Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 18

by Deila Longford

  “Sorry,” is all I manage to say. Mr Hopkins briefly smiles at me as he strides over to his desk.

  “Right now that everyone is present and in the moment; there is something that I would like to discuss with the group.” The assertiveness in his voice alerts me to sit up and take notice of his words.

  “Here at Columbia we strive to be supportive of our city’s people. As many of you already know, our local community centres desperately need some volunteers. If anyone would like to help, it would be much appreciated. Times are tough right now and help is needed.” I feel instantly drawn to his words and without hesitation I lunge my hand into the air.

  “Yes Miss Hart?” The teacher says as he raises his eyebrows at me.

  “I would like to help.” I say proudly. Mr Hopkins smiles at me as he writes in his notepad.

  The bell rings to signal the end of class and as I make my way out door, Mr Hopkins calls me back. I walk over to him and he quickly rises from his seat.

  “Miss Hart, I can’t thank you enough for volunteering. I will arrange for you drop by the community centre tomorrow is that, okay?” I smile at him and I agree to his words.

  I quickly walk along the hallway until I am at my room. I open the door and Sophie greets me.

  “Hey, how was Miami?” She asks as I flop down onto my bed.

  “Miami was amazing, Sophie did Adrian stop by today?” I ask as check my phone. Sophie slightly rolls her eyes as she responds.

  “No I haven’t seen him.” I sigh at her words and then I sit up straight. I gaze over at Sophie as I am about to ask her about spending two weeks in London.

  “Sophie, I have something that I will like to ask you?” Sophie widens her eyes as she replies.


  “I am going to spend two weeks over summer in London with Adrian. But business will take up a lot of his time and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me. We could spend time together in London the most beautiful city in the world.” I gush. I watch as Sophie’s face lights up and she cannot hold back her smile.

  “I would love to, but won’t Adrian mind?” She asks as she walks over to me.

  “No it was actually his idea. So are you in?” Sophie lets out a massive giggle as she pulls me close.

  “I am totally in.”

  I lay on my bed and I play nervously with my phone. I have not heard from Adrian today and I am beginning to get worried. I again check my phone and still there is no contact from him. I give in to my own temptation as I quickly dial his number. I wait patiently as the phone rings and a smile comes to my face when I hear his cool British accent.

  “Hello baby, what’s wrong?” He immediately asks.

  “Nothing is wrong I just wanted to check in and see what you were doing?” The phone is silent as I await his next words.

  “I was busy all day with paperwork but I am on my way over to you. I will see you soon and baby there is something that I need to ask you.” My heart races as I wonder what he wants to ask me. My mind flashes back to when Sophie told me Adrian was going to propose. I quickly shake that thought from my mind.

  “Okay, see you soon.” I say as I hang up the phone. I quickly rush into the bathroom as I prepare for Adrian. I instantly loosen my ponytail and I let my hair fall freely down my back. I apply some lip-gloss and then I make my way back into my room. I sit anxiously on my bed as I wait for Adrian. I quickly jump from my bed when I hear a knock at the door.

  “Hello Adrian.” I say as I pull open the door. I quickly look up at the tall guy that stands before me and I gasp when I see Michael.

  “Sorry to disappoint you, it’s only me.” He says rather sarcastically. I cannot hold in my smile as I gaze at him. I quickly turn away and Michael follows me into the room.

  “What’s up?” I say as I lock my eyes on his. He smiles at me and he says.

  “Nothing’s up, I just came to see my favourite girl. How are you Alanna?” I quickly reply to him and I pretend that I never heard his sarky comment.

  “Fine, I am just waiting for Adrian.” Michael gently rolls his eyes as he walks over to me. He fills the gap between us and he lightly takes my hand in his.

  “Ah yes, you belong to my brother.” I narrow my eyes at him.

  “I don’t belong to anyone.” I insist. Michael smirks at me as he lets go of my hand.

  “I heard that you are going to be spending some time in London.” I sense that he is happy about this and I quickly reply.

  “Yes, I cannot wait I adore London. Are you going back over the summer?” He again smiles at me and I begin to lose myself in his ice blue eyes.

  “Do you want me to?” He asks smugly. I gently push back the hair that has fallen around my face as I respond to his question.

  “Don’t be smug Michael; you know that things wouldn’t be the same without you.” He laughs at my response and he gently walks over to me. He places his hand on my shoulder as he gazes into my eyes.

  “You always know how to put me in my place and that’s what I love about you, Alanna.” I stutter for words as I hear Michael’s confession. I do not know how to respond so I simply flash him a smile. He moves a little closer to me and to my surprise; he takes me in his arms. I do not fight him off yet I know that this is inappropriate. I give in as I rest my head into his shoulder, I take a deep breath and I catch the scent from his cologne. I gently close my eyes as I grip onto my saviour.

  The door opens and I instantly break free from Michael. I turn around quickly and I see Adrian standing in the doorway. I walk over to him and I feel guilty at what he has just witnessed.

  “Hi,” I say in a quiet voice. I stand on my tiptoes as I place a soft kiss onto his cheek. Adrian stands motionless as he glares at Michael. I look up into his green eyes and I see that they are full of rage. His fists are clenched and his nostrils are flared. I sense the tension as I stare at the two gorgeous men. I cannot speak I just stand frozen as they lock eyes on one another. Michael is too smug and Adrian looks furious.

  “Hello brother,” Michael says in a smug tone. Adrian runs his fingers nervously through his hair as he stares at Michael.

  “Yes hello Michael, may I have a moment with my girlfriend?” Adrian says in harsh tone. Michael quickly smirks as he walks over to me. I feel uneasy as Michael takes my hand. He gently places a soft kiss onto my skin as he says.

  “Goodbye beautiful.” My heart races and I flash Michael an awkward smile. He quickly makes his way out of the room and when I hear the slight bang of the door I instantly turn to Adrian.

  “Adrian that’s not what it looked like, Michael just came to say hi and…” Adrian places his finger into my lip as he signals me to stop talking. He gently leans in and he kisses me softly. I pull back in confusion and widen my eyes at him.

  “Aren’t you mad at me?” He gently smirks at me as he plays with my hair.

  “No baby I am not mad at you.” I cannot contain my smile as I jerk his head towards mine. I look deep into his eyes.

  “Adrian I love you.” I whisper just as our lips meet. He kisses me and then he pulls back. He lens into my neck and he whispers.

  “Alanna, I know you do.”

  After a moment of kissing Adrian pulls back and he begins to pace around the room and I take a seat onto my bed as I watch his movements.

  “Baby, I need you to do something for me.”

  “Anything,” I say quickly. He walks over to me and kneels by the bed.

  “Baby, I need you to call Maggie and tell her that I want to meet her and Emma. Can you do this for me?” I smile at him as I gently stroke his hair.

  “Of course,” Adrian quickly takes out his phone and he dials Maggie’s number. The phone rings as I hold it to my ear. I wait patiently for Maggie to answer.

  “Hello,” a woman says in a strong voice.

  “Hello, am I speaking with Maggie?” I say in a soothing tone.

  “Yes who’s calling?”

  “I don’t know if you remember me… it’s Al
anna Hart?”

  “Oh, of course, I remember you dear. I was heartbroken when I heard that you were attacked. How are you dear?” I smile at her kind voice and I quickly reassure her that I am fine.

  “I am good, listen Maggie there is something that I need to talk to you about. Is now a good time?”

  “Yes, go ahead dear.” I quickly glance at Adrian as I begin to explain the situation to Maggie.

  “Adrian would like meet you and Emma. Would that be something you are interested in?” I quickly take Adrian’s hand as I see his anxiety building. Maggie takes a while to respond and as I wait for her to reply, my heart begins to race.

  “I have been talking with Emma about Mr Black and she would like to meet him. She is home just now if he wants to stop by?” I smile at Adrian and he quickly smirks at me.

  “Okay, we won’t be long and thanks again Maggie.” I hang up and I quickly hand Adrian his phone. He slips it into his inside jacket pocket and then he gently takes me by the hand. He leads me out into the hallway and we start for the door.

  Adrian escorts me into his black Rolls Royce that is waiting by the front doors of Columbia. As the car pulls away, Adrian reaches over and grips my hand.

  The car comes to a stop and I look out of the window to our surroundings. I quickly realise that we are in Harlem. Adrian notices the emotion on my face as he opens the door for me.

  “Adrian this is a poor neighbourhood.” I say as I step out into the cold street. Adrian takes a deep breath as I link my arm into his. He walks me up the front stoop of the building and I again look around. The streets are messy and there is graffiti all over the walls of the building. Loud bangs and police sirens fill the air. I quickly glance to Adrian; he stands in a three-piece suit with a massive gold Rolex on show. His hair is pushed back and he has a little stubble on his face. I try to conceal my fear as Adrian buzzes Maggie’s apartment but inside I am shaking.

  “Hello,” Maggie quickly says. Adrian quickly responds.

  “Hello, its Adrian,” I hear the buzz as the door unlocks. Adrian quickly escorts me up the two flights of stairs and he turns to me as we approach Maggie’s apartment.

  “Baby, I need a kiss before we go in.” He quickly pulls me towards him and he ushers me with a nervous kiss. I break free from him.

  “Adrian everything will be okay. Maggie is lovely and I am sure that Emma is too.” I try to reassure Adrian all the while my heart is pounding. We slowly walk up to Maggie’s door and Adrian knocks firmly. It does not take long for Maggie to answer and when she does, I can see that she is in a state of shock. She is dressed in a black turtleneck sweater and dark blue cords. She quickly smiles at me but she cannot tear her eyes away from Adrian.

  “Hello, please come in.” She says quietly. Adrian gently pushes me in the through the door and then he follows. I glance around at Maggie’s apartment and my heart sinks. The apartment is small and has a few pieces of old tired furniture here and there. Her kitchen is tiny and very cluttered. She walks us over to the sofa, Adrian and I take a seat as Maggie hands us a coffee each. Maggie quickly sits down on the chair opposite us and she smiles as she again stares at Adrian.

  “Well, how is everyone?” Maggie asks as she takes a bite of chocolate cake. Adrian gently lays his coffee down onto the table that sits directly in front of us. He clears his throat as begins to talk.

  “Maggie, firstly I would like to thank you for looking after my Alanna she told me that your cooking was the best she ever tasted and I thank you for forcing her to eat.” I gently slap his leg as he laughs at his own words.

  “I would also like to thank you for meeting with me.” Adrian flashes Maggie a deep smile as he awaits her response.

  “You are welcome but I would like to thank you for wanting to meet us. Most people in your situation would not want to know anything about their absent fathers family. I must say Mr Black,”

  “Please call me Adrian.”

  “Adrian, you look incredibly like your father. I was very surprised when I laid eyes on you.” Adrian glances around the room and I can tell that he is looking for his sister.

  “Emma won’t be long she just stepped out for some fresh air.” Maggie says as she notices the wonder in Adrian’s eyes. I shift a little nervously as I gaze around Maggie’s home.

  “And, how are you Alanna?” Maggie says to me. I quickly turn and I lock my eyes on hers.

  “I am fine,” I say as take a sip of coffee.

  “What about Michael, how is he?” I take a deep breath as I hear Michael’s name. My face flushes hot as I remember Adrian walking in and catching me in Michael’s arms. I am still confused at his reaction I would have thought he would have been a lot angrier than what he was. I am brought out of thought as I the door pushes open. In walks, Emma and I gasp as I lay eyes on her - she is gorgeous. She is around five foot ten and very slim built; her long, thick ,dark hair is hanging freely around her face and her eyes are glowing green. She strides over to us and she gently takes a seat next to her mother. I glare at her and I cannot believe her beauty. She resembles Adrian more than I thought and I cannot tear my eyes away from her. She notices that I am staring at her and she quickly smiles at me.

  “Hello Emma, I am Adrian and I guess I am your brother.” Adrian says in a slow tone. Emma quickly adjusts her position and she leans over to Adrian.

  “It’s nice to meet you, now I can see where I get my good looks from,” she says in a jokey tone. I let out a giggle as I take another sip of the coffee.

  Adrian and I spend over an hour talking to Maggie and Emma. We have talked about everything from college to music and films. Emma reminds me of Adrian in so many ways. Her eyes are identical to his and when she smiles, I feel that I am looking at Adrian. She genuinely seems happy to meet Adrian and I watch him beam as he talks to her. I cannot contain my smile as I gaze at Adrian. He looks overjoyed at meeting his sister and this moment overrides the awful thoughts that I have about Adrian’s childhood. I really hope that he and Emma can have an amazing relationship. Adrian deserves to have a real family and now he finally has a chance of that with Emma. Maggie is also smiling from ear-to-ear as she watches her daughter talking to her long lost brother.

  “Which college do you attend?” Adrian asks Emma. She begins to smile as she explains her college situation.

  “I am starting college late, my dream was to attend Yale but that wasn’t in my cards. So I am about to start community college in Brooklyn.” Maggie looks at her daughter and I cannot help but think of Dr James and of how he is besotted with Emma. She means a lot to him and I know that he loved her but I can see Maggie’s reasons for not letting Emma commit to him. Edward hurt her and, as I watch her stare at Adrian, I feel as is if she is not completely over him. I also feel that Emma is saddened by her mother’s interference she almost sighs as she talks about college. I feel as if Maggie may be pushing her into settling for a college that she is not in love with.

  “Why wasn’t it on your cards? Did you not get the correct grades to apply there?” Adrian asks curiously. Emma shifts nervously at his question and Maggie does not give her time to respond.

  “Emma got all her grades for Yale and she was even accepted but we cannot afford to send her there.” My heart sinks at her words even though I knew that was going to be the reason why Emma is not at Yale. Maggie cares too much about Emma attending college and I can see that she is pained by not being able to send her daughter to her dream school. I quickly glance at Adrian as he reaches into his jacket pocket. He takes out a black pen and his chequebook. He slowly begins to write a cheque and I watch as Maggie stares at him. Emma looks awkwardly towards me and I flash her, a brief smile. With one swift motion Adrian hands Emma the cheque. She stares at it as she holds up to her face.

  “Adrian I cannot accept this. It’s too much and here take it back.” Emma quickly hands Adrian the cheque and he looks at me. I know that he is not good with words and I can tell that he wants my help to convince Emma to take the money.<
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  “Emma, listen to me, you need this money. Adrian wants you to have your dreams. Please do not offend him by refusing his help.” I say soothingly. Adrian hands Emma the cheque once again and she looks to me again.

  “It’s a lot of money are you sure you can afford this?” I gently smile at her.

  “Emma your brother is a millionaire and although he does sometimes annoy me when he buys over-expensive things, but I have come to realise that is just who he is. He loves to give and he never asks for anything in return and I know that if you accept his generosity it would make him so happy.” Emma again smiles at me and I watch as she stares at her mother. Maggie is smiling and I immediately turn to look at Adrian. His eyes are glowing and he gently gives me a wink. I melt at the sight of him and I cannot contain my smile.

  “Well, I don’t know what to say, thanks Adrian you don’t know how much this means to me.” Emma bounces from her seat and she rushes over to Adrian. He quickly stands and I watch as Emma gives him a tight hug. He smiles and then I notice that he is a little uncomfortable. He pulls back from her and Emma looks confused. Again, Adrian looks at me and I know that he wants me to fill Emma in on his affection issues.

  “Oh something else you should know,about your brother, is that he has some affection issues and don’t be offended. It took him forever to finally kiss me but when he does open up, you will soon realise that he is worth the wait.” I say as Adrian glides over to me. Maggie jumps from her seat and she claps her hands in joy.

  “Who fancies a little celebration drink?” I giggle at Maggie’s extravagant actions and I reply.

  “I would love one; do you need some help in the kitchen?” I make her a face and she soon realises my intentions.

  “Thanks Alanna,” she says as she wickedly smiles at me. Adrian gently squeezes my hand as I get up from the sofa. I glance back at the siblings and my heart skips a beat at the sight of them.

  “Adrian frightened me when he walked in.” Maggie confesses as she pours champagne into four, tall stemmed glasses.


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