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Once Upon a Royal Wedding

Page 9

by Laurie LeClair

  He smacked her arm. “No way. Stephan’s father!”

  “Afraid so.” Belle turned to him.

  “You’ve met him?” His face lost some of its color.

  “Yep. Not a good first impression on either side.” She groaned. “After I smart-mouthed him, I bolted to get ready for work.”

  “Oh!” Rico pressed a hand to his lips. He cringed. “You didn’t call him names or anything, did you?”

  It was her turn to grimace. “Not entirely.” She took a deep, shaky breath. “I sorta made fun of his title.”

  “Shut up! You didn’t?!”

  Belle nodded. “All I want is to marry his incredible son—I love Stephan with all my heart. Well, along with finishing design school and continuing with my clothing line—minuscule as it is at the moment since I’m still a student.” She rushed out the words as her heart hammered at the impossible odds of having it all. “It’s too much to ask, isn’t it?”

  “No. No.” But he hesitated.

  She heard him gulp hard. “For someone like me, it is.”

  “What, delightful? Fresh—mouth and attitude?” He grinned. “Passionate? Caring?” Rico sucked in a breath. “Sweetie, I’ve been there—nothing—and now I’m here—somewhere exciting and glorious. Plus, the King family treasure me as I do them. Believe me, it’s not where you’re from; it’s where you’re going.”

  His words struck her deep inside. He’d told her of how he’d struggled in the past and how, with the help of Charlie—the owner of King’s—he’d overcome it all to reinvent his life.

  The truth of who he’d risen to sunk in. She smiled through her teary eyes and then hugged him. “Thanks, friend. I needed that.”

  He patted her gently on the back. “You and me, we stick together.” He cleared his throat and then pulled away. “Look at me.” He pressed his fingers to his cheeks. “I can’t look bad in public. What would my vlog fans say?”

  “Oh, the shame of it!” She giggled. “Go on. Thanks, pal.”

  “You good, then? Now that I’ve gotten all sappy, I need that drink. Perhaps my number-one drinking buddy is still hanging around the executive office.”

  Belle waved him off. “Tell Pegster hey and have a couple for me.” Something told her she’d need more than a few good stiff drinks with King’s executive assistant to deal with the sourpuss of her soon-to-be in-law now that he’d hit town.

  The knots in her belly twisted.

  In the back of her mind, she prayed he didn’t ruin her and Stephan’s future together…

  Stephan stared across the long, elegant dining table to his stern-looking father.

  Growing up, that granite look caused Stephan a great deal of fear, until the day his beloved mother had died when he was still a boy.

  Anger and determination took root then and he’d forged his own path; he’d never wanted to follow the strict guidelines of someone who refused kindness and compassion to his own loved ones.

  “Father.” He lifted his eyebrow. “I’m surprised you’re here. It’s been ages since you’ve come to the States. Yet here you are, ensconced in a stunning mansion in Dallas, magnificently furnished if the glimpse I got as we arrived holds true, and with a full staff at your command. Airbnb?” He contained his desire to chuckle out loud, knowing his Bella would have burst out with laughter at his attempt at humor in such a grave atmosphere.

  However, he swore his guard, Oscar, did snicker before he coughed.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, Stephan. Does she do that to you? Cause you to talk in riddles?”

  “By she, I assume you mean my Bella.”

  His father sighed heavily and sat back, carefully replacing his silverware on his gold-rimmed plate—the royal ones from the palace, packed and brought with him wherever he went. He picked up the stark-white cloth napkin and dabbed at the corners of his mouth. “A pet name? You are infatuated with this woman-child.”

  “Hardly a child. Definitely a woman.” Gorgeous and enthusiastic and alive with passion for all the wonders of the world around her. And she loves me. “Forgive me, Father, for you know nothing of love.”

  “Don’t be insolent. I am still your—”

  “King.” Yes, Stephan had been reminded hundreds of times when he’d faced the man over one disagreement or another. “The royalty card again?”

  “I wasn’t going to say that and you know it.”

  “Do I? I am your subject now. You will attempt to dictate or force your will on me.”

  He slammed his fist on the table top. The china rattled and the fork clinked as it hit the wooden surface. “You are my son. You will do as I say.”

  “No!” That one word echoed in the ringing silence that followed.

  Shock rippled over his father’s face. In the background, Stephan sensed the utter stillness of the servants and the guards. Thick tension simmered.

  “Out! Everyone get out! Now!” The king shoved back his chair, waving the others gone. He stood to his full height.

  Stephan’s two guards hesitated until he nodded slightly. The servants’ and guards’ footsteps marched out and soon the sound faded away.

  Easing back in his chair, Stephan watched with keen interest. “There. You have ordered them away. Now what?” He pressed the issue.

  “You are to return home immediately and take up your royal duties.”

  “Is that so?” Dread slipped in his gut. He’d expected nothing less; however, he’d hoped it wouldn’t come to this showdown. Not now, at least. Later, when he’d planned to negotiate.

  “Neglecting your countrymen to parade around with a—”

  “I would stop while you are already behind, Father.” A slow burn replaced the dread, its embers stoked.

  “She is not a royal. I will not have you sully our name.”

  “And yet you went there…” Stephan sighed. “I believe she will elevate it to a higher status.”

  The loud snort could not be disguised. His father rounded the edge of the table and walked toward him. “A maid’s illegitimate child? Oh, I have investigated her.”

  “I never doubted you wouldn’t.”

  “Still you proceeded? How stupid of you.”

  “That is not the way to soothe my ruffled feathers, Father. I have long outgrown your insults, along with your mismanagement of royal and family funds. Yes, it is I who saved your hide, shall we say, from scandal many, many years ago when I discovered your misdeeds—and Grandfather’s. I chose to dig you out of that and countless other regressions for my country. For my beloved mother’s good name and reputation.”

  “It was…not as dire as you recall.” His blustery denial fell flat.

  “Memory issues, Your Majesty? Perhaps you need to direct your attention elsewhere.”

  His father stood a mere yard away, with his hand gripping the back of one of the dining room chairs. “You will do as I say.”

  The spark ignited low in Stephan’s belly. “I’m sure your invitation for a visit extends to my fiancée and her mother. Bella will enjoy a few days of seeing my country and meeting my countrymen.”

  “That is not what I intended at all.”

  “Of course you did, Father. You are the host to my bride and her family. And you will be gracious.”

  “The king has the right to order you…”

  The burn grew in Stephan’s gut. “Yes, and, as the prince and heir to the throne, I have the right to walk away.” He rose, shoved his chair back, and then threw his napkin down.

  “From me or your country?” His voice wobbled.

  Stephan marched to the door and then halted. Turning slightly to glance at the man who he barely recognized, Stephan answered, “Both.”

  “You wouldn’t dare forsake us!” Shock reverberated through the room.

  “Press me again on this, Father, and I will.” Grit and determination flared bright in his chest.

  “Not your… You would never love anyone more than you do your country.”

  With a heavy sigh, St
ephan continued to walk as he met up with his guards in the large foyer.

  Oh, Father, you cannot fathom how wrong you are and how much I love my Bella. If you did, you would never have waved the invisible ultimatum.

  Chapter 3

  Belle, with pins in her mouth, fiddled with the sparkling band of rose material. The mannequin stood inches taller so she had a perfect view of where to add the fabric to the mid-drift halter top—a sheer outer panel covering the inner piece extended up to a larger band at the neck and then to cross down the back.

  With a few nimble touches, she had it pinned in place in the front and she wound her way around the back, sticking as she went.

  In the quiet King’s design room, she worked diligently into the night on her class project, having redone this particular band a half-dozen times already.

  “Yes, that’s it!” She smiled with delight, finally feeling triumphant with this new element. “Surely there’s an A in my future for this baby.”

  A flash of movement over the mannequin’s shoulder near the entrance to the room jolted Belle back to the moment. He was here! Gorgeous and real and captivating. She squeaked.

  “Stephan, my gosh! You scared the life out of me.”

  “You are a sight for sore eyes.”

  Her tummy turned over—at both from seeing him again and the guarded look in his eyes she could see even from here.

  He held up the bag bearing her favorite restaurant’s logo, The Grill. “I come bearing gifts.”

  “I’m starving.” She groaned, realizing she hadn’t had a bite since lunch and even that was quick and on the run between classes earlier.

  Strolling in, he came closer as she went to meet him.

  Automatically, she brushed off thread and lint from her hair and down her dress. “I’m a mess.”

  “Beautiful, as ever. More so, I think.”

  The hint of sadness in his voice struck her straight through the heart. Things did not go well. Without hesitation, she hugged him. “That bad?”

  His sigh rumbled through his chest and she felt it clear to her toes. With his right arm wrapped around her, he lifted her off her feet.

  Belle giggled and held tighter, wrapping her arms around his strong, broad shoulders. “Stephan.”

  Slowly, the tension in him siphoned out. “A kiss for your meal, my lady.”

  She pulled back slightly and looked into his blue eyes, so breathtaking. “If I do, we may never eat.”

  “And that is a problem?” His searing blue glance went to her lips.

  The tingling began there and spread. Her breath caught. How did he manage to assault her senses with simple words and heated looks? “Not a problem. Not at all.”

  Belle leaned in achingly slow as her stare drifted from his mesmerizing gaze to his tantalizing lips. She touched hers to his softly. His moan barely drowned out hers.

  With delicate movements, she brushed her lips over his again and again. Finally, she couldn’t wait any longer, so she pressed hers to his in a deep, long, sensual, lingering kiss.

  In the background, she heard something plunk down on her design table and then his left arm came around her. “You are intoxicating, my Bella.”

  She shivered at the words and his warm breath mingling with hers. Her body melted like liquid heat. “Why did we have to make that promise to my mother? Tell me again.”

  His chuckle came out raw and strangled. “I am wondering myself at the moment.”

  But the highly charged minutes ticked and faded away.

  Stephan set her back on her feet.

  Clinging to his arms, Belle tried to regain her equilibrium.


  “I was thinking drinks with Rico and Peg instead.” She attempted to laugh, but it came out on a puff of air.

  Within moments, she’d tidied up her table, sliding her material and tools to the far end and covering everything with an old piece of fabric.

  In the meantime, Stephan had worked his magic, setting up a makeshift eating area with two stools and then setting out their meals.

  “Water, anyone?” She dug out a bottle from her tote and plunked it down between them. Then she stilled. “Wait? Where’s the guys?”

  A ghost of a smile played along his sensuous mouth and he tilted his head to the entrance. He tugged her to sit facing him, while his inner thighs touched her outer legs. “Hugo and Oscar are on the other side while Bruno regales them with stories of his years at King’s. Most likely, all three are finished with their meal already.”

  “Aw, you hooked them up. You’re a good prince.”

  He sobered quickly. “Not as far as the king sees.”

  Her chest tightened until it squeezed the breath out of her. “It’s me. I know.”

  Stephan nudged her container to her. “Eat while it is still warm. Remember, we share half and half.”

  “You didn’t deny it.”

  “How could I? You are very smart, Bella. Rest assured, this is also what my father assumes is part of my lifelong bad choices.”

  “I don’t belong in that world—”

  “But you do in mine.” His voice rang with conviction.

  She gulped at the sheer force of his declaration and the steely look in his eyes. Yet her tender heart burst with longing for him and to soothe him. “You are mine and I am yours.” She repeated the vow they’d shared over the last months.

  Somewhere deep inside, Belle yearned for that to be true. However, she knew just from the earlier meeting with Stephan’s father, those words would be put to the test.

  Could they survive the pressure?

  Stephan watched the play of emotions chase across Bella’s expressive features. His gut clutched again.

  They both knew disaster waited.

  He sat patiently as they ate, playfully arguing over who got the larger share of the sweet potato fries and who got the bigger bite of the cheesesteak sandwich.

  “I saw that. I wasn’t born yesterday, Stephan. I’ve got dibs on the pickles, by the way.” She snatched up a section and bit into it, crunching away.

  “So greedy with your food, Bella.” He kissed her quick. “Tasty. I would have leftovers on your lips any day.”

  Her cheeks turned a dusty pink. She muttered under her breath, “That dang promise to wait until after we’re married. I already regret it so many times over.”

  Heat blasted through him. “Why wait?”

  Bella covered his mouth with her hand. “Don’t tempt me.”

  Stephan kissed her palm and she yanked it away. “Marry me then.” He was very serious.

  “I thought you meant the other stuff. Marriage?”

  “Sooner rather than later.” The idea sparked and took root. “Elope now and have the big, pretentious ceremony later.”

  “Rico would be crushed.” She smiled.

  “He’ll survive the disappointment. Or he can come along as a witness.”

  She sucked in a shaky breath. “Oh my gosh, it’s worse than I thought, isn’t it?”

  “Ah, Bella, too smart.” His exuberance at the thought of having her become his wife soon and on their terms faded. “I wanted to save you from the…censure and judgment.” He could no longer keep it all from her.

  Tears gathered in the corners of her eyes.

  It was as if a knife sliced through Stephan at her distress.

  “I can never escape that part of me, as much as I’d like to forget—especially the deadbeat dad. I am who I am.”

  “Strong and feisty and fierce and amazing. All of that and more is the woman I fell in love with. Do not think of ever changing. I want our children to know that grit and determination, Bella.”


  “Two or three or however many you would like.” Thoughts of her carrying his child slammed into him. The longing of having a family with her shook him. To be complete with her.

  “Three, please.”

  He laughed long and loud. “I will do my best, my Bella, to give you everything you

  “Just you.” She touched his face, her fingertips leaving heat where they trailed over his jaw. “For now.”

  “First, I have a request. Come to my country. A short visit. You, your mother, and Lewis—after all, he’ll be your stepfather shortly.”

  “B-but…I have class and things.”

  “A long weekend. I want you to meet my people, see the new school for the poor and needy; it’s almost complete. And allow me to show you where my mother grew up and where she now rests.”

  Perhaps, by introducing her to his countrymen—surely they would love her, too—he could persuade his stubborn father to accept his Bella.

  After his mother died, Stephan had survived on so few dreams. Certainly, he could hope this one would come to fruition, no matter how daring it seemed. Was it too much to ask to marry for love?

  If only…

  Chapter 4

  The last week of preparing and finishing half-baked projects had rushed by.

  Now, Belle gripped the cream-colored leather armrests in Stephan’s ultra-swanky private jet. Her belly dipped and rose for the hundredth and one time.

  “First flight jitters still?” Stephan glanced up from his paperwork again to soothe her.

  “Maybe. Some,” she admitted on a puff of air. “Ah, more so what’s waiting for me—”

  “Us.” He gave her his undivided attention. “We arrive at dawn. A planned time to slip into the country. Hopefully, little press and few people to greet us.”

  She tilted her head across the aisle at the soft snores coming from her friends. Rico and Peg, exhausted from all the work and preparations for the trip, leaned against each other, foreheads touching. Peg pressed her ever-present clipboard to her chest as if it were her security blanket. “Thanks for letting me bring them, too.”

  “They have plenty of work to do for our wedding—plans to coordinate, people to meet… And they are another layer of protection for you.”

  Gulping, Belle realized he wanted the barrier for her and the comfort of her friends as well as her mother and Lewis napping in the back row. “You think of everything.”


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