Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 17

by Deila Longford

  “A few years ago I did a search on him and I found out that he was in Edinburgh.” I smile at him but at the same time, I can see that he has pain about this subject.

  “Scotland is not that far from you, did you go there?” I ask. Adrian shakes his head at me and I feel him getting more frustrated with my queries.

  “No, I got to his front door but I could not bring myself to knock. Alanna I am done with talking about this.” He says firmly.

  “Okay, but if you ever decide that you want to see him all you have to do is ask and I will be there every step of the way to support you.” Adrian smiles at me and I am paralyzed at the sight. He gently kisses the top of my head and he whispers.

  “I will keep that in mind; now baby its late, go to sleep my beautiful.”

  The sun is beaming in through the window as I wake. I quickly glance over to the left side of bed but I see that Adrian is gone. I quickly jump out of the bed and I stride out of the room. I make my way into the living area and I can hear people talking. I walk further and Adrian greets me. He walks over to me and he takes me by the hand. He leads me into the lounge area and that is when I see Michael and Katharine. I quickly flash them a smile as I wonder why they are here. Adrian takes a seat onto the large white sofa and I quickly sit next to him.

  “Good morning Alanna.” Michael says as he smiles at me. I cannot hold back my smile as I gaze at him. He is smartly dressed in a dark blue suit, his hair is messy and his eyes are sinful. I quickly tear my eyes away from him as I become aware of Katharine. I glance at her and I take in her beauty. She is casually dressed in a black floor length maxi dress. He strawberry blonde hair is tied in a high ponytail and she has a pair of designer sunglasses pushed into it. I smile at her then I look at Adrian. He is also dressed very smartly in a black pin striped suit. I wrinkle my forehead as I wonder what is going on.

  “What’s going on?” I ask Adrian. He looks at me and he says.

  “Michael and I have a meeting today.” He says in a smooth tone.

  “It’s Sunday?” I point out. Adrian smirks at me.

  “You really do miss nothing, do you?” He says rather sarcastically. I do not respond to his words instead I glance over at Katharine.

  “The boys are ditching us; you wanna go to the beach?” Katharine asks in a kind tone. I quickly glance at Michael and he smiles wickedly at me.

  “Sure, why not, let me go and get changed I won’t be long.” I rise up from the sofa and I begin to march up the hallway. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn quickly to see Michael. He towers over me and I gaze up at him.

  “Alanna, how are you?” He asks.

  “I am fine and how are you?” I move a little closer to him and he loosely places his hands into his pockets.

  “I am okay, I have been feeling guilty about the other day and I want to again tell you how sorry I am for what I did. There was no excuse for my behaviour and I hope that you have forgiven me.” I cannot hold back my smile as I stare at him.

  “It’s all water under the bridge.” I reassure him. He gently takes my hand in his and my skin tingles at his touch. He smiles deeply at me and I realise just how much that I have missed him. Michael quickly lets go my hand as Adrian approaches us. I notice Adrian’s smile quickly fade as he locks his eyes on us. I let go of Michael’s hand and I walk over to Adrian. He gazes at me, his eyes are wide and I can tell that this sight has not pleased him. I catch his hand as I say.

  “We were just talking, that’s all.” Adrian stares at me and my heart begins to race.

  “I know, Michael could you excuse us a minute?” He asks nicely. Michael smiles at me as he walks away. Adrian turns me around to face him and I am slightly panicking as I await his next words.

  “Baby, I am sorry that I have to work today but it’s a very important meeting. I have arranged a driver for you and Katharine and here is my credit card.” Adrian hands me a shiny black card and I feel instantly guilty as I take it from him.

  “Now, I am not sure how long I will be, so don’t sit around all day waiting for me. Go out and enjoy yourself and let the sun soak into that pale skin of yours.” I gently laugh at his remark and I begin to walk away. However, Adrian pulls me back and now his hand is slipping down my waist. He pulls me extra close and he kisses me very passionately. I gasp as he pulls away and I stare up into his green eyes.

  “What was that for?” I ask smugly. He leans in again and gently moves my hair away from my neck. As he places a soft kiss on my skin, he whispers.

  “I hate that I have to leave you again and that kiss has to last me all day.” I gently lift his head and I clasp his face in my hands. I smile at him and then I lean in and kiss him softly.


  “Wow, this is a gorgeous car,” Katharine says as we sit in Adrian’s white Bentley. I smile back her as I bask in the warm air that brushes through my hair. I glance around at busy streets as the car speeds through the traffic. I feel the heat on my face and I cannot help but feel a little sad that tonight I will be returning to the cold of New York. Katharine smiles at me and I feel that she has something that she would like to say. I do not give her time to speak as I jump in first.

  “This is amazing.” I say as I beam. “I adore Miami don’t you?”

  “Actually this is the first time that I have been and I have to say that I love it here. The people are amazing and the beach is breathtaking.” Katharine cannot contain her smile as takes in her surroundings.

  “Katharine, how are you?” I ask as I look at her with concern in my voice.

  “I am good, why are you asking?” She says rather firmly. I compose myself, as I do not want to sound like the annoying friend.

  “You seem different and happy in yourself and I love seeing you like this.” Katharine gently takes my hand and she gives it a little squeeze.

  “I feel different and I really couldn’t be happier. I love Michael and I thank my lucky stars every day that I am with him.” I smile at her but inside I am shaking. I did not need Katharine to tell me that she loves Michael because I already knew. However, I cannot shake the feeling I have about Michael, I do not think that he feels the same way and it pains me to think that possibly I have something to do with that. Katharine is my friend and I want more than anything to see her happy. However, to me Michael is addictive and I no matter how hard I try I cannot get him out of my mind.

  “Katharine you are amazing and don’t ever forget that. Sure Michael is gorgeous but you are beautiful and smart he should feel lucky to have you.” I say proudly.

  “I know Alanna but Michael is the best thing that I have ever had and I was in pieces when we were broken up. I have always loved him and I know that he doesn’t feel the same way but I hope that one day he will.” I immediately look down at the floor when I hear Katharine’s words. My heart is breaking and I hate that my friend is going through this. I know that I need Michael in my life and I am very aware of how selfish I am being.

  “I am sorry if I have gotten in the way. It was never my intention and from now on I will keep my distance.” I feel instantly guilty as those words pass from my lips. I close my eyes and I can see Michael’s face. His thick black hair and his ice blue eyes are flashing in mind. I vaguely remember his kiss and then I quickly open my eyes.

  “No Alanna don’t stay away from him, that will only make him want you more. It’s better if he is around you and I am hoping that if he sees that you are happy with Adrian then he will finally move on from you.” I am stunned at Katharine. I would have thought she would have been delighted that I offered to stay away from Michael - the guy that jumped in front of a bullet for me. Instead, she is telling me to be around him. I gently shake my head as I take in her words.

  “Katharine I don’t know what to do for the best. I hate that Michael has feelings for me and I hate that I cannot be without him. I want you to know that I love Adrian and that there will only ever be friendship on offer to Michael.”

  “I know that you love him
and I know that you would never do anything with Michael. It is his actions that I fear.” Katharine looks sad and I feel awful I wish I could have a magic wand to wipe away all this mixed up feelings about Michael. However this is the real world and there is no magic, so I will just have to settle for reality. And the reality is, I am in love with Adrian but I need Michael too. My friend loves Michael and she cannot fully be with him because he loves me. My life is too complicated and I feel like crying every time that I think of this of situation.

  After a long day of relaxing on the beach Katharine and I finally decide that, it is time we went back to the hotel. I quickly get up from the leather sun lounger and begin to pack up my stuff. As I throw my sun cream into my bag, I hear my white Blackberry buzzing.

  “Hello baby, how is it going over there?” Adrian asks as I answer his call.

  “The beach is stunning but it is getting colder now. We are just about to head back to the hotel. Are you still at the meeting?”

  “No I am actually on Chris’s yacht, the meeting finished early and he invited everyone back for drinks. I shouldn’t be long as our flight is at eight.”

  “Okay, Adrian I will let you get back to your colleagues.”



  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes I am fine, why?”

  “No reason, don’t talk to anyone strange, okay?” His words alert me and I loose grip on whatever I was holding in my hand. My heart is racing as I think back on the shooting.

  “Adrian, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing baby, but you can never be too careful. Just be aware of anyone strange, do you understand?”

  “Yes, but I thought all that was over?”

  “Alanna, it will never be over as long as you are with me. I promise that I will keep you safe don’t worry but please, be aware.” I breathe a sigh of relief and I quickly compose myself around Katharine.

  “Sweetie, I will talk to you soon, I love you Adrian.”

  “I know that you do.”

  Adrian hangs up and I quickly turn to Katharine.

  “Was that Adrian?” Katharine asks and I feel that is a silly question but I answer her anyway.

  “Yes, they aren’t back the hotel yet.”

  “Where are they?” Katharine says rather nervously.

  “You that know that guy Chris?”

  “Yeah I met him briefly last night.”

  “Adrian and Michael are having drinks with him on his yacht. Adrian said he won’t be long but I am not sure about Michael.” I say. Katharine immediately checks her phone and I can tell that she is disappointed that Michael has not called her. I shake off this concerned feeling and I quickly begin to pack up my things once again.

  We arrive back at the hotel and as soon as I am in through the door, I rush to the shower. I quickly wash and then I begin to rummage through the closet for an outfit.

  “Is this all your clothes?” Katharine says as he strides into the closet wearing a plush white bathrobe and a towel around her hair. I glance up at her as I sit amongst the piles of clothes - which is scattered all over the floor.

  “I can’t find an outfit, help, please.” Katharine lets out a giggle as she begins to pick through the designer threads. I watch as her face lights up at the sight of the clothes.

  “How about this,” Katharine holds up a soft pink Dior dress and I can tell that she adores this dress. I smile at her and I say.

  “That dress would look amazing on you.”

  “Alanna I couldn’t,” she says quietly.

  “Yes you can, take it.” I smile at her and I watch her look over the dress.

  “It’s a stunning dress but I what would Adrian say?” I narrow my eyes at her.

  “Katharine don’t worry about him, he won’t have anything to say. And if he does then I will put him in his place.” I giggle at my words and I catch Katharine smiling as she strokes the dress.

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Oh for heaven’s sake, take the dress and help me find something to wear.” I insist. Katharine gently lays down the dress as he begins again to rummage through the clothes. She finally chooses me a dress and I smile at her choice. Katharine bolts out the room and I begin to get dressed. I carefully slip on the white, figure hugging, Oscar de la Renta dress that Katharine chose for me. I quickly blow dry my hair and I apply some light makeup. I gaze at myself in mirror as I slip on my gold Rolex. As I take in my reflection, I notice that some freckles have appeared on my face and that I am slightly sunburned. I switch off the light and I walk back into the room. I slip on my black Jimmy Choos and then I head out into the hallway. I walk into the lounge and I gasp as I clap eyes on Katharine. She looks stunning and that dress is gorgeous against her tanned skin. Her hair is up in a high bun and I notice that she is wearing huge diamond earrings. I walk over to her and I say.

  “Katharine you look amazing. That dress is stunning on you I could never have carried it off in the way that you have.” She smiles at me and I begin to walk over to the built in bar.

  “Would you like a drink?” I ask.

  “Yes I am gasping.” I laugh at her as I pour two glasses of champagne. We take a seat in the lounge as we wait for Adrian and Michael.

  The door bursts open and in walks Adrian. He immediately walks over and sits down next to me. He takes my hand and softly kisses it. I place my other hand onto his cheek as he leans in and kisses me. It is not until Adrian pulls back that I remember that we have company. I shyly smile at Katharine as she stares at us.

  “How was your day?” Adrian asks as he walks over the bar.

  “Amazing and yours,” Adrian takes a sip of water as he makes his way back over to me.

  “Baby I won’t bore you with business, but the meeting went well.” I watch Katharine as she shifts around nervously. I can tell that something is bothering her and I have a feeling that I know what it is.

  “Where is Michael?” I ask Adrian. Katharine immediately turns to face Adrian and I notice that looks a little worried.

  “I don’t know I thought that he would be back by now. He left ages before me hasn’t he called you?” Adrian says. Katharine shakes her head and I begin to get worried. However, I try to reassure Katharine that everything is okay.

  “I am sure that he just got held up somewhere, don’t worry.” Katharine presses a smile from her lips and I can tell that she is worried. I quickly glance at Adrian and I think that he feels sorry for Katharine. He rolls his eyes as he runs his fingers through his hair. Everything is silent as we wait for Michael.

  I jump as I hear door burst open. Adrian lets out a husky laugh at my reaction and I playfully slap his leg.

  “I am sorry that I took so long.” Michael says as he makes his way over to Katharine. She looks lovingly up at him and she reaches out for a kiss. However, Michael ignores her and I watch as Katharine’s heart sinks.

  “You look amazing Alanna,” Michael says and I feel very uneasy at his words. I don’t really know how to respond to him and it looks as if Katharine is an inch from tears. I try to compose myself as glare wickedly over at him.

  “Thanks, but look how amazing Katharine looks.” I say a little bitterly. Michael narrows his eyes at me and then he turns to Katharine. He stares at her and he finally says.

  “You look wonderful babe.” Katharine’s face lights up at his comment and I feel even more uneasy that she forgave him so easily. Adrian shakes his head at Michael and then he turns to me.

  “Baby, it is nearly time to go, have you packed?”

  “Yes, I am ready when you are.” Adrian quickly gets up from the seat and he makes his way into the bedroom. I quickly follow him and he instructs me to close the door. I walk further in the room and Adrian glides towards to me.

  “That was awkward,” I say as Adrian pulls me close. He has a wicked smirk on his face as he begins to kiss me. I feel his hand slipping further down my waist and now it is caressing my hip. I gently pull his hand
away he gazes wide eyed at me.

  “Too far Adrian,” I say smugly. He again smiles at me as he buries his head onto my shoulder. He gently kisses along my neck as he begins to talk.

  “Baby I am sorry but you are too sexy in that dress. I cannot help myself you are irresistible to me.”

  We arrive back in New York and back to the freezing cold. Adrian walks me briskly into the dorm and he escorts me back to my room.

  “Now this is where we say our goodbyes.” He says as he opens the door for me. I sigh as I stare at him and I wish that he did not have to leave.

  “Adrian do you have to go so soon?” He smiles at me as he takes me in his arms.

  “Yes baby, you have classes in the morning and I have a ton of paperwork.” I slightly roll my eyes at him and he bursts out laughing.

  “What’s funny?” I say bitterly. His laugh increases and my fury with him, begins to grow.

  “Don’t be smug, Adrian,” he quickly straightens his face as he pulls me closer to him. I gaze up into his glowing green eyes as he gently strokes my face.

  “What do you see in me, Alanna?” I roll my eyes at his comment and he begins to laugh again.

  “Baby, seriously what do you see in me?” He asks again.

  “I see the man that I love.” Adrian quickly and passionately kisses me on my lips and I feel lost in his presence. He grips my head as his kiss becomes firmer and I slide my hand onto his back. After what seems like forever, we finally break free and I watch him as he walks away.


  As I sit in Mr Hopkins class the next day, I am constantly thinking of Adrian. I am physically in class but my mind is back in Miami with Adrian. I am sitting in his white Bentley as he drives too fast around the heated streets. A gentle smile comes to my face as I remember his laugh. I close my eyes for a second and there is a sudden flash of his green eyes in my mind. I lightly stroke my lip as I remember his kiss.

  “Miss Hart, is there something that you would like to share with the class?” My eyes instantly open to see Mr Hopkins standing over me. I quickly smile at him as my face flushes hot in embarrassment. I adjust myself in the chair as I think of a way to respond.


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