Chosen Wolf

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Chosen Wolf Page 16

by Stacy Claflin

  “Assuming all the dragons are friendly. Some of the cities don’t like non-dragons traveling through.” I kissed Victoria’s cheek and glanced out the window. It was growing dark. “Maybe I should call them.”

  “I can do that,” Ziamara offered.

  “Thank you. I’m going to head downstairs.”

  When I got downstairs, half the pack was gathered in the living room with Gessilyn and her family. Conversation drifted in from the kitchen, where the rest of the pack was gathered.

  I stood next to the roaring fire.

  “How is she?” Gessilyn asked.


  Outside, Alex howled. A familiar, slightly bitter odor settled in the air. I hurried over to a front window. The vampires had arrived, and they stood outside the gate. “They’re here!”

  Some growls sounded.

  I spun around. “They’re here to help. Anyone who acts unbecomingly will deal with me—and you won’t enjoy it. Got it?” I made eye contact with each werewolf in the room. They each nodded in agreement. “Good.”

  Alex howled again.

  I hurried outside, running past the wolf to the gate. About a dozen vampires stood on the other side of my property, all dressed as elegantly as the royalty always did. I broke into a run, and so did Alex, staying by my side.

  “Hold on,” I called. When I reached the gate, I pressed the code to open it.

  The vampires hurried in and I closed it behind them.

  The queen wrapped me in a warm embrace. Her thick, regal robe stuck to my arm. “It’s so good to see you again, Toby. I love your new place.”

  I returned the hug. Guilt wracked me. With Victoria alive again, would I ever be able to forgive myself for my short romantic relationship? “It’s great to see you as well, Alexis.”

  She stepped back and smiled at her husband, Alrekur. “Actually, I go by my first name now. Marguerite.”

  “It’s lovely,” I said. “Follow me inside.”

  Once we were the in the house, Sal and Brick helped the guests by taking their coats.

  “Come out,” I called to everyone.

  The pack and Gessilyn’s family came into the entryway from the kitchen and living room.

  Gessilyn greeted all the vampires with an embrace.

  I cleared my throat. “Let me make the introductions.” I placed my hand on the queen’s shoulder. “This is Queen Marguerite and her husband, King Alrekur.” I turned to the couple next to them. “This is his brother, Soren and his wife, Svana. I’m not sure who the others are.”

  “Tell us what you know,” Alrekur said, not giving us time to finish introductions.

  “Let’s make ourselves comfortable in the living room,” I said. “Are any of you thirsty? Hungry?”

  The king shook his head. “We feasted on the way over.”

  I cringed, thinking of how many humans it would take to feed all those vampires.

  “We didn’t kill anyone.” He laughed. “We found a hotel full of sleeping patrons and snacked.”

  Dillon shook his head. “Turning humans into vampires?”

  “We just snack. They won’t even notice the loss of blood, much less turn into a vampire.”

  “Follow me.” I led them to the living room, and gestured for the guests to sit. Brick and Sal brought in extra chairs. Once everyone was settled, I filled them in on everything from the missing people to Victoria’s curse.

  Marguerite turned to me. “Where is she?”

  “Sleeping. Not being able to turn is taking a real toll on her.”

  “Poor thing.” Marguerite frowned. “I can’t wait to meet her.”

  “Let’s head upstairs. Ziamara’s with her.”

  Her eyes lit up. “How is my daughter?”

  “Great. Very happy with Jet.”

  She turned to Alrekur. “You want to come up with me?”

  He shook his head and kissed her hand. “You all catch up. I’m going to make some calls.”

  Marguerite and I headed upstairs.

  “Are you okay?” she asked, looking me in the eyes once we reached the second level.

  “My fiancée is under a curse and two friends are missing.”

  Her brows came together. “I thought three were missing.”

  “Yes, but to call the third my friend would be a stretch.”

  “Understood, but I get the feeling something else is bothering you.”

  As if the guilt eating me wasn’t enough, she could read me like a book.

  “Toby, talk to me. You’ve helped me through plenty of rough times, let me help you.”

  Her words were like a dagger in my heart. I nodded toward some plush chairs underneath a portrait of the Peninsula. She sat in one and I took the other.

  She tilted her head. “What’s wrong?”

  “This is kind of awkward.” I sighed and stared a mark on the wall across from us.

  “I promise not to judge.”

  “No, I mean having you here.”

  Her mouth gaped. “I’m awkward?”

  “That’s not what I mean. You’re…” My voice trailed off as images from our time together played in my mind. She’d been a young, depressed high school student, abandoned by every vampire she knew. I was her teacher and had only been trying to help pull her out of her funk. Somehow, we had temporarily filled the holes in each other’s hearts.

  “I don’t understand,” she said, bringing me back to the present. “Everything has always been good between us. Did I do something?”

  I met her gaze. “Remember when your parents banished you from the castle and you couldn’t contact any of the vampires?”

  “Right. I… Oh!” Her eyes widened with marked understanding. “Oh, I see what you mean. Well, I’m not going to say anything about that to her. And also, don’t forget you and Alre have always gotten along. Same thing.”

  “It’s not.” I shook my head, guilt squeezing my chest. How had I allowed myself to forget about Victoria?

  Marguerite put her hand on mine. “It was so long ago, and now you have your second chance with the love of your life. You’ve finally found happiness again—and I couldn’t be more thrilled for you. No one deserves it more.” The look in her eyes told me she meant it wholly. “Can I meet her?”

  Tears stung my eyes as I recalled Victoria begging me to marry her right away. How could she give in to the thought of only have this month to live?

  “Toby? Are you okay?”

  I couldn’t look at the queen. “Do you think you can find a witch to help her?” My voice cracked. I’d managed to hold myself together so well in front of everyone else, but now with her there with me, my walls crumbled. I couldn’t hold myself together anymore.

  She frowned and wrapped her arms around me. “We can beat this. After all the things I’ve seen over the years, I have no doubt. My daughter, Eylin, is searching for a hard-to-reach, extremely powerful dragon witch. She’s done things no one else could. And for what it’s worth, I’m glad to finally help you after all the times you’ve helped me.”

  “It was nothing. But thank you, and I hope you’re right.” I rose. Somehow, I needed to push my guilt aside. It had been years ago and didn’t mean anything now. I cleared my throat. “Let’s get in there. Victoria’s probably sleeping, but Zia’s in there with her.”

  Her eyes lit up. “I can’t wait to see her. Thank you so much for taking care of her.”

  “She’s a delight. Truly.”

  I led her into the room Victoria was staying in. Sure enough, she slept, but Ziamara sat near the bed, reading. Her eyes widened when she saw our guest. Then she threw the book down and jumped into the queen’s embrace. “I’ve missed you.”

  “As have I, child. You look well.”

  “I am. I love the pack. How’s Larus?”

  “Well—and downstairs, actually. He was eager to see how you’re doing.”

  Ziamara looked at me, her eyes wide. She and Larus had an interest in each other at one point, years earlier.

  I shrugged, knowing the awkwardness of former relationships all too well. The only two women I’d ever harbored any romantic feelings for were both in this bedroom.

  Zia and her adoptive mother caught up, while I sat at the edge of the bed and ran my fingers through Victoria’s hair.

  Her eyes fluttered open. She seemed confused and then her gaze settled on me. “Toby, what’s going on?”

  I kissed her cheek. “The vampires are here. Everyone is eager to remove the curse from you.”

  She sat up and looked around. “Is that…?”

  “The queen.”

  Victoria looked back and forth between her and me and bit her lip. “She’s the one?”

  I nodded, wanting to tell her that Marguerite meant nothing to me, but that wasn’t entirely the truth. I just didn’t care about her in the same way that I did Victoria. There was no way of putting it into words, especially with the both of them right there, so I wrapped my arms around her and took possession of her mouth and deepened the kiss. She returned the kiss greedily, clinging to me.

  “You’re awake!” Ziamara exclaimed. “You have to meet my mother. She saved my life by turning me into a vampire.”

  Victoria climbed out of bed and walked over to them. She shook the queen’s hand. “I’m Victoria. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Marguerite threw her arms around Victoria, wrapping her in a tight hug. “The pleasure is all mine, sweetie. Toby’s told me so much about you. I’m so glad you’re alive, and you can rest assured I’ll do everything in my power to keep it that way.” She stepped back and looked Victoria over, beaming. “You’re just as beautiful as he described. I just couldn’t be happier that you two are reunited.”

  “I… thank you. It means a lot.”

  “Do you want to come downstairs and meet everyone?”

  “Yes, let’s go.”

  I sighed in relief. Maybe my guilt had been unfounded—especially if the vampires could help find a cure for Victoria’s curse.

  Chapter 24


  My strength was weakening by the moment. I had to sleep constantly. Every time I went up to the room to sleep, someone had to come up with me because Toby still didn’t want anyone going off alone—not even the vampires. Anyone working with us was in danger. So, I had started sleeping on the couches as everyone else discussed the plans so that nobody would be stuck watching me rest.

  I woke in Toby’s office and the entire place was quiet. I glanced around, at first not seeing anyone. A moment of panic struck me, but then I noticed Toby at his desk behind the computer screen.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  He came over and pulled me into his lap, holding me tightly. “Everyone else left for the Jag. Some of the vampires are going to sneak inside while the werewolves wait, watching.”

  My stomach twisted in knots. “I hope they find Carter, Tap, and Soleil.”

  “You and me both.” He kissed my cheek.

  “Why didn’t you go? As pack leader, I would have thought—”

  “That the pack wolfess is my number one priority? You’re right.”

  My heart fluttered. “But, still. You should be out there.”

  “It’s for times like this that I have an assistant alpha. Jet loves leading, and he does a great job. I just want to be here with you.” He ran the back of his fingers along my jawline and pressed his mouth against mine. He tasted minty, and I deepened the kiss. Then exhaustion ran through me like a freight train. I pulled back.

  He cupped my head. “What’s wrong?”

  Aches ran through me. “I need to lay down.”

  Toby helped me. “This is only getting worse, isn’t it?”

  “Seems so.” I closed my eyes, feeling him slip from me as I drifted away from consciousness.

  He spoke in the background, but I couldn’t make out a word he said.

  A thick blanket of sleep overtook me.

  Chapter 25


  I tucked the quilt around Victoria and adjusted the pillow. It was hard not to worry, especially since we were no closer to finding her cure.

  Nervous energy ran through me. I got up and paced.

  What was taking the vampires so long? They hadn’t gotten caught, had they? The king—the most powerful vampire in existence—and his brother had gone in with a couple other royals. The queen, my pack, and the remaining vampires were supposed to be spread strategically throughout the woods, surrounding the Jag, ready to jump in and fight if need be.

  But what if the jaguars found the vampires? Could they overtake them? I’d been overtaken, but I’d also been brazen enough to enter their building alone. Four of the most feared vampires had gone in together.

  My heart raced as I paced the office. I was tempted to text someone, but couldn’t risk distracting anyone from the mission. Finding Tap and Soleil—and even Carter—was the priority.

  I hated doing nothing. It would have been a lot easier if Victoria were still awake. Then I could focus on her, but she only had the energy to stay awake a few minutes.

  That made me feel like someone had ripped out my heart and stomped on it. Anger burned in my gut and surged through the rest of my body. I needed to do something, and yet I couldn’t leave Victoria.

  I pulled out my phone and texted Brick.

  Toby: How’s it going?

  Brick: They r still inside.

  Toby: Have u heard anything?

  Brick: No. Some vamps r talking about going in.

  Toby: Where’s Jet?

  Brick: With the queen.

  Toby: Should I be there?

  Brick: We got this. Stay with V.

  Toby: Let me know if anything changes.

  It felt like I was going to explode. Despite Jet being a perfectly capable alpha, I was meant to be with my pack while they were out there, fighting for my fiancée. I couldn’t be in two places at once, yet I needed to be.

  I hated this.

  I’d sent everyone else to the Jag, but now I needed to head over there—even if only for a few minutes. Was there anyone who could watch Victoria?

  Alex. He was already pacing around the mansion.

  No. It would never work. If something happened, he had no way of contacting me. He could hardly use a cell phone with paws. But he could fight off a perpetrator. He could howl into the sky. We’d all be able to hear him from the Jag given that it was only about two miles away if you went straight through the woods.

  I turned around and glanced at Victoria. I’d never been more conflicted in my life.

  “Are you awake, wolf?” I asked my inner wolf.

  You think I could sleep at a time like this?

  “What should we do?” I went over to Victoria and ran my palm across her cheek.

  We won’t be happy either way. If we join the wolves, we’ll fret about her. Also, what if someone breaks in and snatches her?

  I wanted to scream. He was right. There was no good answer. “What about Alex? Is it a bad idea to leave him with her?”

  My wolf didn’t answer. It was a risk, and we both knew it. Yet neither of us could deny the pull of the pack.

  If anything happens to her, you know you’ll blame yourself.

  Again, he was right. On the other hand, if anything happened to anyone in the pack, I would never forgive myself, either. With great responsibility came high levels of guilt. Any blood would be on my hands, regardless of my decision.

  She’s sleeping, and from the looks of it, will remain that way for a while. Why not bring in Alex and set the house alarm?

  The alarm. That was it—I’d receive a text the moment anything happened.

  I kissed Victoria’s forehead and then wrote her a quick note. Heart thundering, I went to the front door and whistled.

  Alex trotted up to the porch. I indicated for him to come inside. He raised an ear, questioning.

  “I need to check on the pack, and that means you need to keep an eye on Victoria. I’ll leave a window open, so
howl outside if anything goes wrong. She should just sleep—that curse is growing worse each day.”

  He whined, and I led him into my office.

  “You don’t have to relieve yourself, do you?”

  Alex plunked his rear on the ground.

  “I’ll take that as a no. I’m also setting the alarm, so don’t try to leave the house. Just howl. I won’t be gone long.”

  He got up and went over to the couch, sitting in front of Victoria.

  I took a deep breath. “If anyone shows up—”

  Alex growled, baring his fangs.

  “Looks like you know what to do. Thank you.”

  I went back over to Victoria, brushed some hair from her face, and kissed her lips lightly. “I’ll be right back, my sweetness. All of this is for you.”

  She didn’t even stir.

  It killed me to leave her, but it had to be done. I needed to check on the pack.

  I hurried out of the house, setting the alarm before I did. It took a couple tries because I wasn’t used to setting it—there was always someone home.

  If only I could howl into the sky to let the others knew I was on my way. Oh, well. They’d figure it out soon enough. I took a deep breath, stretched my legs, and then burst into a run, heading for the Jag.

  I could feel the tension in the air long before I reached the jaguars’ property. My heart raced faster than my legs.

  Had something gone wrong?

  I pulled out my phone and texted Brick, letting him know I was on my way.

  He didn’t respond. Come to think of it, he hadn’t responded to the last text I’d sent him.

  Something was definitely wrong.

  My stomach twisted into a tight knot. Why hadn’t I noticed earlier? I ran faster, darting around trees, branches, exposed roots, and shrubbery. My pulse drummed in my ears.

  What I wouldn’t give to be able to shift whenever I wanted. But that was a whole other curse, and I had no time to think about it. Finally, the strong jaguar scent came into the air. I was near the club. That meant my pack wasn’t far away.

  I sniffed the air, but when running it was harder to detect the direction of the scents. I just headed for the club. When I neared it, I slowed, both listening and sniffing the air. Both the jaguars and my pack were in the immediate area, as were the vampires, but for the moment I was including them with the pack.


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