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Broken Compass: Supernatural Prison Story 1

Page 9

by Jaymin Eve

  Tyson continued speaking as we followed the beast: “I’ve had enough classes with that asshole to know the signature of his craft. Arrogant sorcerer hasn’t even bothered to hide his trace.”

  Braxton was just about to dive through the wind barrier again – nothing was going to stop him this time – when the heavy energy in the area increased and the barrier started tightening in on the girls, moving faster than we could reach it, even with vampire and dragon speed.

  That didn’t stop us from trying though.

  My hand had just scraped along the edge of the wind when there was an imploding pop noise, and in a blink the gusts scooped up the twin shadows and then they were gone. Within two heartbeats there was nothing left in the clearing.

  Even the house was gone.

  Everything inside of me turned to pure darkness, my fangs shooting free; my rational side disappeared under the craving of the vampire. I could hear Braxton roaring beside me, and I knew Tyson and Jacob were equally as angry. All of us lost ourselves for a few moments, a trademark of males when they feel true fear. Fear is not an emotion we Compasses are well equipped to handle, and I for one wanted to tear this forest to pieces until it revealed my pack mates.

  I scraped together as much of my sanity as I could. The deep exhaustion which had been plaguing me for days was forgotten as adrenalin coursed through me.

  My focus was on Tyson. “Can you trace that magic?”

  He nodded. “Yep, already on it.”

  I left him to it, knowing he needed to concentrate. Braxton was flapping his wings, so I stepped across and touched a hand to his flank.

  Are you going above to scout?

  We all had strong mind blocks, but could send messages mentally using touch. Braxton’s mind could be hard to reach when he was in dragon form, but this time he was open to me.

  Yes, and if I find something, I’ll signal you with flames.

  With a nod I stepped back and let him do his thing. The canopy wasn’t thick above us, a few swipes of dragon claw and he was through. Then he was gone, the rhythmic swishing of his wings fading.

  Tyson was still muttering away. Jacob had his hands pressed against the trees, communicating with the nature gods, trying to find the disturbance in the land. We had used these techniques a lot over the past twelve months when we were trying to find Vanguard, so this was all second nature to us. Of course, we never were successful, always looking in the wrong place. We couldn’t let that happen to the twins. That just was not an option.

  I strode into the clearing and across to where that house had been only moments before. Besides the cleared, round zone, there was no evidence that a building had stood here at all. The grass was not flat; there were even some small wildflowers peeking up through the tall green grass. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes and still felt the prevalent tendrils of heavy magic, I would not have believed a building had stood there.

  “You got anything, Ty?” The bite in my voice was enough that even my brother flinched, and he was a tough asshole.

  “The magic woven here is complex and it’s old. Someone has been doing this for a long time.” He dropped his hands and a resigned look crossed his face. “I think we’re going to need Louis’ help on this one. Dark magic is hard to navigate. I don’t have the experience.”

  In normal circumstances I’d find it amusing how annoyed Tyson was that Louis was a stronger magic user than him, but right now I cared about nothing but finding the girls.

  “Can you contact him from outside the barrier?”

  Tyson nodded. “Yep, already sent him a message. Since our power and his are all linked to the securities around Stratford, I have a direct mental link to his magical energy.”

  Which meant I probably did also, but vampires weren’t huge on mental links. I’d leave that to the others. We fell silent then, waiting for Louis. The sorcerer knew more than any other supe in Stratford, and he had better know something in this case too. Otherwise we were screwed.

  The sound of Braxton’s dragon had faded away now. He’d be powering around the forest, trying to spot that house again or sense the strange magic. I continued scanning and moving around. There had to be something here, some sort of clue as to what we were up against.

  Jacob’s murmur drew my attention, and as he moved away from the trees and back toward us, he spoke rapidly: “The forest is keeping its secrets for now but the magic used here calls to me. We’re looking at demon energy, fey, and a very strong sorcerer.”

  Shit. “After years of being told that Faerie is a dead land, it seems to be involved in a lot of the drama in our lives recently.”

  Tyson ran a hand through his hair, standing it up on end. “Yep, it feels as if this dragon marked thing set off some sort of ricochet across the realms. Unleashed new magics. Woke those ancients who were sleeping. Now we have to deal with the fallout.”

  My vampire roared to life. “Mischa better not be part of that fallout. We have to save the girls.”

  Tyson stared hard at me, doing a similar sort of probing thing that was usually Braxton’s MO.

  “What?” I snarled.

  The wizard just shook his head and let the smallest of annoying smiles grace his lips. “Nothing, just find it interesting that the first name you mentioned was Mischa and not Jess.”

  I shot forward and grabbed the front of his shirt. I dragged him toward me and he didn’t fight. Nope, just continued grinning at me, which made me want to slam my fist into his face.

  “Mischa is pregnant with my baby. She is mine to protect. I will kill any motherfucker who puts a single hand on her.”

  The red haze in my head was making it hard for coherent thought. Instinct had kicked in and I was now in predator mode. I loved Jessa, I had no doubts of that. I would die for her in a heartbeat, but for some reason Mischa was wrapped around my vampire soul. The protective instincts I felt toward her were like no other. I could not stand the thought that she could be anywhere right now, and fuck knows what was happening with her.

  Part of me wondered if this insane need to protect her would fade when the baby was born. I hadn’t felt this strongly when we were together before. Which logically suggested it was our child connecting us. But another, larger part, was really hoping these emotions toward Mischa stuck around.

  Yeah, I was screwed.

  Tyson still didn’t have the intelligence to be afraid of my current mood. “Max, calm down, man. We’ll find them. They’re our pack. Whoever took our girls is going down.”

  The words our girls echoed through my mind, and as they registered I was slammed with an extra boost to the fury already coursing through my body.

  I was losing my goddamn mind. Why the hell would that upset me so much?

  Tyson was my brother. I should be happy he cared about the pack. I should be happy that he was here to keep an eye out for them when I was weak and could not stay. Instead I resented that he knew of Mischa and the baby before me. I resented that their relationship had deepened and moved to a true and comfortable level of trust and acceptance. They’d hugged like old friends before.

  I had noticed.

  It was not my place to say anything, but the vampire inside of me did not feel the same way.

  Before I could act on these emotions, strong energy crashed against my mental shields. Louis. That bastard was too powerful for his own good. His damned sorcery followed him around like an entourage.

  My brothers and I stepped closer together, an instinctive move when faced with that much raw power. Lucky for us, the sorcerer was on our side. If that ever changed we would have a hell of a lot to worry about. I didn’t fear anyone in this world, I was secure in my power, and my strong pack, but there were a small handful of supes who gave me concern. Louis was the top of that list.

  He wasted no time on small talk. “What happened?”

  Tyson strode to his side and for once managed to keep his visible annoyance toward Louis to a minimum. He reached out a hand. “It will be easier if I show you

  The magic users clasped hands for a second; there was no evidence of energy flowing between them. I couldn’t even feel a change in their normal levels of smash-you-in-the-face magic.

  Louis didn’t speak his spells out loud anymore, he was able to manipulate magical energy with his thoughts and intentions. Although I noticed he would still verbal cast on occasion. Probably an old habit.

  Louis’ face went from benign to pissed off in seconds. With this change in expression came the first trickles of a loss of magical control. My vampire reared up as his strong magic wove around the clearing. Tyson pulled away from him then, and turning to me and Jacob mouthed, “Brace yourself,” which gave us just enough time to shut down our own energy before Louis exploded.

  His power buffeted out with the force akin to a nuclear bomb. I almost hit the ground as it passed through me and continued outward. I managed to remain on my feet, but it was not without some effort.

  Well, damn. Had Louis actually been containing some of his energy over the years? That had been true power. What had his abilities been like when he led the council? The boost from his followers must have shot his sorcery to an almost uncontrollable level.

  I was struggling at times to control my new influx. Probably why my vampire kept getting away from me. And I had nothing on the sorcerer in base power.

  Maybe in a few years we’d equal him, but we were young. Only time would see our powers increase and allow us to be as formidable as Louis. Although, when we joined in our quad bond, we came very close. Nonetheless, not a pissing contest I needed to be part of.

  Tyson on the other hand…

  Louis had not moved since shooting out his energy. I tried to be patient, but that ran out pretty fast. I strode closer to the sorcerer. Wading through his energy was like trying to swim through honey. It took so much more effort than it should have just to cross a few yards. As I closed in on him, I forced myself not to stare at his hypnotic purple eyes, swirling in a dizzying motion as he focused outward, searching, trying to figure out what had happened here.

  By the time I was at his side, his energy was starting to die down, which allowed me to leash my predator side enough to speak. “What did you find, Louis? Where are the girls?”

  The question came out hard and with a level of growl I wasn’t exactly proud of. I didn’t like to lose control; it spoke of weakness within. I needed to deal with that soon. But for now there was no choice but to go with the anger and pain. It kept me functioning.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally learned of your young,” Louis said, no inflection at all in his tone; he could have been discussing the weather. “How is it that the girls managed to get taken under the four of your watches?”

  Great, now the sorcerer was going to reprimand us like children. “You’ve made your point, we screwed up. But I’d rather you spent your time helping us. We can hash out our mistakes at a later time.”

  Louis snorted then, and some of his normal joviality bled back into his features. “I’ll make sure to bring it up again soon. In regards to the twins, they have been taken into another dimension. It’s lucky you called for me so quickly. The essence fades even now. In another few minutes I would not have been able to trace them. They would have been lost to us.”

  Tyson crossed his arms, keeping his distance from the sorcerer. “What dimension? Faerie?”

  Louis shook his head. “No, for once it’s not Faerie stealing from us. It’s far worse than slumbering gods and dragon rulers. This time the girls are in the land between. The Great Divide.”

  The beast inside roared again, my fists clenched hard. That explained the demon taint. They resided there, trapped in a small section of the land between.

  This was bad. It was not an easy task to traverse between that realm and Earth, hence why the demons were stashed there. Not to mention the dead lands housed countless souls that had not or could not move on to the next life. Humans called it purgatory, but to supes it was hell.

  Mischa Lebron

  Jessa and I huddled as close as we could. The darkness was so complete that the only way I knew it was my sister next to me was our twin bond. From the moment the wind barrier had whooshed us through the cottage doorway, we’d known nothing but darkness and soul-crushing fear.

  And Jessa’s cursing. Which was oddly comforting.

  I felt her shift forward then to grab onto the bars of our tiny cell. We were in a six-by-six-foot box, the distinct scent of damp and mold in the air. Thankfully no other being seemed to be in the box with us, but I was getting the sense that we weren’t alone in this room. We hadn’t heard any others but I knew they were out there.

  Jessa’s yells broke the silence again, which had me practically jumping out of my skin.

  “You piece of shit, asshole mutha-douche-canoes better open this cage up and let us out immediately. Do you know who you’re messing with? You just kidnapped the mate of a dragon. A dragon! I cannot wait until he gets here and rips your scrawny head from your body.”

  It didn’t surprise me that she was using Braxton as a scare tactic. He was scary. Like the scariest supe we knew. Though I knew it bothered Jessa that she had to resort to such things. She was lethal on her own, but right now she no longer had her own dragon and was pregnant, and therefore slightly vulnerable. Her independent nature was taking a back seat to the need to protect her children. I was independent too, but in a different way, a lone wolf kinda way. Never had a pack before and did okay. Now that I had a pack, things should be even easier, right?

  Meh, probably not. I had learned early on not to expect the knight to ride in and rescue me. In my world a true knight was even more mythical than shifters. Still, there was a part of me deep down, that felt the bonds of my pack, and it brought me a sense of comfort.

  Jessa huffed heavily as she fell back against me. Our connection flared strongly and I lowered the mind blocks. Can you scent anything about this place? she asked me.

  I closed my eyes and breathed deeply, forcing all thoughts and fears away, seeking to understand the space we’d been dropped in. I let the artist side of my brain paint pictures for me around the small cage in the center, Jessa and I enclosed within.

  Okay, that’s un-freakin’-believable. You just, like, painted with your mind, and I can see it. Her excitement jolted me out of my concentration and I had to take a few more centered breaths to get back to the Zen place.

  I let my senses free, my wolf rising from within a swirl of wild energy. She joined with me and we tried to discern even one distinct thing from our surroundings. More images appeared in my painting, but they were murky. There was the slightest hint of sulfur in the air, and a sense of heat that was strong but sort of … distant. Like we were on the sun, but there was a shield around us stopping it from incinerating us. I could feel that the world outside of this cage was bad, but how bad was yet to be determined.

  Could we be in Faerie? I asked Jessa. Because there’s no way we’re still in that candy house. It was tiny and I can tell this place is large.

  I’d never been to the magical land, but knew plenty about it from my twin’s journey through it. I knew that her Josephina, queen of the dragons, was there somewhere. Not to mention the floating-illusion castle which had been Larkspur’s lair.

  Yep, it was definitely a portal to somewhere else. A magical doorway. Are we in Faerie? I really have no idea. Doesn’t feel like Faerie. The magic there is strong and easily recognizable, but maybe someone has this cage locked down. Shielded. Maybe they’re hiding the world from us and us from the world.

  Which is going to make it hard for the Compasses to find us, I surmised.

  Jess laughed then. It echoed, and in that moment the image in my head increased ten times. This place was huge. I knew it, even though there was no real evidence to back up my feeling.

  They’ll find us, Misch. Our pack never leaves a supe behind. I know you aren’t used to someone having your back, but you’ll always have us now.

  I loved the se
ntiment, but knew there’d always be a part of me expecting it to be torn away. You couldn’t rely fully on others. It was the sure-fire way to be let down hard. I did appreciate her comfort though, and decided to be as truthful as I could.

  I trust you guys more than I’ve ever trusted anybody. I’m honored to be part of the pack.

  This pack had as much of my trust as I was willing to give. Probably eighty percent. And I only trusted them that much because they weren’t humans. Supes did things differently than humans. Their word meant something, and pack bonds were real and tangible, like magic in a way. There was a level of devotion between pack mates which could not be replicated in the human world. But still, I would be keeping a part of myself safe. For me and my child.

  Do you hear that? Jessa said, breaking me out of my thoughts. I focused again on our surroundings.

  It took me a few tense, breathless seconds, but finally I heard a low scraping sound. Something was definitely moving around, still some distance from us, but closing in.

  I tried to keep the fear out of my mental voice. What do we do? Is there a plan?

  I wasn’t the same as Jessa. Things did scare me. Bravery was something I really had to work on. Preferably some other day, when I wasn’t stuck in a weird magical cage, inside a weird candy house, in the dark of an unknown land. We were just like the stupid humans in the fairy tales, lured in by chocolate cake and peppermint sticks.

  Jessa shifted closer to me. She was practically sitting in my lap now. Which was not at all awkward with both of our baby bellies.

  Don’t let them separate us. Fight with the techniques we have been practicing. Even pregnant, you know the areas to aim for. We want the four strike zones, so make each hit count.

  Right. Despite my frazzled mind, I had no trouble recalling our lessons. The four strike zones: nose, throat, gut, groin. Jessa had been teaching me basic self-defense and fight moves, and she said those were the best places to aim for maximum impact. Especially for someone like me who had very little training.


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