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Alamir: Blood of Kaos Series - Book One

Page 21

by Nesa Miller

  “He took me under his wing when I first came to the Alamir. We came up against each other one day during a battle. It was actually a case of mistaken identity. He thought I was fighting for the Bok and made every attempt to run me through, but I was able to fend off his advances and got a few hits in myself. He finally stepped back and began yelling at me. Such profanity I'd never heard.”

  Etain laughed. “Aye. If he can't slash it to death, he'll bloody well try to shout it to death.”

  With the sun setting, Inferno, Dar, and Linq set to building a bonfire at Spirit's request. “She likes a fire, no matter the size,” Inferno informed the two men.

  “Sounds like a match made in heaven.” Dar laughed and winked. “Let’s not disappoint the lady.”

  Etain’s laughter drifting across the garden gave Dar more reason to smile. Spying his lady in conversation with the young fiddler, the smile dissolved. He tossed a handful of logs onto the fire with one heave. Ruby barked, shying away from the flying sparks.

  “Blast it, man. Watch what yer doing,” Inferno shouted.

  “I am.” Dar stormed off.

  The fine art of stealth can only become second nature through experience, requiring a patient heart. Years spent tracking the Bok and hunting demons had supplied the Krymerian with more than his fair share of experience. Where Etain was concerned, though, the patience part was still a work in progress. He silently approached the two, who were deep in conversation.

  Zorn noticed his presence before Etain, which did not sit well with the warrior. “Lord Dar, forgive me. I'm afraid I've monopolized too much of your lady's time.” Zorn came to his feet, fiddle in hand. “She is most engaging.”

  “So it would seem.”

  Etain held out her hand. Dar didn’t notice, his focus on the fiddler. Instead, Zorn helped her to her feet. Felix followed suit, standing next to Etain.

  “Thank you for a lovely conversation,” she said, smiling. “I hope you'll play more for us this evening.”

  “As you wish, milady.” He bowed, gave Felix a pat on the head, and walked away, unaware of the dangerous gaze on his back.

  Dar waited until he was out of earshot, then cut his eyes to Etain. “You'll not be around to hear any more music.”

  “Oh?” Her hands went to her hips. “What exactly will I be doing?”

  “You won't be talking to him. That's for sure.”

  “Contrary to what you believe, Mr. Machismo, you will not tell me what I can do or to whom I can speak.”


  Caught between the big man and the tree, she sidestepped his warning. “Do not treat me like your possession. Either trust me, or-”

  He made a grab for her arm. “There is no ‘or’ for us.”

  Felix growled.

  “Or you can go back to Faux.”

  Inferno and Spirit arrived just in time. “How about another dance, lass?”

  “Not now, Inferno,” Dar grumbled.

  Spirit placed a hand on Dar's chest. “This is a celebration. You will not ruin it.” His steely gaze was met with one of ice. “Calm yourself, or they'll be carting you off.”

  “Keep that fiddling pup clear of her and we'll be fine.” His glare touched each of them in turn. Noting the defiance in Etain’s eyes, he turned, spied Linq at the bonfire, and walked away.

  From across the garden, the Krymerian watched the women walk into the house. Inferno approached, his expression saying everything without uttering a word.

  “Stay out of it.” Dar started to follow the women, but the chieftain grabbed his arm.

  “I'll bloody jump in the middle of anything that involves me family.”

  Dar shrugged him off. “She's mine now and no longer your burden.”

  “Burden, ya say?” His eyes burned.

  Linq made an effort to intervene. “Gentlemen, let's have another brew and enjoy the evening.” Two sets of glowing eyes turned on him. “As you wish.” He stepped back, and made a beeline for the house.

  Inferno’s attention returned to the Krymerian. “If ya don’t like the company we keep, yer free to leave.”

  “Happy to oblige,” Dar sneered in return. “After I gather what belongs to me.”

  Inferno blocked his path. “No need to put yerself out. I'll send Zorn to fetch yer sword.”

  “It's not my blade I'm going for.”

  “She has a home here. Be on yer way and leave her be.” Flames licked off Inferno’s fingertips.

  His words rang familiar. It wasn’t long ago Dar had said the same thing to his brother. He took a breath. “She looked to be in pain.”

  “It's a wonder she has a head at all after that stunt you pulled today.”

  He let the comment slide. “I should check on her. I can help.”

  Inferno let him pass, but said over his shoulder, “Ya best think twice before pulling yer shenanigans again.” He turned to face his opponent, crossing his arms.

  “Or what?” Dar stopped. “You should consider to whom you speak.”

  “Are ya threatening me now?” The chieftain dropped his arms. “Yer not talking to a wee lass now. I can handle meself a damn site better 'n her.”

  “I do not make threats,” Dar said, his voice even.

  “Right. Ya do what’s necessary, don’t ya? I've seen it with me own eyes. Got one girl with a hole in her gut, and another with a bashed in head.”

  “Etain must learn to protect herself.”

  “Who’s gonna protect her from you?”

  “Inferno…” He lowered his voice to an angry whisper. “There are worse things in this world.”

  The Alamir chieftain laughed. “The only thing I've seen worse than you, so far, is yer wanker of a brother. Who, I might add, we wouldn't be bothered with if ya weren't around. Do her a favor. Stay out of her life. She’ll get over you soon enough.”

  “You underestimate her.” Dar’s eyes slipped to demon red. “She came to me of her own volition.”

  “What’s that?” Inferno's eyes bulged. “Ya best not be telling me what I think yer telling me.”

  Spirit’s timing was spot-on. “Goddess of us all, must I get the muzzles out? I can hear you clear upstairs. Faux needs her rest, and Etain has a banging head.” She glared at Dar. “No thanks to you. If I could get a guarantee you old hens wouldn’t blast each other into oblivion, I'd leave you to it and not give a whit.” She turned an evil eye on her husband. “You were to prevent a fight, not cause one.” She turned on Dar. “I don’t know what’s got your knickers in a twist, but you’ve better things to do than abuse me husband.” She took him by the arm and guided him toward the back door, lowering her voice. “Get upstairs and tell her g'nite. And none of your fiddling. She needs to rest.”

  Dar stepped inside and tapped an ale, stalling for time.

  It will not do any good going to her in a fury.

  Once in the bedroom, he found her asleep. Still wired from the argument, he set the mug on the bedside table and walked out onto the balcony. A flight should help clear his mind. His massive wings fanned out, lifting him airborne in a single flap. He circled around, pleased to see the partiers still at it.

  Free from the tethers of the world, he allowed his mind to drift. In time, his thoughts came back to the evening’s events.

  I almost lost it tonight. Too many would have been hurt if Spirit had not been there. Is Inferno right? Am I to blame for all that has befallen Etain? Had I avoided this realm, would Midir have let her be?

  After circling the estuary, he landed on the shore, watching the moonlight dance on the rippling water.

  I doubt it. I could end this tonight. “But she isn’t ready,” he said to himself. If I fail, it will come down to her to defeat him. He resolved to endure whatever Inferno or his clansmen threw at him. “For you, mo chuisle, I will suffer anything.”

  “Bloody hell.” Inferno cursed at the knock on the bedroom door. Rising from his warm, comfortable bed, and padding barefoot across the room, he opened the door. His ange
red look softened seeing her face. “What’s wrong, lass?”

  “I’ve looked everywhere. There’s no sign of him.” Etain looked from Inferno to Spirit, who had joined them at the door. “Did he say anything?”

  “I take it yer talking about that bleedin’ demon. Maybe he’s not as stupid as I thought,” Inferno mumbled, heading back to bed.

  Spirit sighed. “Short-lived truce. No, love. Last we saw, he was on his way up to you.”

  Etain slipped past Spirit, going after Inferno. She grabbed his upper arm. “What did you say to him?”

  “What did I say to him?” he echoed. “Ya should be worried about what he said to me.”

  She blinked, unsure of what he meant, tightening her grip. “Inferno, this is the man I love.”

  “Ya should let that one go, lass. I told him to get the hell out.”

  “He would never leave me. Not now, not ever.” She released him and turned away.

  “You answer me something,” he demanded, rubbing his arm. “Have you been with him?”

  “How could you do this to me? Why?” she muttered on her way to the door.

  “You didn’t answer me, girl,” he bellowed. “Have you been with him?”

  She turned, a dangerous glint in her eye. “I am no girl. What I do with the man I love is none of your business. If he’s gone, I will never forgive you.” She slammed the door with her exit.

  Spirit spied the bruises already forming on her husband’s arm. “You’re pushing too hard.” Upon closer examination, she found four tiny punctures on the underside. “I’ll not have her disappearing on us like the last time because of your bull head. Let it be, love.”

  The fire in his eyes burned bright. “Ya heard it as well as I did. She damn well admitted it. Let him come back.” His hatred for Dar was clear in his voice. “I’m gonna kill him before his bastard brother has the chance.”

  A hard slap across his face silenced the rant. “Do you care nothing for anything other than your infuriating pride? Have you thought about what it would mean for me or Etain if you two should cross swords? What about the children, the clan? One of you would end up dead. It pains me to say, but I’m of a mind it wouldn’t be Dar. That would start a bloody war amongst the Alamir. Something none of us needs, especially with the Bok lurking about.”

  She took a deep breath, closing her eyes, then opened them. “Etain’s a woman now. Respect the choices she makes, even if you don’t agree.” She walked to her side of the bed, slipping between the covers. “In the morning, you will apologize to Dar and talk as civilized men…if either of you know what civilized is.”

  Dar quietly touched down on the balcony, then shifted back to his Krymerian form. As he walked into the room, a stern voice surprised him. “Where have you been?”

  He looked up, further surprised by her nakedness.

  By the gods, she is beautiful.

  “I could not sleep.”

  “And?” she asked, hands on her hips, sauntering closer.

  He licked his lips, his eyes taking in the whole of her…the perfect breasts, the sway of her hips and graceful curve into muscular thighs, the triangle of soft hair in unexpected silver. His gaze came back to her altered violet eyes. “I needed to clear my head.”

  “Clear your head?” She stood before him, luscious and irresistible, flushed with anger

  There were no accusations made, but he felt something had come between them. “I didn’t do it.”

  “There was an argument.” Her hands glided over his torso to his shoulders. “I want to know what happened.”

  He submitted to her authority, dropping to his knees. With the face of a chastised child, he gazed into her beautiful demon eyes and told her of the heated exchange with Inferno.

  “There is no excuse for my actions. Can you forgive me?”

  One hand traveled along his shoulder into his thick, brown hair. Gripping a handful, she pulled his head back. “I thought you’d left me.”

  “You know me better than that.”

  “I thought I knew Inferno, too.” She pulled his head back farther. “He thinks I’ve given myself to you.” She leaned over him, bringing her face close to his. “How shall I punish you for such behavior?”

  Despite his best efforts, a smirk came to his lips. “Any way you wish, milady.” His balls tightened in expectation, his cock straining for release. Her touch was electric. “I am at your mercy.”

  She straightened, looking down at him as he caressed the curve of her thighs up to her hips. Holding her gaze, he explored the firmness of her bare bottom, squeezing each rounded cheek, loving the suppleness of her flesh. Encouraged, he placed soft kisses over her lower belly, moving down to the sensuous nexus between her thighs, his tongue exploring the outer lips before slipping between, teasing, savoring the salty taste of her. He held her fast, enjoying her shivers, her fingers tangled in his hair.

  Standing, his body close to hers, he unbuttoned his shirt from the top as she worked from the bottom, letting it fall to the floor, all the while maneuvering toward the bed. A playful push had her on her back. The admiration in her eyes encouraged him as he opened his pants, revealing his desire. She lifted a shapely leg, running a toe down his muscular frame. Dar caught her by the ankle and engaged in an assault of feathery kisses down the length of her leg to the inside of her thigh. Her sighs told him of her enjoyment, but he would hear her giggle now and then when he found a ticklish spot.

  Ready for more, he leaned over, a hand on either side of her, suspended for a moment, and peered into the windows of her soul. What he saw changed his outlook. He rolled onto his side, lying next to her.

  She faced him, confused. “I’m supposed to be punishing you, not the other way around.”

  “What are you up to, Etain?”

  “I’m trying to have a pleasant tryst with my lover.” She smiled, tossing her hair back.

  He smiled briefly. “Is this little stunt for my benefit…” He raised a brow, “or Inferno’s?”

  “It’s not a stunt,” she said, trailing her hand down his torso. “I’m taking control of my life.”

  “I see.” He caught her hand in his. “Control.”

  She didn’t seem deterred by his hesitation. “Is that going to be a problem?”

  “It could be.”

  “How so?” she asked, moving her body closer to his.

  “After our conversation about Inferno and betrayal...” Her warmth intoxicated him, the brush of irresistible nipples across his flesh and her musky scent was all the more distracting. His body was clearly not concerned about her reasons for the change of heart, and his mind was not far behind. He lifted her hand to his lips, whispering kisses along her knuckles, looking into her eyes. “Have you come to an understanding with him?”

  Her seductive gaze hardened as she snatched her hand from his grip and sat up.

  The impact of the loss of their connection made him close his eyes, clenching his bottom lip between his teeth.

  “Brick walls understand nothing, and there’s no reasoning with one, either,” she said, her back to him. “He treats me like a child.” She pushed at her hair. “It’d be nice if he’d show a little faith in me and trust I know what I’m doing.”

  Dar came up, his passions cooled, his pants securely buttoned. Not that he did not want her. By the stars, he wanted her, but not like this, the defiant child. It was no wonder Inferno felt protective of her. In some ways, she was still a child, but best not put it to her in those words.

  “Perhaps, with a little more time, he will see the woman you have become, mo chuisle,” he said, tracing a finger along her shoulder and down her arm.

  She shrugged the same shoulder and sighed. “A little more time, says the Krymerian who’s over two hundred years old. But you’re right. Being impetuous isn’t going to win his blessings.” She gave him a sideways glance. “Picking fights doesn’t help, either.”

  “Aye, but I do love a good fight,” he said in an effort to lighten the mood.
  “Bloody man,” she said in jest.

  Hearing her laugh was music to his ears. “Let’s not worry about Inferno tonight. You have a busy day tomorrow and should get some sleep.”

  “Oh, well… Okay,” she said, looking rather uncertain of what to do. “You should, too. I guess I’ll go.”

  His arm went around her waist and he pushed her into the covers. “Sleep will be impossible if you are not here with me.”

  “Dar, it’s rather apparent it’ll be impossible with me here,” she said, glancing down.

  He grinned, wrapping his arms around her. “Do not underestimate the power of a Krymerian lord. We can be fierce in our convictions.”

  “For both our sakes, I hope you and your…Southern lord share the same convictions.”

  Up hours before sunrise and dressed for the day’s training, Dar took Etain into his arms. “I have a surprise for you this morning.” He laughed. “Don’t look at me like that. I promise, you will not regret it. First, you must make a choice.”

  “Really, Dar? This early in the morning?” She tried to stifle a yawn, failing miserably.

  He continued to smile. “We either go to my home world…or wake Spirit.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Great. A choice between hell,” she said, drawing a raised brow from the Krymerian, which she purposely ignored, “or disturbing a sleeping mage. Between the two, I’d just as soon not go back to your place…ever.”

  “Then Spirit it is. As a powerful mage, she should have plenty of blood rubies on hand. We will need three before the sun rises.” Dar nudged her toward the door. “Can you get them now, so we can be ready in time? Tell her they will be replaced once I have a chance to return home.”

  “She may not appreciate having her sleep interrupted after a late night.” Undaunted, his smile shined even brighter. She ran a hand through her hair. “Fine. If I’m not back by sunrise…run.”

  Her first destination was Faux’s room, where Spirit usually started her days. Quietly opening the door, she peeked in, finding her right where she knew she would. “Bore da, Spirit. After yesterday’s party, I can’t believe you’re up.”


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