Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 25

by Deila Longford

  “Hello Jeff,” Adrian says in light voice.

  “Hello mate, how’s it going?” Jeff says in a strong British accent. I smile at the sound and Adrian quickly notice’s my reaction.

  “I have you on speaker and Alanna is laughing at your accent.” Adrian says in a sarcastic voice. My face flushes hot and I narrow my eyes at Adrian. He smirks at me and then I hear Jeff.

  “Oh really then I must meet this girlfriend of yours.” Adrian looks at me and he instructs me to answer his friend.

  “Hello Jeff,” I say awkwardly.

  “Hello darling I was sorry to hear about your attack.” Jeff says in a compassionate voice.

  “Thanks but that’s all in the past now.” I say as I make loving eyes towards Adrian.

  “So can we meet sometime? I am dying to see this girl that has Adrian so whipped.”

  “Jeff you have seen me before.” I reassure him.

  “Yes but we never properly met. I bet you cannot even remember what I look like?” I frown, as I know that he is right. The only thing I can remember about that night was Adrian. I know that there were many people around but none of them mattered. I only had eyes for Adrian and no one else stood a chance of being noticed around him.

  “Okay you caught me,” I say. Adrian pushes his hair back and he again begins to talk.

  “Jeff have we secured the Henderson deal?”

  “No, not yet that’s actually what I was calling to talk to you about. They are refusing to sign the deal unless they talk to you in person.”

  “Okay then, arrange a meeting,” Adrian instantly says.

  “That’s the thing, we already arranged two meetings and you never turned up. So they are insisting that you come to them.” I sigh as I look at Adrian and I know that I am the reason he never showed up to his business meetings. Guilt again takes over my body and I slightly hang my head in shame. The car stops at a red light and Adrian turns to me. He notices that I am uneasy and he gently caresses my chin. I smile at my Adrian as he replies to Jeff.

  “Clear my meetings for next week and arrange for me to go to Edinburgh,” My heart stops at his words and I immediately think of Adrian’s father.

  “Okay boss and see you soon Alanna,” Jeff says as he hangs up. I instantly turn to Adrian.


  “I know what you are thinking but I cannot meet my father.”

  “Adrian please, don’t get mad at me but I really think that you should at least try to see your father. You have never met him and I feel that you need to. The anger that you have is mirrored in his abandonment of you. I feel that you will never be able to move on from your past until you meet him. Please say that you will think about it?” Adrian is silent as he drives and I am glad that he did not shout at me. I hated seeing him so angry the other night and I do not know what I would do if I saw him like that again.

  We pull up at a massive white house that is fully lit and has luscious gardens at the front. The huge black gates are closed and then they instantly begin to open. Adrian drives slowly up to the door of the house and he stops the car. I begin to feel nervous as Adrian opens the door for me. He takes my hand and walks me up to the front door of the house. I grip him and he senses my anxiety.

  “Don’t worry baby,” he whispers. I try not to worry but I cannot escape my feelings. I am about to meet the couple who saved Adrian’s life in so many ways. I know how much they mean to him and I hope that they like me. Not only am I feeling anxiety because Mr Jenkins and his wife mean so much to Adrian but they are also Michael’s parents. Their son saved my life and I owe everything to him. I really want to make a good impression on them because if they did not like me then I don’t know what I would do. Adrian and Michael are the most important people in my life right now. I hate to think of losing them and I will do everything in my power to get Mr Jenkins and his wife to accept me. Adrian rings the doorbell and I take a deep breath as we wait for an answer.

  The door pushes open and there is Mr Jenkins. He stands in the doorway with a wide grin on his face. I take in his looks and he reminds me of Michael. He has the same dark hair and the same light blue eyes. However, he is not as tall as Michael is and not nearly as beautiful. He has friendly eyes and I smile at him as he ushers us into the grand house.

  “Welcome home son,” he says as he firmly shakes Adrian’s hand. I gaze at Adrian, he looks so happy right now and I could almost cry at the sight.

  “Alanna my dear it is nice to see you again, how is your father?” He says as he softly kisses me on the cheek.

  “My dad is good,” I say as I smile at Mr Jenkins.

  Adrian and I follow him into the lounge of his stunning house. I gaze at my surroundings and I can honestly say that this is most beautiful house that I have ever seen. The walls are cream and have stunning art hanging from them. The furniture is dark and classic. The carpets are white and there is soft lighting all around the room. Cabinets are filled with family pictures and crystal vases are filled with white roses. In the corner of the room there is a grand piano with bunches of flowers lined along its shiny surface. The sound of Michael Buble echoes around the house and I smile at the sound.

  “Would you like a drink?”

  “Thanks Mr Jenkins,” I say as I take a glass of champagne from him.

  “Please child call me Charles,” I nod at him as I take a sip of my drink.

  “Adrian my dear,” Mrs Jenkins says as she enters the room. Adrian quickly embraces her with hug and I am shocked at his affection. She pulls back from him and as she focuses her eyes on me. I take in her looks and her beauty stuns me. She has piercing blue eyes and light blonde hair. She is dressed in a classy, black cocktail dress and her shoulder length hair is hanging freely. She oozes sophistication and her posh English twang is captivating. I smile at her as she makes eye contact with me.

  “You must be Alanna?”

  “Yes, it is nice to meet you Mrs Jenkins,” I say politely. She quickly embraces me with a kiss on each cheek. She pulls back.

  “Please call me Tabatha.”

  Charles and Tabatha escort us into the dining room. We sit at a massive table that is plastered in every kind of food you can mention. Mr Jenkins sits at the head of the table with Mrs Jenkins next to him. I sense a little tension in the room as Mr Jenkins urges the servers not to begin dishing out the food. I glance at Adrian and he quickly asks what is wrong.

  “Charles is there something that we should know?” Mr Jenkins clears his throat.

  “No son but your brother will be joining us for dinner.” I feel my heart beat faster as I think of Michael. I did not tell Adrian that I saw him earlier and I fear what his reaction might be if he found out. I quickly try to put that thought out of my mind as I focus back on the conversation.

  “He is late then?” Adrian insists.

  “Yes but he called to say that he won’t be long,” Tabatha adds. I stare at the face of Michael’s mother and I cannot help but feel thankful to her for bringing him into the world. Without her, Michael would not exist and that does not ever bear to think about. I slightly shudder as that thought enters my mind. I gaze at Tabatha as I feel that she has more that she would like to say.

  “Adrian my dear, how is things between you and Michael?” Adrian gazes at me and then he replies.

  “Things were strained at first but now I feel that we have healed our wounds.”

  “I am glad to hear that nothing upsets me more than when my boys are arguing.” Tabatha says to Adrian. I listen to her words and I wonder how she feels about her other son, Chad. Surely she must miss him and crave to have in him in her life. No mother would want to spend years away from her son. She must think about him every second of every day. If she doesn’t then what type of person is she?

  “Sorry I am late,” Michael says as he and Katharine burst into the room.

  “Well you are here now; take seat son and who is this lovely girl?” Charles says as he greets Michael.

  “Mother, Father
this is Katharine.” Michael says as he pulls out a seat for her. I watch as Katharine beams at the sight of the room. Adrian reaches over and firmly shakes Michael’s hand. I look up from the table and I make eye contact with Michael. He instantly raises his eyebrows at me and I cannot contain my smile. Mr Jenkins signals for the servers to enter and once the meal is laid out, we begin to feast.

  “Adrian, how is the business?” Charles asks in a firm voice. Adrian clears his throat as he stares at me.

  “Business is fine I am actually going to Edinburgh sometime next week.”

  “I thought you signed the Henderson deal?”

  “No, not yet but I am sure they will sign soon.”

  “Enough about business,” Tabatha insists. “Tell me girls how are you enjoying London?” I begin to respond but Katharine gives me no time.

  “London is wonderful,” she gushes.

  “Have you visited anywhere special since you have been here?”

  “I have been so many places it is hard to remember all the names. But I really loved The Palace.”

  “Ah yes our royal family, tell me Alanna do you like London?” Mr Jenkins quickly asks.

  “I adore London,” I confess.

  “And London adores you,” Michael adds. Adrian clears his throat at Michael’s words and he takes a sip of his water. I feel my face flush hot as I remember Michael’s words from earlier. He blamed me for being jealous of him and Katharine. He knew that I dreamt about him and he insisted that I care more for him than I say. I must have a look of despair on my face as Mr Jenkins notices it.

  “Child, are you alright?”

  “Yes I am fine,” I insist as I smile at him.

  “Now as you know I asked you boys here tonight for a reason. This weekend is our thirty-seventh wedding anniversary and we are having a massive get together at the country estate. All our family will be attending and that includes your brother Chad and his wife. Tabatha and I really hope that you two boys will join us in our celebration.” Mr Jenkins looks wide eyed at us as he waits for a response. Michael quickly answers his father questions.

  “Of course Father you can count on me being there,” Mr Jenkins smiles at Michael and then he turns to Adrian.

  “Son I would really like it if you could be there too,” Adrian runs his fingers through his hair as he thinks of his answer. He stares down at me and I quickly flash him a smile. He takes a deep breath and then he turns to Mr Jenkins.

  “Alanna and I will be there.”

  Dinner runs smoothly and as it ends the men of the house have retired to study for brandies and cigars whilst the women sip champagne in the lounge. Tabatha begins to talk about fashion, her dogs and of course her home furnishings. I smile as I pretend that her latest curtain choice interests me. Katharine in unusually quiet as she sips her fourth glass of champagne.

  “Am I boring you dear?” Tabatha asks. I immediately flash a smile as I try to reassure her that I am not bored.

  “No,not at all,” Tabatha smiles and then it quickly fades.

  “Alanna I have a confession to make. When I first found out that you and Adrian were together I was worried.”

  “Why?” I say as I blink rather rapidly.

  “As I am sure you are aware Adrian is a broken boy. He had the worst childhood and it left him with major issues. He has mental scares that will stay with him forever. I guess the reason I was worried was that Adrian means so much to me. I would do anything for him and when I heard that a beautiful American girl came into his life I was worried about your intentions.”

  “I guess that is a natural reaction but I want to reassure you that I love Adrian. I would do anything for him and I would never do anything to hurt him. He is my world and without him I would not exist.” I protest. Tabatha takes in my words and I feel that she might need a little more convincing.

  “If that is true then why do you need Michael?” I blush and then I glance at Katharine and I am stunned that she still has not said a word. I focus again on Tabatha as I try to respond.

  “I am not sure what you mean by that?”

  “I guess what I am trying to say is that I don’t fully understand why you need him in your life. Adrian adores you and if what you say is true then that should be all that you need.”

  “Tabatha what I am saying is true I love Adrian. However, Michael saved me and I owe everything to him. Both of them mean the world to me but Adrian is the guy that I will always love.” Tabatha rushes over to me and she gently caresses my arm.

  “Adrian is a complicated boy and Michael is wild. However, if you think that you can have the both of them then you are wrong. Adrian will not stand around and watch you flirt with Michael. He doesn’t need that type of stress in his life and if you feel that you cannot live without Michael then you can say goodbye to a life with Adrian.” I gaze at Tabatha as I try to process her words. I am not sure what to think of her honesty and I am beginning to sense that she does not like me. I feel that her smile is forged and her eyes are raging. She stares at me and I feel very uneasy around her. Her words seem harsh and I feel that she does not think that I am good enough to be with Adrian. I glare into her eyes and I begin to get dizzy. I gently step back from her as I try to compose myself. Katharine walks over to me and she has a concerned look on her face. She takes me by the arm and she quickly excuses us from the room. Katharine ushers me into the large kitchen and she closes the door behind us. She deeply exhales as she makes her way over to me.

  “Alanna I got to talk to you,” she says. Her words a filled with anxiety and I reach out and take her hand. She pulls her hand away as she fixes her hair.

  “Katharine what is wrong?” I ask.

  “Michael is what’s wrong,” She snaps and my heart begins to race.

  “What has he done?”

  “I cannot stay with him any longer,” she confesses.

  “Why what happened?”

  “Everything, he treats me liked dirt and I am so stupid for taking him back.” Katharine is furious and I begin to panic.

  “Katharine a few days ago you were happy what has changed?”

  “Alanna I cannot be with someone who will never love me. He does not call me; he does not care what I do. He never shows any interest in anything that I say or do. He doesn’t treat me the way Adrian treats you.”

  “Katharine you should compare your relationship to mine and Adrian’s.”

  “How can I help it when it is right there in front of me?” Katharine’s words stun me and I feel very awkward. I clear my throat as I try to reply.

  “Every relationship is different. Michael has a funny way of showing his feelings maybe you misjudged him.” Katharine shakes her head at my words.

  “No Alanna I know that you see it too. I feel like I love him but I know that he will always love you. I have a deep jealousy of you that takes over my body. You have one amazing guy in Adrian but Michael wants you as well. I don’t understand it Alanna and it is not fair.”

  I begin to lose sight of myself as I hear Katharine’s honest words. I had no idea that she felt this way and the thought paralyzes me. I gaze at her and I see a stunning, wholesome girl and I do not understand why she would be jealous of me. I am nothing compared to her and if she only knew how I felt about Adrian and Michael wanting me. I myself cannot understand why two, gorgeous guys like them would be interested in me. I am awkward, shy, and super inappropriate. I always find myself in sticky situations with guys. I push their buttons and I bring out the worst in them. Marco is a fine example of that as he almost slapped me in the hallway of Columbia because I irritated him. Michael is another; he treats other girls like crap because he wants me. He tries to sabotage my relationship with Adrian because again I lead him to think that more could happen. Michael and Adrian argue over me and I still vividly remember that night when Adrian punched Michael at dinner. I wish that I could wave a magic wand and make Michael love Katharine. No better still, I wish that I could make my feelings for him disappear. I wish that
I could hate him at least if I did, then he would not get hurt by me. He would not have this constant battle with Adrian over me and he would be free to live his life away from my teasing. He could have the happiness that he deserves but I cannot change how I feel. I cannot wave a magic wand and suddenly hate him. I hate that I am being selfish but I will not choose until I absolutely have to.

  “Katharine, please do not think like that. I hate that I make you feel this way and I am sorry. I do not fully understand why Adrian or Michael wants me. I am nothing in comparison. However, if you feel that you cannot be with him then you should end things. If he treats you badly then do not stand for it leave him whilst you still can. You are a beautiful, independent woman and you do not need a guy to define you. If Michael cannot see what a great girl he has then he is not worth it.” Katharine looks up at me and she gently presses a smile from her lips. She lunges from the seat and into my arms.

  “Alanna you are right, I don’t have to stand for this.” She rushes out the room and I begin to worry what she might do. I have seen this side to Katharine many times before when she is breaking up with a guy. I quickly follow her into the study and I watch as she tells Michael how it is.

  “Now darling I have news for you. I am not going to stand for your bullshit any longer. You treat me like a piece of dirt and I am over you.” Michael looks furious as he rises from his seat. He walks over to Katharine and he smirks at her.

  “Well I am glad you finally took the hint. For a minute I actually thought that I would be stuck with you forever.” Katharine lets out a squeal and then she slaps Michael very strongly across his face. He lunges forward but he stops himself, he looks at her and he lets out a dark laugh. Katharine again squeals and then storms out the room. Adrian looks bewildered by what has just happened and I hear Tabatha.


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