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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 23

by Deila Longford

  We arrive in London and when we step off the airplane, the freezing air greets us. Adrian whisks me down the steps and into a black Range Rover. I sit patiently as I wait for Adrian to get in. I hear Sophie and Emma jump into the back seat and I instantly turn to face them.

  “Look at that city, it is just so beautiful.” Emma lets out a loud giggle and Sophie is speechless.

  “I cannot believe that I am here in London. I cannot thank Adrian enough for all that he has done.” Emma says in a very thankful voice.

  “He is an amazing guy and you are lucky to have him as a brother.”

  “I know and I regret that we didn’t know each other until a few days ago. However, I am going to make up for lost time.” I smile at her.

  Adrian jumps into the car and he instantly speeds off. He glances over to me and he takes my hand in his. He lifts up my hand and he gently places a soft kiss onto my skin. We sit in silence as Adrian drives.

  The city of London is mesmerizing as we speed through the glowing streets. I gaze out of the window and I am stunned by the view. A gentle smile comes to face as I bask in this moment. I quickly turn to Sophie who is also glaring out of the window.

  “It is stunning, isn’t it?” She turns to me.

  “London is the most beautiful city that I have ever seen.” Adrian laughs at us.

  “What is it with Americans and London?” He says very sarcastically. I turn instantly to face him as we stop at a red light.

  “Look out of the window and you will see.” I say equally as sarcastic as Adrian does. He smirks at me and he again speeds off into dark city.

  We pull up at The Dorchester and Emma quickly lets out a gentle squeal.

  “Are we staying here?” She asks in a desperate voice.

  “Yes,” Adrian says as he parks the car by the front door. He quickly jumps out and in a matter of seconds; he is standing at my door. He opens the door and he gently takes my hand.

  “Welcome my Princess.” I cannot contain my smile as I grip Adrian’s hand. I step out of the car and I immediately link into his arm. Adrian reaches over and opens the door for Emma. She steps out of the car and she cannot believe her eyes as she glares at her surroundings. Sophie is equally as stunned as she trails behind us. Adrian escorts us into the reception and as soon as we enter, a few members of the hotel staff rushes over to us.

  “Mr Black, welcome back, your suite is ready for you.” Adrian nods in approval as he reaches over and takes the hotel keys. He instantly ushers us into the elevator and I grip onto him even tighter. He slides his hand further down my waist and instead of batting him away, I give in to his touch. Adrian turns to face Emma and Sophie.

  “Now girls, I hope that you don’t mind but I have booked you a separate suite?” Sophie and Emma quickly approve Adrian’s decision as they both flash him a smile. We step out the elevator and Adrian hands Emma the key to their suite.

  “Now, if you need anything just ask, okay?”

  “No problem, and Adrian, thanks again for this.” Sophie adds.

  Adrian walks me along the grand hallway and into our suite. I gasp as we enter and Adrian notices my reaction.

  “Baby, we are home.” He firmly pulls me towards him and kisses me very passionately. I can hardly breathe when he finally pulls away.

  “Come with me,” he says as he takes me along the hallway and into the bedroom. He walks over to the closet and he instructs me to follow him. I do as he says and he opens the closet and switches on the light. He gently pushes me into the room and I smile when I see what he is trying to show me. The closet is filled with new clothes and handbags of every kind. Boxes of shoes are piled high and the sight of the closet reminds me of the closet at the safe house in New York. The clothes are same but what remains different is that the last time I was in a closet like this I was with Michael. My face again feels hot as I think of him. I quickly try to put him out of my mind and I turn towards Adrian.

  “Thanks for this. I really appreciate you buying me all this new stuff. I am the luckiest girl in the world.” Adrian grips me again with force and he pulls me very close to him. He cups my face as he whispers.

  “Baby, I am the luckiest bloke in the world to be with you.”

  Adrian excuses himself as I inform him that I need a few moments to change for bed. I rummage through the piles of new clothes in the closet and I finally find a suitable pair of silk pyjamas. I tie my hair up into a high ponytail as I splash some cold water onto my face. I quickly brush my teeth and I switch off the light. I make my way over to the bed and slowly climb under the covers. I sigh as my head hits the pillow and I begin to fall into a deep sleep.

  I walk into a bright room and my eyes cannot fully adjust. I try to focus and as I do, I see a figure striding towards me. I cannot make out who it is all I can see is a black suit.

  “Excuse me Alanna, please come with me.” I hear the man say in a smooth British accent. I look down at my feet and I am surprised as they are already moving in same direction as the man. He walks me into another room that is not as bright as the last one. He turns his back on me and all I can see is his dark hair. He towers above me as I glare up at him. I watch as he makes his way over to a table in the middle of the room. He lifts a glass and he turns towards me. I see his face and I melt in his eyes. He walks over to me and he hands me the glass of champagne. I slowly sip the beverage as he stares at me. I let go of the glass and it smashes hard against the floor. He smiles at my gesture and he moves closer to me. I reach out to him and I pull him close. He leans down to me and he pushes my hair from my face. I close my eyes at his touch and I melt irrevocably. I feel his lips on mine and my cravings are satisfied. I gently pull away from him and I place my finger onto his lip. His mouth opens to say.

  “I told you it was me that you wanted.” I smile at him and I kiss him again.

  “Michael I love you.”

  I wake with a jolt and I lunge out of the bed. I hold my head in my hands and I cannot believe that I dreamt of Michael - again. I am so angry with myself for dreaming of him and I wish that my vivid dreams of him would perish. I hate that he has a hold over me and I cannot stand the feeling I have every time that I wake from a dream about Michael. Guilt takes over my body and I find it hard to look at Adrian. I fear that he will see right through me and leave in an instant. I try my hardest to forget the dream as I make my out the room and into the kitchen. I open the fridge and I take out a bottle of Evian. I take a brief sip of the water and then I start for Adrian’s room. His door is slightly open and there is a soft glow from his room.

  “Alanna,” I hear him say as I approach his door. I push it open further and I gasp when I see Adrian. He is lying on his bed, shirtless and with laptop placed onto his lap. He sees me and he quickly closes the computer.

  “Baby why aren’t you asleep?” I walk further into his room and I stand by his bedside.

  “I was sleeping but I had a bad dream.” I confess. Adrian reaches forward and he pulls me onto the bed next to him. He huddles me close into his bare chest and I feel safe in his arms.


  I wake the next morning to find that I slept the entire night in Adrian’s room. I look around but he is nowhere in sight. I get out the massive bed and I walk out into the hallway. I fix my hair as I see Adrian sitting at the elegant dining table. He is talking on his phone as he sips a small cup of tea. I walk over to him and I take a seat opposite. Breakfast is laid out onto the table and I begin to eat as Adrian continues to talk on his phone. I pour myself a coffee as I watch his facial expressions. His deep green eyes are serious as he listens to his colleague. He gently rolls his eyes as he replies. His dark eyebrows are raised and he is gently biting his lip as he runs his fingers through his tousled hair. I stare at him and I really believe that my eyes could literally fall from their sockets at the sight of him. He ends his call and he places his phone onto the table.

  “Good morning baby,” he says as he flashes me a wide smile.

�Morning Adrian,” I say in a quiet voice.

  “Now I must dash to work,” he says as he rises from his seat. He walks over to me and kneels at my feet.

  “Baby, I want you to have fun today. Go shopping with the girls and buy anything you want. The car is downstairs waiting and the security guards will be here any second.” I gently exhale at his words and I hate that I need security but I know better than to challenge Adrian on this matter. Just as I begin to respond there is, a firm knock at the door.

  “This will be them now,” he says as he makes his way over to the door.” He opens it and in walk to two huge bodyguards. They are dressed in black and both of them have shaved heads. I glare at them and I feel instantly intimated by their size. Adrian walks over to me and he takes me gently from the seat.

  “This is Mitch and Steven they will look after you baby.” I flash the two huge men a shy smile and they respond by giving me a professional nod.

  “Now baby, I really must go. I will check in with you later and before I forget we are having dinner tonight with Mr Jenkins and his wife.” I widen my eyes at his words and I quickly think of Michael. I try to compose my dread as I respond to Adrian.

  “Okay Adrian,” is all that I manage to say. He kisses me and then he makes his way out the room. I am left alone with two massive bodyguards and a looming fear of tonight’s dinner with Mr Jenkins and his wife. I smile at the men as I excuse myself. I rush into my room and I quickly begin to take a shower. I get dressed and then I make my back into the lounge area.

  “My friends are in the next room I am just going to say hi.” I say to the bodyguards. They gaze at me and one of them opens the door for me. I watch as he follows me along the hallway and up to the door of Sophie and Emma’s room. I knock firmly on the door and Sophie instantly answers. As soon as she claps eyes on me standing in front of her with a massive guy by my side I can tell that she is shocked.

  “Alanna what is going on?” She says in a confused voice. I glance to the bodyguard and I am sure that his name is Steven but again they look so similar and I could be very wrong.

  “May I have a moment?” He again nods at me as I enter the room.

  “Sorry about that,” I say as Sophie escorts me over to the sofa.

  “Alanna, who was that guy?” I feel slightly worried as to what Sophie’s reaction might when I tell her that he is my bodyguard. I bite my lip as I begin to explain.

  “He is my bodyguard,” I just blurt it out, as I cannot explain it any other way.

  “Why do you need a bodyguard?” Sophie quizzes.

  “After my attack Adrian is - overprotective - and he has insisted that I have two bodyguards with me all the time.”

  “That’s a little weird Alanna,”

  “I know but it’s just Adrian’s way of showing that he cares.” I try to reassure her.

  “I suppose, anyway what are we doing today?” Sophie quickly changes the subject.


  “Yes, you don’t know how glad I am that you said that. I was worried that you wanted to do some boring thing like visit a museum or something.” I giggle at Sophie as I glance around the room in search of Emma.

  “Where is Emma?” I ask Sophie when I fail to see her.

  “In the shower,” Sophie says as she slightly rolls her eyes. I sense that something is up so I begin to quiz her.

  “How are you getting on with her?” Sophie exhales as she begins to respond.

  “She is a nice girl,”

  “I am sensing a, but?” Sophie again rolls her eyes and she glances around the room to see if Emma is anywhere in sight.

  “I find her a little strange. She is very, I do not know how to put it, but I find her irritating. She is very silly and I feel that she is naïve.” I pout my lips at Sophie and I really wish that she were not talking about Adrian’s sister in this way.

  “Sophie I need you to try and get on with her. She is Adrian’s little sister and she means the world to him. And it would mean a lot to me if you could make her feel welcome. She is young and maybe that’s why you find her naïve.”

  “Okay, maybe I got her wrong. I will try to focus on her good points instead of her bad ones.” I smile at Sophie and I give her gentle thank you hug.

  “Thanks Sophie,” I say as I pull back from her. “Do you mind if I invite my friend Jessica with us today?” I ask Sophie. She smiles at me.

  “Sure, I would love to meet her.” I again smile at my friend and I make my way back to my room. I rush into the bedroom and I quickly take my phone from my bag. I look up Jessica’s number and I wait as the phone rings. She answers and her voice is ecstatic.

  “Hello Alanna,” she says in a hyper, British accent.”

  “Jessica, how have you been?” I say as I press a smile from my lips. Jessica immediately responds.

  “I have been good, so what’s up?”

  “Well, I am actually in London right now and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up today?” The phone is silent and then Jessica gushes.

  “I would love to,”

  “Great so where will I pick you up?”

  “I am in Piccadilly right now.”

  “Okay wait there and I won’t be long.” I say as I go to hang up the phone. However, Jessica stops me.

  “Alanna, what has brought you back to London?” I smile as I reply.

  “Adrian Black.”

  Sophie, Emma and I sit in the luxury town car that Adrian has provided. Our faces are beaming as we take in the view of London. The car slowly drives through the London traffic and I cannot contain my smile. Sophie is gazing freely out of the window and Emma is speechless. I gaze at them and I take in their fashion forward outfits. Sophie is dressed in white jeans and a dark blue sweater. Her hair is high in a loose bun and her make-up is thick. Emma on the other hand is dressed in, tight black skinny jeans a red vest and a black leather jacket. Her long, dark hair is hanging freely and her eyes are glowing green. She smiles at me and I instantly smile back. Every time that I look at her, I see Adrian staring out from her eyes. She has a plain beauty that has no need for heavy make-up and I think that Sophie is perhaps a little jealous of her. I quickly stare at Sophie and I watch as she looks at Emma. Her eyes are narrowed as they stare and I am sure that jealousy is the reason that she does not like her. I briefly shake my head at her and then the car comes to a stop. I quickly open the door and Jessica is standing by the sidewalk.

  “Hey,” I say as I wave her over. She walks instantly over to the car and I move over to let her in. Jessica as always is dressed casually in; blue boot cut jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a denim jacket. She smiles at me and I again watch as Sophie stares at the new girl. I briefly roll my eyes at Sophie’s behaviour and then I introduce Jessica.

  “This is my friend Jessica, Jessica this is Sophie and Emma.” Jessica briefly says hi and then I watch as she locks her eyes on Emma. She turns to me.

  “I am sorry but who is Emma?” I smile at her.

  “Emma is Adrian’s sister.”

  “I am sorry I am a little confused how can that be?” Jessica says as she cannot help but stare at Emma. I desperately try to respond with an answer that is considered of Emma’s feelings. However, Emma comes to my rescue as she tries to explain.

  “Adrian is my half-brother we share the same father.” Jessica still looks confused and I feel that I need to add something to the conversation.

  “I know it is a little confusing but it’s true.”

  “I can tell it’s true she is the spit of him.” Jessica says in a sarcastic voice.

  “Excuse me but how do you know Adrian?” Emma adds. I quickly look at Jessica and I remember her encounter with Adrian. I blush a little as I try to put that awful thought out of my mind.

  “I dated him.” Jessica admits. I gaze at her as I feel that she is exaggerating a little. After all it was only one date you can hardly call that a full-blown romance. Sophie is staring at Jessica freely and I wonder what her words might be.

  “Come on it was only one date you cannot really say that you dated him?” I lean back slightly in the leather seat and Jessica looks nervous as she thinks of a reply.

  “I know it was only one date but he left a lasting effect on me. I will never forget his presence and the way he made me feel uncomfortable.” I stare at her and I am a little annoyed with her words. Jessica had one brief encounter with Adrian therefore; she does not really have the right to judge him. I feel anger building inside of me but I take a deep breath as I try to compose myself. I do not want to quarrel with Jessica so I change the subject.

  “Okay, well we are not here to discuss Adrian. Which stores shall we go to?” I say as I smile at the girls.

  “Well I would love to go to Oxford Street,” Sophie gushes. The other girls nod in agreement and I reach over and inform the driver.

  “Oxford Street please,”

  We arrive at Oxford Street and my memories of last time that I was here are flashing around my mind. The street remains the same with same stores and the same busy crowd. I take a deep breath as me and the girls walk along the street with two huge bodyguards behind us. I catch people staring and I blush as I notice people beginning to whisper. I quickly turn my head away from them and I focus on the street in front of me. Many stores fill the street and not all of them are stores that I recognise. My mind is rushing with many thoughts but I cannot escape the thought of Adrian. I have realised that he is my dream come true. I always loved London and now I am here with the guy of my dreams. He has made all this possible and I cannot explain the love that I have for him. The last time I glided down this street I was plagued by the thoughts of a gorgeous, obnoxious out-of-my-league guy. Now as I walk I remember that I am with him and that he is now my gorgeous and obnoxious guy. As I have said, the street remains the same but one thing that I am sure of is that I have changed forever.

  “Sophie can you come here a minute,” I say as I wave her over. Sophie quickly strides over and I continue to stare into the glass cabinet.

  “What are we looking at?” Sophie says as she glares into the cabinet.


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