Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series) Page 26

by Deila Longford

  “Good lord what is going on in here?”

  “Well sweetheart I think that the lovely Miss Katharine has ended things with our son.” Mr Jenkins says in a light tone. I cannot hold back my smile at his words and Michael quickly locks his eyes on mine. He looks angry with me as he walks over. I am standing in the doorway and I gently move to let Michael out. He leans down as he passes me.

  “Alanna a word,” I make a dashing look towards Adrian and he gently nods his approval. I excuse myself and then I follow Michael. He leads me into the kitchen and as Katharine did, he closes the door behind him.

  “Alanna what was that?”

  “Well if it is not clear I think that Katharine broke up with you.”

  “Don’t get smart with me,” Michael says as he points his long finger in my face. I instantly reach out and push his finger away. He clenches his teeth at my action and I feel that his fury is building.

  “I wasn’t, I was just stating the obvious.”

  “Well I could do without your sarcasm right now Alanna,”

  “Michael I am sensing that you are mad at me?” I snap. He rolls his eyes.

  “I could never be mad at you, but right now I am a little annoyed with you.”

  “Isn’t being mad at me and annoyed with me the same thing?”

  “There you go again with the sarcasm,” Michael says firmly.

  “Why are you annoyed with me?”

  “Alanna it is clear to see that you influenced Katharine’s decision to break up with me.”

  “That’s not true it was Katharine’s decision and I never forced her to do anything.”

  “You see that’s where I do not believe you.”

  “Well I don’t really care if you believe me as long as I know the truth then that’s all that matters. Katharine chose to end things with you because you were not treating her right. Did you really think that she would put up with your behaviour, forever?” Michael again rolls his eyes at me and I feel my fury building.

  “You see that’s where you are wrong Alanna. You try your best not to care about what I think but you crave my approval of everything that you do. Even now when you are trying to be feisty and fight back against me. Your eyes are melting in mine and can see that you are relieved that I am no longer with Katharine.” I shake my head at him.

  “No Michael you are wrong,” I protest. Michael lunges towards me and he grabs me by my wrists.

  “Sweetheart, you want to fall at my feet right now. You want me to hold you and you want my kiss. Just give me the signal and I will make all your dreams come true.” I stare into his eyes and just for second I lose myself in them. His beauty is divine and I could almost cave in and give him the signal. However, as that thought enters my mind Adrian washes over me and I am reminded of my love for him. He is the guy that I want but Michael’s words do speak some truth. I could fall at his feet but Adrian would be there to catch me. I do crave his touch but in a friendly way. His kiss would be nice but Adrian’s is superior. So many feelings that I have towards Michael cannot be explained and I am resulted in not figuring them out. I hate that I am drawn to him and I hate that I owe him my life. I slowly loosen his hands from my wrist as I think of my response.

  “Michael, your words are inappropriate I am with Adrian, please accept that.” He rolls his eyes again as his ice blue stare is on me.

  “Alanna if I thought for one second that you did not feel the same way about me as I do for you. Then I would leave and you would never see me again because I would have nothing to fight for. As long as I believe that you want me then no I will accept that you are with him.” His voice is dark and I back away from him. He is wrong, so wrong.

  “Michael, I love Adrian,”

  “If that is true then why did you almost kiss me?” I blush as I remember my moment of weakness.

  “I was angry, sad and I needed someone. I am sorry if I have led you on but even if I had of kissed you, my feelings would not have changed. I would still be in love with Adrian and that kiss would have just confirmed it. I am sorry if I seem harsh but it is the truth.” Michael is silent as my words ring in the air around us. I wait for a reply but Michael does not have one. I gently sigh as I look at him. The anger and sarcasm has faded from his eyes and in its place is sadness. I feel instantly guilty and I feel that I have hurt his feelings. I feel sorry for him and wish that he would find a girl and be happy. He needs love and he deserves to have all his dreams come true. Even if those dreams do not include me.

  I step back from Michael as the kitchen door pushes open. I turn from Michael and I see Adrian standing in the doorway. He looks concerned as he stares at Michael and me. I walk over to him and he quickly reaches out for me. I link into his arm as I briefly smile at him. I turn my focus back to Michael and Adrian’s looming words.

  “Mate that girl was out of control. Does your face hurt? That was some punch she landed you with.” Adrian says in a smooth tone.

  “Yeah well I deserved it.” Michael finally says. Adrian laughs at him as he turns to me.

  “Baby, are you ready to leave?” I smile at him.

  “Yes,” I say simply. Adrian lets go of me as he marches over to Michael. He reaches out his hand and Michael firmly shakes it. Quicker than a flash Adrian is back by my side. I again hold onto his arm as I gaze at Michael. I again feel his pain as I say.

  “Goodnight Michael.”


  The next few days fly by in an instant and, before I know it, it is almost the weekend. The very thought of it has me petrified and I have felt this way ever since my dinner with Mr Jenkins and his wife. So many things about that evening went wrong and I feel that I was to blame for all of it. Katharine ended her relationship with Michael and even though it was for the best, I still feel at blame for it ending so abruptly. Michael has not contacted me since the dinner and I feel that he is still very mad at me. I hate that feeling but I know that I have no right to complain about it. Michael is only a friend - if he is even that anymore. What also worries me is Tabatha’s remarks. At first, she could not have been nicer then she changed her ways. All of sudden I felt attacked by her and I was very uneasy around her. She made me feel small and as if I was not worth Adrian’s time. She basically said that Adrian did not need me in his life and she worried me when she said that if I wanted Michael around then I should say goodbye to my life with Adrian. I could understand her worries if they were genuine but as I gazed into her eyes I felt as if she just wanted to attack me. Her smile was false as she tried to be nice. Her tone was bitter and her words were full of ice. I have concluded that she just does not like me and I noticed how different she acted when Mr Jenkins was around. She could not have been finer and she was the perfect host. However, once she got me alone she told me how she really felt and her icy words terrified me. I never expected her to like me but at the same time, I never thought that she would hate me either. Then there is the anniversary party, which I am dreading. I feel anxious about seeing Michael and of course his mother, Tabatha. If that were not enough stress to deal with then Chad showing up will be the cherry on top of the cake. I have no expectations of how he will be but I am constantly plagued by thought of why he left. He hated Adrian and could not cope with his jealousy towards him. His actions were horrendous and out of order. I worry of how he will act at the party and what scares me even more is the way Adrian might act. I saw his anger in full motion and it terrified me. I really hope that things can go smoothly at the party, as I really could not deal with the backlash if it did not.

  Apart from the obvious issues, my time in London has been great. Adrian has been amazing and I love seeing him in his own environment. He is at home here and everything he is passionate about is on show. His business is booming right now and of course I have a whole set of other worries about his looming trip to Edinburgh. However, I have decided not to think of that situation until the time comes. Anyway, our relationship is really beginning to blossom into a full-blown, Cinderella romance
. He showers me with gifts and romantic dinners at all the best restaurants in town. His generosity is magnificent and all his gifts are wonderful. However, what has me in a Cinderella moment is his affection. He is so passionate and caring. He considers all my feelings and he would never push my boundaries. He treats me like a princess and he is my real life prince charming. I smile as I remember my little sister’s reaction to Adrian. She was convinced that he was in fact a prince and she became flustered that no one but her could see it. However, I can see it and I totally agree with Penelope. It was as if Adrian rode up on a white horse and swept me from my feet. He brought out the loving side to me and he kept it for himself. I owe being able to love, to him, because before he came around I never thought that I would fall in love. I never dreamed about the perfect guy and what our life would be like. I was not like all the other girls who have been planning their weddings since they were five. Instead, I chose to step back from the dating scene and what surprised me was that love found me. I stumbled upon the most amazing guy ever by accident. I was annoyed with my life in New York so when my dad offered me a break I took it. I went to London my dream city and what I found was spectacular. I loved the city and I loved its culture I was ecstatic just to be there but what happened next went far beyond my wildest dreams. I went to a boring event, which I did not want to attend, and then that is when I saw him. He stood in front me in all his perfection and I my world shattered. I knew from the moment that I saw him that he was my reason for living. He woke the dormant side of me that was buried deep into my soul. Gravity no longer held me to the planet it was Adrian and I flew three thousand miles to find him.

  “Baby,” Adrian beams as he gently bursts into my room. I smile as I watch him walk over to me. He is dressed very casually today in a black shirt and blue jeans. His hair is tousled and rather messy and I can tell that he has not shaved today. He approaches me and stops at my feet. He gently leans in and kisses me softly and I again melt at his touch.

  “I am taking the whole day off work so that you and I can spend some time together.” I lunge forward and into his arms.

  “Really?” I gasp. He laughs.

  “Yes baby, but there is a slight snag,” I roll my eyes slightly.

  “Do not roll your eyes at me,” Adrian says firmly.

  “Okay so what’s the snag?” He reaches out and grabs onto my shoulders and he slowly begins to glide his hands along my skin.

  “I am free all day but there is an event tonight and I have to be there. I know that they aren’t exactly your kind of thing but baby will you accompany me?” I sigh and then I let out a giggle.

  “You do not even have to ask, I am there.” Adrian again kisses me and then he instructs me that he is ready to go. I rush over to my closet and throw on a sweater. I grab my dark blue cashmere coat and then I make my way into the lounge. Adrian slips on a black, country style, wax jacket and he pushes his hair from his forehead. I stare and he notices.

  “Baby what’s wrong?” He says, as he cannot hold back his boyish smirk.

  “Nothing you just look really good in that jacket, which designer is it?” I say, as I cannot contain my smile and my curiosity. He again smirks as he shakes his head.

  “It is a Barbour,” he says smoothly. He marches over to me and he links me into his arm. We stride down to the car and I quickly step inside. Adrian jumps in and starts the car. He smiles at me as he begins to drive.

  “So, where we going?” I ask as the car stops at a red light. Adrian turns to me.

  “It is a surprise,”

  “Please don’t tell me we are going shopping again,” I say rather firmly. Adrian laughs at me as he takes my hand.

  “I thought you liked to shop?”

  “Well I do like to shop but I have literally been to every store in London and a girl can get bored.” He again laughs at me I feel a little annoyed by his amusement.

  “Well don’t worry we are not going shopping. I am taking you somewhere more - sentimental.” I smile at him and then we sit in silence.

  “Music,” Adrian says as he switches on the radio. I smile as I hear the song that is playing.

  “I love this song,” I admit as I begin to mouth the words to Enrique Iglesias’s heartbeat. Adrian smiles at me and squeezes my hand tightly.

  “Can you feel my heartbeat?” He whispers. I laugh gently at him and he breaks into hysterical giggles.

  “I guess that Michael could relate to this song?” Adrian says in a firm voice. I gently let go of his hand and he turns to me in frustration.

  “Did I do something wrong?” He says as the car again comes to a stop at the red light.

  “That was a little out of order,” I admit.

  “Why?” He insists.

  “You know why,”

  “I guess I do, he is trying to steal your heart away but the question is: are you letting him?” I gasp at his honesty. I feel my heart begin to race and I am not sure how to respond to his words. To my surprise, he smiles at me as he takes my hand.

  “Baby Ignore me, I am sorry and I never meant to upset you.”

  “I am not upset you just caught me off guard a little.”

  “Again, I am sorry,” he apologises. I briefly smile at him as he turns the radio up. I shake my head and I quickly turn the radio back down.

  “Adrian you know that I love you right?”

  “I do,”

  “Are you sure? Because if you doubt me then…” Adrian interrupts me.

  “Baby, I don’t understand how you could ever love me but I know that you do. I am sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable that wasn’t my intention and I am sorry for my sarcasm about Michael.”

  “Adrian I love you and you have nothing to worry about with me and Michael. I see him as friend and I see you as my forever. I only want you in that way and I could never be with anyone else.”

  “Why won’t you marry me then?”

  “Adrian we have talked about this,”

  “Not really, you say that we are too young but if I am your forever then why not marry me?” I feel a lump building in my throat as Adrian again pushes the subject of marriage. His eyes are passionately waiting for my answer and I cannot think of one. I cannot tell him that marriage scares me because somewhere in my mind I will always fear that he will get bored of me and leave. I know if I told him that then he would sweet talk me into thinking that he never would and I then I would have to give in and marry him. My fears are paralyzing and I hate to think of myself without him. I would love nothing more than to marry him but I dread to think that my fear of him leaving me will stop me from ever becoming his wife.

  “Adrian we are too young and the timing is not right. You have to trust me when I say that I love you and that you will always be my, forever.” Adrian slightly rolls his eyes at me and he simply says.


  Adrian pulls the car into a small parking lot and he quickly escorts me out the car. I take his hand as he walks me into a large brownstone building. I gaze at Adrian.

  “Adrian what is this place?” He does not answer me instead; he pushes open the front door of the building. We walk in and I soon realise what type of place this is - an orphanage. I smile as I look around. Inside is spacious and it has a friendly feel with light yellow walls and modern furniture. Pictures of animals hang on the walls and the floor is scattered with toys. There is a front desk and an older, grey haired woman is quietly talking on the phone. Adrian makes his way over to her and I follow him. As soon as she sees him, she ends her call and quickly makes her way over to him.

  “Adrian, my boy where have you been,” she says in a soft English accent.

  “I am sorry I haven’t visited in a while but I have been busy.” He says as he pulls me forward. The woman focuses her eyes on me and I shyly flash a smile.

  “And who is this?” She says as she reaches out for my hand.

  “I am Alanna,” I say quietly. The woman smiles and Adrian moves closer to me.

y, this is Janet she is the co-founder of this orphanage. Janet this is my lovely Alanna.” Adrian says proudly. The woman walks over to me and she embraces me with a gentle kiss on my cheek. I am a little stunned but at the same time, I feel privileged that she embraced me in this way. I am starting to notice Adrian beaming at her as she speaks and I feel that Janet might be a very important person in Adrian’s life.

  “Well it is nice too meet you Alanna. Adrian has told me all about you and your dreams.” I gaze up at Adrian as he smiles freely. I turn back to Janet.

  “I hope he only told you my good points?” I say a little shyly.

  “Yes he told me that you have a huge heart and that you want to help those who are in need. But what he failed to mention was how beautiful you are.”

  “Hey I did say that she was beautiful,” Adrian gently snaps. Janet lets out a deafening laugh and I slightly jump from the sound.

  “Okay, okay but her beauty can only be described as divine.” My face bursts into flames at her complements and I nervously push my hair from my face.

  “The children have been asking for you,” Janet says as she leads us along the wide hallway and stops in front of a large, dark wooden door.

  “What did you tell them?” Adrian asks in a quick, firm tone.

  “I told them that Mr Black had to go away on business but he would come and visit as soon as he returned to London. I wasn’t wrong then?”

  “No, Alanna and I have only been back in town a few days. I came as soon as I could.” Adrian informs Janet. She smiles at Adrian and she gently touches his arm.

  “Don’t worry the children understand,” she says in a soothing voice.

  “But can you understand?”

  “Yes, all is well Adrian, now come on the children are waiting.” Janet pushes open the door and the giggles from the children are captivating. She leads us into the massive living room and I gaze at the surroundings. The room is friendly and there are many drawings hanging from the walls. There is a large TV and several computers. There are toys of every kind and children are playing happily.


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