Chosen Wolf

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Chosen Wolf Page 17

by Stacy Claflin

  My muscles ached, so I slowed further. Jet was close. I crept around a couple trees and found him crouched behind a bush.

  He turned to me, eyes wide and fists clenched. Then relief swept over his face. “Toby, what are you doing here?”

  “Where’s Brick?”

  “Around the other side of the building. He wanted to be closer since Soleil could be in there.”

  My mind spun. “Did he say anything about not answering his texts?”

  Jet’s brows came together. “Huh? What do you mean?”

  “I mean he’s not answering my texts.” I glanced around, but anyone in the area was staying well-hidden. “He answered a few earlier, but then stopped.”

  Jet swore. “Do you want to run around to the other side of the building to check on him? Everyone already knows I’m here.”

  “Yeah, that’s fine. Where exactly is he?”

  “Probably near where you were held. He just said he was going around to the back.”

  “Okay. I’ll find him.” If he was there.

  Judging by the expression on Jet’s face, he was thinking the same thing.

  I burst into a run again. My muscles begged me to continue resting. I ignored them and pushed my limits. As I darted through the woods, I kept a lookout toward the Jag. Plenty of expensive cars sat in the parking lot, but I didn’t see a single person outside the building. I passed several from our group, hiding and watching.

  My heart thundered in my chest and my stomach continued tightening. Brick had spent years—centuries—with me. The thought of something happening to him made me sick. I slowed as I came around to the back of the building.

  Sweat broke out along my hairline. I would never forget my time of torture in that building. I hated thinking that my friends could be in there, experiencing the same thing. Tap was tough, but small. The jaguars could easily gang up on him and cause real damage. I wasn’t sure about Soleil—I’d have thought they would’ve been the ones in real danger—but who knew what kind of witchcraft they had access to. If they could remove Victoria’s ability to shift, could they take away a valkyrie’s ability to drink essence? I shuddered at the thought.

  I slowed and sniffed the air again. This time, I caught a whiff of Brick. He was either a little ways off or he’d been where I was recently. I jogged, keeping my focus on the building. Everything appeared normal.

  My right foot slid out from under me. I had stepped in something slippery, and despite windmilling my arms and trying to regain my balance, I fell to the ground. The ground felt spongy, and I was instantly covered in dark liquid that soaked into my clothes. I inhaled sharply and smelled blood. A lot of blood—it was Brick’s. My own blood went cold.

  What had gone down, and why had no one noticed?

  I glanced around, trying to figure out where Brick had gone. The blood had to have dripped wherever he went—it was a significant loss, which meant a dangerous wound.

  Fury burned in the pit of my stomach. I rose and glanced around, finally seeing the trail of blood. It led to the Jag, exactly where I had entered before being ambushed and captured.

  My phone beeped. I didn’t recognize the tone. Then I remembered.

  The house alarm.

  Alex howled in the distance.

  Chapter 26


  Alex howled in the distance again. My phone continued beeping. Someone was at the house, and only Alex—in wolf form—was there with my Victoria.

  I jumped to my feet and ran. My feet slid, still wet with Brick’s blood.

  Sal appeared, his face pale. “What’s going on, sir?”

  There was no time to explain anything. I pointed to Brick’s blood and headed back for the house, running faster than I’d ever gone before. If my muscles protested, I couldn’t feel them. Sal and the others had to take care of Brick and our other missing friends. Victoria was my priority.

  My heart felt like it was being shredded by vicious animals.

  At last, Moonhaven came into view. The house alarm wailed and shrieked. I hadn’t heard Alex since I was back behind the Jag.

  My breathing constricted. I pushed myself to run faster until I reached the porch. The alarm wailed.

  The door was broken down. Pieces lay scattered both inside and out. Terror and anger gripped me. I slid my hand under the porch swing’s cushion and grabbed a dagger I’d hidden away for a situation such as this. I gripped its wooden handle and crept inside. My senses were on fire, waiting to hear or smell anything and react at a moment’s notice.

  I crept inside and turned off the alarm. Then I headed for the office, but as soon as my shoe made contact with the hardwood floor, it suctioned to the bottom from the sticky blood. Squelch, squelch, squelch. I cringed and took off my shoes, throwing them outside. I walked quietly down the hall, hearing nothing. Not even the sounds of breathing.

  Heart thundering, I headed for my office. Alex lay in the middle of the room, unmoving. A front leg stuck out at an unnatural angle and blood covered his mouth. I ran over and put my hand to his nose.

  Faint puffs of air warmed my hand. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least he was alive and had likely done some damage to the intruder.

  Victoria wasn’t in the room. The blanket that had been covering her lay half on the floor and half on the couch. My heart dropped to the ground and my throat closed up.


  My voice echoed around me.

  I crouched down and sniffed the blood on Alex. It was werewolf, but I couldn’t place the exact person—it was vaguely familiar. Maybe someone from Victoria’s pack of origin.

  “Victoria!” I shouted so loudly my throat hurt.

  Alex lifted his head and opened one eye.

  “I hope you’re going to be okay, because I have to find Victoria.”

  He let out a small whine and lowered his head.

  “I’ll be back.” I ran through the entire lower level, not finding any trace of her.

  My phone vibrated. I had a text.

  Sal: Someone just ran into the Jag w/ Victoria.

  The room spun around me. It took three tries to reply to the text.

  Toby: Who? Was she OK?

  Sal: Werewolf. That’s all I no.

  Toby: Someone has to go after her!!

  Sal: Jags r everywhere.

  Toby: Ill b right there.

  I ran to the broken front door. As stupid as it felt given the shape of the door, I set the alarm. At least it had motion detection to let me know if anyone came inside, since I couldn’t keep anyone out.

  My mind raced as I slid on a pair of shoes and then headed back to the Jag. I sniffed to determine whether I could smell Victoria or her captor. I couldn’t. The breezy autumn air only gave me the aroma of leaves on the ground.

  The jaguar stench grew thick. My inner wolf growled, scratching to get out. He was trying to force a shift—which was impossible. Obviously, that wasn’t enough to stop him. Pains shot out through my entire body.

  “I’d let out you if I could. You have to stop.”

  The muscles in my legs burned, cramping and throbbing. I was too close to the Jag to slow down and fight my inner wolf.

  Finally, I made it to where Jet was hiding. I stopped, leaned against a tree, and panted. “What’s… going… on… now?”

  He arched a brow at me and ducked behind a bush and looked around. “They found some of the vampires—”

  “And who… went in?” My lungs now burned along with my legs. I silently pleaded with my inner wolf to let it go.

  “The king, his brother, and some other guy. Anyway, they all came out just before a bunch of the jags did. Now those cats are prowling the woods.”

  “In human form, or did they shift?”


  “Great. They haven’t found anyone, have they?”

  He shook his head. “Everyone is paired off, and nobody’s texted me or yelled. If anyone hollers, we all jump into action.”

  I nodded, knowing the plan we
ll. I’d taught it to him. “Where’s your partner?”

  Jet flicked his head toward the right. “Ziamara’s hiding up in a tree.”

  My left leg cramped so bad I had to sit. I gritted my teeth and rubbed it. “Sal said… someone ran inside… with Victoria?”

  He frowned. “I was hoping you hadn’t heard.”

  “Why not?”

  “It’s harder to focus when the one you love is in danger.”

  “We need to get in there.”

  Jet turned around and waved someone over.

  Ziamara jumped from a tree, landing without a sound and came over. She looked me over, her eyes wide. “What happened to you?”

  “It’s Brick’s blood.”

  She flinched. “We’ve got to get inside. Now.”

  I nodded my agreement.

  Jet slid his finger around his screen. “Okay, I just texted everyone. They’re waiting for a signal to go.”

  I took a deep breath. “Then give it.”

  Jet nodded and then looked up to the sky. He shouted out a war cry that was unique to our pack.

  Several others returned it. The sounds shot out from all directions in the woods.

  From the corner of my eye, I could see several jaguars snap to attention in the parking lot.

  My heart raced. This was it. Our chance to save Victoria and the others.

  The jaguars released a war cry of their own—in unison.

  Chapter 27


  Something pulled on my arm, waking me. My entire body hurt and my wolf whined. Or was that me? The tugging on my arm continued. I opened my eyes, expecting to see Toby or Alex.

  Instead, Franklin’s face appeared in front of me.

  I bolted upright, despite my weakness. “What are you doing here?” I glanced around, realizing we weren’t at Moonhaven. We were in what appeared to be a hotel room. I lay in a bed, covered. He sat next to me, on top of the covers. “Where did you take me?”

  He rubbed my arm. “We’re at the Jag, my fiancée.”

  “The Jag?” I skittered away from him, backing into the wall that the bed was against. “Why?”

  “We need their magic to get rid of your spell.” He scooted closer and rubbed his palm along my bare arm.

  I glanced down. Someone had changed me out of my clothes. I was now wearing very revealing, blue lacy lingerie. Gasping, I pulled the covers up to my chin.

  Franklin’s dark, bushy brows came together and he pouted. “Oh, don’t be like that, Tori.”

  “My name is Victoria.”

  “I’ve always liked Tori. You’d best get used to it.”

  My heart thundered in my chest. I glanced around for an escape. The room had no windows and the door had a latch on the top. It wasn’t ideal, but it wasn’t impossible, either. “When can I shift again?”

  “After we marry.” He pressed his wet, gross lips on mine, slurping and smacking.

  I tried to turn away. My skin crawled. It took all my willpower not to shove him. I had to wait until I had an open escape.

  He pulled back and smirked. “Don’t forget—werewolf marriages are forever. Divorce and separation aren’t words in our dictionary.”

  “Then how did you just say them?”

  “Because the human world makes it necessary to bring them up.”

  I pulled the blankets closer and higher. My mind raced to find a way out. I’d rather die again than marry Franklin for even a moment.

  He leaned against the pillows next to me, forcing the blankets out of my grasp. I grabbed them and covered my chest as best as I could.

  Franklin crossed one leg over the other and sighed. “Do you know how long I’ve waited for this? To finally take hold of what’s rightfully mine? I don’t know anyone who’s had to wait so long. But you’re in luck, because I’m a patient man.”

  I clenched my jaw, refusing to entertain his sick and twisted thoughts.

  He turned to me and stared at me with his muddy brown eyes. “Do you remember our plans?”

  My nostrils flared. Even though I refused to speak, I couldn’t hide my disdain for him.

  “You’re going to give me one pup after another while keeping our large house immaculate. Nothing I love more than to come to a clean home at the end of the day, and even better with plenty of pups. Nothing shows the power and virility of a man like a litter of strong, healthy boys. That’s why I can’t wait to see you barefoot and pregnant year after year. You’ll give them their good looks and they’ll get their brains from me. Together, we’ll make the perfect werewolves.”

  It took all my energy to keep my mouth from dropping open. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but he’d actually grown even more obnoxious and full of himself over the years.

  The corners of his mouth curved up. “I’ve left you speechless.”

  At least he finally spoke the truth.

  Franklin ran his fingers along my shoulder and down my arm, before sliding his fingers through mine. He shivered. “You’re even more delectable than I imagined.”

  My stomach lurched at the thought of what he had imagined.

  He yanked the blanket away from my grasp and ogled me. “And you look just as I pictured when I picked that out.”

  I yanked my hand free of his and crossed my arms over my chest.

  “You’re no fun.” He leaned over and kissed me with his wet, disgusting lips again. “But you’re right. This really should wait until after the wedding. I’m acting inappropriately.” He backed up and climbed off the bed.

  I grabbed the covers and held them up again. Exhaustion hit me once more, leaving me no other choice than to lie down. I struggled for my breaths.

  “Tiring out already?” He arched a brow. “We’d better get our wedding going so we can rid you of that spell.” He reached up to the top of the door and unlocked the latch.

  My heart raced. If he opened the door, I would have my chance to escape. Except that I didn’t have the energy to crawl across the bed. I wasn’t even sure I could roll over.

  Franklin started to open the door, but then stopped. He kept his focus on me and strutted back to the bed. “One thing does disappoint me, Tori.”

  I sighed, not even having the energy to protest the nickname.

  Slowly, he strutted across the room with his hands on his waist.

  Sleepiness overtook me, making it hard to keep my eyelids open.

  “Look at me when I’m speaking.”

  Inside, I cringed. Or was that my wolf? I forced my eyelids open and glanced at him.

  “The spell makes you weaker when you think poorly of me. I was hoping you’d be stronger, but that can’t be blamed. Tobias has you wrapped around his pinky, and somehow the two of you have found each other and teamed up again. That ends now. You’d best rid your mind of that loser.”

  I opened my mouth to defend Toby, but a fresh wave of exhaustion engulfed me.

  “See what I mean about the curse?”

  “If that’s true…” I gasped for air. “How did I manage to… fight you off before?”

  “Clearly, you didn’t think too badly of me then.”

  Or because I hadn’t thought of him at all until he showed up in Seattle, chasing me.

  The door burst open.



  Chapter 28


  A group of ten jaguars ran toward us, one after another shifting into their animal form. I reached for the dagger and held it close. Jet and I would stand a better chance if we could shift, but that wasn’t a possibility. We would have to make do in our human form.

  The one in the lead lunged for Jet. He jumped out of the way, and Ziamara jumped on top of him, her eyes red. She opened her mouth, exposing sharp fangs and bit into the jaguar’s neck. He let out a yelp and flung himself onto the ground, rolling on top of her. Jet jumped on the jaguar. I raised my weapon, but had to focus on the other nine enemies heading our way.

  Ziamara rose and flung the animal to
the side. “I’ve got enough venom to take out a couple more.”

  Jet turned toward the other nine. “Then the others are on Toby and me.”

  I clenched the blade’s handle. Jet and Ziamara ran toward the oncoming group. I sniffed the air. Other werewolves weren’t far away.

  Two jags avoided them and headed straight for me. I leaned against the tree, needing to rely on its strength. The first beast raised his front legs into the air, seemingly in slow motion, right for me. As he came down, I dug the dagger into his throat. He gurgled, choking. Blood dripped down my arm and he fell to the ground, whining.

  Before I could even take a breath, the other lunged at me. I moved out of the way, and he crashed into the tree’s trunk. I sliced in to his chest and spun around just in time to see another one headed right for me.

  His teeth dug into my shoulder before I could respond with the dagger. Pain seared as my flesh tore, probably as deep as the muscle. I sucked in a deep breath and dug the blade into his side. He yelped and let go of me. I shoved him away and dug the blade near his neck.

  Whining, he dragged himself away from me.

  “You think you’re getting away that easily?” I jumped on top of him, slicing through his fur and into his skin until his eyes closed and his head rested on the dirt.

  Marguerite ran over, her eyes wide. “Toby!”

  A jaguar jumped at her from behind.

  “Look out!”

  She spun around and in one quick motion, bit into his neck. His eyes rolled back and then his head fell forward. Then she turned back to me. “I wish they were all that easy. Most of the jaguars are harder to kill than other species I’ve fought—and I’ve fought a lot of nasties.”

  “Please just find Victoria.”

  “No, you find her.” Marguerite pulled her sleeve up and bit into her wrist. “Drink.”

  The mixed blessing of having a royal vampire in battle with you. Her blood could heal me, but I had to drink it in order for it to work.


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