smile looking at Bunshichi.

  “Go? Go where?” Bunshichi asked, puzzled.

  “Isn't your “friend” waiting for you on the other side?” When Himekawa said it, Bunshichi made an expression as if he just realized that there was somebody waiting for him, and Himekawa was waiting for them too.

  “That's right.” Bunshichi said quietly with a small smile. “Let's go”



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