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KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook

Page 3

by Sahara Kelly

  "Sorry. Not sure about any of this." Abruptly, Susannah pulled her arms free. "Perhaps I'm the wrong woman."

  Logan paused, making the other two stop as well. By mutual agreement, they stepped out of the flow of people and toward a quieter spot with a tiny bench. "Sit." He pressed Susannah's shoulder and urged her down.

  Tyler assumed the man position--one foot on the bench beside her, leaning on that raised knee. On others it would've been hackneyed. On him--it was all male perfection and the vision wasn't lost on Susannah.

  He stared at her. "Look, if you're uncomfortable with this concept, it's okay. We're grown men. You're a grown woman. We all have the right to make our own decisions, to choose to do what works for us."

  Logan squatted beside her and took her hand again. "Tyler's right. He and I enjoy sex with women. We've found that sharing the experience heightens our pleasure. We're not gay, if that's one of your questions. But we're mature enough to be able to share lovemaking without any competition. We both love women. Love pleasuring women. We've found that with two of us the desire is doubled."

  "And the effort halved." Tyler chuckled.

  It was an infectious sound that made Susannah smile in spite of her doubts. She spoke without thinking. "So if I don't come, you can each blame the other one."

  Logan's lips twisted into a wicked smile. "Oh you'll come."

  "No doubt about that, my dear." Tyler's expression was intense and punched into her like a physical blow, taking her breath away. "You'll come many times. We'll make sure of it."

  "As often as you want. As often as you can."

  Logan rose from his knees and pushed his way next to her on the small bench, his hips snug against hers, his heat seeping through the fabric of her skirts into her thigh. "We will make you come with our hands and our mouths first. We love that. Imagine it, Susannah. Two men with their tongues on you. No question about any of your sensitive places being neglected, because we can hit 'em all at once. Suck and lick them. Tease them. Pinch them and then go back and do it all over again."

  Tyler leaned over. "Did you know that every man has a slightly different way of sucking a woman's nipples? Or licking her pussy? I know Logan and I do. That's the nice thing about sharing a woman. We get to compare our techniques. We make sure we don't repeat ourselves when it comes to anything oral. We're very creative."

  The last words were whispered into her ear and Susannah wondered if she could take any more without exploding. Right this second she fully expected the laces on her corset to snap as lust billowed up from her pussy and threatened to choke her.

  She struggled to regain a measure of composure. "Okay guys. Let me breathe. You're crowding me."

  Instantly they moved away, Logan standing, Tyler leaning back on his heels.

  It was their response that sold her. They were telling the truth--they did love women. They did enjoy sharing their dates. She read it in their body language and in their instinctive responses, which showed a unique familiarity with each other that only shared intimacies could produce.

  For a few moments Slash McGill took over Susannah's mind, and she used her experience reading people to briefly analyze both men. Why she hadn't done that before, she wasn't sure, but it probably had something to do with the damned corset cutting off the blood supply to her higher mental functions.

  And the fact that they were about as prime a set of male specimens as she'd ever seen. And she was human, with girl hormones, etcetera.

  Yeah, she was going to do this. She was going to go with them to their pied a whatever, get naked and do the deed. And, if they lived up to their advance billing, she would come her brains out. More than once.

  After that…well, she didn't know. But damn. This would be a night that would go down in history. Thank God she'd avoided the social networks or she might even have been tempted to get all twittery about it.

  She stood, shaking out her skirts, her spine erect thanks to the well-boned garments. "All right. I'm on board with this plan. As long as you understand this is a first for me. Don't expect me to know the rules or the procedures. I have no clue what to do or what not to do. It all sounds wonderful, but let's face it, we're talking sex here. A lot can go wrong."

  Tyler and Logan moved to her sides, again demonstrating a unity that she found particularly charming.

  "We understand. And nothing will go wrong." Logan tucked one arm beneath his. "This is purely for pleasure, my sweet. Sexual pleasure. We cannot deny ourselves or our nature. Men and women derive satisfaction from the act. Why pretend we don't?"

  "And we find you very special, sweetheart. This isn't something we do with just anyone. It has to be a special person. Someone we like as well as lust for. Someone who can laugh with us as well as get naked and play with us."

  "And we'll all get our rocks off."

  Tyler choked and Logan bit back a gasp of surprised laughter. "Yeah. I guess so. When you put it like that."

  "I like to keep things up front." Daringly she glanced down at the breeches of the two men who bracketed her. "And I see I'm not the only one."

  "What can we say? We want you." Logan tugged her into a stroll.

  On her other side, Tyler lifted her hand, making sure his arm brushed her corset once again. "I like up front too. And if I don't get my hands on those tits soon I'm going to freakin' explode."

  She couldn't help joining in the laughter.

  As if a burden had been lifted from the three of them, the laughter continued as they made their way back through the maze of streets comprising the Faire. Instead of rushing her to the car, Susannah was surprised at the relaxed pace they set, stopping at various vendors whenever one caught somebody's eye.

  Tyler was lured by the boot shop, spending at least ten minutes drooling over some magnificent hand-tooled leather creations, and then finally deciding they weren't practical enough for the amount of money involved.

  Logan, for his part, disappeared into a gentlemen's clothier, emerging a few moments later in a coat that could have graced the shoulders of any aristocrat in the late Victorian period.

  Susannah knew this because it was a dead ringer for the one she'd seen in illustrations of the case of Jack the Ripper. Black, belted and caped, it was a really lovely coat, but again it was decided that practicality should dictate such a purchase. This, sighed Logan with a final lingering caress, just wasn't practical.

  She refused to be lured by anything anyone was selling. It wasn't that she didn't love looking at pretty things--she did. It was more a case of she didn't have anywhere to put things in her small apartment. She loved the carefully carved wood, everything from small end tables to complete dining rooms. They were the kinds of things that begged to be smoothed and would develop the patina that spoke of many years of such caresses.

  She caught both men watching her hand as she let it drift over the polished arm of a chair. And her breath hitched at the naked lust she saw in their eyes.

  It was time.

  She finally accepted that she shared their want. She wanted, as much as they wanted, and what they wanted. She wanted to be nude with them, to have their bodies touch and slide and thrust against each other. She wanted to learn their tastes and experience the newness of two mouths arousing her.

  She wanted to lie between them and let everyone's hands go wherever they wished. To have two fine cocks to play with even as four arms encircled her and two tongues found places to suck, lick and tease.

  She was hungry for the newness of it, the difference to anything she'd imagined before. And she refused to look beyond, since that raised questions she knew she could not answer.

  This would be a moment out of time. A one-of. Something to remember when she was old and gray, and raising cats.

  "You're smiling." Logan was at her side.

  "Just a passing thought." She turned to him. "I'm ready."

  Tyler joined them. "So are we."

  They quickly made their way to the parking lot, and Susannah sighed a little as they
passed beneath the portal to the Faire. She was heading back into the twenty-first century and would miss the unique excitement contained within the small slice of history.

  But she was heading for a different kind of excitement, one that had already dampened her panties and made her breasts swell beneath the corset. Her heart was pounding much faster than normal as she led the two men to her car and agreed they'd come with her, since they could walk back later to retrieve their own vehicle.

  Her palms were damp not long after, as she pulled in to the parking lot of a neat and charming little mansion tucked away in the Maryland countryside, less than a mile as the proverbial crow flew from the Renaissance Faire.

  Her pulse throbbed furiously when Logan and Tyler took her hands and led her through the deserted house and up two flights of stairs.

  Finally they stopped in front of a set of double doors. Tyler fiddled with a key and then threw one wide, stepping back to allow her to enter.

  "Welcome, my dear. Thank you for agreeing to be here. Come inside--and let's play."

  If I'm ever going to faint, it'll be right here, right now.


  Logan wondered if she was going to faint.

  The pulse at the base of her throat was fluttering and her face had paled in the twilight. It was autumn and sunset was arriving earlier every day, so their suite was shadowed and mysterious as they led Susannah inside.

  His cock was already hard, just from the ideas galloping through his ever-fertile imagination. One look at her, radiating curiosity, arousal and a healthy dose of nerves, set the seal on his readiness. He could sense Tyler's focus as well.

  Both men were now fully engaged in the dance, the chase, whatever they wanted to call it.

  They'd encircled their prey and she had succumbed. She was theirs. Now they could tease and worship and do all the things to her that made for a memorable night.

  But first, they had to make sure she breathed now and again, since she appeared not to have done so since they stepped over the threshold.

  "Susannah." Logan's voice was sharp. "For God's sake, woman. Take a breath. We're not into necrophilia."

  She choked back a shocked chuckle as she gasped. "Shit. I never even realized."

  Relieved, Logan closed the door and turned on one or two small lamps as Tyler opened the windows to let in the cooling evening air. "You were holding your breath. And we're not about to jump your bones, sweetheart. We like to take our time."

  "There's wine if you'd like. Are you hungry?" Tyler had moved to the small kitchenette area and was gesturing to the wine glasses arranged neatly on a tray.

  "No, I'm good. Thank you." Susannah shook her head. "Honestly? I think I'm too nervous to eat right now. Which explains the breath thing."

  Logan walked to her side and rested a hand on her bare skin. "You don't have to do this, Susannah, we told you that already. We're not boys. If you say no, at any time, you're free to leave."

  "Has anyone left you before?"

  Tyler grinned as he came to stand in front of her and cup her chin. "Not once I've done this."

  He kissed her then, a slow lingering touch of mouth to mouth, and Logan watched, observing the color return to Susannah's skin and the quick rise and fall of her breasts over her corset.

  He took a moment to shrug out of his jacket then walked behind her and began to loosen her laces. She made a sound, but Tyler held her mouth captive, with a soft murmur, turning her head this way and that, distracting her attention.

  Logan loved undressing women. It was, he told Tyler, like Christmas morning. Unwrapping the best and biggest gift, knowing what it would be but never quite sure what it was going to look like.

  He knew there'd be breasts, and buttocks and a pussy between thighs that were covered with silky soft skin. But those were the basics. Each woman was different. Different to the touch, different in her responses, different in her fragrance. And Logan loved them all.

  Curved or slender, young or mature, dark or light; he truly didn't give a damn. If she was free, attractive to his eyes and interested in playing in bed with them, he was happy. And unwrapping Susannah was surely going to be a magnificent adventure.

  As the laces of her corset loosened and the fabric fell free of her body, Logan nearly drooled over the length of spine he revealed. She was athletic; he knew that from the way he'd seen her cross the parking lot to her car every day. She was energetic and vivid, her body feminine but strong.

  All this he could see from the straight posture she maintained, even when he slipped the corset away and let the fragile little thing she wore beneath slide down over her arms to her waist.

  Her breasts were free, her skin only slightly marked by the bones which had lined the medieval version of a bra.

  Obeying an impulse, he ran his tongue over one of the soft indentations, enjoying the way her skin responded and the moan she gave at the touch of his mouth. Keeping that contact going, he pulled off his shirt and then leaned forward, moving his mouth to her neck and his naked chest against her back.

  He pushed her into Tyler who was ready, the white poet's shirt unbuttoned.

  Breasts met chest, and the two men sandwiched Susannah snugly, a move they'd enjoyed many times.

  Logan realized that with Susannah it was different. She was soft in all the right places, but there was a core of steel within her that made her in some subtle way their equal, rather than their playmate.

  Her hands were sliding around Tyler's waist beneath his shirt and she was moving a little, tiny sounds emanating from her throat as she gently rubbed herself against him. Logan continued his adventures in disrobing her by untying the ribbon holding her skirt up.

  It tumbled to the ground, revealing a stiff white petticoat, which he quickly dispatched to the floor as well.

  He couldn't hide a smile. His medieval maiden was wearing a completely modern thong beneath her historical outfit. Not to mention sneakers.

  It was a charmingly whimsical surprise and he took a moment to caress her smooth buttocks in appreciation. He added a warm hum of pleasure against her skin as he kissed her shoulder again.

  Tyler was moving his mouth over her face and her head fell back into Logan. Her eyes were closed and he could feel her tumbling into the moment.

  It was unbelievably easy to rid himself of his clothes; even his boots slipped off as if sharing his urgent need to be naked.

  Tyler took his time, preferring to play before he took his own clothes off. They'd discovered, to their surprise, that having one man naked and the other clothed heightened the arousal of many women during foreplay.

  It was just fine with them.

  Standing close against her, Logan urged her back against his now-naked body. His cock nestled its way against her buttocks, ending up tucked between them. And he let his arms encircle her as his hands moved upward to find those wonderful breasts he ached to cup.

  The choreography both men had perfected allowed such moves without impediment. As soon as Susannah leaned back, Tyler broke the kiss and slowly lowered to his knees in front of her, stripping off his shirt as he did so.

  Finding her breasts full and heavy, Logan held them comfortably, weighing them, lifting them a little and finally letting thumbs and forefingers seek out the sharply pebbled nipples.

  Her arms fell to her sides and moved backward, fingers seeking his flesh, grasping his hips as she made contact.

  He gave her nipples a tiny tug and she sighed out a shivering whimper. "Oh God."

  "You like that, don't you?" Logan whispered the words in her ear, her skin hot as his breath caught in the tiny space between them. "You like to have your nipples touched. Or maybe..." He pinched them, gently but firmly.

  "Yes. Oh yes." She arched slightly, forcing her breasts more deeply into his hands.

  Once again, Logan pinched, stretching them more strongly as he did so. And he knew that at that precise moment, Tyler's tongue had found its target.

  Even if he hadn't known, Susa
nnah's scream of pleasure was a dead giveaway.

  Chapter Four

  Susannah decided that her brain had gone on vacation, leaving the entire functioning of her corporeal existence to her hormones and her nerve endings.

  The first touch of Tyler's mouth to hers and she was, to use a colloquialism, a goner. He was masterful, sweet and gentle in a demanding sort of way. None of which made sense, but there it was.

  He didn't seem to need to thrust his tongue past her lips, but was content to cherish them first, learning them, moving her a little, experimenting with the most enchanting of silken caresses.

  His mouth was firm and masculine, but tempered with a patience that both surprised her and appealed to her. All of which was truly delightful--until Logan began undoing her corset and adding his own seductive touches to her back.

  All of a sudden her body lit up like the proverbial Christmas tree. The twin assaults on her mouth and naked back were devastating and arousing and, for a woman who was already teetering on the edge of acute sexual need, they were nothing short of a major shove off the cliff.

  Her flesh responded to every tiny breath, alive to Logan's light nibbles every bit as much as to Tyler's now more intense kiss. She opened her mouth and urged him inside and he took her invitation, plunging deep, learning the contours of her tongue and her teeth.

  And all the while, Logan undressed her. Carefully and with attention to detail, he unfastened the corset and tugged away the little chemise she wore beneath. When he ran his tongue over her torso she wanted to moan--and did--but Tyler captured the sound and swallowed it.

  She felt a naked chest against her breasts, and knew Tyler had at least unfastened his shirt if not taken it off. Had she been curious enough, she would have looked. But as it was, she felt content just to be lazily cherished and aroused like this.

  It was unique, wonderful and something she could never have imagined in her wildest and most erotic dreams.


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