Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 19

by Deila Longford

  “Why?” I ask as Maggie hands me my drink.

  “He is the spitting image of Edward and seeing him has brought back so many memories.” Maggie takes a massive sip of champagne as she shakes her head in disbelief.

  “I know it must be hard for you. But at least Emma and Adrian seem be getting along.” I say as I take a sip of the sour champagne.

  “He seems like a really wonderful guy and I cannot thank him enough for his generosity. Emma was heartbroken when she couldn’t attend Yale but now she gets her dream and I will always owe Adrian for that.” Maggie beams at her own words and I again think of Dr James. I stare deeply at her and I wonder if she feels guilty for not letting her daughter be in love. I could never imagine my mom standing in the way of Adrian and me so it is a little hard for me to understand. Even though I know about Maggie’s past, I still feel as if it is just an excuse. After all, she is now with Ryan and she said that he made her believe in love again. So why is she refusing to let her daughter experience love?

  “He is amazing and I am completely in love with him.” I say. Maggie gazes at me and I wonder what her reaction to my confession might be.

  “I can see that you love him and it is clear that he feels the same way. However, I still want you to focus on your career and I feel that Adrian would not stand in your way. Do you still want a career in social work?” I slightly shake my head at her and I feel a little annoyed with her. However, I hold back my true feelings and I answer her questions.

  “Yes, I am still very passionate about social work. Actually I am volunteering tomorrow at the local community centre.” Maggie cannot hold back her smile as she hears my words.

  “That’s wonderful, are you going to graduate this year?”

  “Yes, graduation is next week and I am very excited and sad about that. My college years are ending and I have to think about growing up. I am scared about entering the real world but I will have Adrian by my side and as long as I have him, I will be happy. ” I take another sip of champagne and I hear Emma hollering from the lounge area.

  “Mom where is that drink?” Maggie quickly lifts two glasses of champagne from the counter. I quickly realise that one is for Adrian and I stop her before she gives it to him.

  “Maggie, Adrian does not drink alcohol.” She quickly frowns at me and says.

  “Then what does he drink? I noticed that he did not like my coffee either.” Maggie says a little harshly. I feel that maybe I have offended her, but I know how Adrian feels about alcohol therefore I could not let her give him that champagne.

  “He only drinks water or tea,” I inform her. Maggie quickly puts the glasses down onto the counter and she switches on her kettle. I watch as she rummages through her cupboards. Maggie finally pulls out a small black box of earl grey tea. She smiles at me.

  “The British and their tea,” Maggie smiles at her words and I press a little smirk from my lips. As soon as Maggie makes Adrian his tea, I quickly help her to carry the drinks into the lounge.

  “Adrian I hope that you like earl grey?” He smiles as he reaches out for the cup.

  “It’s my favourite.” Adrian takes a small sip of the hot tea and he slightly wrinkles his nose at the taste. Maggie notices his reaction and she quickly asks him what is wrong.

  “How is your tea?” He smiles at her as he places the cup down onto the table.

  “It’s fine, Alanna and I have dinner plans so we must say goodbye for now.” Adrian quickly rises from the sofa and I follow his actions. Maggie and Emma escort us over to the door and Maggie reaches in for hug. I gently grip onto her and then Emma quickly hugs me, too. Adrian smiles and he reaches out for a handshake.

  “Adrian, I cannot thank you enough for my tuition.” He briefly smiles at Emma and he says.

  “No problem and if you need anything else, please don’t be afraid to ask. I am only a phone call away and that applies to you as well Maggie.” I glance back at them as we leave the apartment. I watch their smiles and the happiness that is in their eyes. I feel delighted and pleased that everything went so smoothly.

  Adrian ushers me downstairs and again into the black luxury car that is waiting for us. I slip into the seat and I glance out the window. I turn to Adrian and I catch him staring at me.

  “Baby, thanks for being with me today, I could not have gotten through it without you.” Adrian reaches over and kisses me. I pull back from him as the car speeds off.

  “Adrian I feel that you need to help Maggie. It is obvious that she has little money and her house is terrible. This is an awful neighbourhood and she doesn’t deserve to stay in a place like this.” Adrian listens carefully to my words and I see him wrinkle his forehead as begins to talk.

  “Baby, what can I do to help?”

  “I don’t know but you have to do something, it’s not fair on Maggie and your sister deserves better.” Adrian nods in agreement and I smile at him. He quickly takes out his phone and he begins to dial a number. He loosens his top button as he holds his phone to his ear. I stare at him and I feel as if my eyes are going to fall out of their sockets. He is too perfect and I still cannot get over his beauty.

  “Hello Samantha,” Adrian says firmly into his phone. I stare at him and I cannot help but wonder who Samantha is?

  “I need you to look at property for me in New York.” I smile at his words and I know that what his intentions are.

  “I need something in Soho with at least three bedrooms. Can you look into this for me?” Adrian smiles and then he hangs up the phone. He turns to me.

  “How do you think Maggie would feel about a new house?” I take his strong hand in mine and I gently lean over to him. He lightly holds my chin as he leans in and kisses me. I break free from him.

  “I think that she would love it.


  The next morning I wake early and I quickly shower, and I get ready for the day ahead at the community centre. I dress casually in dark blue skinny jeans and a pink sweater. I loosely tie my hair back into a high ponytail and I grab my bag and head out the door. I march down the hallway and out into the cold street of New York. The driver from last night instantly greets me and I gently roll my eyes at the sight of him. I walk over and he takes my bag. I glance at him in confusion and I quickly take my bag back from him.

  “Miss, is there something wrong?” He asks in a confused voice.

  “Yes, what are you doing here?” I say rather firmly. The driver looks uncomfortable as he awkwardly stands in front of me.

  “Mr Black has ordered that I drive you to the community centre today. Did he not mention it to you?” I shake my head at him and I quickly take out my phone. I dial Adrian’s number and he quickly answers.

  “Hello baby,” he says smoothly.

  “Adrian, why do I have a driver? I could easily take a cab?” I say firmly. Adrian gently laughs at my words.

  “Baby calm down,” he says sarcastically. I am beginning to lose my patience with him and I question him more.

  “Adrian there is no need for all this; I am going to the community centre it’s like a ten minute drive.”

  “Yeah, well, ten minutes is too long for me to think of you alone in a cab, with a bloke.” I bite my lip at his words and even though they are somewhat sweet, I still feel annoyed with him.

  “Come one you actually expect me to believe that’s the reason?”

  “What other reason is there?” He asks firmly. I exhale and I give in to his demands.

  “I am late so I am going to get in the car but Adrian I don’t want this to happen again. I hate it when you try to control things and I have been enjoying this mellow side to you lately so please don’t go back to your old ways.” Adrian again lets out a gentle laugh.

  “Okay, whatever you say baby.” I smile at his smug words and I know that my outburst meant absolutely nothing to him. He will always control everything and he has told me that is the way that it has to be. I do not even know why I am trying to change him because I know that I never w

  I arrive at the community centre, I quickly jump of the car, and I make my way into the building. I walk briskly along the hallway until I come to the reception.

  “How may I help you?” The woman behind the desk asks as I approach.

  “Hi, I am here to volunteer,” I say quickly. She stands up and she gazes at me.

  “Are you the girl from Columbia?” She says, as she looks me up and down. I feel a little uneasy around her as I feel that she is intimidating.

  “Yes, I am sorry, I am a little late,” I say in a low tone. She pouts her lips at me as she walks out from behind the desk. She begins to walk arrogantly along the hallway and she makes a signal with her hand for me to follow her. I walk quickly behind her until she leads me into the kitchen.

  “Here put this on.” She hands me a white apron and I quickly do as she says. I follow her further into the kitchen and she leads me over to the buffet.

  “Now it is about to get busy there are a load of homeless people due in and they can sometimes get rough over the food. Can you handle it?” I quickly take a deep breath and I reassure her that I can.

  “Yes, I am sure that I can.”

  “Oh you can, well good luck with that,” she says smugly as she turns away. I glance around the room and I can see several other volunteers. I take my place in front of the soup and I quickly notice a girl standing by me.

  “Is this your first time?” She asks as she locks her eyes on mine. I slowly flash her a smile as I reply.

  “Yes, I don’t really know what to expect?” I admit. The girl gently smiles back at me.

  “Okay, so here are the basics. They will form a queue and you give each one the same amount of food. Only give out seconds after everyone has eaten, and do not let them bully you. If they think you’re weak then they will target you.” I feel even more nervous as I take in the girls words.

  “Thanks… I think.” I say to her. She quickly turns to face the door as it opens. In walks a whole bunch of people and they begin to from a queue. I lift a bowl and I carefully fill it with soup. I place it onto the woman’s tray and then I hand her a roll. She smiles at me and I begin to prepare the next bowl.

  I stare proudly around the room as I take in the sight of everyone enjoying the food. I cannot contain my smile and I feel very proud of myself. I know that I only dished out a few bowls of soup. However, the feeling that I have inside is overpowering and I feel a sense of achievement.

  “Help me clear the plates, please,” the girl says as she holds several plates in her hands. I quickly make my way over the tables and I begin to clear the empty dishes. As I make my back over the kitchen, I gently bump into a woman. A plate falls and it smashes onto the ground. The woman quickly bends down and picks up the shattered pieces.

  “I am so sorry,” I say desperately. The woman looks up at me and I am startled at the sight of her.

  “It’s okay, go and put those plates into the kitchen and ask one of the girls where the dustpan is.” I stare at her and I cannot believe my eyes. What is she doing here and why is she the one giving the orders. I quickly walk away from her and I can tell that she senses something is wrong.

  “Wait, where do I know you from?” She asks. I gaze at her and I cannot speak. She walks over to me and she looks directly into my eyes.

  “You are the girl from the beach, aren’t you?” I quickly nod in agreement and I begin to walk away from her. I drop the plates onto the counter and I hold my head in my hands. What is Alice doing here? I look up and I see her making her way over to me. I watch as she walks slowly and I cannot believe that I am here with Adrian’s mother. I remember all the awful things that she did to him and I narrow my eyes at her. I take in her looks and she is not the way that I remember her from the beach. She does not look that old and she has definitely lost weight. She is dressed in black, and her dark hair is in a high bun. She reminds me of Adrian and I cannot bear to look at her. She approaches me and I wait for her words.

  “You seem uneasy around me, who are you?” She asks rather brazenly. I adjust my position as I lock my eyes on hers.

  “I am Alanna, and I am your son’s girlfriend.” She is shocked as she hears my words. She moves closer to me and I back slightly away from her.

  “I see, and how is Adrian?” I shake my head at her and I cannot believe that she has the cheek to ask me that.

  “How dare you ask about him after what you put him through?” She looks stunned by my harshness but she nods in agreement with my words.

  “I know that I don’t have the right to ask about him. However, he is still my son and not a day goes by where I do not think of him. I take it from your reaction he has told you about what happened?”

  “Yes, I know everything.” She again nods at me.

  “I see, he must love you to tell you a thing like that?”

  “You know what I am surprised that he can love after what you did to him.” My voice is rough as I choke out those words. Alice gently clenches her fists as she thinks of her next words.

  “I can never forgive myself for what I did. But I lost the love of my life and instead of being with my son I turned to drugs and alcohol. I needed help and no-one was around, no-one cared. Alanna, I know that you will probably bite my head off for saying this but I would like to talk to you more about Adrian. I want to know what kind of man he has turned out to be and I know that I do not deserve to know. But I would really appreciate it if you would let me in?”

  I listen carefully to her words and my head is screaming for me to walk away from her. But my heart is pulling me towards her. I look into her dark eyes and I feel her pain. Something about her is alerting me that she is sincere in her words and I want to hear her side of the story. I take a deep breath as I make an approving nod towards her. She briefly smiles at me as we make our way over to an empty table. I take a seat and then I await Alice’s next words.

  “How old are you?” She asks in a soft tone.

  “I am twenty-two,”

  “Adrian is three years older than you; tell me, what is he like?” I smile as I begin to talk about him.

  “He is kind and very generous but his childhood haunts him.” Alice quickly looks down at the table as she begins to tap her fingers nervously on the surface. She looks very awkward and I can tell that talking about him is distressing to her.

  “What do you mean by that?” I begin to get nervous as I try to respond.

  “He is very controlling and he finds it hard to let people in. He has major trust issues and he feels that he doesn’t deserve love.” Alice shakes her head and I feel that she is trying hard to fight back tears as I tell her about Adrian.

  “I can never forgive myself for what I did to him. But Alanna does he treat you right?” I smile at her.

  “Yes, he treats me like a princess and I love him. But I am not going to lie to you he does have deep issues about what happened.”

  “I am not sure much he has told you, but things were awful for us. I had no money, no job, no boyfriend and I was addicted to alcohol. I know I cannot use that as an excuse for the way that I treated my son. But it was hard on me and I was young. I was the same age as you are now when I gave birth to him and after his father left us, I couldn’t get over it and I began to abuse him.” I listen carefully to her words and I am surprised by her honesty. I was expecting her to lie and tell me that none of this was her fault. But I have to say that I respect her in how honest she is being. I stare into her dark brown eyes and I believe that she is truly sorry for what she did to Adrian.

  “I cannot say that I understand your reasons for abusing Adrian. But I do know what it feels like to love someone so much that it consumes you. Adrian left me for a while and that was the worst feeling that I have ever experienced.” I feel a little pang of pain as I think back on those days without Adrian. I quickly try to erase that feeling from my mind as I nervously tap my foot against the chair.

  “I loved Adrian’s father to pieces and when he left, a part of
me died. I could not get out of bed and I could not bear to look at Adrian. Because when I did, I saw Edward. I would lift up my son and as he smiled at me, I would see his father staring out at me from those green eyes. I know it is awful but I resented Adrian. Edward and I never had any problems until he came along and I selfishly blamed him for Edward leaving.” Alice again tries to hold back her tears but this time a gentle drip falls from her eye. She quickly wipes it away and I feel my heart sinking. I instantly reach over and I take her hand. She looks shocked by my actions and I feel the same. I know that I should not feel any type of compassion towards this woman but I do. I see her pain and I feel that the love she had for Edward, failed her.

  “Did you ever love Adrian?”

  “Yes, I loved him. He was my little boy and I would have done anything for him. He was so beautiful and I was addicted to him. For the first two years of his life, I could not put him down. He was my world and I would never let him out of my sight not even for a second.” I look at her and cannot hold back my confusion. If she loved him, then why did she beat him?

  “I don’t understand,” I say. She lets go of my hand and she again begins to tap her fingers onto the surface of the table.

  “Those first years of his life everything was perfect. He had two parents that loved him and he was a wonderful child. But things changed when his father left, I began to drink and I showed no interest in my son. Adrian became very rebellious, he would stay out all night and he was always getting into fights. From a young age, Adrian has had a very bad temper that cannot be controlled. He would skip school and I would not know where he was all day. I am not going use this as an excuse for my behaviour, because I know that it was my fault. I never spent any time with him and I let him run wild. But not a day goes by when I don’t think of him.”

  “Why did you leave him?” I ask.

  “Fear, he killed David to save my life. I could not sit around and watch the guilt tear him to pieces. I panicked and I ran away, I left my son after he saved my life. However, I was scared because I saw something in his eyes when he plunged that knife into David. Adrian was no longer a child and he was ruined.”


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