Book Read Free

Silent Treatment

Page 5

by Jackie Williams

  Helen glanced up at her husband before she concentrated on her daughter again.

  “What have you eaten at school today, or did you have anything later at Daniel’s house? Dad seems to think you were with him this afternoon.” She sat down on the edge of the bed and Carrie thought hard about how to fend off the coming inquisition.

  She gave her father a withering glare.

  “I was only at Dan’s because I felt a bit odd after the exam. You know, sort of light headed. He gave me a glass of water after we walked home, and then he came right to the door with me just in case I felt faint, that’s all. I thought it was just the stress of the exams but now I think it must be a bug. Daniel said he had it last week. He was ill for a couple of days. It wouldn’t be so bad if it didn’t make my head ache so much.” Carrie fluttered her eyelids dramatically as she laid it on thick.

  Jim pursed his lips, still looking unconvinced.

  “Hmm, and you spend a lot of time with this Daniel do you? I wouldn’t have thought he was your type.” He frowned down at her.

  Carrie shrugged and winced as she had a sudden reminder from her shoulder of why she was lying in bed faking being ill.

  “It has nothing to do with him being my type or not, dad. We walk to school together and sometimes home together too, that’s all. We always have, right from primary school. You probably don’t remember because you were always at work and you might not remember Daniel from then anyway. He’s only grown so tall in the last couple of years.”

  Her mother glanced up at her father.

  “See Jim. I told you that you were making a mistake. There’s nothing in it at all. Daniel was just bringing her home because she felt poorly. Isn’t that nice of him?”

  Jim was still frowning.

  “Yes, well so long as it is just a bug. I don’t want you mucking about with that great oaf Carrie. He looks dangerous to me. He obviously has enough hormones in him for the whole street.”

  Carrie struggled to sit up and defend Daniel.

  “Dad, don’t be ridiculous. He’s my friend and I really like him. It’s not his fault he’s grown so big and it’s nothing to do with his hormones, more like his genes. Dan’s father is really tall too. You would hate it if someone didn’t like you just because you’re bald like grandpa. It’s a hereditary thing not a failing.”

  Jim took a shocked breath and rubbed his hand self-consciously over his shining head.

  “Now wait just a minute young lady! There’s no reason to be so rude. I’m only saying that someone that huge is going to have trouble along-side him somewhere. I don’t want you getting too involved. He’s so massive his hormones must be running riot. He’s got to have that much testosterone raging round him. He’s going to have to give it an outlet sometime and for someone his age, that means either fighting or having sex. I don’t want either of them to be with you, okay.”

  Carrie was outraged. She ignored the pain in her shoulder as she shot forwards.

  “I don’t think Daniel has ever had a fight in his life and I am certainly not having sex with him! I’m not having sex with anyone! Yet!” She added furiously. “Not that it’s any of your business if I do. I am sixteen you know and it’s quite legal, but just so you know, he’s never even mentioned the subject to me. We’ve walked to and from school together almost every day since I was six. There’s nothing in it at all.” Carrie crossed her fingers under the duvet, desperately hoping that there would be. “He plays rugby or some other sport all the time. He gets rid of all his testos…stuff there. He’s a really nice guy dad, and so are his mates. You shouldn’t let appearances sway your opinion so easily.”

  Her father took a step back from Carrie’s onslaught and raised his hands in surrender.

  “Okay, I believe you, I’m sorry I spoke. You had better rest if you are going to rehearsals tomorrow. Antonio is going to be as mad as hell that you are going to miss tonight, better not make him madder.”

  Carrie was about to protest about the being sick rule when her mum spoke up for her.

  “She can’t go to rehearsals tomorrow either Jim. They have to have forty-eight hours clear before they go back to training, otherwise it’ll go round the group like wildfire. It’s the warm, sweaty atmosphere in the studio that does it. It won’t matter too much anyway, Carrie has the routine down to a tee. I’ll give Antonio a call in a moment. Why don’t you go and relax Jim. Go and pour us both a sherry. I’ll just help Carrie clean up and be down in a jiffy.”

  Jim left the room after kissing Carrie on the forehead but her mum stayed sitting on the bed.

  She waited until she heard the television downstairs and then she spoke to Carrie again.

  “Are you really sick Carrie? You look a little flushed, but not ill and you don’t have a temperature. Come on honey, you can tell me if anything’s bothering you. You’re not getting cold feet about the dancing are you?” Her tone was full of genuine concern.

  Carrie smiled weakly and laid her head back on the pillows. She suddenly felt awful for being so deceitful. She couldn’t meet her mother’s gaze. Instead she made a big drama out of plumping the already plumped pillow.

  “Don’t be silly mum. I could do the dance standing on my head. I just feel ill, that’s all. I think I was stressed about the exam and it’s given me a nervous stomach.”

  But her mother wouldn’t leave it.

  “And Daniel? Are you telling us the truth about him.” She flapped her hands as Carrie jumped forwards in the bed again. “Look, don’t get mad at me. He’s eighteen and you’re a very pretty girl. He wouldn’t be normal if he didn’t have thoughts about sex. I just want to know that if anything is going on, that you’re being safe. There’s nothing like a baby to cramp your style.”

  Carrie had to laugh.

  “Oh mum, was I that bad?”

  Her mother shrugged and smiled.

  “No, but then your dad is quite a bit older than me. He already had a good job and was able to provide for us all. I was quite happy to stay at home with you. This is a bit different for you, what with everything that’s going on in your life. It’s probably not a good time to have a relationship.”

  Carrie lay back on the pillows again and thought about the situation miserably.

  “I know mum. Dan and I do like each other, but even if it was more than just liking, which it isn’t, it’s not going to go anywhere. He was just being kind ‘cos I felt so ill, and anyway, he’s going to America in September. He only found out yesterday. He won a Sports Academy scholarship in Atlanta. It’s fantastic for him, but it’s a three year placement. We aren’t going to be seeing each other for a very long while.” Carrie covered her mouth with her hand as she nearly cried out with the intense pain that suddenly caught at her chest.

  Her mum whipped up the bucket from the floor and Carrie made some convincing gagging noises and spat in it. She pulled a tissue from the box on her bedside table and made a big show of wiping her mouth.

  Helen took the tissue and grimaced.

  “Ewh! I think you’ve gone past bile now. You’re gagging on nothing. That’s so bad for you. Your stomach will be raw.” Her mother looked into the bottom of the empty bucket. “Maybe you need something to eat. What about some buttered toast?”

  Carrie moaned in longing. She was starving but she knew she would have to suffer for a few more hours if she were going to pull off this deception convincingly.

  “Maybe later mum, I couldn’t stomach anything at the moment. I’m just thirsty. Being sick has made my throat sore. Is there any coke left?”

  “I think there’s a bottle in the fridge. I’ll go and get you some. I’ll give Antonio a quick ring and then bring a glass back up.” She walked towards the door and closed it quietly behind her.

  Carrie lay down and slipped her mobile phone out from under her pillow. She sent a quick text to Daniel, telling him how the first part of her plan was going, and had a smiley face reply within seconds. Then she put the phone back under the pillow as she heard her m
other coming back up the stairs.

  She handed Carrie the glass of coke and waited while Carrie sipped at it. Then she took the glass from her hand and put it on the bedside table.

  “I’ll leave that here in case you want any later. I spoke to Antonio and he says you’re to stay in bed for the next two days. He’s going to come over on Saturday evening to see how you’re getting on, but he’s not rehearsing over the weekend anyway. I said you’d probably be okay for Monday, but he said don’t come in until you’re strong enough. If you’re still weak, the dancing will make you worse. Better to have a few days off now than in the middle of the tour.”

  Carrie turned her head slightly and smiled in relief against the pillow. She lifted her head and spoke weakly.

  “Thanks mum. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a couple of days. If it is that bug going round, Dan said it took him a while to get over it.”

  Her mother looked at her suspiciously one more time.

  “Yes, I’m sure it did. Well, whatever it is wrong with you, I daresay he’s going help you get over it. Your dad just saw him hanging around the gate still. He went out and asked him what he wanted. Apparently he says that he’s coming over tomorrow to see if you’re any better. Your dad says Daniel looks a lot sicker than you.” Helen caught the hint of a smile that curled the corners of Carrie’s mouth. She smiled indulgently as she walked back to the door and closed it gently behind her.

  Chapter Four

  The Next Day

  Jim stood at the bottom of the stairs, staring up at the closed door of Carrie’s bedroom. He dropped his briefcase outside the under-stair cupboard and slipped out of his jacket, then he took a deep breath and walked through to the kitchen.

  Helen looked up at him in surprise.

  “Whatever are you doing home so early?” She smiled as she walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist, then gave him a brief kiss on the lips.

  He didn’t kiss her back.

  “Is that great oaf still here?” He looked down at his wife, his expression hard.

  Helen let go of him quickly and stood back.

  “Is that why you’ve come home early? Just to check up on them?” She turned back to the cooker and lifted the lid of the saucepan. “And I thought you had made the effort to see me! I wish I hadn’t rung you to tell you he was here. You’re being far too suspicious.” She poked a knife into the contents of the saucepan.

  Jim stepped up behind her and gave her a belated kiss on the cheek.

  “I don’t see why I shouldn’t be suspicious. I’ll swear that kid’s on steroids. It can’t be normal to be that huge. His parents aren’t that tall, well his mother isn’t at any rate...It’ll be a disaster if she gets pregnant by him when she’s only sixteen. Her life will be over. Nobody likes a teenage mum. Makes them cheap.” His words were hard.

  Helen put the knife down firmly on the worktop.

  “Well, thanks for that Jim. Maybe you have forgotten but I was pregnant at sixteen. It’s nice to know that even while you were making love to me, you thought I was cheap.” She moved along the kitchen units, grabbed the knife again and began peeling the carrots vigorously.

  Jim sighed wearily and moved up close behind his wife. He ignored the knife being wielded expertly along the carrots.

  “I didn’t mean you. I love you now and I loved you then. I knew you were the one for me right from the moment I lay eyes on you…It’s just all so different now-a-days. Everyone has to have a career and Carrie has been given the chance of a fabulous one. I just don’t want it all ruined for her by that great lumbering kid. Do you even know what they’re doing up there?”

  Helen gave a resigned sigh. He obviously wasn’t going to let this go.

  “They were listening to some music when I took them a drink and some biscuits an hour ago. Daniel was sitting on the floor by the end of her bed, fully dressed, including his trainers, and no-where near Carrie.” Helen added the carrots to the saucepan. “I’ve asked him if he wants to stop for dinner, so you’d better put on a pleasanter manner before they come down or he’s going to think you’re a right grumpy old git.”

  Jim groaned and rolled his eyes.

  “What the hell were you doing encouraging him?” He sighed, his shoulder drooping in resignation. “I’m going to get changed. Why don’t we eat outside? The weather’s nice enough and he won’t be quite so overpowering out in the garden.”

  Helen nodded and turned back to the cooking.

  Jim trudged to the stairs and then, making sure that the kitchen door was shut, he crept quickly up them and stood listening outside Carrie’s door. He heard voices inside. Daniel’s was low and rumbling.

  “Perfect Carrie. Spread them wide, wider, go on, I know you can do it. Now lift this one higher, yes, see…I can push you further, and another deep breath. That’s right, I want you to really feel it. Relax your whole body now.” There was a short pause, then. “Perfect, you’re loosening up nicely. I told you it wouldn’t hurt if we went slowly.”

  Jim’s eyes grew wide and he bent his head closer to the door, listening hard. He heard Carrie’s higher pitched voice. She sounded breathy, almost lazy.

  “That feels so good Daniel, it’s really hard, but when you push gently I can get it nearly all the way up, much higher than I thought would be possible. I’ve never done anything like this before. The deeper I breathe, the more I can take. You must have had a lot of experience with this sort of thing.”

  Daniel’s deep rumbling laugh came back as the floorboards creaked in a gentle rhythm.

  “Only once or twice before Carrie, and you are the first one to take so much. It’s just a matter of taking things slow and easy. I don’t want to hurt you. You have to be really relaxed. It’s no good at all if you’re too tense, but you’ve managed to do it for well over half an hour. Not everyone can take it this hard the first time, but you are so flexible you make it look easy. Are you feeling good? I don’t want this to hurt you. Tell me if it’s too much.” There was a short pause and then Carrie answered.

  “No, it’s fine.” Then a great sigh. “Oh wow! I can feel that deep inside.”

  Daniel grunted as the floorboards creaked.

  “Not too fast Carrie. There’s plenty of time. We don’t have to rush this. I can come again tomorrow if you want me to. We’ll keep it gentle so you have time to get used to the different positions and I promise that it’ll feel even better the second time. There’s no way you can take in all of this the first time, so we’ll work slowly and as soon as you’re ready we can really get into a rhythm. We’ll see if we can work it all the way up tomorrow, maybe even try it from the other way round. Bending over forwards and arching your back sometimes makes it easier.”

  Carried moaned a little and then sighed deeply.

  “Yeah, I think that would be a great idea. I’m not averse to experimenting. I mean, I’m obviously pleased I’ve done so well today, but you must be disappointed that it’s still so stiff. I bet you would have preferred it if I had been able to go all the way with it. You know, released it completely.”

  Daniel’s voice rumbled through the door.

  “Try not to worry Carrie, I’m a very patient guy. There’s a lot to take in and I’m satisfied with what we have done today. I wouldn’t expect anyone to manage it all the first time. If I’m really gentle with you, we’ll probably be able to go the whole way tomorrow. I don’t want to get all tense by going too far too fast.”

  Jim stood up straight. His cheeks were purple with rage. He had heard enough. He didn’t care how big the animal was, he couldn’t let him ruin his daughter.

  He grasped the door handle and shoved hard, putting all his weight behind his shoulder as he rammed the wooden panel at the same time, just in case the door was locked.

  It wasn’t. He burst into the room and almost tripped over Carrie who sat cross legged on the floor with her back towards the door. He swerved to avoid a collision and fell headlong onto the bed, his momentum crashing him into the opp
osite wall. Momentarily stunned, he slid off the bed sideways, and landed in Daniel’s lap. He struggled to free himself from a tangle of huge, long limbs and massive feet as Daniel took hold of his shoulders and sat him up straight.

  “You okay there, Mr. Denton? Do you want to join in?” Daniel looked more than surprised.

  Jim was still purple.

  “Why you filthy!” Jim shouted and wrenched himself out of Daniel’s grasp, his whole body shaking with almost uncontrollable anger.

  Then he suddenly shut his mouth as he saw that Daniel was at least six feet from Carrie. They were both fully dressed including their trainers, exactly as Helen had described. Carrie glared furiously at him, her arms still stretched above her head. He blustered as Daniel stood up gracefully and stuck his hand out to pull Jim from the floor. Jim frowned for a moment then took it begrudgingly, his eyes opening wide again as he took in Daniel’s bulging biceps as they tensed with his weight.

  His voice was back at a normal level when he spoke again.

  “What’s going on in here? It sounded like, Oh I don’t know what it sounded like. What were you both doing?” His tone was still accusing.

  Daniel smiled easily at him, but then glanced at Carrie as she moved her arms to put them down. He spoke quickly.

  “No! Don’t stop yet,” He warned as he made gentling motions with his huge hands. “Extend the stretch first, that’s right…make sure your breath comes out fully. And slowly bring them back down. Okay, you can relax now.” He gave Carrie instructions before turning to her father again. “Sorry about that Mr. Denton. I didn’t want Carrie to cut the stretch short. There are a lot of instructions to follow and it can be easy to forget a vital one.”

  Jim raised his eyebrows quizzically as he brushed carpet fluff from his trousers and straightened his shirt.

  “Instructions for what exactly?”

  Daniel smiled widely, obviously keen to share his favourite subject.

  “I’m showing Carrie my new form of workout. I’ve designed it especially for sportsmen and women who are sick or injured, but need to keep their fitness up. I thought it would be a good idea for her while she’s poorly. You know, so she doesn’t feel sluggish when she goes back to the dancing. Three or four days without exercise can make a huge difference to someone as fit as Carrie. It’s based on something like yoga, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Deep breathing skills are really important so you get a really good work out without wearing yourself out. I’m hoping to launch it in America when I go to college in September. It’s going to be a major part of my thesis.” His enthusiasm was more than genuine.


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