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Once Upon a Royal Wedding

Page 7

by Laurie LeClair

  She giggled. “I take it you got my invitation to our future, my love…”

  Chapter 11

  Sophia’s wedding day arrived not a moment too soon for her.

  Peg and Rico and Belle had spent the last week with her—poking and prodding and teasing her until her sides ached—as they helped with last-minute arrangements and wedding gown fittings.

  She sighed as her father’s stubbornness grew. They barely talked. He still had no idea she was in the process of forming the charity from her trust fund. At least Sebastian had a private conversation with her father that first day and seemed to be on better footing. Stephan had smoothed the way, too.

  “Knock, knock.” Rico peeked his head in Sophia’s room. “Are you decent, Your Royalness? I swear my ears are still ringing from Peg’s snoring from three football fields down the hall.”

  “Holy cannolis, Rico, I can hear you just fine.” Peg snorted, shoving him all the way in. “It’s a good thing I still like you after all these years. Austin doesn’t complain one bit.”

  “Well, the man can’t have all his hearing intact being a rock star with music blaring at all those pitches for all those years, now can he?”

  “Geez, you two.” Belle piled in. She held up her hand. “Wait. I’ll be right back.” She raced away.

  “Hey, you are my maid of honor, you know.” Sophia went for the door. However, Peg and Rico reached out at the same time and stopped her.

  “No can do. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us.” Rico turned her around and nudged her to her vanity. “There’s international press—”

  “Oodles of noodles of them,” Peg chimed in.

  “With zoom-in lens waiting for you at every turn, sweetie. Let Uncle Rico help you.”

  “Remind me why I’m not eloping.” Her voice squeaked. It was bad enough on a good day, but the media had pounced even more this last week. Thankfully, the palace refused to allow the papers. Her father was briefed and gave appropriate reprimands in his press releases.

  Sebastian was not as formal, going as far as denouncing certain tabloid rumors or out-and-out lies.

  “No frownie.” Peg smacked Sophia’s arm with her ever present clipboard.

  Swallowing hard, Sophia sat, adjusting her silky robe to cover her fully as it slipped a little. “Guys, do you think I’m…” She sucked in a breath as they leaned in closer. “A little less than bold?”

  They cracked up laughing at the same time, elbowing each other.

  “It wasn’t meant to be funny.”

  “Ah, honey, you’re not even a close second to bold.” Rico nudged her shoulder. “Please. Now, moi? Of course.”

  “Seconds right here.” Peg pointed a thumb at herself.

  “Why bother flexing the muscles when you don’t have to, I say?” Rico raised his eyebrows and then plucked up the brush from the vanity.

  “So I’m weak?” She didn’t like that either—one extreme to the other.

  “Shove over.” Peg banged her hip against Sophia’s side and, when she did, Peg plopped down on the stool. “Hey, I’ve been up half the night, what do you want?” She did a double take in the mirror and leaned close, brushing a fingertip under her eye. “Concealer alert. Need gobs to cover up these bad boys. Man, I hope Austin doesn’t get after me again for working so hard.” She shrugged. “But hey, there’s only so many royal weddings a girl is going to be a part of, right?”

  “Pegster, do you mind? It’s Princess Sophia’s day, not yours.”

  Sophia cringed and wrinkled her nose at the title.

  “Oh no, sweetie. No wrinkling allowed, hear me? Never a good look.” Rico ran the brush through her hair several times until it crackled with electricity.

  “I am weak.” She made faces at herself, trying on scowls. She held up her hands. “Break time.”

  “What?!” they asked in unison.

  “We just got started.” Rico nearly growled. “There’s half a castle full of King’s Department Store family and friends. I’ve got half a dozen of the best hairstylists and makeup artists hard at work already on them. I saved the best for you, sweetie.” He smiled smugly.

  “I appreciate it, but I have someone I need to speak to first.”

  “Not Sebastian. It’s bad luck.” Peg scribbled on the top page attached to her clipboard. “See, it says so right there.”

  “You just wrote that.” Sophia smiled.

  “Who says?” Peg stuck her tongue out.

  Sophia hugged her friends, first a side one for Peg and then a half one for Rico as she got up, skirting the stool and them. “I need to change.” She hurried to her long, wide walk-in closet filled with every kind of style—couture gowns, custom suits, silky, smooth, warm, cuddly, and everything in between. Never mind the row after row of row of designer shoes and the glassed-in displays of equally gorgeous designer handbags, perfectly positioned under the soft cabinet lighting.

  “Oh, my heaven!” Rico followed close on her heels. “Girl, any chance I get I come in here. Can I live here?”

  “I won’t even charge rent, my friend.”

  She hurried and dressed in simple white slacks and a sea-blue silk blouse. Sophia slipped on a pair of flat Italian leather sandals.

  Peg and Rico blocked her exit.

  “It’s not Sebastian.” She swallowed hard. “It’s my father.”

  “Oh!” Rico pressed a hand to his chest. “Good luck, honey.”

  “Holy moly, he’s a grumpy bear lately. Not that he wasn’t before, but he’s upped it to a whole new level.” Peg nodded and backed out.

  Less than fifteen minutes later, Sophia entered her father’s private study. He took off his glasses, rubbed his eyes, and then placed his book on the side table.


  “You shouldn’t have come.” Defeat filled his words.

  “Thank you, I will have a seat.” She took the leather chair on the other side of his.

  He chuckled. It came out raw. “You still have your mother’s…sense of humor.” His voice cracked.

  “I can’t be someone I’m not.”

  “You are a princess.”

  “Behave like one?” A well of sadness invaded her belly.

  “There are rules. Expectations.”

  “Even if you do not say it, I know you love me, Papa. You want the best for me.”

  “But you refuse to listen. I contacted acceptable suitors. You turned down every one.”

  “Sebastian is a good man. Noble and honorable.”

  “Agreed. There’s no question.” He forced a smile. “I had him investigated, of course.”

  She’d assumed as much. “But he’s not a royal.”

  “For that, I can do nothing.” Sebastian entered the room.

  Sophia stood and went to him, hugging him tight. “We shouldn’t be seeing each other. But I’m glad you’re here.” His strong arms held her close for a few seconds before he released her.

  “Hey, your posse came to get me.” He nodded his head to the door. Rico and Peg waved.

  Belle grimaced, mouthing, “Sorry.”

  “Ah, we’ll go now.” Rico shoved the two ladies back. “Family time, girls.” The guard ushered them out. “Yeah, we’re going. Sophia, time, sweetie. We don’t have loads of it.” He glanced between the two men and raised an eyebrow before he turned and left.

  Her father cleared his throat. “You know where I stand, Sebastian.”

  “Yes. It’s nothing personal.”

  “Love should matter, Papa.” Sophia held Sebastian’s hand, happy for his constant, unwavering support.

  “Lineage does, too.”

  There was a commotion at door. It swung open. Her father’s usually unflappable secretary raced in. “Your Majesty. We have a problem.”

  “An intruder?” Her father rose from his chair, ever regal.

  “Worse, I’m afraid.” He glanced away from Sophia. “The person is with a wedding guest. A Dr. Bruce Langston.”

  “I invited him.” Sophia filled wit
h relief. “He’s on the board of several charities, Papa.” It wasn’t as serious as she thought. “He’s a new friend.”

  “He brought someone…” The secretary clasped his hands together. “She’s made allegations.”

  “What is this about?” Her father’s voice boomed, filling the room.

  It jerked his secretary to attention. “I didn’t want to bother you with the prattle. I took measures…over these last months.”

  A weak female voice rose from just outside the door. “There is another!”

  Sophia halted. “It’s her, Sebastian. The woman in the wheelchair.”

  “Why haven’t I heard of this person before?” Her father called for his guards. “Bring her here. We will get to the bottom of this—” He halted when he saw her being rolled in. He stepped nearer. “You?”

  “Papa, you know her?” Sophia watched Dr. Langston push the wheelchair.

  “Ah, this is the woman I spoke to you about, Sophia. She’s rallied back from her illness like a trooper. You said to bring her here to the palace before the formal ceremony. I hope you don’t mind, but she longed to meet you.”

  “Miss Eliza.” Her father nodded.

  “You remember me, Your Majesty.” The older woman sagged in relief. “I have been trying to see you…” Tears gathered in her eyes. “Please, believe me, I tried.”

  “I’ll have the guards see her out.” The secretary rushed forward. “Such a nuisance. Letters. Showing up at events. Nonsense.”

  “Months?” Her papa’s voice trembled. “Why? She’s gone now.”

  “Mama?” Sophia searched the woman’s features and recognized her—the younger her—from the picture she’d found glued to the back of another among her mother’s photos. “You knew her, didn’t you? How?”

  “I was her nanny.”

  Sebastian pulled Sophia to his side. She went willingly on shaky legs, grateful for his warm strong presence. “That’s why you followed me. I mean, Dr. Langston said you were a fan of mine.”

  “Of hers. And a keeper of her secrets.” The woman, Eliza, pressed a small handkerchief to her mouth. She turned back to the doctor. “I’m sorry I deceived you. I never meant any harm. With sweet Sophia. And with my…”

  “Your ward?” Dr. Langston patted her on the shoulder. “He’s a special young man. He’s studied international law and economics. Highly intelligent and very caring.”

  “He’s not mine. Not of my blood, at least.” Her whispered words cut through the hushed room. “Your Majesty, he’s your son.”

  Her father faltered. The color drained from his face.

  Sophia rushed to him, helping him to his chair. “It can’t be.” She shook when his shocked eyes met hers. “Papa?”

  His hands gripped Sophia’s. “My daughter. I do love you. But another child? Eliza, tell me the truth,” he begged.

  “I did. Katarina was so young, enamored by you and your station, a distinguished prince then, although a playboy, twenty years her senior. You were to wed another.”

  “But I was reckless.” Her father paled. “A last fling with someone so beautiful. I confessed to my bride-to-be and she called off the union…”

  “My Katarina didn’t know that then. She’d gone into hiding, ashamed of how she’d gotten swept up in the moment and what happened. When she discovered she was with your child, she knew how both your parents would forbid the truth from getting out. Oh, the humiliation to follow and surely the irreparably damage to the families’ reputations and honor if word leaked. You don’t bring that shame to the royals, even if you were one of them. She confided in me, of course; we were so close. When we went away, she had him. I never came back. But she did eventually.”

  “All this time…” Stunned wonder etched her father’s words.

  “When you found her again a few years later—a way to appease what you had done, I imagine—for a marriage of convenience, she was grateful to be accepted by your family. How could she ruin that and your future as the king? She made me vow to protect him. It was scandalous then and worse if anyone discovered him later.” She sighed, it came out as a rattle. “I raised him with the money she sent, she visited when she could drag herself away from her duties, and she found Dr. Langston for us…testing, teaching, counseling, too.”

  “Her secret trips.” Sophia mumbled the words, finally putting pieces together. “She’d get so angry when I begged to go with her. She didn’t want me to know.”

  The doctor shook his head. “I had no idea. Please, Princess Sophia, I had no knowledge of this. If I had, I wouldn’t have brought Eliza here.”

  “I lied to you, Doctor.” The woman’s energy sapped. “I lied to everyone for years. She’s gone. And I’m dying. I can’t keep it inside any longer.”

  On shaky limbs, Sophia took charge. I have a brother. “Dr. Langston, could you please see to Miss Eliza’s care.” She turned to her father’s secretary. “You will offer our guests accommodations.”

  Sebastian went to help. However, the woman put a hand on his forearm to halt him. She slipped him a folded note. “His name and number. He knows the truth now. I raised him with devotion and trained him as much as I could to prepare him if ever the day would come.”

  “I’ll find him.” He turned to Sophia. “With you and your father’s permission.”

  “Yes, of course.” She went to Sebastian and hugged him. “Thank you for understanding, for being here.”

  “You’re shaking. I shouldn’t leave you.”

  “I’m fine. My posse awaits. Go.” She kissed his cheek. “My papa needs me right now.”

  Ten long agonizing minutes later, Sophia sat beside her father in chairs on his study’s balcony, facing the sea. They clasped hands and wept together.

  “Today you will meet your son, Papa.” Her throat constricted.

  “No.” He heaved a gusty sigh. “Today, my daughter, I gain two sons.”

  “You accept Sebastian.” She spoke the words of gratitude out loud.

  “Yes. He’s a good man and loves you. You deserve to be happy, my child. The rest is all so unbelievable. He’s been out there all this time.”

  “He had Mama’s nanny. I’m sure she did her best. Even the doctor thought so, by the things he said.”

  “I will change the constitution. You have been the one, prepared from the beginning, to take over and so you shall.” His once gruff voice grew rough and ragged.

  Sophia sucked in a sharp breath. “Then you must change it back again to the old ways. The first child of the king will be the next in line. Papa, he is your and Mama’s firstborn of royal blood.” Hot tears spilled down her cheeks. “He will inherit the throne. It is only just and right.”

  A sweet sense of relief swept over Sophia for giving up all she’d been groomed to do from the day she was born. The heavy burden slid away. “It’s for the best, Papa. I will help with the royal ways and assist with his training. It would be my honor as his sister.”

  He shook his head. “I was so wrong. I tried to make you something your mother and I could never be—perfect. I expected more for you and your life, one free of mistakes and, in doing so, I pushed you away.”

  Sophia closed her eyes for a brief moment. “I forgive you. How can I not? The sea is so healing. I see why you love it so.” She sucked in a cleansing breath. Each time, it helped ease the layers of constraints slip away. Hope blossomed in her chest as she realized for the very first time in her life she could do good things—could live a life she herself created with Sebastian and not by others for them, however misinformed but well intentioned. “I know you want the best for me. Trust me when I say Sebastian is.” Conviction rang in her voice, strong and sure.

  “He will guide you—”

  “I will guide him.” She giggled.

  “And me, my Sophia, you will guide me to be a better father for you and your brother.” His voice cracked.

  “It’s only taken years.”

  His gruff laughter spoke volumes.


  “Stop fussing.” Rico shooed the King sisters back.

  “But it’s part of my design.” Charlie tried to block the door he went to close.

  “Mine, too,” Francie piped up.

  “Well, I watched them.” Priscilla chuckled. “Pretty please.”

  “N-O!” Rico pressed his back to the door and used his feet to power it shut. “Pushy broads, aren’t they?”

  “We heard that!” The three sisters shouted from the other side.

  “It’s a good thing we still love you, Rico.” Charlie got in the parting shot.

  He grinned. “Yeah, I’m family.” He crossed his fingers. “We’re like this close.”

  “Holy crab cakes and crumpets. Quit laying it on so thick, bub.” Peg snorted. “I’m the special one.”

  “Well, what about me?” Belle threw up her hands.

  “We adopted you into our little nest, didn’t we?” Rico rolled his eyes. “How they forget.” He strolled over and poked Sophia’s shoulder. “You, too, if you were wondering.”

  She grinned. “I’m so lucky.” She meant it. To have them here and sharing in her special day was incredible. Added to that, she and her papa had made a peace they had never had. They would meet her brother after the ceremony—even though he would be in attendance, quietly and inconspicuously. At his insistence to not make this awkward or uncomfortable for them, he urged a private first meeting later.

  Sophia already admired him for his kindness and understanding.

  However, the best part was in marrying Sebastian and making that dream come true.

  “Earth to Sophia!” Rico snapped his fingers in front of face. “You were miles away.”


  The others giggled along with her.

  A half hour later, Sophia accepted Belle’s fierce hug. “Love you, friend. If it weren’t for you I’d never had run away with you to King’s and we would never had an adventure of a lifetime and I would have never met Sebastian.”


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