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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 13

by Deila Longford

  “What are you saying exactly?” I ask and I do not really want to know what his answer might be.

  “You think that I am this romantic bloke but the truth is I am not. I am dark and dangerous and I am more violent than you could ever imagine.” I feel stunned by his words but at the same time, I feel that this is just an excuse. He is trying to hide is feelings and his games are not working on me.

  “Adrian I know what you are doing.” I say in a sarcastic voice. Adrian does not look too impressed but he humours me anyway.

  “What is that I am doing?” He says equally sarcastic.

  “You are trying to scare me away and it is not going to work. I do not believe you for a second when you say that you would hurt me. I know that you came to me when I was lying in the street shot and leaking blood. I know how much it pains you and I know that you would never want me to be in that situation again.” Adrian sighs at my words and he walks closer to me. He pulls me towards him and he whispers into my ear.

  “You are right, but don’t say that I never warned you.”

  I lean back and I glare at him, his eyes are intense but they still look playful. His full lips are parted and ready to speak. His hair is hanging onto his forehead and he gently pushes it back. I cannot catch my breath as I bask in his looks. He slides his hand onto my waist, he pulls me closer, and despite his previous comments, I still feel safe in his arms.


  I waken early the next morning I do not have any classes today, as it is Saturday. I am hoping that my free day will be spent with Adrian. I jump out of bed and I throw myself into the shower at that thought. I quickly choose my outfit and I blow dry my hair. I stride back into my room and I take a seat on my bed. I reach over to my bedside table, and I lift my white Blackberry. I quickly glance through my messages and I notice one from Adrian.

  Baby, I will be coming over after nine, please be ready and I love you.

  I cannot contain my smile as I read over his words. I place my phone into my lap and I deeply exhale. Adrian is actually here in New York and I am still finding this event hard to take in. I was sure that he and I were over when he told me that he never loved me. My heart still aches every time that I think back on his words. I have concluded that everything that he said was just a ploy to get me to fall out of love with him. There is no way that he could hate me then and love me now and being here is only proving that my opinion is true.

  “How was last night?” Sophie asks as she bursts out of the bathroom.

  I smile at her, “last night was… amazing.” Sophie comes over to me and she places herself firmly onto my bed.

  “Give me all the details.” She insists.

  I quickly fill her in on what happened last night and Sophie gushes at Adrian’s romantic gestures.

  “Wow I would love to be with a guy like that, doesn’t he have any brothers?” Sophie asks. I smile at her as that is a trick question.

  “Michael,” I say firmly and a sudden flash of his face floats into my mind. I quickly try to shake him out of my mind and Sophie helps me.

  “Oh, let’s not go there he is too complicated for me and I don’t think that Katharine would let him out of her sight anyways.”

  “Katharine really likes him and I hope that he feels the same way about her.” I look down to the floor as the words pass from my lips.

  “She is head over heels for him, but I sometimes wonder about him.” Sophie says and her smile has quickly faded. I look over at her and I feel that Sophie is worried about Katharine’s relationship with Michael.

  “What do you mean, when you say that you ‘wonder about him’?” Sophie adjusts herself onto the bed and places her hands in her lap. She takes a deep breath and she says.

  “I wonder about him because he clearly has feelings for you and I feel that Katharine is trying to look past that. But I can tell that it does affect her, and I feel sorry for her.” I feel awkward as I listen to Sophie’s words. Katharine is my friend and although we have patched things up, I still feel bad for the pain this is obviously causing her. I also think that Sophie knows more about the circumstance and I want to know everything.

  “Has Katharine talked to you about this?” I ask firmly. Sophie nods and I almost see her hold back a tear. I reach over to her and I take her hand, she smiles and I say.

  “Please tell me, this is hard on me too.” Sophie looks up at me and she breaks her silence.

  “Yes, she told me that it’s very hard on her. Michael talks about you as if you are his god. He loves you and Katharine knows that he always will. She is trying very hard to live up to you but I think she now realises that no-one ever will.” My heart races and I don’t know how to respond. I had no idea that Katharine felt this way and I feel awful about this.

  “I didn’t know she felt like that, do you think that I should talk to her?” I ask Sophie.

  “Alanna, I know this going to sound harsh but I feel that you should probably stay away from them. Katharine feels very threatened by you and I think that she would be very insecure if you were around Michael.” I pull back from her and her words sting. I stand up and I gaze down at Sophie.

  “I can’t stay away from Michael he is Adrian’s stepbrother and if you have forgotten he did save my life. How can I just ignore him after everything he has done?” I say very firmly, Sophie gets up from bed and she is now towering over me. I lean back from her as I await her response.

  “I am sure that he knows you appreciate what he did. He will understand if you tell him that you need some space. After all you are now back with Adrian therefore you don’t really need Michael anymore.” I roll my eyes slightly at her and she catches my action.

  “Alanna, don’t be like that I am just giving you my opinion.”

  “I appreciate it, but I feel that what you are saying is a little harsh. Michael is my friend and he is Adrian’s brother, what can I do?” I protest, but Sophie does not look impressed by my words.

  “Alanna don’t kid yourself, you want Michael around for other reasons.”

  “What reasons?” I ask in a desperate tone. Sophie fills the gap between us and she flicks her hair nervously. I gaze at her and I am curios and scared to hear what she has to say.

  “Alanna, I know that you feel something for Michael. It is obvious for me to see that and I know that you love Adrian but something inside of you wants Michael. I really think that you should at least admit it to yourself.” I sit again down onto the bed and then I quickly stand up again. My heart is racing and I cannot speak. I push my hair back into a lose ponytail and I glare at Sophie.

  “I cannot admit it; if I did then what kind of person would that make me?” I choke out and a tear runs down my face. I quickly wipe it away and Sophie rushes over to me.

  “Alanna I know that it’s hard, but you have to choose one of them. You cannot let this go on any longer. Adrian is the guy for you and deep down you know that too. It is not fair on Michael and he will never have the chance to be happy unless you break free from him. Michael loves you and as long as you are there, he will fight for you until the last moment but that does not mean that you should let him.” Sophie says firmly. I move away from her as I hear a knock at the door. I briskly walk over and open it to reveal Adrian. He smiles at me and raises his dark eyebrows as I push the door further open. He stands gazing at me and he does not say a word. I glare at him and I cannot catch my breath. Today, he is wearing a dark grey suit and he clutches his woollen grey coat in his hand. His hair is greased back and there is not a strand out of place. I look up at him and he flashes me his pearly white smile. I smile back and I signal him to come in. However, he stands motionless and he has a blank stare on his face. I glare at him and there is still no movement from him. My heart begins to pound as I worry that perhaps he has over heard my conversation with Sophie. I wrinkle my nose and with one swift movement, Adrian has pulled me out into the hallway. He wraps his strong arms around me and he gently loosens my hair tie. He spreads out my hair as he
leans in and kisses me passionately. I cannot breathe and I am very aware that we are being watched. I gently pull back from him, I look up at him, and a green eye stares back. I place my hand gently on his chest.

  “People are staring; maybe we should continue this inside?” I whisper as I look around at our audience.

  Adrian releases me and says, “As you wish.”

  I walk into the room and Adrian follows. I sit carefully onto the bed and I quickly glance at Sophie.

  “Is everything okay?” Adrian asks. I feel awkward and I am surprised that he has noticed the tension that fills the small room. I quickly rise from the bed and I walk over to him.

  “Yes everything is fine. So what are we doing today?” I say trying to change the subject. Sophie excuses herself and heads into the bathroom. I briefly glance at her as she walks away but I soon focus again on Adrian.

  “Baby, how would you feel about a taking a trip?” He says as he strokes my hair.

  “What kind of trip?” I ask curiously.

  “I have a few business meetings in Miami over the weekend. I was wondering if you would you like to join me?” I cannot contain my smile as I respond.

  “Yes off course, I love Miami.” I gush. Adrian smirks and he looks as if he wants to say something. I stay silent, as I wait for his next words.

  “Our flight is in an hour is that okay?”

  “That’s fine, I will go and pack.” I say as I gently give him a peck on the cheek.

  “Baby, there is no need to pack.” I look at him confused.

  “Adrian, of course I need to pack.”

  “No there is no need; I have your bags in the car downstairs.” I shake my head at him and I do not click with what he is saying.

  “I do not understand.” I say smoothly. Adrian smirks again and he moves closer. He locks his eyes on mine and he leans in. His fingers gently push my hair away from my neck and he softly presses a kiss on to my skin. I flinch at his touch and he smoothly moves his head back up to my level.

  “I have bought everything that you will need, trust me. I will take care of you.” I part my lips and narrow my eyes at him.

  “How do you know what I will need? I have to at least pack a small bag.” I protest. Adrian laughs and I bask in the sound. He lightly presses his lips onto mine. He pulls back and says,

  “Okay then baby, but please hurry.” I smile at him and I hurry to my closet. I glance back to Adrian.

  “Make yourself comfortable, I won’t be long.” Adrian just smiles and he takes a seat onto my bed. I quickly rummage through my clothes and I glance down at my outfit. I scowl my face at the sight and I begin to search through my clothes.

  After trying on many different outfits, I finally choose a tight, black long sleeved, mini dress. I throw on my black Jimmy Choos and I scrunch my hair, as it is a little flat. Once my hair has bounced, back to life I loosely glide it down my face and I quickly through a few things into my Louis Vuitton carry bag. I take a deep breath and I open the door. I glide out into the room and I notice Sophie lying on her bed. I look at her and she briefly smiles. Adrian immediately rises up when he sees me.

  “Wow, look at my baby.” He gushes. I cannot contain my smile and I stride over to him. He quickly takes my bag and I turn back to Sophie.

  “I am going away for a few days; will you be okay here alone?” I ask.

  Sophie smiles at me. “Yes I will be fine, go and have fun and I will see you when you get back.” I beam at her and I take Adrian’s arm. He escorts me down the stairs and he ushers me into the black Rolls Royce. I sit peacefully as the car the pulls away. Adrian reaches over and takes out a bottle of Cristal, he elegantly pours me a glass and I sip slowly as I take in my surroundings. Adrian’s phone rings and he quickly answers the call. I lean back in the luxurious seat as I listen to him speak.

  “Hello mate, how’s it going over there?” I smile at his accent and a cool shiver runs up my spine at the sound. Adrian nods and rolls his eyes as he takes in his conversation. I shift the weight from my feet and I clear my throat briefly. Adrian turns to look at me and I flash him an awkward smile. My face flushes slightly hot and I gently fan the heat away. I glance out the window and I take in the sight of Manhattan. The streets are busy and are layered in snow and there are people queuing at the coffee carts that line the street. I gaze out at the wonderful city and then I turn to look at Adrian.

  “Jeff, I need you to stop worrying I will be back soon. Listen mate I need you to email me the spreadsheets that I need for tomorrow.” Adrian pauses then he says, “Okay Jeff, thanks mate.” He ends his call and he slips the phone into his jacket pocket. He runs his hand along his hair and he turns to me.

  “Did I tell you that you look amazing?” I smile at his words and I reach over and place my hand onto his. He gently lifts my hand and he kisses it softly. He places my hand back onto the armrest and he again turns to face me. He widens his eyes and I feel that he has something on his mind. I slightly twitch my legs and he notices my actions.

  “Are you okay baby?” He asks looking concerned. I clear my throat and I say.

  “Yes I am fine, are you okay?” I turn the question back to him. He smirks as he twiddles my fingers in his.

  “I am good. I sensed tension between you and Sophie is there anything wrong?” My face again flushes hot and I do not want to respond.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, playing dumb.

  “Today in the room I felt as if you two were having words before I came in. You would tell me if anything was wrong, wouldn’t you?” He asks sounding sure. I feel my heart pick up pace and I gaze into those green eyes. I cannot lie to him but I do not want to tell him the truth.

  “Sophie was telling me about Katharine, she is going through a rough time right now and I guess I am mostly to blame for that.” I admit. Adrian processes what I say and it takes him a few moments to respond. His grip on my hand loosens and he wrinkles his forehead at me.

  “Why would you be to blame for her being upset?” He asks firmly. His voice was loud and it took me by surprise.

  “I am to blame because of how Michael feels.” I confess. I gaze at Adrian and his expression has changed. His eyes look angry and I can see that he is gritting his teeth. I gently lean over and I place my hand onto his cheek. He closes his eyes at my touch and whispers.

  “Alanna, please don’t mention him again.” I pull my hand from his cheek and he immediately opens his eyes.

  “What’s wrong? He asks. I narrow my eyes at him and I slightly shake my head.

  “Adrian I thought that all this arguing with Michael was over?” I protest.

  “It is but I don’t want to hear how he feels about you. It is hard enough to think it without you saying it. I will not bicker with him, he is my brother and I still want a relationship with him. But I don’t really want to know how he feels about my girlfriend.” I lightly smile at him and I feel a little relieved to hear his words. I was worried that this would anger him more than it did and I feared that is reaction would be worse. I want Adrian and Michael to have the relationship that they used to. I do not want to come in between the two brothers and I know that if I had to choose it would be Adrian every time, But at the same I do not want to give up Michael. He means a lot to me and I know that I would be less happy if he were not in my life. It is hard to think of him not being there and I know that for the best I should stay away from him. However, I feel too selfish and I will not give him up just yet.

  The car comes to a stop and Adrian and I quickly get out of the car. The driver opens the trunk of the car and takes out several Louis Vuitton suitcases. Adrian smiles at me as he slides his hand around my waist. We follow the driver into the crowded airport and a member of staff greets us.

  “Mr Black, please follow me.” The tall, thin, airport worker says. Adrian nods at the man and he smiles down at me. Adrian walks swiftly behind the man until we come to a glass elevator. The worker signals us to get in and we do as he says. I glance up at Adrianr />
  “Where are we going?” I ask him in a curios voice.

  “We are going to my airplane.” He smugly says. I smile at him and I realise that, of course, he has his own private jet. The elevator stops and the glass doors open onto the runway. The wind and the chill in the air took me by surprise when Adrian escorts me out. He notices that I am cold and he pulls me tighter.

  “Just think in two hours you will be in sunny Miami.” He says as he rubs my arms trying to bring the heat back into them. We walk over to Adrian’s private jet and he quickly ushers me up the steps. I walk into the airplane and I smile at the sight. There are huge leather seats and a massive sofa. The lighting is soft and there is a private bar, which is stocked with every type of beverage that you can mention. Adrian walks me over to the seats and we sit side by side. A blonde-haired, airhostess quickly makes her way down the aisle and she is carrying a bunch of red roses. Adrian smiles at her and I stare at him as he does.

  “Mandy, how are you today?” He asks, the woman quickly smiles at him and she says.

  “Working hard Adrian, and you?” She says in a sweet British accent. I stare at her and I wonder why she addressed him so informal. Surly it is unprofessional to call your employer by his first name. I stare at her and her face lights up as she talks to him. I do not say a word and I feel a little jealous.

  “Mandy this is my Alanna.” Adrian says and I feel that he has noticed my shyness and has figured out why. The airhostess turns me and she has a very cheesy grin on her face.

  “Hello Alanna, it is nice to meet you. These are for you,” she says as she hands me the large bouquet of roses. I smile at her and I glance at Adrian.

  “Thanks for the flowers and it’s nice to meet you too.” I say softly.


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