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KnightsOfPleasure SKelly_Nook

Page 5

by Sahara Kelly

  "You do this a lot." It was a statement, not a question. "Why? How did you know you would enjoy…er…group sex?"

  Logan settled himself across the bottom of the bed at their feet and pointed at the tray. "Cracker. Cheese. Raspberry."

  "Yes, milord." Tyler rolled his eyes but fixed the snack anyway.

  "To answer your question," Logan munched with evident delight then licked his lips and reached over to make another himself, "we didn't really know. It just happened."

  Susannah lifted an eyebrow. "I see. You accidentally tripped at a party and fell onto a woman whose vagina and mouth happened to be conveniently situated?"

  Tyler cracked up as he passed her a plate of berries. "That would be something, wouldn't it?"

  The bed shook as Logan roared with a massive laugh as well. "That I'd like to see. But no." He regained some composure. "It was college, I think. Our last year?"

  Tyler nodded. "Graduation or thereabouts."

  "Ah." Susannah nodded gravely. "That explains everything."

  "It does?" Logan looked curious.

  "I wouldn't be surprised if there was a gerbil and a tin of sardines involved. Maybe a midget? The school mascot? Definitely a kegger."

  "Since the mascot was a goat, that's not out of the realms of possibility, but we didn't have anything to do with it. Miserably bad tempered fucker." Tyler shuddered dramatically. "And rodents are totally out." He paused. "Is a gerbil a rodent?" He looked at Logan.

  "You're asking me?"

  "You read a lot more than me."

  "Classifying rodents isn't one of the topics I kick back with at the end of a long day, you know."

  "Sheesh. Well, buddy, do something about that, will ya? I don't have my phone handy and you're the next best thing to Wikipedia under the circumstances."

  "Guys." Susannah snapped her fingers and intervened before things degenerated to name-calling and the other twelve-year-old arguments that tended to intrude when men started squabbling. "Off-topic."


  Tyler did his best to look penitent. He failed miserably, since he was too handsome to look anything but wickedly cute. And of course he knew it. He held Susannah's gaze as he picked a raspberry from the tray and slowly raised it to her breast, pressing the fruit against her nipple.

  She was astounded to feel each tiny furry segment as it brushed her skin and she knew she was growing harder beneath the gentle stimulation. Then he squeezed, both the berry and her tiny bud. The juice oozed over her breast, and Tyler leaned over to lick it off.

  "Fuck." She breathed the word as her eyes involuntarily closed and her hips shifted on the bed. One touch, one caress of a tongue, and she was lighting up all over again.

  Her earlier thought had been right on the money.

  These two were dangerous.

  "So we were at a party." Logan, having watched Tyler's actions with interest, was now playing with her toes. "And, of course, we were looking to get laid. It's what guys do at college parties."

  "Mmm." A really good word for that moment, since Susannah's breasts were tingling, her toes coming alive under Logan's touch and she had noticed two really fine cocks getting hard in the same bed as her.

  There was absolutely nothing wrong with this picture whatsoever. Mmm covered everything.

  "She was blonde, a grad student in…psych or women's sexuality or something." Tyler frowned at nothing in particular as he pulled up the memory. "She seemed to take a liking to us."

  "And the Belfast Car Bombs probably helped things along."

  "Huh?" Susannah was confused.

  "Bailey's, Guinness and Irish whiskey."


  "Exactly." Logan shook his head. "Haven't had one since college. Don't intend to."

  She shot a reproving look at both of them. "That explains a lot."

  "Yes and no."

  Tyler crossed his legs and she casually noted his cock lying hard and ready at his groin. She didn't stare, of course. Nope. Not her.

  "Yes, Tyler's hard. Me too." Logan's tone was light and amused. "But, as you said earlier, a little off-topic."

  She felt a blush rise in her cheeks. "What do you expect? I'm not used to being naked in bed with two men and a tray of snacks." It was defensive, and overall a weak argument, but all she had at the time.

  "Anyway," Logan just shook his head. "The blonde took us back to her room, locked the door and asked us both to fuck her. Apparently it was for research or something."

  "Yeah, right." Susannah's eyebrow quirked again. "Two handsome guys, research? Really? You bought that?"

  "Honey, anything that would get us laid by a good looking blonde, who had, by the way, made sure we knew she loved giving blow jobs--well, what the hell do you think?"

  She sighed. "That you were male and therefore completely defenseless. She had you by the balls the first time she pouted, right? Wide eyes, probably blue? Red lipstick?"

  "You know," Tyler blinked, "I think you may be right."


  Logan looked mildly offended and tugged her big toe. "You think so?"

  "Mud puddles have more depth."

  "Ouch." Tyler moved the tray. "Harsh, babe."

  "Very harsh." With a quick and unanticipated move, Logan pulled on Susannah's ankles, making her slide down the bed, flat on her back.

  Before she could catch her breath he was between her thighs, lifting them to rest on his shoulders. Her body flooded with excitement as she realized his intent.

  Tyler was beside her again, stroking her hair, taking his time as he touched her gently, randomly, anywhere he wished.

  "Oh yeah, sweetheart. You have such soft skin."

  She closed her eyes as Tyler whispered the words, and Logan breathed on her pussy lips.

  If there was indeed a heaven, then things like this must be going on there all the time, because Susannah was almost flying off the bed with pleasure.

  Then there was movement, fast and effective.

  She was blindfolded before she could do more than squeak out her surprise. Even as she took a breath, her wrists were grasped firmly and lashed together.

  It stretched her; she felt her breasts thrust upward as Tyler--it must have been Tyler--pulled her arms above her head. She was further down on the bed, Logan still between her raised thighs, and Tyler's legs now down either side of her body.

  She felt him position her tied hands around his cock.

  He spoke softly, his tone caressing and light. "If you're uncomfortable, please let me know with words, not deeds? I'm trusting you with the family jewels, babe."

  In spite of her position, her overwhelming sense of vulnerability, Susannah couldn't hide a smile. "Okay, Tyler."

  Then Logan bent to her and words were no longer possible.

  She'd already had one man drive her crazy this way and now, apparently, it was an experience to be repeated.

  His tongue was firmer, more demanding than his friend's, delving deeply into her sex, insisting on a response rather than encouraging it.

  And after her first orgasm, this was exactly what she needed.

  He sucked and teased and bit gently, going directly to the places needing such attention. How the fuck he knew what they were…well, Susannah had no clue. Nor did she mind at all.

  Her hands teased Tyler's cock, exploring, fondling, then relaxing and letting him use them as he wished. She realized she was masturbating him, and found it strangely exciting.

  Being blindfolded magnified her senses by a factor of at least ten, and now she could hear things she'd missed before.

  The sound of bodies on a bed, soft noises of crumpling sheets and the quilt sliding around beneath them. The gentle hushed noise of the bed itself, not a squeak, since there didn't seem to be springs in it, but a different sound, indescribable but identifiably unique.

  She could hear the men breathing. Tyler's breath louder as he thrust himself through her fingers, and Logan more snuffling as he pushed his tongue way into her body and nuzzle
d her clit.

  And she could hear her heart, pounding furiously within her chest.

  There were scents, sharper now she could no longer see anything.

  Tyler was man, tangy sweat, musk and the lingering fragrance of raspberries. Logan was also man, but different--his tang was of the outdoors and the leather of his boots. His skin smelled of soap, something clean and subtle. Tyler's skin was slightly more perfumed. She guessed his soap was designer, and Logan's probably supermarket shelf.

  Odd thoughts to have when captured beneath two of the sexiest men in the world, but Susannah realized now what being blindfolded did to a woman in bed.

  It completely altered perceptions.

  And increased sensations.

  She bit back a cry as Logan moved his tongue downward, daring to leave her clit and her pussy for new territory. She vaguely remembered him washing her thoroughly and hadn't thought much about it at the time.

  Now they were moving her, turning her over, Tyler helping with her arms and shoulders, Logan with her hips.

  It was her turn to lie between legs--Tyler's legs--and discover his cock next to her lips.

  Below, Logan was busy. He spread her thighs wide and fondled her buttocks, an arousing blend of squeezes and caresses. She felt him move closer and then gasped at the pleasurable pain of a tiny bite on one cheek.

  "Suck me, honey." Tyler guided her blindfolded face as he tugged her hands onto his body. "Put me in your mouth. I can't wait."

  More than willing, and eager to taste him, Susannah obeyed, quickly finding a rhythm for her head that was comfortable and effective. The last she judged by the moan of delight coming from Tyler as she worked his cock with her tongue.

  It was a good thing that she'd established her movements because what Logan did next blew her mind.

  He licked upward, along the cleft between her buttocks, and then ringed her anus with tiny touches, the intimate caress driving Susannah completely insane.

  She shrieked and wriggled, her body instinctively trying to evade the intrusive touch, even while her pussy flooded with the moisture of arousal.

  "Sshhh." Logan gentled her. "It's okay, Susannah." He replaced his mouth with his finger and ringed her again, making her groan. "This is good. This is exciting. You have a beautiful ass, honey. Tight and rosy. I want to fuck it so bad."

  She sobbed out a long moan of confused pleasure as he gently let his finger penetrate the snug opening. "You ever done it like this before, Susannah? If not, it's okay."

  She managed a nod. She had experimented with anal sex. It hadn't really done much for her other than make her uncomfortable. But now, here, with these men? What did she have to lose?

  She heard the breath Logan took before he reached beneath her and covered his fingers with her slick juices. She nearly choked on Tyler's cock as Logan began to work the liquid around places that were fragile, extraordinarily sensitive and amazingly electric with arousal.

  "Easy, honey." Tyler's voice was raw and she realized he was hard as nails. "I'm close."

  "You'd better come." Logan's voice was commanding. "I won't rush here."

  "Yeah." The word was brief and the communication between the two men abrupt. Susannah tried to grasp the complexity of their simple exchange, but given she had one guy's cock in her mouth while another was playing up her ass, she figured any kind of rational thought was an exercise in futility.

  She simply sucked Tyler like a vacuum cleaner on high, and lifted her ass off the bed so Logan could get at it more easily.

  Yeah, shameless. But shit. This was major bigtime bliss.

  Logan, had he been asked, would have shared that sentiment.

  He had a fondness for a woman's ass. Tight, snug and often virginal, it wasn't so much the sexual sensation as the mental high of introducing her to new pleasures. It was a challenge, and one he'd have stepped away from in a second if Susannah hadn't wanted anything to do with it.

  But she was so there, lifting herself, presenting her delectable ass to him for the claiming.

  And claim it he would, but not until she was done with Tyler.

  So he played, toyed with her anus, soaking it with her own fluids and occasionally slicking some of his own saliva into the mix. It was decadent, yeah, but it prepared her, made her more receptive and aware of her body.

  He knew what Tyler was feeling…the creeping onrush of orgasm. He could tell by his friend's sounds that release was close. And he wondered what Tyler's preference would be.

  He soon found out.

  Susannah's body was moving, arranged by Tyler so that he could come on her breasts. He loved that, loved seeing his cum dapple the soft white skin and red nipples. He preferred that, the visual satisfaction, more than he did the sensation of coming down a woman's throat.

  The two men had discussed it one night, over a couple of bottles of fine Scotch. Neither had understood the other, but each had accepted it. So Logan simply waited while Tyler panted out and then groaned his climax and pulled Susannah's breasts into the right position.

  Logan shifted slightly, following that tempting ass as it moved forward on the bed.

  Eventually Tyler was done and Susannah lay with her slick breasts against his cock, her blindfolded face turned to the side as it rested on his body. Logan knew this. He'd seen it before and also the pleasure the lingering closeness gave his friend.

  Now, however, it was time for him to give Susannah the ride of her life.

  His cock was hard and ready.

  Her ass was shining and beckoning.

  A match made…well, someplace where things like this were routine. Maybe even heaven.

  He quickly sheathed himself and reached for the small tube of lubricant he kept tucked with the condoms near the bed. She probably didn't need it, but hurting her wasn't on the agenda.

  "Sweetheart, I want you to relax, okay?"

  "Okay." She mumbled the words against Tyler's skin.

  Logan touched her then, the tip of his cock against the little rosy ring of muscles. She hissed in a breath and shifted a little, but didn't move away.

  Logan made encouraging sounds and noticed Tyler's hands stroking her back. It would be soothing her, readying her.

  Logan pushed in a little more, biting back an exclamation of pleasure as he felt her relax enough to let him pass that first tight barrier.

  By God, she was snug, holding him tighter than a fist, sending bolts of electric ecstasy up his cock and into his balls.

  The lubricant, coupled with her own juices, eased his way and slowly, gently, he penetrated her darkest places.

  Then, knowing she was now filled with him, he reached beneath her and found her clit.

  Just a touch, a mere fondling caress, and she was moaning, her ass tightening as pleasure rocked through her and she lifted herself up over Tyler.

  "Jesus fucking Christ…" She choked out the words as Tyler held her, bracing her for Logan's thrusts.

  He began slowly, giving her ample time to become accustomed to him and his rhythm, while simultaneously adding to his own pleasure.

  But she was too tempting, too tight--too everything for him to hold back and attempt to prolong this moment.

  His cock throbbed furiously, his balls ached and the sight of his erection vanishing between her buttocks was too much.

  A few more strokes and he was done, yelling like a banshee as he felt her response. She was coming too, trembling, shuddering, the clutches on his cock different to the ones he was used to but no less strong, no less thrilling.

  He pressed his palm into her pussy, willing her orgasm to last, eager to wring the last spasm, the last second of ecstasy out of this moment.

  And as he softened, he felt her muscles ease and the tension fade from her body. She panted as Tyler undid the cord around her wrists and removed her blindfold.

  With a lingering sigh of regret, Logan pulled himself away from her beautiful ass.

  She collapsed on a groaning sigh, redolent with contentment, sprawling
over Tyler in a picture of total sated bliss.

  Logan felt pretty much the same.


  It was early, too early for the sun to have risen, but early enough that Susannah's internal clock woke her. Somewhere between six and six-thirty, she guessed.

  During the night, all three of them had worked back up onto pillows and under linens; a traditional arrangement of bodies in a bed.

  And completely different to the amazingly untraditional experiences of last night along with the irregular positions she'd assumed in the heat of the moment. And shit, it had been hot. Not to mention sexually satisfying.

  She lay quiet for a bit, listening to the sounds of the two men sleeping either side of her. Soft breaths, the occasional snuffling snore, a movement of a head on the pillow; these were the morning sounds she savored, recording them into her mental files for later reference.

  There were so many items she needed to sort out in her mind, not the least of which was her need to come to terms with what she'd done. And what they'd done to her.

  Last night, Susannah had gone past any boundaries she'd ever set for herself. Simply adding another man had toppled the scale and after that, well, it was beyond belief.

  And it sure as hell wasn't getting entered in any diary anywhere.

  Slowly she climbed from her little cocoon, doing her best not to disturb the sleepers. Fortunately, they must have been at a deep point in their slumber cycle, since all she got was a grunt as Tyler rolled over and pulled the sheets up over himself.

  Logan never even moved.

  Creeping from the bedroom, she retrieved her clothing and found the bathroom, a delight this morning since she was sticky, messy and definitely in need of a shower. She'd have to re-don her medieval costume, but the thought of being fresh and clean outweighed any other considerations.

  A half-hour later, she found herself damp but tidy, clad in her historical garments, albeit more loosely laced into her corset. Her breasts were a bit sore this morning, along with other places that had been well and enthusiastically used.

  A smile crossed her face as she hunted for coffee. This was how a woman should feel after a night of really great sex.

  With two men.

  Oh God.


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