Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 14

by Deila Longford

“Would you like a drink before take-off?” Mandy asks us.

  “I will have a water and Alanna what would you like?” I place the flowers onto the seat next to me and glare up at Mandy.

  “I will have the same, thanks.” Mandy quickly glides up the aisle and returns with our drinks.

  I sit nervously as the plane begins to make its way down the runway. As it picks up speed, I grip my hand into the seat. Adrian responds to my actions and he takes my hand.

  “Are you okay?” He asks gently. I smile at him and I feel embarrassed to let him know that I am terrified of flying.

  “I am a nervous flyer.” I admit. Adrian pulls me closer to him and he whispers in my ear.

  “Baby, you are safe, I won’t let anything happen to you.” I smile at his reassurance and he gently kisses me on the forehead. The plane takes off and I clutch onto him even harder. He gently laughs and I begin to giggle.

  “Hey it’s not funny.” I insist. Adrian lets out a louder laugh and I begin to giggle more. I gently slap him on his chest and he straightens his face.

  “I am sorry baby,” he says as he bursts out laughing - again. I slap him again and he leans back into his seat as he carries on laughing.

  “Adrian it’s not funny,” I say firmly.

  “I know it’s not, but I just cannot stop.” He says as he tries to straighten himself out. I pout at him and he jerks me forward.

  “Kiss me, Alanna.” He strongly asks. I smile at him but I do not do as he says. I watch him as he waits impatiently. His stare into his green eyes and I cannot resist any longer. I lunge forward and I kiss him passionately on his full lips. He finally pulls back after what seems like forever.

  “How is your family?” He asks. I lean back from him and I suddenly remember that I have forgotten to tell my parents that I have gone away for a few days. I search in my bag for my phone and I quickly dial my mom’s number. Adrian looks at me and I can see that he is confused.

  “I forgot to tell my parents that I was going away for the weekend. I better give my mom a call just so that she doesn’t worry.” Adrian smiles at me and I am again reminded about his childhood. I wrinkle my face at the thought and I focus on my phone.

  “Shoot, I can’t use my phone!” I say in an annoyed voice. Adrian smiles at me and he quickly hands me a slender, black phone. I roll my eyes briefly, as of course his jet would have a built in phone. I again dial my mom’s number and I wait for her to answer.

  “Mom, it’s Alanna,” I say as she picks up the phone. My mom’s voice sounds panicked and I quickly reassure her that everything is okay.

  “I am just calling to let you know that I have gone away for a few days.”

  “Okay, where are you off to?”


  “Okay, tell Sophie that I said hello and have fun Alanna.”

  “Mom, Sophie is not with me.”

  “Then who have you gone away with?” I pause at her words and I do not know how to answer her question. My mom was not the most supportive when Adrian left and I fear what her reaction might be.

  “I was meaning to tell you that I am back with Adrian.” The phone is silent and I await her response.

  “I see, and when did this happen?”

  “A few days ago, but mom I have never been happier and I hope that you can be supportive of us?” I glance to Adrian as I say those words and he quickly smiles at me. I focus again on the phone and I listen to my mom’s words.

  “I don’t like what he did, but I know how you feel about him, therefore I will be supportive of you.”

  “Thanks mom, it means a lot to me that you understand.”

  “Yes well, please be careful and remember to put on sunscreen I hear that Miami is having a heat wave.”

  “Oh I can’t wait its freezing in New York right now.” I end the call and I place my phone into my lap. Adrian quickly rises up from the seat and he walks over to the sofa. He gently pats the cushion and I take that as signal that he wants me to come over. I slowly get up and walk over to him. He smiles at me and I sit next to him. He stretches out onto the sofa and he huddles me into his chest. He places one arm around me and he rests the other under his head. I hear him breathe deeply and I wonder if there is something bothering him. I do not want to spoil the moment so I resist the urge to ask him.

  “Alanna, what was your mother saying about me?” He asks gently. I turn my head to the green eyes that are staring at me.

  “My mom doesn’t like the fact that you left me while I was in the hospital. But she knows how I feel about you and don’t worry she is fine with everything.” I try to reassure him but something in his eyes is informing me that he is not reassured. He gently strokes my hair as he thinks.

  “Can I meet your family?”

  “Yes, I would love for you to meet them. Just say when and I will make it happen.” I gush. Adrian leans downs and kisses me on my forehead.

  “When we return to New York, is that okay?” He asks and I am flattered that he wants to meet my family.

  “Yes that’s fine.” I answer. Adrian slides himself up onto the sofa and I adjust to his new position.

  “Have you thought anymore about Emma?” I bravely ask. He pushes back his hair and he turns to face me.

  “Yes I have, I will meet her when we return to New York. Do you still want to come with me?” Adrian asks and his voice sounds shallow. I gently graze his cheek as I feel that he needs a little comfort right now.

  “Absolutely I am there.” I move nervously at my last words as I remember what Dr James told me about Emma. I gaze at Adrian and I feel that now is the right time to let him know about the new information that I have found out about his sister.

  “Don’t get mad at me but I have something to tell you about Emma.” He looks at me and says.

  “I could never be mad at you, but please tell me what you know.” He says confidently. I break free from his grasp and I sit up straight. I look into his eyes and I melt.

  “My doctor at the hospital dated Emma. He told me that he was head-over-heels in love with her but her mom, Maggie, would not let them be together. Emma kept their relationship a secret and she was worried about what her mother would say.” Adrian looks at me and again his eyes are staring blankly at me.

  “Why haven’t you told me this?” He asks and I feel that perhaps he is annoyed with me.

  “I don’t know, I guess that I was just waiting for the right moment to tell you. I am sorry if you feel that I kept this from you. That was not my intention.” Adrian places his hand on my leg and he gently caresses my dress.

  “It’s okay, I know you were just doing what you felt was right. What is this bloke like?”

  “He is a nice guy, he really loves Emma but she won’t admit that she feels the same way. I feel sorry for him and I wish that they could sort things out. He would make a wonderful boyfriend and I am guessing that Emma knows that too.” Adrian nods and I can tell that my speech does not impress him. He runs his fingers through his hair and he checks the time on his watch.

  “Maybe she just doesn’t love the bloke and he can’t get over it.” His words sting and I almost feel that they are directed at Michael. I pretend that I did not notice his comment and I quickly change the subject.

  “I noticed you told Jeff that you would be back soon?” I say intensely. Adrian smirks at me and rolls his fingers along my leg.

  “Baby, I have to go back sometime. The company needs me and it’s not fair for me to put everything on Jeff.” I roll my eyes slightly because I know that what he is saying is correct. Adrian has his own company and he cannot rely on other people to run it for him.

  “I know, I understand but I will miss you. When are you leaving?”

  “Not for a while yet, I want to meet your family and I also want to get to know Emma. Alanna, when is graduation?” He asks politely. I smile at him and I move a little closer to him.

  “Graduation is in May, why?” I ask him as I slide my hand along his broad chest. He smile
s at my touch.

  “I want you to spend two weeks with me in London over the summer.” I sit up at his words and I cannot contain the huge smile that has plastered my face.

  “Really, I would love to.” I say in a loud and happy voice. Adrian lets out a husky laugh.

  “I am glad that you like my idea,” he says very sarcastically.

  “I absolutely adore London; I cannot wait to go back.”

  “Alanna, I am honoured that you have agreed to this. However, I work a lot, I will not be around during the day, and that is the case most days. I feel that you should ask your friend Sophie to join you.” I consider his option and I wonder if Sophie would agree to this. She has never fully said that she would like to go to London. However, I know that she does crave a different setting and the chance to meet new guys. Two weeks in London would be just the right thing for us to rekindle our friendship.

  “Yeah that is a good idea, I will ask her.”

  The airplane comes into land and I brace myself. I clutch Adrian’s hand as the plane touches down and I let out a giggle when the aircraft finally comes to a stop. Adrian quickly ushers me from the seat and places his hand on my waist as we wait for Mandy to open the doors. She slowly lifts the door and the sun is blinding. I step out and the hot air hits me in the face. I smile and I walk swiftly down the steps. I wait for Adrian as I see that has not made his way down yet. I notice that he is having a rather lengthy conversation with Mandy - the airhostess. I glare up at them and I can tell that she is flirting with him. She gently touches his arm as she speaks and I can see that she is letting out soft giggles. Adrian catches me staring and I quickly turn the other way. I hold my hand over my eyes to shelter them from the sunlight. I focus and I see a white car heading towards me. I glance at the car and I see the driver get out.

  “Hello miss, may I take your bags?” He asks. I hand over my bags and I feel a hand on my back. Adrian leans in and he kisses me softly on my cheek. I squint my eyes as I look at him and I notice that he is wearing a pair of aviator sunglasses. I sigh at the sight and I am annoyed that I forgot to bring mine. With one swift movement, my prayers are answered. Adrian opens the Louis Vuitton suitcase and he pulls out a long black Chanel sunglass box. He hands me the box and I open it instantly. I take out the large black sunglasses and I carefully put them on. My eyes rest immediately and I glare through the sunglasses at Adrian.

  “I told you I have everything that you need.” He says smugly. Adrian walks me over to the car and I notice that the car is a Bentley. I shake my head at the luxury car but I soon remember that Adrian is a millionaire and I should not expect him to drive around in anything other than these over-the-top expensive cars. Adrian opens the door for me and I smile at how much of a gentleman he is. I slide into the front seat of car and Adrian quickly gets into the driver’s side. I smile at him and I realise that this is the first time that I will see him driving. He starts the engine and he instantly drops the hood. He pushes his sunglasses back onto to his face and he runs his fingers through his tousled hair as he checks himself in the mirror. I stare and I feel as if my eyes are going to fall from the socket at the sight of him. He places his hand coolly onto the steering wheel and his gold Rolex sparkles in the Miami sun. He looks at me and he has a devilish smirk on his face. He clicks the car into drive, he pushes his foot down on the accelerator, and I fall back into my seat as the car speeds off.


  Adrian speeds around the city as we head for our hotel. I gaze at him and I wonder how it is that he knows his way around Miami?

  “You seem to know your way around.” I ask as I maintain my grip on the armrest.

  “You could say that, are you surprised?” He says smugly. I turn to face him as the car comes to a stop at the red light.

  “I am a little; you are from London so you shouldn’t really know your way around Miami.” His grin melts me every time I witness it and now that I am seeing it in the sun I cannot explain it, but it is making him irresistible to me.

  “I used to come here a lot and I remember my way around.” The red light turns to green and Adrian puts his foot to the floor. The car has overwhelming speed as he glides through the traffic. We stop suddenly at another red light and Adrian instantly turns to me.

  “Baby, kiss me.” He leans over and he pulls my head towards him. I jerk forward and he kisses me too passionately. The lights must turn to green as I hear people tooting their horns at us. Adrian pays no attention to them and he maintains his hold on me. The toots gets louder and they begin to last longer. Adrian finally pulls away and the wicked smirk he has on his face is captivating. A car pulls alongside us as we sit in the red light once again.

  “Dude, you made me miss the light, do you know how late I am?” A dark haired guy in a drop top Mercedes says. Adrian laughs at him and smugly says,

  “I don’t really care,” I look at him and I would be lying if I said that his smug behaviour did not impress me. The light flashes to green and Adrian again speeds off. We turn onto South Beach and I gaze at spectacular surroundings. The sea is glistening and the luxury houses are breath taking. I smile and I stretch my hand out as we drive. Adrian notices my actions and he catches my hand. I look at him and he smiles. He swiftly takes our hands and lunges them upwards. He gently pushes the accelerator and I feel the wind as it blows through my hair. Adrian’s fingers are intertwined in mine as I look out onto the streets of South Beach. I watch as many people stare and normally this would bother me. However, today I really could not care. People can stare and point and even laugh as much as they want and it will not bother me. Nothing could ever ruin this moment I have with Adrian.

  Adrian glides the car into The Setai Hotel. He pulls up in front of the massive doors and a valet man quickly ushers towards us.

  “Sir, may I park your car for you?” He asks in a Latin accent. Adrian flips him the keys and he quickly rushes over and opens the doors for me.

  “Thanks,” I say as I smile at the small dark haired man. Adrian quickly rushes to my side and he slides his hand around my waist.

  “Mr Black, welcome back.” The hotel staff greet as we walk in. I glance at him and I cannot hold back my giggle. Adrian quickly nudges me as he tries his best to hold back his laugh. We walk over to the reception and Adrian loosens his grip on me. While he fills out the paper work, I take a minute to bask in these surroundings. The dark wooded area of the grand entrance astounds me. Massive flower displays contribute to the lobbies’ elegancy and I take in the fresh seawater scent that fills the room. Adrian finishes the paperwork and now a bellman is showing us to our room. I automatically wonder if that Adrian has booked us separate rooms and I really hope that he has not. I want to stay with him and I never want to let him out of my sight. My mind flashes back to Mandy the airhostess and I remember the way that I felt as I watched her flirt with him. I felt as if I wanted to rip her head off for even thinking that she had the right to flirt with my boyfriend. I quickly shake off that urge, as I am not accustomed to that type of feeling.

  The long elevator ride to the top of the building is masked by deep passionate glances between Adrian and me. I smile at him as I lightly fan my face. The doors open into the large tower penthouse, I soon realise that Adrian, and I will be sharing a room. Adrian takes my bags from the bellman whilst he hands him a rather large tip. I glide into the beautiful suite and I lose my breath. The room is oversized and is designed in the most elegant finishing’s. The sofas are cream and I walk over a run my hand along their soft fabric. I am astounded by the view as I gaze out of the large glass windows at the back of the room. I sigh and I feel Adrian behind me.

  “This is beautiful.” I say as he grips onto me. I feel a soft kiss on the back of my head and I turn around to face him. He gazes at me with those green eyes and I feel as if I could almost pass out. He pulls me closer to him and I lose myself in his demeanour.

  “This beauty is nothing compared to yours.” I melt at his words and he kisses me softly.
/>   “Come with me I will show you to your room.” He gently takes my hand as we walk along the narrow hallway of the suite. Adrian stops at the door and he slowly pushes it open. He takes me by my back and he nudges me through the door. I walk into the large room and Adrian follows. I look around at the surroundings and I smile. The large four-poster bed is centred in the middle of room and has a view, which looks out onto the entire ocean. The luxurious sheets are covered in red rose petals and the bed looks very welcoming. I wander around the room and I take in its entire beauty. Adrian quietly stands by the door with his arms folded and massive grin on his face. I quickly walk over to him.

  “This room is amazing, but where are you going to sleep?” He laughs at my question and he slides his fingers again through his chocolate coloured hair.

  “There are four bedrooms in here, I am sure that I find one to sleep in.” He says in a sarcastic tone. I do not respond to his words instead I sit carefully onto the bed. Adrian strides out of the room and he returns quickly. I gaze at him as he sets down two Louis Vuitton suitcases. I quickly rise from the bed and I walk over to Adrian.

  “Here is your luggage,” I smile at him.

  “Thanks, will I unpack?” I ask. He smiles deeply at me.

  “Just get changed, the maids will unpack for you.” He smugly says. I glare at him and I know that I am going to sound stupid with my next words.

  “What shall I change into?” I hold back my giggle as the words pass from my lips.

  “Something sexy and Alanna I am taking you on yacht so remember to pack your bikini.” I awkwardly flash him a smile as he walks out of the room. I franticly open one of the suitcases and I begin to search through the clothes. I take out a short white maxi dress and pair of gold sandals. I rummage through the other items and I notice that all the clothes are designer. I quickly open the other suitcase and I begin to rummage again through the designer threads. Adrian said that we are going on a yacht and that I was to remember to pack a bikini. I neurotically look through the bikinis in the suitcase, as there are so many to choose from. I take out a white and gold one, but I throw back into the case as I feel that it is a little too revealing. I flick through the rest of them and I finally settle on a plain black bikini. I rush into the bathroom and I quickly get changed. I slip the bikini on first and then I throw on the white silky Dior maxi dress. I flip on the light and I gaze at myself in the mirror. I quickly apply some lip balm and I run the comb through my hair. I take a deep breath and slowly lift up the dress to reveal my wound. I gasp as I gaze at the plaster that conceals the bullet hole and with panic I quickly hide it. I lean down onto the counter and I hold my head in my hands. I quickly stand up again and look at my scar. I peel back the light plaster and I see the full extent of the damage. To my surprise, it is not that bad. The skin around it is still slightly angered but the actual wound is not that big. I slide my dress back down and I quickly shut off the light. I walk briskly into the room and I grab my handbag on my way out of the room. I push open the door and stride out into the large oversized penthouse.


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