Chosen Wolf

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Chosen Wolf Page 20

by Stacy Claflin

  His expression darkened. “We took out most of your old pack, but a half-dozen or so were left. One of them set fire to the Jag, but it backfired because he caught the attention of the remaining jags, and they took off after him. The others scattered. From the sounds of it, the remaining jags went after them.”

  My stomach twisted in knots. “What about Tap and Soleil? Did they get out?”

  Toby’s expression worsened.

  I felt like I was going to be sick. “What? What happened?”

  “Dillon went to find them, but…” He looked away.

  “What?” I exclaimed.

  “He found Tap being held where I was before, and he freed him. But one of the jaguars killed Dillon.”

  “Dillon’s dead?”

  Toby nodded, his eyes filling with anger.

  “Where’s Tap? Soleil?”

  “Tap got away while Dillon was fighting. He was in bad shape—nearly as bad as the jags left me. He said he had medicines at the Faeble he could take, so I sent one of the vampires to take him there. I’m sure Quinn is helping him as we speak.”

  “You don’t know where Soleil is?” I exclaimed. Fear tore through me. “And what about Carter? I saw him before the wedding, but not after.”

  “Nobody could find her. She had to have teleported herself away. It’s the only explanation.”

  “While they were beating Tap up?” I shook my head. “I don’t buy it.” Hot, angry tears blurred my vision. “We have to do something.”

  “She’ll come back when she feels safe. Brick and Tap are also both anxious to find her.”

  My stomach twisted in tight knots. The room seemed to spin around me. “Carter? Do you know anything about him?”

  “I didn’t see him after he came outside and told us you were in there.”

  Stars danced before my eyes and I gasped for air. It was all too much.

  Sharp pains ran through my body. Some popped. A few crunched.

  I was going to shift again.

  “Victoria?” Toby stared at me, wide-eyed.

  The pains ran in waves up and down my body. I needed to get out of the house. Immediately.

  I broke free of his hold and ran outside. Fur began to slice through my skin. I ran to the back of Moonhaven, hoping no one from the pack was there. I stripped, having no time to look around, much less worry about modesty.

  The rest of my fur sprang out, cutting my skin, and my bones all broke one by one as they changed shape.

  For a second time that day, I was in my wolf form. I looked up at the sun, barely visible from the smoke in the air, and howled before running into the woods. I needed to find Soleil and Carter. Everything went by in a blur as my legs rushed me through the thick forest.

  When the Jag came into view, the flames were gone. Thick black smoke rose from the ground, where the building used to be. The entire thing had burned to the ground. I sniffed the air, trying to determine how many jaguars remained. It was hard to tell with the recent fire. The only thing I could smell was the soot and smoldering ash.

  Only a few cars remained in the usually full parking lot. Many had likely fled.

  Sirens sounded in the distance. I needed to check the grounds for my friends before the firefighters, police, and other emergency vehicles arrived. Even though the narrow road leading to the Jag would have made it difficult for the large vehicles, they would arrive soon.

  I ran toward the smoking rubble that had been such an elegant club. If anyone was inside, I couldn’t see how they would have survived. As pointless as it probably was, I continued sniffing the air.

  The sirens grew louder.

  I howled and then hurried into what remained of the club. I ran through the familiar floor plan, finding no one. It seemed that everyone had cleared the building. I stopped at the top of the stairs leading down to their holding cells. Half the stairs were missing, having burned up. I had no way of getting down there. I cried out, whining and howling.

  The only sounds that came back to me were echoes of my own voice.

  Where would they have gone? Soleil could have gone anywhere—literally. She could have teleported herself into the middle of Antarctica if she’d wanted. Carter had already been out of the building to tell Toby I was inside.

  Sirens grew louder. Car doors opened and shut, people shouted directions, and water flowed somewhere.

  I ran out a side exit, darting over and around fallen debris along the way. If anyone was still alive, the fire department would find them—and they’d have a much easier time than I would. I needed to figure out where Carter would have gone.

  Then it hit me. I knew exactly where he would have headed.

  I glanced around to gain my bearings and then I burst into a run, heading straight for Carter’s house. I stayed near the main road, following the path I knew best, until I came to his mansion. His car was parked out front, but did that mean he was there? That could have just been where he’d left it before disappearing. His father’s men could have grabbed him as he slept.

  Everything was quiet—the only sounds I could hear were those of more sirens heading for the Jag.

  I walked around one side of the house, not finding anything out of the ordinary. I stopped under his bedroom window and howled.


  That wouldn’t stop me. I howled all the louder and pawed at the side of the house. If anyone was inside, I would annoy them until they came out.

  After a few minutes and the start of a sore throat, I could hear the sounds of a window opening.


  My heart skipped a beat. It was Carter. He was okay.

  I whined, hoping he would figure out that it was me.

  “Go away!”

  That hadn’t worked. I howled again, throwing my head back and forcing my voice as loud as it would go.

  He slammed the window shut.

  I rushed over to the front door and scratched on it, continuing to whine and howl.

  After a couple minutes, the door flung open. He stared at me, his expression exasperated. “I said to go away! What’s so hard to understand about that?”

  Why couldn’t I get him to understand he was looking at me? I pressed myself against his legs and nudged my nose against his palm.

  “What the…?” He stared at me. “Victoria?”

  I whined.

  “You shifted? Now?” He stepped back and turned into a black and yellow jaguar before my eyes, his clothes shredding in the process. What’s going on? Why are you here?

  I had to find out if you were okay.

  Yes, but I have to get out of here. Most of the jaguars are fleeing back to Central America.

  You’re not, are you?

  I can’t. They see me as a traitor.

  My chest constricted. What are you going to do, then?

  I have to start over somewhere. I’m packing what I can. Dad has cameras in there—that’s how he knew I was working with you guys.

  Join our pack.

  His eyes widened. In case you didn’t notice, I’m not a wolf.

  We have a vampire in our pack. There is also a family of witches who practically live there with us. I’m sure no one will notice a jaguar.


  I’m serious. Come with me. We have to find Soleil, anyway.

  She’s on her way to the Faeble.

  I stared at him. How do you know?

  She called me, looking for you. Said she’d heard Tap needed help.

  My mind raced. You’re sure it was her?

  She said she had to make like a banana and split.

  Relief washed through me. That’s her. Do you know why your father took her and Tap?

  They were too close to the truth. Father wanted them both killed, but they both fought too hard. They sent some of our strongest jaguars to the infirmary.

  I was impressed. I’m going to the Faeble to check on Tap. Maybe he knows where Soleil is. Promise me you’ll at least stop by Moonhaven, okay?

  Why? So you can
try to talk me into joining the pack?

  Maybe, I teased, only half-kidding.

  Let me at least drive you.

  To the Faeble? In the middle of the woods?

  I can get you close.

  I shook my head. I’m fast in this form. I’ll meet you at Moonhaven in an hour.

  Okay, but I can’t promise I’ll stay.

  Just be there.

  I promise. Oh, and don’t take this as a pickup line, but you’re the prettiest wolf I’ve ever seen.

  Don’t say stuff like that in front of the pack.

  Trust me, I’m not stupid. See you in an hour.

  Be there. I turned around and ran off, giving him the privacy to shift back into human form.

  I headed for Moonhaven, which was about halfway in between Carter’s place and the Faeble. An ache ran through my bones. I was going to shift back already?

  Groaning, I picked up my speed. The pains intensified, but I forced myself to go faster. It was apparent that I would need to place spare clothes in key locations.

  Finally, the mansion came into view. Bones in my tail popped. I hoped I had enough time to get to where I’d left my outfit behind the building. I ran over and crashed to the ground. My body shifted and I gasped for air before scrambling for my clothes. I slid them on and hurried inside.

  Conversation drifted from the kitchen—not that it was any big surprise. Everyone was probably famished, and there was no better place for tired wolves to unwind than over a meal.

  Toby stood at the stove, stirring something in a large pot. Everyone was there, except Brick and Dillon. My heart constricted as I stared at Dillon’s empty seat. In fact, the mood in the room was somber and the conversation mellow.

  I went over to Toby and wrapped my arms around his waist. He turned and looked me, relief covering his face. “What happened? Why did you shift again?”

  “I don’t know. It just happened, but I did find out that Soleil is at the Faeble.”

  He kissed me. “I know. She called shortly after you left. Brick tore out of here to see her.”

  “Carter’s okay, too.” I paused, careful with my wording. “He’s without a pack, though.”

  Several around the table turned and stared at me, obviously aware of what I was suggesting.

  “Are we going to bring in a jaguar?” Sal asked.

  Toby turned to Jet. “What do you think?”

  “You’re asking me now? I can’t stop beating myself up for being so hard on Dillon. I was a jerk, and now he’s dead.”

  Ziamara put an arm around his shoulders. “He’s not dead because you were a jerk. It’s not your fault.”

  “No, but it may as well be.”

  I frowned. “Jet, nobody blames you.”

  “Except me.”

  “It’s a tough lesson to learn,” Toby said.

  Jet rose and pushed in his chair. “I need some time alone.”

  “We need to talk about Carter,” I said. “We can’t make a decision without you.”

  He hung his head. “I’m in no position to make a decision about anything. You guys do what you think is best.” He sulked out of the room. Ziamara jumped up and ran after him.

  I made eye contact with everyone at the table. “Carter has nowhere else to go. He’s already lost his place in his pack because he sided with us. We should let him in.”

  “What do you think, Toby?” asked Sal.

  Everyone looked at Toby.

  Chapter 35


  The flames roared to life, dancing around the fire pit. In the background, the full moon was just starting to appear in the horizon.

  “Who wants marshmallows?” Brick opened a giant bag.

  “Don’t forget the chocolate.” Soleil grinned as she opened the box of candy bars.

  “Let me help with those.” Carter pulled out a handful of them. “Wait. You guys are canine. Should you have any?”

  “Just don’t feed any to Alex.” Jet glanced down at our friend, sleeping at his feet in wolf form.

  Victoria turned to me and smiled. “This is fun, and best of all, we’re together.”

  I wrapped an arm around her and kissed her cheek. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to shift? Your body has to be exhausted with as many times as you’ve changed since the curse broke.”

  “Maybe the full moon will set me on course, and I’ll only shift when everyone else does.”

  “Either that, or you’re going to have to get control over your emotions.”


  “You can’t deny that every time you shift, it’s when you’re upset or excited about something.”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. I’m just glad everything is settling into a new normal again.”

  “And I’m glad my wolf and I aren’t at constant odds anymore. It’ll be nice to shift and simply be as one. All the back and forth bantering wears us both out.”

  Victoria laughed. “I can imagine. I’m grateful that my shifts have been seamless.”

  Brick handed us marshmallows. “Better get to roasting. The moon will be in place soon.”

  I shivered. “And it’s cold enough to snow.”

  “That suits me.” Victoria snuggled against me.

  We all laughed and joked as the moon moved higher and higher into the sky. The younger wolves got up and started pacing first.

  “What are you guys doing?” Soleil exclaimed. “We still have about twenty bars of chocolate.”

  “We don’t exactly have much of a choice here,” Slick grumbled. He rubbed his neck. “In fact, I need to bolt.” He ran into the thick of the woods, pulling his shirt off along the way.

  I turned to Victoria, moved my hands over the back of her neck, and sprinkled kisses on her soft, sweet mouth. “It’s going to be so nice to run with you again. Even better without worry of running into our old packs.”

  She gazed into my eyes, frowned, and rested her hand on my chest. “I can’t feel the shift gearing up. Not even in the slightest.”

  I leaned over and whispered in her ear. “You’ll shift. I can feel it. We’re going to run together tonight.” I skimmed kisses from her ear to her mouth.

  “I hope you’re right.” She didn’t look convinced.

  The rest of the wolves got up from their spots and headed into the trees.

  Aches ran down my spine. “I am, but first I need to shift. I’m coming right back here and waiting for your shift so we can run free.”

  Victoria nodded. I squeezed her hand and then hurried out of sight before I found myself shifting in front of her, Soleil, and Ziamara. I didn’t care if Carter saw me. He was a shifter, and used to the lifestyle.

  My bones felt like they would explode as I threw off my clothes. Fur cut through my skin and in a matter of moments, I was in my other form. I couldn’t hear the voice of my wolf—that meant we were finally one again. It felt like it had been a lifetime.

  I ran back to the bonfire. Victoria still sat with the others. Alex was in his human form, roasting a marshmallow. I went over and nudged her with my nose.

  She rubbed my scruff and looked at me with tear-filled eyes. “I’m so sorry, Toby. I know how badly you wanted this.”

  I put my paw on her lap.

  Tears spilled onto her face. “I’ve let you down.”

  You haven’t! She couldn’t hear me.

  Victoria put her hands over her face and sobbed. “We’re never going to be wolves at the same—ow!” She jumped up and ran into the thick of the trees.

  Alex glanced over at me. “It’s all going to work out. Soon, we’ll all be able to change when we want. Just like the jaguars.”

  I hoped he was right.

  “If I can find out how we were able to break the moon’s curse, I will,” Carter promised.

  Victoria, in her gorgeous white coat, ran over. Luckily, I freaked out since that’s what seems to make me shift.

  I shouldn’t have put so much pressure on you, but I’m glad you shifted. Ready for a run?
/>   Like you wouldn’t believe. She nudged me and then ran off.

  I chased after her, catching up.

  With Victoria at my side, the moon above, and the rest of the pack howling, everything finally felt right.

  What will happen next? Will Victoria and Toby ever find the cure to the curse of the moon, and be able to shift whenever they want?

  Find out more in Hunted Wolf, coming soon!

  Other Books

  If you liked Chosen Wolf, you might enjoy the Transformed series where it all began…

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  The Gone Saga

  The Seaside Hunters series

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  The moon’s glow on my skin tingled. Then it intensified to a near-burn. It shone full and bright. I gritted my teeth and ignored the discomfort. My pain indicated something more ominous coming.


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