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Picture Perfect Summer

Page 20

by Marquita Valentine

“Hey, soccer star.”

  She runs to me, and I lift her up in my arms, despite the fact that she’s probably too old to hold like this. Not to me of course. I’ll hold her like this when she’s eighty, even if I’m sitting on my deathbed while I do it.

  “Is True coming over for dinner tonight?” she asks. “She said that we could try out my cupcake recipe the next time we ate together.”

  “I haven’t talked to her yet because I have something very important to discuss with you first.” I kiss her nose. “Give Aunt Ophelia love and get a shower, smelly girl.”

  “Then can we discuss very important things, like marrying True,” she says, wriggling her eyebrows.


  “Cool! Bye, Auntie O.” She kisses Ophelia and hugs her, then races to her bedroom. “I’ll be back in a flash!”

  “I swear she needs to run cross country.” I place my wallet, phone, and keys on the island. “She never stops running.”

  “She went walking with me this afternoon on the beach, so she can find a slower pace when she has mind to.” Ophelia starts to clean up the cards. “She helped me look for sea glass.”

  “And Laird.” After True told me about Ophelia’s need to get away, then sudden change of mind, I knew I needed to speak with her.

  Sooner, not later.

  Ophelia pauses, pale green eyes finding mine. “No, not Laird. I wouldn’t ask that of her. She shouldn’t bear the burden, in any way, of my grief.”

  “I’m worried about you.” I move closer to the table, help her pick up the remaining cards. “I don’t want to dictate how you grieve, but your nightly walks concern me.”

  “I’ve stopped those.” She takes the cards from me, adds to her pile, and pushes them inside the box. “I realized that it wasn’t very safe for me to be out on the beach alone, especially during tourist season.”

  “Or during a storm.”

  “You were watching over me.”

  “Always, Ophelia. Why do you think I don’t freak out too much over River?”

  “Lots of support, I guess.”

  I shake my head. “No, honey. It’s because I had Laird and you first. You two were more than just my brother and his girlfriend, then later his wife. I didn’t know it at the time, but looking back, you were more like a little sister to me, maybe even a daughter.”

  Ophelia brushes her fingers over the corners of her eyes, the box of cards still in her hand. “You were like the dad I needed because mine is at the bottom of the ocean.”

  I clear my throat, as a sadness that rivals what I felt when Laird was suddenly gone threatens to take over. This woman has had too much pain in her life. First her father, now her husband has been wrenched away.

  “I’m going to ask True to marry me. River and I will probably end up moving there, if everything works out like I want. Why don’t you come with us, if we’re so sad here, honey. I want to do right by you. Besides, when’s the last time you’ve been on a vacation?”

  She laughs, then shakes her head. “It holds such happiness for me, too.” Dropping the box on the table, she takes my hands in her smaller ones. “Thank you for taking such good care of me, Duke. Thank you for being the dad I got to grow up with... and thank you for considering my feelings and needs as you go after the woman you love. I wish you nothing but joy. I’m staying here, but if in the future things don’t work out, I’ll come visit.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  Ophelia stands on her toes, giving me a sweet kiss on the cheek. “I knew Laken wouldn’t take your happily ever after this time.”

  “I knew I couldn’t let True disappear from my life this time.”

  As soon as Ophelia leaves, I text True.

  Me: Come over for dinner. River wants to make cupcakes.

  There. That’s as non-demanding as I can be.

  True: Sorry. I’m already at the airport.

  “Son of a bitch.” I shoot a text back to True.

  Me: Do not get on that plane.

  True: Tell River I love her and will talk to her soon, if you let me, over Skype.

  Jaw cracking, I don’t bother to respond. I march to River’s room and find her running a comb through her dark, wet hair while she sings a song from High School Musical. “Want to take a trip?”

  “Yeah!” She tosses the comb on her vanity. “Do I need to pack?”

  “Lightly. Be ready to go in five minutes, baby duck.”

  “Yes, sir!” She gives me a hug. “But what about our discussion?”

  Yeah, I have to do this now. I can’t blindside my daughter. I get down on her level and then sit on the floor, patting my leg. River plops down in my lap, twisting to face me, her expression trusting. My heart swells with love I didn’t think was possible to possess for another human being until she was born. Only, now I know it’s possible to love so many people in so many ways because our souls were made to love and seek it out.

  “I want to ask True to marry me.”

  “And live with us?” she asks.

  “Or we live with her in Arizona.”

  “True says they have huge, really old cactuses there.”

  “Heard the same thing.”


  I blink at her. “Just like that?”

  She nods. “I like adventures, Daddy. You always take me on the best ones in the ocean.”

  “Hopefully, True will want to go on this adventure with us.”

  River pats the side of my face. “She will. Don’t worry.”

  If only I had my daughter’s confidence.

  At least I have a ring. “Finish packing and I’ll do the same.”

  Chapter 31


  I wait for Duke’s response to my text, but when none comes, I take that as a sign to go through airport security.

  Really... the text saying come over for dinner wasn’t enough?

  Or was the one demanding that you don’t get on a that plane not clear?

  Shut up.

  Just saying...

  I hate when my brain just says things because they’re usually in Sunny’s voice. And they’re usually right.


  “Oh, sorry.” I pull my e-ticket up on my phone. The TSA agent attempts to scan it, but it won’t do anything but make the machine beep. The light never changes from red to green. “Maybe it’s a sign telling me not to get on the plane.”

  The TSA agent stares at me from beneath his brows. “Why is that?”

  “Uh... making a joke is all.” Finally the light changes to green. “Have a nice day.”


  I hurry to security, wishing that I was approved for pre-check, and start to remove my shoes, along with pulling out the laptop I brought to do work at night, but never used.

  Of course, my carryon gets flagged and I have to step to the side. The female TSA Agent unzips it and finds toothpaste over the three-ounce limit.

  “Oh, sorry. I swear, the world is conspiring against me today”

  Her response is to throw the tube in the trash and give me a bland smile. I’m sure she’s heard it all before, so I quickly gather my things and wish her well, hopping as I attempt to put my shoes back on and find the nearest screen with gate information.

  My phone vibrates again and again. I know it’s a call, not a text this time, so I risk taking a peek at who is calling.

  Oh thank God. “Sunny, just the person I need right now.” I collapse onto a bench, my gaze settling on the connecting flight to Atlanta, then jump up again. “Holy crap, I have to board now.”

  “To go where? I thought you were staying at least two more days.” She pauses. “Is that why you left five voice mails for me to call you as soon as possible.”

  “Things got real.”

  Sunny makes a noise and I know she’s frowning. “You mean, you got scared.”

  “Yes, but in my defense I’m scared for Duke and River.”

  “Suuuuure you are.” Sunny sighs as I spot my gate. Peopl
e are lined up, not boarding, so I dash into a small deserted waiting area. “You can’t keep running.”

  “I’m not running.... I’m flying.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  I shrug, my bottom lip starting to quiver as I hear an announcement being made for Zone One to board. My zone. However, I don’t leave my spot. I stay, rooted to the ground as I try to make myself move to the gate.

  “I just.... I don’t know what else to do. If I stay, Duke might lose custody of his daughter.” Tears fill my eyes, blurring my vision, but I can hear the announcement for another zone to load. It’s a small airport and apparently, not a lot of people are flying to Atlanta this afternoon.

  “If you don’t stay, you will lose out on your second chance with Duke,” Sunny counters. “Why don’t you believe in the power of love?”

  This time tears fall. “I do, just not for us. There’s always something in the way.”

  “But that’s what makes it so powerful, honey. Love conquers everything in its way... well, if you allow it. If you stay and fight for it.”

  I breathe deeply, trying to get myself together. “I can’t make this decision in my emotional state.”

  “Sure you can.”

  Another announcement. This is my last chance to go.

  Or stay.

  “For once in your life, True, be a fighter not just a lover. Take control of your future.”

  Sunny’s always been one for platitudes. There is an entire wall in her office covered with prints of them. “You can do this. I believe in you.”

  “Will True Prince please come to the...”

  I start at the sound of my name. “They’re calling my name. I have to go.”

  “No you don’t, and I’m telling you, not only as your best friend, but as a woman, that if you leave Duke like this, you will regret it forever. And ever.”

  “Stop making sense,” I reply weakly, the walls of my resistance crumbling. Then again, they were never that tall or well fortified in the first place.

  “My mother read your fortune this morning and told me so. She also said you’d buy a decommissioned lighthouse and to tell you she’d be happy to cleanse it. So there’s that.”

  That makes them stop crumbling. Sunny’s mother also told me I’d marry a man who would be the father of a forest. Not exactly reliable or sane... “I... I’ll call you later.” I end the call before Sunny can say anymore.

  “Last call for True Prince.”

  I take one long look back to the front of the airport. I can see the cars outside, the people walking in, and those being greeted after a long trip. It’s like the ending scene of Love, Actually. A lot of kissing and hugging.

  God forbid you stay and fight for us.

  With a deep breath, I march to the help desk. I know what I have to do, no matter how much it will hurt.

  Chapter 32


  With barely any time to spare, I race to the airport with River. She’s in the back seat, buckled in and laughing wildly as I take a curve a little too fast.

  Slow down, you moron. Won’t help anyone if you crash before you get there.

  “Faster,” River shouts, not helping my parenting conscience.

  I tap the brake. “Doing my best, baby duck.”

  Finally, the sign for the airport comes up and in the next half-mile, the off ramp is visible. I take it, staying right at the edge of the acceptable limit.

  Traffic converges, slowing us down and I want to vocalize my frustrations and impatience, but with my daughter in the car, I keep them to myself.

  After another slow down, I slam my fist against my steering wheel, setting off the horn. The guy in the car in front of me shoves his hand out of the window and flips me off.

  I’d apologize, but there was no need for gestures, especially considering I’m not making any.

  “Come on. Come on,” I urge the cars.

  Miraculously they part, and I cut a few off with an apologetic wave, then haul ass for the parking lot. Once we’re there, I grab my keys, River, and our bags before making a mad dash to the terminal.

  “Daddy, look,” River screams in my ear, nearly rendering me deaf. Yeah, I might be literally carrying everything.

  “Yes, honey. We’ll be going on the airplane in a few minutes.” As long as we get through security in time. “Try not to scream when we take off. They don’t like that.”

  “No...” She grabs my face and turns it. “True is here.”

  I stop dead in my tracks. The woman of my dreams, of my past, and my future is sitting on a bench, her head down. “Holy shit.” I wince. “Sorry.”

  “It’s okay. Put me down.” River wriggles out of my arms and our suitcases crash to the ground. “Let’s get her. Right now.”

  I take River’s hand in mine, bolting across parking lot to the crosswalk, where we—of course—have to wait for airport security to wave us across.

  “True,” River shouts, jumping up and down. “We’re coming to marry you!”

  Nothing like the element of surprise.

  True’s head jerks up, her eyes rounding. Her mouth drops. I grin like a fool.

  River tugs on my hand. Security has stopped traffic for us. We jog to the other side, stopping right in front of True. Okay, so I might have run, and I might have tossed River up in my arms again so she wouldn’t have to keep up with me.

  This time, River doesn’t try to get out of my arms. She kisses my cheek and holds out her hand to True, who still hasn’t said a word.

  “Stand up, silly,” River commands.

  True does, taking my daughter’s hand, as her gaze zeros in on me. Wonderment is in her hazel-brown gaze. Wonderment and love. “What are you two doing here?”

  “Duh. You’re going to marry my daddy.”

  “I am.”

  “She said yes.” River squeezes me with one arm. “Kiss her.”

  I start to laugh. “I don’t think she said yes. I think True’s in shock.”

  True nods. “Totally.”

  “Let’s sit down.” I lower River to the ground and wait for her and True to sit, then I get down on one knee. I’m not about to miss this opportunity. “True North Prince, will you marry me.”

  River leans in. ”And me, too.”

  True smiles, her hands coming up to cover her mouth. “I can’t believe y’all are here, asking me this.”

  “Is that a yes?” River looks worried, so worried that I finally take the ring I’d been saving out of my pocket. “Ohh, that’s soooo pretty.”

  True’s arms fall to her side. “You’re serious.”


  “So am I,” River chimes in. “Say yes so we can have cake for dinner and then we can pick out my glorious dress that I’ll wear in the wedding.”

  I side eye my daughter.

  She shrugs, mouthing ‘what’.

  This girl... I wouldn’t have her any other way.

  “I couldn’t leave,” True says, her cheeks flushing. “The entire universe was conspiring against me. I finally listened to it. I love you both so much and I want to stay and fight for us.” She glances at River, saying nothing more, and I swear I love her more for leaving my daughter out of what she thinks will be a custody battle. “Even if it hurts, I want to be with y’all.”

  “I’m going to make it so easy on you, Sunshine.” I place the ring on her finger. “Simply say yes and let me take care of the rest.”

  She smiles through her tears. “Yes.”

  I grab her up in a hug while River bounces up and down on the bench seat, telling everyone that her daddy is getting married. I kiss True and she kisses me back, with every bit of love that I can feel flowing between us.

  Small arms wrap around either side of us, River’s nose bumping into my cheek. “Let’s go celebrate with cake now.”

  True giggles and then I join in. “I think that’s a great idea.”

  Standing, I pull True to her feet and take River’s hand. “Let’s go home.”

bsp; “To Arizona?” River asks.

  I give True a sidelong glance that she returns. “We’ll talk about it.”

  True nods. “For sure, but no matter what we decide, we will always be together.”



  Three years later

  “Are you glad to be back home?” True asks, her brow wrinkled with concern. “I know you said that we could stay in Scottsdale, but—”

  “But nothing. I’m happy to be home.” There’s a slight tug on my leg, then a stronger one. “Besides, I should be the one asking that of you?”

  “Where you are, that’s my home.”

  I love this woman so much it aches. It had been her idea to move back, to give River and Forest bunches of aunts, uncles, and cousins to love on and grow up with in Castle Beach. Since I don’t like saying no and didn’t have a good reason to think it in the first place, I agreed to move.

  Honestly, I’m happier than I thought I would be, even with all the old memories swirling around in my brain. All the good, bad, and never forgotten memories that remind me of my dad and my brother, of the years that went by without True.

  “Let me in, my stormy man,” True whispers, kissing my jaw.

  “If you aren’t happy, Sunshine, say the word and we’ll pack up everything and move right back into our old house.”

  “Maybe if my parents weren’t moving back to live here part of the year, I’d take you up on that, but since they missed Royal Bay so much, I think it’s a good compromise for everyone.”

  Another yank on my leg, this time grabbing hair. “Daddy, up!”

  “Sounds like someone needs Daddy-time.”

  With a smile, I kiss True’s cheek and bend down to scoop up our son. He’s two years old and loves to climb mine and True’s legs. “Want to go play on the beach?”

  Forest nods, and I call out to River, “Hey Surfer Girl, want to see if your skills are still good?”

  River bolts into the room, her eyes lighting up. “You mean swim or surf?”

  “I’ll go, so you can do either,” True says. “Give me five minutes to get everything we need. You get Forest ready.”

  “Don’t go crazy. We’re literally steps from the beach,” I point out.


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