Book Read Free

Best Laid Plans

Page 33

by Tamie Dearen

  “And why are you telling me this?”

  “I think you may have the water so muddied-up you’re in danger of throwing away something you don’t believe is in there.”


  “You don’t believe he loves you. What if you’re wrong? Look for it in that muddy water before you decide to throw out the whole relationship without giving him a chance. I believe he loves you very much.”

  Her eyes began to well up, and one fat tear streaked down her cheek. She whispered, “It just hurts too much if I get my hopes up.”

  Steven pulled her into his arms. “I know, sweetie. But it’s going to be okay.”

  “I don’t usually cry,” she sniffed. “But I’ve cried so much these past few weeks. Why does love have to make you so unhappy?”

  “I don’t know. But it’s worth it in the end. Don’t give up.”

  She nodded and wiped her face with her coat sleeve. “I need to go get ready for the party.”

  “You’re riding over with Emily and Spencer?”

  “Yes, I’m riding with them and Derek.”

  Steven hid his surprise. “Okay. We’ll see you at the party.”

  “YOUR HAIR LOOKS PRETTY,” said Emily as she inspected her sister’s coif, a careless-looking bun with a few curly tendrils escaping to frame her face. “And I like that you put on a little makeup. Just mascara? Can I add a tiny bit of blush and some lip-gloss?”

  “Just a little. I don’t want to look like a clown.”

  “Come on, Charlie. I wouldn’t do that to you. I hardly wear any makeup, either. Why don’t you take your coat off until Derek gets here?”

  “Uhmm... I can’t take it off.”

  “Why not?”

  “This dress. Gram bought it for me. It’s... It’s nothing.”

  “If it’s nothing, then let me see it.”

  “No, you don’t understand. I mean, it’s nothing. There’s nothing to this dress.”

  “It can’t be that bad. Let me see it.”

  “You’re gonna laugh.” She unbuttoned her coat and opened it, dropping it off her shoulders.

  “Ohmygosh, Charlie!”

  “Shhhh! Not so loud—Spencer will hear you. What am I going to do? Gram paid a fortune for this dress, and she expects me to wear it.”

  “You have to wear it. But ohmygosh!”

  “I know.”


  “Can’t you say something else?”

  “Josh is going to have a fit when he sees you in that dress. Especially since you’re going to be with Derek.”

  “Oh. That’s the other thing. Evidently, Gram is trying to fix me up with Collin at the party tonight. She told the dressmaker she hoped Collin would like this dress.”

  “Well, I can guarantee you Collin is going to like this dress. You’re going to need a can of mace to keep the guys away.”

  “Maybe I can just keep my coat on all night.”

  “It’s not so bad, Charlie.” She tried to keep a straight face, but a chortle escaped. It built into a chuckle, and soon both sisters dissolved into laughter.

  Spencer joined them, shrugging on his suit coat. “What’s so funny? Whoa! Where’s the rest of your dress?”

  “Shut up, Spencer,” said Emily. “That’s the dress Gram bought her. She has to wear it. Tell her it’s not that bad.”

  “It’s not that bad,” he affirmed, folding his lips to hide an obvious smile. “It’s not bad at all. It’s just a little... uhmm...”

  “Slutty?” Charlie supplied.

  “No. I was going to say sexy, but I thought I might get in trouble with my wife.”

  “You can handle it, Charlie. You can do sexy. Just don’t think about it, and you’ll be fine.” Emily patted her arm.

  “But I think I might need to sock Derek in the jaw,” said Spencer.

  “What for?” asked Charlie.

  “For ogling my sister-in-law, because I know he’s going to do it.”

  “You might end up fighting every guy at the party,” said Emily. “Including yourself. Stop staring!” She hit him teasingly.

  He put his hand on his chin, holding his elbow as he studied the dress. “Hmmm... I was just considering something. After the party tonight, can Emily borrow your dress? I think I’d enjoy—ow!” He laughed as both sisters pelted his arms with their fists. A knock at the door interrupted the attack.

  “That’s gonna be Derek,” said Emily.

  “Wait!” yelled Charlie. “Let me put my coat back on.”

  “But he’s going to see the dress eventually,” said Spencer.

  “I may not take my coat off all night,” said Charlie, buttoning her trench in the nick of time.

  “I’m here, ready and waiting to be used again.” Derek’s grin was infectious. “I’m growing accustomed to my new role as a boy-toy. Whose boyfriend am I supposed to be tonight?”

  “I told you this morning, you’re with me tonight,” said Charlie.

  “I know you said that. However, several hours have lapsed since our earlier conversation. I thought perhaps you’d changed your mind.”

  “In Charlie’s defense,” Emily said. “She wasn’t the one who kept changing your assignment on the ski trip.”

  “True. Most of the time, she was in the dark. But I thought everything was all worked out and everyone was happy in the end, with you and Josh together. Have you already broken up again?”

  “Yes, we broke up, and I don’t want to talk about it. I just need you to help keep him away from me tonight.”

  “I’ll do my best—especially if I get to kiss you again. I’ve made sure my mouth is minty-fresh, just in case. But if he pulls a knife on me, I refuse to sacrifice my body for you. Not unless you commit to marry me, in which case I’ll lay down my life in your defense.”

  “Are you asking me to marry you?” Charlie smirked.

  “Would you consent, if I were?”

  “Of course. Do you think we could elope before law school starts in January?”

  “I’ll try to get a reservation with the Justice of the Peace. Or perhaps we should fly to Vegas? In fact, let’s skip this party and fly away now, before you change your mind again.”

  “Can y’all discuss your wedding plans on the way to the party?” Emily drawled. “We’re going to be late.”

  “I’M SO EXCITED YOU asked me to your party tonight,” Iris gushed. “You look so nice in your tuxedo, Josh. Is it okay if I call you Josh, instead of Dr. Branson?”

  “Yes, Iris. You can call me Josh.”

  “I’ve been wishing you would ask me out for years, but you probably never noticed. I mean, I’ve gone out with a lot of the other single doctors, but you were the one I really wanted to date. I think we’re really compatible, you and me.”

  “I’m sure we’ll have a very nice time, tonight.”

  “Hopefully, this will be the first of many.” She batted her lashes. “I was so disappointed when I heard you were engaged to that patient. I thought I’d lost my chance. Not to be mean to her or anything, but I’m glad it didn’t work out. I think doctors and nurses make the best couples, anyway. She wasn’t a nurse was she?”

  “No, she wasn’t.”

  “I didn’t think so. I didn’t know for sure, but I went in her room once. She didn’t ask the kind of questions nurses usually ask, and she was too nice. You know what I mean? Nurses are usually kind of bossy when they’re patients. So I thought she was a little too nice to be a nurse. And what would you have to talk about if you were married to a non-nurse? You being a doctor and all? You’d probably want to talk about medicine, and she wouldn’t be able to talk about it. That’s why I think doctors and nurses make the best couples.”

  “I see.”

  “But me, I’m good at any kind of conversation really. I mean, I’ve dated a lot of doctors, but I’ve also dated attorneys, and a Senator, and even a shoe-salesman.” She ticked off the words on her fingers. “And we never had any problem talking. Especially the shoe-salesman, b
ecause I know a lot about shoes. And I watch a lot of television shows, so I can talk about stuff like trials and closing arguments and election scandals and all sorts of stuff. But you know it’s easier with a doctor, since that’s what I know best. Do you watch that television show, Doctors and Lawyers?”


  “You should. Even you could learn a lot from that show. They do stuff all the time that I think, ‘Wow, I don’t even remember that from nursing school!’ You know what I mean? It’s like they have these extreme emergencies and sometimes the doctors mess up and the lawyers have to prove that they messed up. It’s really exciting, and I’ve been told I look just like the lead attorney on the show. I even sent in my picture to one of those look-alike contests. I haven’t heard back yet, but I think I have a good chance of winning.”

  “I see.”

  “I’m so excited to be going to Steven Gherring’s New Year’s Eve Party. I can’t believe it. Do you think the society reporters will be there?”

  “I guess it’s possible.”

  “I don’t guess Steven Gherring will actually be at this party. Wouldn’t it be a trip if we got to meet him? I’d probably be so nervous I’d be totally tongue-tied and not be able to think of anything at all to say.”

  “Somehow, I doubt it.”

  “Oh! You’re so sweet. Thank you, Josh. We’re going to have such a great time tonight.”


  Chapter Twenty

  “WOULD YOU LIKE TO CHECK your coat?” The perky-faced girl held out open hands toward Charlie at the entrance of the hotel ballroom where the Gherring Inc. party was located.

  “No thanks. I’ll just keep it.”

  “Are you sure, Charlie?” Derek asked. “It’s pretty hot in here.”

  “She can always check it later,” said Emily. “Let’s get out of the doorway.”

  “I see Grace and Brad,” said Spencer. “They’re waving at us.”

  Charlie followed behind her sister, weaving through the various groups of people who’d already arrived. She scanned the crowd for Josh, trying to appear casual in her search. She wanted to see him, but she didn’t want to see him. Steven’s words tumbled around in her head. She wanted it to be true, but she didn’t want to get her hopes up.

  “Charlie, you’re certainly very tall tonight,” said Grace. “What are those, like four-inch heels?”

  “Grace, everyone looks tall to you,” teased Brad. “And your heels are just as high as Charlie’s.”

  “Charlie wears heels because she’s always competing. She wanted to be taller than me tonight,” said Emily.

  “Not true,” said Charlie. “I wanted to be taller than Derek.”

  “I won that contest. I still have you beaten by a few inches.” Derek grinned.

  “The food looks fabulous. Let’s go through the buffet and grab a table. Look, there’s Olivia with Hannah and Claire.” Grace waved at her sisters, and they all moved through the buffet.

  “It’s hot in here.” Olivia fanned her face. “Charlie, I can’t believe you still have your coat on.”

  “I’m cold-natured.” She ignored her sister’s amused chuckle. Sweating under her trench, she knew she’d eventually have to shed it. Maybe the room would be so crowded no one would notice the dress.

  “You didn’t get much to eat,” Derek remarked, observing Charlie’s sparse plate as they moved toward the tables.

  “I’m not hungry tonight for some reason.” Her stomach churned at the thought of eating, knowing Josh could walk in the door at any moment.

  The group of friends claimed one of the large round tables. Charlie parked herself between Derek and Olivia, picking at her food and attempting to listen to the chatter, but her eyes kept drifting toward the entrance.

  “He’s coming,” Olivia remarked, with a half-smile at Charlie.

  “Who?” She feigned innocence.

  “Josh, of course. And he’s bringing a date.”

  “Oh? That’s nice. That certainly didn’t take long.” She hated the bitter note that crept into her voice.

  “You’re here with a date, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. Yes, I certainly am. I’m here with a date, and I’m glad Josh is moving on.”

  “Oh yes. The two of you are certainly moving on.” She rolled her eyes. “One would think you had no affection whatsoever. I’m sure you’ve barely even thought about each other all day. And the fact he tried to call you a hundred times and sent you about a million texts means nothing whatsoever.”

  “That’s right. It doesn’t.” Charlie lifted her chin for emphasis.

  “Don’t look now, but here comes your Gram.”

  “Oh, no!”

  “What’s wrong? You love Gram, don’t you?”

  “Usually I do, but not tonight.” She ducked her head down. “Hide me!”

  Gram swept up to the table. Behind her was a man in a black suit, holding a large, expensive-looking camera.

  “Emily. Charlie. I’m here to get our picture. Let’s get one with the three of us, and then I want one with Emily and Spencer. And I’d like to get one with your mom and dad and Gus as well. Come on, quickly. Up, up!”

  She bit back a protest, moving to stand beside Gram and her sister. Maybe she could keep her coat on.

  “Of course you’ll need to take your coat off, Charlie. I had Steven crank up the thermostat so you’d be comfortable in the new dress I bought for you.”

  “Gram, I’m really grateful, but the dress is a little too revealing.”

  “Of course, I wouldn’t have bought you that dress if you hadn’t suddenly canceled the wedding plans. I had to trade so I wouldn’t waste the money.” Gram crossed her arms and somehow managed to look down her nose at Charlie, despite being about eight inches shorter.

  With her back to the table, she tried to slip off the coat without attracting any attention.

  “Holy Toledo, Charlie!” Derek exclaimed, and everyone at the table turned to follow his gaze. She could hear little gasps of surprise and murmured remarks, but refused to make eye contact with any of them.

  Emily grinned as the cameraman snapped the pictures. “It’s a good thing I didn’t add any blush to your makeup.”

  “Shut up, Emily,” muttered Charlie from the corner of her mouth, which was forced into a semblance of a smile.

  “Here Charlie,” said Gram. “Come stand next to me. I want to be in the middle.”

  “You’re so short, Gram. Why don’t you just stand in front of us?” Charlie suggested.

  “Oh no! I don’t want to block the dress in the pictures.”

  “But don’t you think it’s just a bit scandalous, Gram?” Emily asked.

  “Nothing compared to some I’ve worn in my past.”

  “Really Gram?” said Emily. “Can we look at pictures someday?”

  “If you don’t think the shock will be too much for you.” Gram called Spencer up for pictures and sent Charlie to fetch her parents.

  Keeping her arms crossed to cover as much skin as possible, Charlie made her way to where her mom was standing with Steven. “Hey Mom, Gram wants the two of you to come for pictures.”

  “Okay, Charlie. We’ll b—” Her word ended in a cough. “Charlie? You look very... very... I don’t know what to say. That’s not your usual style, is it? It’s a beautiful dress, but—”

  “This is Gram’s doing. She said she couldn’t get her money back for the wedding dress, so she had this one tailored for me. I’m so embarrassed I could die.”

  Her mom wiped the smile off her face and patted her elbow. “Listen, you can pull this off. Pretend you’re an actress in a play. You’re just playing a role. If you look confident, people won’t notice. Well, at least they won’t notice you’re embarrassed. Keep your head high and your eyes up.”

  “I’m trying. Just grab Dad, and let’s go get this picture over with.”

  Anne tapped his shoulder. “Steven? Your Gram wants to borrow you for a minute.”

  He excused him
self from his friends and turned to follow Anne, but then he spotted the dress. “Jeez! Charlie? Your... uhmm...”

  “Gram bought this dress and made her wear it,” said Anne. “So be sure to direct any criticisms you have toward her and not toward Charlie.”

  “I’m not criticizing it. I just feel like... Good grief... I feel like a dad. I think I need to get my shotgun and wave it around.”

  “Sounds like something my dad would say. Maybe we’ll turn you into a Texan someday. Here Charlie, walk in the middle, and we’ll block for you.”

  Charlie suffered through the rest of the pictures and escaped back to the table. Steven seemed to be scolding Gram, whose smug expression never wavered.

  “Wow!” Derek grinned. “I had no idea what you were hiding under your coat. You look hot!”

  “It wasn’t my idea.”

  “Well, whoever had the idea, I think it’s great. Oh, please don’t put the coat back on. Really Charlie—have mercy on me. Now I’ve seen you in that dress, please don’t hide it.”

  “I don’t know, Charlie,” Olivia jibed. “I’m not sure we have enough napkins to sop up all the drool.”

  “I promise to keep my saliva to myself,” said Derek.

  “Seriously, Charlie,” said Olivia. “Why so sexy tonight?”

  “My Gram bought the dress and paid to have it fitted. I didn’t have any choice.”

  “It’s true,” Emily confirmed. “You’ve all met Gram. You know she’s an unstoppable force.”

  “I love that woman,” Derek declared.

  “Well, hel-lo Char-lie!” She started at a voice behind her and turned to see Collin Stewart. He let out a low whistle as his eyes raked over her from top to bottom. “Mama Mia! Let me see your hand.” She frowned in confusion as he reached for her left hand and held it out before his eyes. “There is a God in heaven! Still no engagement ring and no Josh to be seen.”

  “She’s here with me,” said Derek.

  “You’re engaged to him, now?” asked Collin.


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