Chosen Wolf

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Chosen Wolf Page 19

by Stacy Claflin

  Holding his gaze, I thought back to my days growing up. Once, when we were kids, Franklin had fought off a bully for me at school. Granted, it was because he already thought of me as his property, but still, he’d protected me from a werewolf nearly twice my size.

  The fatigue lifted, but I didn’t feel especially strong. I needed to focus on more good he’d done. Every time I thought something bad about him, I felt worse.

  Finding anything positive about the self-deluded weasel would be a challenge.

  He’d never spent any time trying to get to know me. Not like Toby had. He treated me like a prized gift—each new thing he learned about me was a treasure he held dear.

  Franklin had always kept his distance, only coming near to remind me of my future role as his maid and baby-making factory.

  My muscles ached.

  I wasn’t helping my situation any.

  The officiate rambled on about the importance of marriage in the werewolf community when preserving the truest form of tradition—which basically meant the worship of the alpha and other male leaders.

  My knees gave out, and I stumbled. Franklin yanked me up.

  A scuffle sounded in the audience.

  “Sit back down,” one of my brother’s barked.

  The long rambling about the institution of marriage continued.

  I sighed and continued trying to think of something—anything—good about Franklin. If that was what would save me, I was clearly in trouble.

  Something crashed on the other side of the wall, out in the hallway. My pulse drummed in my ears.

  “Hurry up.” Franklin glared at the officiate. “Just get to the end.”

  “These things can’t be rushed.”

  Franklin let go of me and grabbed the officiate’s collar. “Yes, it can.”

  This was my chance.

  I stepped back and looked for something I could kill Franklin with while everyone was distracted.

  Horrible pain shot through my muscles. Fatigue washed over me like a rushing waterfall.

  I fell to the ground, unable to move.

  Shouts and screaming echoed around the room. Toby’s war cry sounded above the rest.

  The door burst open and banged against the wall.

  “Kill Toby!” my father shouted.

  Chapter 32


  I jumped away from the wolves holding me down—they were shocked and distracted by the commotion. My pack and the vampires filed into the room.

  Everyone jumped into action. Victoria’s former pack all surrounded me. My pack closed in on them. I took advantage of the mass confusion and leaped over the chairs in front of me, heading for Victoria.

  She lay on the floor, unmoving. Franklin had his fingers wrapped around the officiate’s neck. I darted around people and pulled Victoria into my arms.

  “Franklin,” she whispered.

  “No, it’s Toby. I’m going to get you out of here.”

  “Have… to… marry—”

  “I know, but we’ll find a workaround. I swear.”

  She shook her head. “It won’t work.”

  “But Gessilyn—”

  “Already tried.”

  “Franklin!” someone shouted.

  Hands grabbed my shoulders, ripping me away from Victoria. I reached for her, but she was too far now. Franklin pulled on my shirt, choking me. “You aren’t going to ruin this wedding! It’s bad enough that you made her miss the first one.”

  “She was dead,” I grunted and pushed his arms, forcing him to release his hold on me. “And you’d better believe I’m going to stop this wedding, too.” I spun around and wrapped my fingers around his neck. What I needed was to reach my dagger.

  Someone grabbed me and dragged me away. I looked back to see Victoria’s father.

  “Finish the ceremony!”

  Franklin ran over to Victoria and scooped her up. “We’re ready.”

  The officiate looked at him like he was crazy. “With everyone fighting?”


  I struggled against Victoria’s father. His grip was stronger than I’d have expected. But it was no match for a blade. Gagging, I reached for my dagger. I had to wiggle it out from my pocket carefully due to the angle. Finally, it came loose.

  His focus was on the front of the room.

  The officiate shouted, “I now pronounce you man and wife!”

  Anger surged through me. Over my dead body would the farce of a marriage go further. It wasn’t real unless Victoria agreed—and from where I stood, she was unconscious.

  Her father let go of me to clap and shout. I spun around and dug the knife into his gut. His eyes widened, and he covered his wound as redness spread across his shirt.

  I turned to the front of the room.

  Franklin pressed his slimy lips onto Victoria’s.

  “No!” I cried and ran to him, gripping the blade as tightly as my fingers would allow. I pushed aside the officiate and lunged for Franklin.

  He glared at me and let go of Victoria. She fell to the ground, landing with a harsh thud.

  “You know, someone who loved her wouldn’t do that.” I held the blade behind my back.

  Franklin sneered. “I never claimed to love her. Doesn’t make her any less mine—especially now that she’s my wife.”

  I glanced over at her. “The marriage doesn’t seem to be helping her any. I thought it was supposed to help her shift.”

  “Idiot.” He rolled his eyes. “It has to be consummated—have fun imagining that. I’ve spent enough time thinking about it.”

  I punched him across the face. My fist seemed to act on its own.

  He shook his head. “She also won’t be able to shift until the full moon. Know any werewolves who can shift whenever they want?”

  “You’re unbelievable.”

  “No, you are. Thinking you have any right to her without her father’s permission.” His fist hit my cheek with a loud crack. He hit me with his other one before I could react.

  Blood gushed from my nose and my cheek felt hot as it swelled. I was done playing.

  I brought the dagger out and forced it into his throat, digging it as far as it would go before pulling it out.

  His eyes widened and blood gushed from the wound. He opened his mouth, but no words came.

  “That’s right. I win.”

  A blinding light filled the room. I covered my eyes and squinted, trying to figure out where it was coming from. It seemed to be close, like it was right next to Victoria.

  No, it was coming from her.

  Chapter 33


  Energy ran throughout my body. A powerful warmth radiated everywhere, starting from my mole.

  My inner wolf jumped around excitedly inside. It took me a moment to realize I could get up. I rose, feeling stronger than I had in a long time. I looked around the room—it was chaos. Toby stood not far away, holding a bloody knife. Blood covered his clothes.

  Our gazes locked and then he jumped over the body at his feet and wrapped his arms around me. “I think we broke your curse.”

  “But I didn’t marry Franklin.” I paused. “Or did I? I’m so sorry, Toby. I tried to stop him.”

  “He’s dead. It doesn’t matter anymore.”

  A sharp pain ran through my back. I cried out.

  His eyes widened. “Are you okay?”

  The pain ran down my arms and legs. I stepped away from him. “I’m going to shift. I need to get out of here.”

  “Wait—now?” He stared at me, his eyes even wider.

  “Yes.” I pulled away from his embrace and ran from the room, darting around people fighting.


  I was pretty sure that was Toby, but I couldn’t wait. I darted down the dark hallway. Pains ran through my neck and down every bone in my body. I had to get somewhere private to throw off my clothes.

  A rib cracked, and then another. Hopefully, I could get out of the building first. The process was happeni
ng a lot faster than it ever had before. Cracking and popping sounded all over my body. The pains made it hard to run. I stumbled.

  Arms reached around me. “I’m here,” Toby said. “You’re shifting now?”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice.

  “Okay, I’ll get you outside in time. Then run as far from here as possible. Go to either Moonhaven or the Faeble.”

  “I will.”

  Fur sliced through my skin. I cried out in agony.

  Toby turned down a hallway and we came to a door. He opened it, and bright sunshine shone in. We ran out into it.

  He let me down and stared into my eyes. “I love you.”

  “Me, too.” I ran behind a pile of wood leaning against the building and threw off my clothes as my bones continued breaking and fur cut through my skin.

  In a flash, the world changed around me. No, I had finally shifted into my wolf form. Everything looked different from wolf’s eyes during the day. I looked up into the sky, seeing no moon, and howled.

  Footsteps and scuffling sounded from near where Toby was.

  “Run,” he cried.

  My feet seemed to act on their own. I darted away, going around the backside of the building, just as he’d told me. But then I skidded to a stop. I couldn’t just leave. Not when he and the pack were fighting my old pack and probably the jaguars, too.

  I ran back to where Toby was and slowed, hiding behind the wood again. He and my brothers were fighting. I growled and then jumped out from my hiding spot, heading for my youngest brother. His fist was about to hit the back of Toby’s head.

  My legs seemed to move on their own as I lunged for him. My paws made contact first, and then my teeth sank into his shoulder. He cried out, shrieking in pain as I tore into his skin. His blood soaked into my white fur.

  “Stop her!” My oldest brother jumped for me. Toby blocked him and dug his knife into his chest. Blood sprayed everywhere.

  My middle brother lunged toward them. I dropped my youngest brother. He fell to the ground, moaning. A deep growl escaped from my throat as I aimed for my last remaining brother.

  His face paled, and the smell of his fear surrounded me.

  Toby dug the blade into his throat and shoved him to the ground. “I won’t let any of you pompous bullies hurt Victoria.” He turned to me. “I thought you were going to run. We’ve got this. I don’t want anything happening to you. We’ll find Tap and Soleil—I promise. Maybe you should check on Alex.”

  My ears rose. Alex? What was wrong with him? I whined.

  “He got hurt trying to stop Franklin from taking you.”

  My paws nearly slid out from under me on the hot concrete as I broke into a run, heading for Moonhaven. I hoped Toby was right about finding the others because I needed to check on our wolfborn. He was every bit as much a part of the pack as anyone else, and if he was hurt, I had to see what I could do.

  As I ran through the woods, I finally felt in my element. Everything rushed by in a blur as I moved with grace, darting over and around things. Could my clumsiness finally be gone?

  The smell of ash tickled my nose. A crackling noise sounded. I slid to a stop and sniffed the air. Creeping quietly, I followed the stench out of the woods. In the distance, flames danced around the Jag. Thick, black smoke rose into the air, darkening the sky. Cries and screams sounded from the building.

  My heart raced. Should I check on Alex or head back to the Jag to help everyone else?

  Toby had told me to go to Moonhaven. He was the pack’s alpha, and as a wolf, it was in my nature to follow his directions. However, things had changed. The Jag was on fire. Everyone could be in danger. Alex might be, as well. If he’d been hurt since Franklin took me, he might need my help more than the others.

  I glanced back and forth between the Jag and the woods, never more conflicted. But the worst thing I could do was nothing. I burst into a run, heading for Moonhaven. Alex was alone. He needed me more than the others. And at least I could communicate with him since both of us were in our wolf forms.

  My muscles burned—in the best way possible—as I tore through the woods, kicking up dust and dirt along the way. It felt so good to be in my wolf form again, running like I was meant to.

  Finally, the mansion came into sight. I picked up speed. My heart raced, nervous for what I would find. What if Franklin had killed him?

  I skidded to a stop when I reached the porch. The front door was missing.

  What happened? Trepidation ran through me. I hurried up to the door and ran inside. At least that made it easier to get in. I sniffed the air and whined, calling for Alex.

  Scratching sounded from Toby’s office. Hadn’t that been where I had rested last? It was hard to remember—everything from when I had been sick and weak felt like such a distant memory, almost like it had happened to someone other than me.

  I ran into the office. Alex lay on the floor. He lifted his head and stared at me.

  It’s just me—Victoria.

  His ears perked up. What? How?

  It’s a long story. Where are you hurt?

  Everywhere. He lay his head back down.

  Anger burned through me. Franklin did this?

  A werewolf did. I don’t know his name.

  I leaned down and took a closer look. He appeared to have blood around his face and neck. What did he do?

  He kicked me and threw me across the room when I tried to stop him from taking you.

  Do you have any serious injuries?

  Bruising and a broken leg. It should heal when I shift.

  I growled. At least he’s dead now.

  The guy who did this?

  Yeah, Toby killed him. Then I shifted.

  Are you like a wolfborn now? Spending most of the month as a wolf?

  I froze. That couldn’t be, could it? The last thing I wanted was to shift on the opposite schedule as Toby. I sat down and howled, overcome with grief.

  It actually isn’t that bad. There are more like us—we just have to find them.

  I’m not a wolfborn. I think I only shifted because my curse broke. In fact, I might shift back at any moment. I hoped.

  Do you smell smoke?

  The Jag is on fire. With any luck, the jaguars will all leave the area.

  You think they will?

  I don’t know. Can I help you with anything?

  Actually, I’m thirsty.

  What was I supposed to do about that as a wolf? I couldn’t walk into the kitchen and pour him a glass of water.

  Brick keeps a bowl for me outside, around back.

  I can’t bring it in. Not like this.

  Drag me. I’ve got three good legs.

  It was worth a try. I went over and gingerly bit his scruff and pulled. He rose, with his legs shaking. I moved around to his other side, seeing which leg was hurt. Together, we managed to get him outside and around to the bowl of water. He collapsed and emptied it.

  I wandered along the yard, staring at the blackening sky. Where was everyone? Why weren’t they making their way back yet?

  Alex turned to me. What now?

  I was hoping you could tell me. I howled as loud as my voice would allow, pausing only to take a breath. Then I howled again and again, determined not to stop until the pack came back home—hopefully with Carter, Soleil, and Tap.

  Fear and worry ran through me. What if something happened after I left? Had the jaguars attacked the pack while they were exhausted from saving me?

  A sharp pain ran down my back from the base of my skull to the end of my tail.

  So soon? I whined, anticipating another painful shift.

  Alex glanced over at me. Are you okay?

  I think I’m going to shift again.

  Sharp pains ran down all four legs and radiated up and into my ribcage. I bolted toward the front of the house and ran inside, up to my room. I struggled up the stairs as the bones in my legs cracked along the way.

  Once inside the bedroom, I lay on the floor, giving into the shift. The fur
retracted and each bone in my body snapped, one by one. Finally, the entire process ended. I was human again.

  Footsteps and voices sounded outside. The pack was home. Hopefully everyone had made it through unscathed.

  I scrambled to my feet and pulled clothes from my closet.

  Chapter 34


  I ran down the stairs. Some aches lingered, but otherwise I felt energized—which was probably a good thing. Many in the pack probably needed help after all the fighting.

  Conversation drifted from downstairs and outside. I tried to weed out the individual voices, eager to find out who had survived. I hadn’t seen anyone from our pack get hurt, but with all the fighting back at the Jag, it seemed unlikely that we would come out completely unscathed.

  As I reached the bottom of the stairs, everyone was coming inside.

  I ran over and wrapped my arms around Toby.

  His face lit up and he pressed his lips on mine. “You shifted back. How do you feel?”

  “Like I could take on the world.”

  Toby glanced around. “Where’s Alex?”

  “Outside, by the drinking bowl.”

  He glanced at Brick, who had fully healed from his jaguar attack. “Bring him inside.”

  Brick spun around and hurried outside.

  Toby turned back to me. “When did you shift back? How long did it last? Was the process—?”

  “Slow down.” I held back a laugh. “It was a pretty normal shift. Well, minus the moon. I’d never changed during the day before, so that was strange.”

  He held me tight. “I’m just trying to figure out what all this means. Can you turn any time you want? Or was this a one-time deal because of the curse finally breaking?”

  “I have no idea, but I wasn’t trying to shift when I did.”

  “We’ll just have to wait and see, then. I’m so happy your curse is broken. You feel good now?”

  “Like I said, I feel great.”

  “This is so amazing. I can hardly believe it.”

  “What happened back at the Jag? I could see the flames.”


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