Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 15

by Deila Longford

  “Baby, are you ready?” Adrian asks as he walks over to me. I smile at him and I take in his new clothes. He has changed into a white short-sleeved shirt and a pair of dark blue khaki shorts. His sunglasses are fitted into the top pocket of his shirt and his hair is tousled around his face. He slicks it back with a hand as he wraps his arm around me.

  “I am ready, you look handsome.” I say slightly blushing. He looks down at me and smirks. He escorts me down the stairs and ushers me again into the white Bentley. I slip into the front seat and Adrian quickly gets in the car. He swiftly puts his sunglasses on and he smiles as the car pulls away.

  We arrive at the marina and Adrian quickly escorts me out of the car and along the walkway. He takes my hand as he glides me through the busy crowd. I stare at the glorious scenery but none of it compares to Adrian’s beauty.

  “Which yacht are we going on?” I ask as I gaze at the spectacular yachts.

  “The large one,” he says smugly. I look at the yacht that he is referring to and I gasp. The massive boat is miles grander than any other one and I notice that the staff on board are dressed in glamorous white uniforms. A tall blonde woman quickly greets us as we step on board. She is carrying two glasses of champagne and she has a wide grin on her face.

  “Mr Black, welcome back and who is this lovely young lady?” She asks as she stares me up and down.

  “This is Alanna, and you know that I don’t drink.” Adrian snaps. I look at him and he quickly smiles at me. The woman hands me the glass and she quickly walks over to the bar and picks up a bottle of Evian. Adrian glares at her as she approaches us.

  “Sorry Mr Black, I forgot,” the woman apologies. I shoot Adrian a disapproving look and he quickly realises his actions were uncalled for. He pulls me gently towards him and rubs my shoulder with his strong hand.

  “Please excuse my rudeness.” He quickly says. He glances down at me and I proudly smile up at him. We walk along the boat deck and Adrian ushers me up the stairs. We stroll along the deck until we approach the sun loungers.

  “Baby, which one do you want?” Adrian points to luxurious beds. I smile at the sight of them and I quickly choose my seat. Adrian takes the bed next to me and he quickly takes off his shirt. As I stare at his gorgeous, buff body, the glass that I am holidng has fallen onto the boat deck. There is a slight bang and I feel my face burst into flames. The champagne has begun to tipple out and is now running freely down the deck. The server quickly runs over to me and she begins to clear up the broken glass. I am so embarrassed and I cannot bear to look at Adrian. I slowly lift my feet onto the lounger and I lean back, whilst the woman clears up my mess. I clutch my forehead and I exhale. I finally manage to look at Adrian and I see that he is leaning back and is fully stretched out onto the bed. He looks over to me and he manages again to astound me.

  “What was all that about?” He asks smugly. I blush and I cannot hold back a smile as I glare at his body. He waits patiently as I try to respond.

  “Nothing the glass just slipped.” I lie. The glass did not just slip but I totally lost all grip on it as I stared at Adrian. That was the first time I have ever seen him like that and his body took me by surprise. I never expected him to have arms like that and I never expected him to take his shirt off. I sigh and I again look over at him. He is like a god and I cannot tear my eyes away from him.

  “Aren’t you too hot in that dress?” He asks and I know what he is referring to. I do not respond to his words instead I stand up and with one swift movement; I lift my dress to reveal my black bikini. Adrian glares at me and I watch as a gentle smile comes to his face. I nervously flick my hair down my back and I again sit on the lounger. Adrian turns to me.

  “Baby, come over to me.” My heart races slightly and I do as he says. I walk over to him and I stand by his bedside. He sits up and he takes off his sunglasses. He looks up at me as he gently strokes my bullet wound.

  “Does this still hurt?” He says coolly.

  “No I don’t suffer pain anymore.” I say crisply. Adrian adjusts his eyes as he looks up at me.

  “Are you insecure about the scar?” He asks. I look down at my scar and I shake my head.

  “Not really, it’s fine.” I admit. Adrian has a very serious look on his face as he gently strokes my abdomen.

  “If you want to get it removed I can help you,” he says. I narrow my eyes at him and I say.

  “No, it doesn’t bother me and anyway it’s not fully healed yet. I am sure in time the scarring will fade.” Adrian takes his hand away from my stomach and he signals for me to go back over my lounger. I glide back over and I stretch out fully onto the soft leather bed. Adrian quickly puts on his sunglasses and I do the same. He looks over at me as the boat begins to move. I smile at him and stretch out my hand he quickly takes it and his touch is enchanting.

  After a long hot day on the yacht, I am glad when I see the mainland. I quickly rise up and I throw on my dress. I scrunch my hair up into a loose bun, as it got wet whilst I swam in the sea with Adrian. I gently sit back down onto the lounger and Adrian glares over at me.

  “Baby you know that I don’t like it when you tie your hair back.” He says calmly. I pause as I glare at him.

  “Why don’t you like my hair tied up?” I question.

  “It’s not feminine, when a girl’s hair is tied back.” He admits. I scowl my face at his poor excuse and I begin to poke holes in his opinions.

  “That’s a poor answer, Adrian tell me do you change your opinion of me when you see that my hair is tied back?” He holds back his smirk and he manages to respond.

  “No it doesn’t change my opinion of you. But it does make me fancy you less.” I am stunned by his words and I cannot think of a response.

  “So you are less attracted to me when my hair is tied back, how can that be?” He tousles his hair and he rises up from the sun lounger. He swiftly approaches me and he pushes me gently over so that there is room for him to sit.

  “Baby you could have your hair anyway and I would still be attracted you but I do prefer it when you hair is loose.” He slides his hand into my hair and he loosens my hair tie. He strokes my curls as they fall around my face.

  “Now that is much better.” He whispers as he leans in and kisses me softly on the neck. I melt and I huddle into his chest.


  When we arrive back at the hotel, I am exhausted. I slowly trail behind Adrian as he marches along the lobby of the hotel. We reach our room and I am ever so glad to see the large sofa. I throw my bag onto the table by the door and I walk over to the sofa. I throw myself down and I rest my head against the soft cushions. Adrian looks at me intensely and I know that he will have an opinion.

  “What’s wrong baby?” He asks. I quickly smile at him as I can tell that he has worry in his voice.

  “Nothing’s wrong, I am just a little tired that’s all.” I protest. Adrian walks over to me and he gently lifts me up. I gaze at him in astonishment and he does not say a word. Adrian carries me to my room and he gently rests me onto the oversized bed.

  “Sleep baby, we have a busy night ahead of us.” I look up at him and I wonder what he means?

  “What are we doing tonight?” I ask in a calm voice. Adrian kneels at my bedside and he slowly catches my hand.

  “There is a business event tonight and I need you to come with me. Please rest just now and I will wake you when it’s time for us to get ready.” I sigh as I hate business parties but I know that they are necessary in Adrian’s line of work. I do not feel like attending an event tonight but I will be with Adrian and at the end of the day that is all that really matters. I do not respond with words I simply nod in agreement and Adrian kisses me softly on my hand. He swiftly makes his way out of the room and there is a slight bang from the door as he closes it.

  I close my eyes and I begin to fall into a deep sleep…

  I walk into a bright room, which is filled with people, all dressed in ball gowns, and all wearing masks. I look around a
t them and I am suspicious of their glares. I walk further into the crowd and a tall, dark-haired man greets me. He has a black mask on his face but his eyes are familiar. I move closer to him and he lunges forward as he pulls me towards him. I gaze up at him as he slides his hand around my waist. He leans down and he whispers.

  “I have been waiting all night for you.” His British accent rings in my ears as he begins to move with the music. I dance fluidly with him as he strokes my hair. He spins me around and I catch everyone staring at us. He flashes me a pearly white smile and I grip him tighter. The music picks up pace and my mystery man does too. He is dancing very quickly and I am surprised that I am keeping up with him. He smiles at me and my heart begins to race. He pulls me even closer and now there is less than inch between our faces. I take a deep breath as I continue to dance with him. The music fades out but he maintains his rhythm. Everyone is staring at us but I do not care. All I can think about is him and his piercing blue eyes. He suddenly halts and I gaze at him. His eyes see right through me and I am eager as to what his next move will be. He slowly takes my hand in his as he slides off his mask with the other. I gasp as he reveals himself. Michael leans in and he whispers into my ear.

  “Alanna, it’s me that you need. Please forget about Adrian, you know that you love me too.” I jolt back from him but he pulls me back. I am speechless, as I stand frozen. I quickly turn my head from him and I begin to stare out at the people of the party. I try to focus on them but my heart is pounding and I want to run away. I glare up at Michael as he begins to fade away. I hear his voice faintly.

  “Love me, I am the one.” He disappears and I am left alone in the crowded room. I begin to walk away but I am blocked. Several women are standing in front of me and they are making it impossible for me to leave. I quickly turn around and to try leave again. However, as I do more women meet me. Their faces look angry and all of them are shaking their heads at me. I shift around nervously and I do not know what to do.

  “Bitch, tramp, whore…” The women shout. Their harshness surprises me and I feel awful. I try to compose myself and they stare at me. I look desperately around as I try to find a familiar face. I spin quickly around and then back again. My eyes begin to get fuzzy and I lose my balance.

  “Alanna, Alanna…” I jolt from the bed and I open my eyes quickly. I stare around the room and then I see Adrian kneeling at my bedside. I quickly straighten myself out and I give him a brief smile.

  “Baby, you were shouting in your sleep.” I blush as I remember my vivid dream. I try to shake off the image of Michael as I glare at Adrian.

  “I was?” I say, playing dumb. Adrian smiles at me as he stands up from his position on the floor. I quickly slide myself out from the bed and I take a position next to him.

  “Anyway, it is time to get ready for tonight. I have bought you a new dress it is hanging in the closet. I hope you like it, baby.” I smile at him and I move a little closer. Adrian pulls me in and he gently kisses me on the lips. As he kisses me, a sudden flash of Michaels face enters my mind. I quickly open my eyes and Adrian notices the emotion on my face.

  “Is everything okay?” He asks. I shake my head briefly and I reassure him that everything is fine.

  “Yes, I am still a little sleepy I guess. I will go and get ready okay?” Adrian smiles at me, and he leans in again but this time, he kisses me softly on the cheek. As he turns to walk away, I grab his arm and I pull him back. He widens his eyes at my actions, as he stands motionless. I stand on my tiptoes as I pull his head towards mine then I lean in and I kiss him. We bask in that moment until Adrian pulls back.

  “Not so sleepy anymore,” He says in a sarcastic voice. I smile at him and then he walks away. I watch him leave and I hear the brief slam of the door. I quickly make my way over to the closet as I wonder about my dress. I walk into the closet and I switch on the light. I rummage through the clothes that hang on the rail as I search for the dress. The screeching from the hangers as they slide along the railing is deafening and I cannot seem to find the dress. I franticly look around the closet until I notice a white Nina Ricci box lying on the floor. I smile at the sight of it as I walk over. I march out of the closet and I place the gift box onto the bed. I quickly undo the ribbon that is tied around the box and I gently lift the lid. I cannot contain my smile as I slide the dress from the box. I walk over to the mirror and I hold the floor length, light pink, diamond incrusted gown against my body. I smile again and place the dress onto the black dressing table. I quickly rush into the bathroom and I jump into the shower. As the hot water drips down my body my mind flashes back to the dream that I had earlier. Why was I dreaming of Michael? I have no reason to and it is not as if I was thinking about him. I shake my head and I remember his words. He wanted me to forget Adrian and be with him. I am confused to why I would dream about something like that. I love Adrian but now Michael and my dream plague me.

  I turn off the shower and I gently wrap a towel around my wet body. I quickly blow dry my hair and I rush back into the room. I smile again at the sight of the beautiful dress. I get dressed and then I glare at myself in the mirror. I smooth out my dress and I think that I don’t look - all bad. The light pink tone of the dress complements my graceful, golden skin. My hair is thick and curly as it hangs down by my face. I reach over to the dressing table and I gently lift the necklace that Adrian gave me. I slide my hair forward and I hang the diamond necklace around my neck. I gently stroke the letters as I think of Adrian. He is amazing and I love him so much. I cannot think of my life without him and I am annoyed with myself for dreaming about Michael. I have everything I could ever want here with Adrian so why must I insist on thinking about Michael. His behaviour the last time that I saw him was out of order and I was furious with him. However, there is something about him, which makes it impossible for me to stay mad at him. I stare into his ice blue eyes and I lose myself every time. I wish that I did not feel this way and I hunger to lose this feeling of need. However I know that is unlikely that I ever will, Michael saved my life and I feel even more connected to him than I did before. I wish that all I wanted was Adrian then I would not have this ordeal. I slightly jump as I hear a knock at the door. I quickly adjust myself and I turn to face the noise.

  “Come in,” I say smoothly. The door pushes back and in walks Adrian. I slightly stumble as take in his demeanour. He is dressed heavenly in a black Armani suit; his long slim black tie is woven onto his crisp white shirt. His hair is fully greased back and there is not a strand out of place. I notice that he has not shaved and I must say that I like his little stubble. My heart flutters and I can hardly breathe.

  “Baby, you are breath-taking.” He says as he walks over to me. He gently caresses my hair as he leans in and kisses me. He pulls back and he holds out his arm. I link into him and I cannot tear my eyes away from his beauty.

  When we arrive at the event, the media is there to greet us. Adrian holds me tightly as he escorts me into the venue. I adjust my eyes to flashing bulbs and I am relieved when we enter the soft-lit ballroom. I smile at Adrian as we make our way through the crowd. I glance around the room and I take in its beauty. The tables are filled with people as they dine on elegant meals. The bar is buzzing and champagne dominates the surfaces. People are dancing to slow music and I smile at the sight of them. Adrian slows down his walk as we approach a group of people. They look welcoming and Adrian certainly knows them. A tall, blonde-haired man quickly greets Adrian with a firm handshake and he makes a brief nod towards me.

  “Mr Black it is nice to see you again and who is this lovely lady?” He says in a strong American accent. Adrian glares at him and he quickly responds.

  “Chris, this is Alanna.” I smile at the man as he awkwardly takes my hand, he leans down to my level and he gently places a kiss onto my skin. Adrian’s eyes are raging and I quickly pull back from the man. I turn to Adrian and I gently grip his hand. He gazes down at me but he does not say a word.

  “Now, we have many things
to discuss, come on I will buy you a drink.” Adrian immediately turns to me at the sound of Chris’s words.

  “Baby will you be okay on your own for a little while?” I stare up at him and I know I that I have to be okay with this. Adrian is here on business and I felt guilty knowing that I was keeping him from his work. Therefore, I need to understand that Adrian has to mingle with his colleagues tonight.

  “Of course, I will be fine.” I say as I smile up at him. He briefly glances towards Chris and then he turns back to me. He slides his hand onto my waist and he leans in and places a soft kiss onto my cheek. He pulls away from me and I watch him as he heads away with Chris. I let out a sigh and I decide to make my way over to the bar.

  “Miss, what can I get you?” The bartender asks as I approach. I gaze at him as I take a seat at the bar.

  “Champagne, please,” the bartender quickly pours me my drink and I take a slow sip as I gaze around the room. I take in the people and the sight of them brings a gentle smile to my face. I glance out again and this time I see Adrian. I watch as he talks intensely to Chris. His face seems very serious and I cannot help but wonder if everything with Adrian’s business is okay. The company has to suffer when its owner abandons it and I feel terrible about keeping from his work. I take another sip of the champagne and I jolt forward as I feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. I quickly turn around and I am shocked when I see Michael. He gazes at me with a wicked smirk on his face. I glare back at him and I wonder what he is doing here.


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