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Three Thousand Miles - Jealousy (book #2 of Three Thousand Miles Series)

Page 34

by Deila Longford

  “Okay, is there anything else I should know?” Adrian’s eyes burn through me as he begins to talk.

  “Yes, if Michael comes to see you then you cannot leave with him. Do you understand?”

  “Adrian I have already told you that I won’t leave the hotel,” Adrian moves closer to me and he takes my hands firmly.

  “Alanna, you didn’t answer my question,”

  “I did, I won’t leave the hotel I promise you.”

  “You did it again you avoided answering my question. If Michael comes to see you then you have to stay in this room and that means that you cannot go in search of him. Do you now… understand?” I look up at him and I am a little annoyed with him. Why does he have to bring Michael into everything? Then that is a silly question as I am reason that Michael is always around. I cannot cut my ties with him and I have to suffer the backlash of Adrian’s jealousy. I know that everything is my fault and that Michael sticks around because I lead him on but I still care about him and I hate it when Adrian tries to force the rules between Michael and me.

  “Okay,” I say as Adrian stares deep into my eyes and then he pulls me closer.

  “Baby, promise me that you will do as I say?” I force a smile from my lips as I glare into his green eyes.

  “Yes I promise,” Adrian kisses me softly on my forehead and then he heads over to the door. I watch as he whispers something to the huge bodyguards and the he turns back to me just before he leaves the room.

  “Until next time baby,”

  Once Adrian is gone, I make my way over to the large kitchenette of the hotel suite. I rummage through the cupboards until I find some espresso coffee pods. I quickly turn on the Tassimo coffee machine and I wait patiently for my coffee to brew. I glance over at the door as I hear a firm knock. Steven quickly answers the door and I am happy when I see Michael. I rush over to the door and I instantly greet him. Michael laughs as he enters the room. He glides over to the kitchen and he smirks as he notices the rising steam and the loud racket from the coffee machine.

  “Oh crap,” I shout as I run over and switch it off. Michael bursts into laughter at my stupidity and I feel a little annoyed so I playfully throw a napkin at him.

  “Hey what was that for?” Michael says as he peels the napkin from his face. I smile at him and then I respond.

  “You were mocking me,” I say in a low voice. Michael holds his hands up apologetically and I turn again to face the coffee machine.

  “Would you like some tea?” I ask Michael in a soothing tone.

  “Do I look the kind of bloke that drinks tea?” Michael says in a very sarcastic voice. I scowl at him as I think of a comeback.

  “Silly me, you are more of a bourbon kind of guy, am I right?” Michael presses a smirk from his lips and I bask in his beauty.

  “It is a little early in day for that so a coffee will be fine.” I smile at him and then I again turn to face the coffee machine. I quickly make two cups of coffee and then I make my way over the sofa. Michael follows me and he takes the seat next to me. I gaze at him and I cannot help but wonder about him and Emma. However, I do not really want to know the answer to my queries so I put it to the back of my mind. Michael looks at me and I can tell that he has something to say. My heart lightly races as I hope that he does not want my advice on how to woo Emma.

  “Alanna, how are you feeling,” my heart rate decreases as I am grateful that is all he asked me.

  “I am okay. I mean don’t get me wrong I am still a little shaken from what happened but I need to move on.” Michael shakes his head at me.

  “I can’t believe that Chad did that to you. I will never forgive him.” Michael’s eyes are sad and I feel awful that yet again I have come in between two brothers. Except this time, it was Chad, and not Adrian, that Michael is arguing with over me. I look at him and all I want is for him to hold me in his arms. I know that is selfish of me and I should not feel this way. However, I only have the feeling of true safety when I am with him. Now that the threat of the Marshalls is high once again, I really cannot stop thinking about Michael and about what he did. He actually took a bullet for me and I will never be able to repay him for that.

  “Michael you shouldn’t hold a grudge. I know what Chad did was unforgivable but at the end of the day he is your brother.”

  “He is nothing to me anymore.”

  “Michael you shouldn’t think like that.” I say softly. Michael places his coffee cup onto the side table by the sofa. I sit motionless as he takes my hand.

  “I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. You are the reason that I breathe Alanna. Chad would have hurt you more if Adrian had not of found you. As long as I live I will never forgive him.” Michael’s words are ringing in my ears and I cannot bear the sound of them. I hate that I make him feel this way and I hate that I cannot break free from him. His ice blue eyes are searching into my soul and I am remained again of my vivid dreams about him. The way we danced together and the closeness, the soft kisses and his romantic words. I try to shake off my flashback as I look at him.

  “Michael I am sorry that I make you feel this way. I hate what I do to you and I wish that I could set you free. However, I am too selfish, I care about you so much and I will always be grateful for what you did. I don’t deserve to have a friend like you because of the way I lead you on.” Michael nods in agreement and I cannot breathe. I want him in my life so badly but I am starting to think that I cannot have it both ways any longer. This feels like my last moments with Michael and I am broken by that thought.

  “Alanna I don’t want you to feel guilty for the way that I feel about you. It is my fault that I… love you.” I try to hold back tears as I take in his words. Michael squeezes my hand as he notices that I am emotional.

  “I am sorry Michael,” is all I manage to say. Michael pulls me closer to him and now I am in his arms. The strong grip he has on me instantly makes me feel safe. I close my eyes and for second I pretend that everything is okay. I let out gentle tears as I grip Michael. He softly strokes my hair and then he pulls back. My cheeks are tear-stained and my throat is dry. Michael smiles at me as he gently wipes away the water from my face. His fingers are soft and his touch is tingling.

  “Alanna why are you crying,” I clear my throat as I respond.

  “I am crying because I am scared of losing you.” Michael smiles at me.

  “Sweetheart I am going nowhere,” I smile again at him and then I remember about Emma.

  “Michael, what is going on with you and Emma?” Michael smiles at the sound of her name and I cannot believe that I feel a little jealous by his reaction. I stare at him and he lets go of me.

  “We are friends,” Michael says quietly but I know that he is lying. I scowl at him for a correct answer.

  “You looked more than friends.” Michael straightens his face and he lightly sighs.

  “I don’t know what to tell you Alanna, I like the girl.” Michael snaps. I stare at him in amazement.

  “Okay then just say that. It’s fine I get it, what’s not to like about her? She is gorgeous and smart and has beautiful dark hair.” Michael laughs at me and I cannot hold back my giggle either.

  “Oh Alanna who knew that you would be jealous,”

  “I am not jealous,” I snap. Michael laughs again at me.

  “Seriously I am not jealous. Don’t you think it’s a little weird?” Michael straightens his face at my words.

  “Why, what’s weird about it?” Michael says firmly. I try to compose myself as I reply.

  “I don’t know, look forget I said anything,”

  “No Alanna, tell me.”

  “It’s just Adrian is your brother and Emma is his sister. Don’t you think it could get a little… complicated?”

  “No, Adrian doesn’t seem to mind so why should I? It is not as if I am related to her. And Adrian is my brother but we don’t share DNA.” Michael’s words about DNA quickly remind me about William. I instantly change the subject, as I would lik
e to know what Michael thinks of the situation.

  “Okay maybe you are right.” I take a deep breath as I begin to quiz Michael. “Michael, what do you think about William?”

  “Listen Alanna, I don’t believe it for a second. That little boy belongs to Chad I know it. So please don’t worry, I can’t see you becoming a wicked stepmother anytime soon.” I frown at Michael.

  “What makes you so sure? Have you not seen the little boy?”

  “What you think because he has green eyes then he must be Adrian’s?” I shake my head at him.

  “No it’s not just that, and why are you so sure that he is Chad’s?”

  “Because this is exactly the type of thing that Zara does. She is a manipulative bitch who cannot get over Adrian. She sees that he is happy with you and she wants to ruin it. I can bet my life that she is just messing with him. The sooner Adrian gets a DNA test the better.” I gasp as I take in Michael’s opinions. I never stopped to think that Zara could be doing this out of spite. I saw the way she looked at Adrian and maybe Michael’s theories are correct.

  “If it’s all a game then why did Chad get so upset?” Michael rolls his eyes at me.

  “Alanna, he knows that child is his. He was just using it as an excuse to hurt Adrian.”

  “No I don’t believe that,”

  “Then why did he leave with Zara? They left as a family and he cradled that little boy in his arms. You saw how crazy Chad is, so do you really think he would be that calm?” My mind is racing and I don’t know what to think. I look at Michael and what he is saying is slowly beginning to make sense. Why would Chad leave with her if he truly believed that she lied to him all this time? How could he cradle that little child knowing that he was not his? So many possibilities are coming to the surface and Michael is right the sooner Adrian finds out if William is his, the better.

  “I don’t know what to think, I feel that what you’re saying could be true but I don’t know Zara. I don’t know Chad and I don’t know about their history as a couple. All I know is that she cannot be a very good person; I mean she cheated with her husband’s stepbrother. Now that is messed up.”

  “There are no words on how to describe Zara. She is a straight out liar and she does not even try to hide it. What frustrates me the most is her manipulation of my brother? Chad fell desperately in love with her and she ruined him. You know when they first got married Chad wasn’t allowed near my family. She kept him all to herself and she blamed us for not accepting her as Chad’s wife. It was not until she saw Adrian that she wanted to be a part of our family. She was obsessed with him and Adrian was too desperate for love. He let her walk all over him and she controlled everything that he did. Alanna, I know that you might not want to hear this but Zara shaped Adrian into the man he is today.”

  “I always feared that. Adrian as you know has major control issues and I knew that they went back to Zara. He told me that he did not really love her. But something inside of me doesn’t believe him.” Michael looks tense at my words and I feel that he might agree with me on this. I take a deep breath, as I fear his next words.

  “Alanna I really think that you should stop worrying about this. Adrian loves you and I know that he is controlling. However, if you are to be with him then you will just have to accept his issues, the good along with the bad.”

  “By the bad do you mean his temper?” My heart begins to race as I remember Adrian’s rage. Michael leans over and takes my hand in his.

  “Alanna he wouldn’t hurt you.”

  “I know he wouldn’t and I trust him completely.” Michael smiles at me and he pulls me closer to him. I reach out and hug him and I feel safe in his arms.

  Michael and I relax on the sofa for what seems like hours. Now he has told me that he has to leave. I smile as I escort him over to the door. I gaze over at the sofa and I remember the fun we just had. Michael and I lazed as we watched re runs of friends. We argued on who our favourite character was and then we finally agreed to disagree. Michael wolfed down roast beef sandwiches as I watched. We laughed and argued until we were blue in face and now he has to leave. I really enjoyed spending the day with him as he took all my worries from my mind. I smile as he opens the door. Michael steps out into the hallway but he quickly rushes back into the room. I look at him in wonder as he holds a white envelope. He looks worried as he hands me the envelope. One of the bodyguards is instantly at my side and I slowly begin to open the envelope that has my name written in bold letters. I rip it open and I take out a piece of paper. I quickly unfold it and it reads.

  ‘Alanna take this note as a warning’

  I frown at the words and I hand the note to Michael. He searches the words repeatedly in his head and the he finally turns to me.

  “Alanna who is this from,” He asks firmly and I feel that is a silly question to ask as how would I know who sent the note?

  “I don’t know,” Michael scowls at me and he firmly places the note in my hand.

  “Alanna you have to call Adrian and tell him that you need him.”

  “Why?” Michael scowls again at me as he clutches my arms.

  “Just do it, okay?” I frown at Michael and I am not letting this go.

  “No not until you tell me why?”

  “Because I am this close to taking you away from here, you need to call him now, Alanna.” Michael’s voice is serious and tense. His eyes are bolting and his hands are shaking. I gently take my arm from him and I place my hand onto his cheek.

  “Okay I will call him,” Michael maintains his stare as he moves away from me. He makes his way out the door but I shout him back.

  “Michael wait,” he turns to me and he rolls his eyes.

  “What is it Alanna?” I move closer to him and the bodyguard moves with me. I look at the massive guy and I force out a smile. He nods to me as he holds his position next to me.

  “I forgot to invite you to my birthday party,” Michael briefly smiles.

  “I had no idea it was your birthday?”

  “Well it’s not my birthday until Thursday. My mom has arranged a party for me in New York. I would really love it if you could come?” Michael sighs as he walks over to me.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world!”


  I sit nervously as I wait for Adrian to come home. My eyes are darting to the door every time I hear a sound. My heart is pounding, as I fear how Adrian will react to the note. I place it into the pocket of my jeans as I hear him walk in and he instantly smiles at me as he makes his way over.

  “Alanna my beautiful,” he says as he kisses my head softly. He quickly takes off his suit jacket and he loosens the top button of his shirt. As he focuses on me, I can tell that he knows something is wrong.

  “What’s wrong Alanna?” He says very tensely. I reach over and take his hand but he pulls back. I look at him amazement and I can tell that he is not happy.

  “I want you stay calm okay?” Adrian scowls at me and I can see his anger building.

  “Tell me what is wrong!” He says very firmly. I reach into my pocket and I take out the note.

  “Read this,” I say as I hand him the note. Adrian snatches the note from me and he franticly begins to read it. His eyes almost fall from his head as he takes in the words. His hands are shaking and he instantly tears up the note. I frown at him and he notices my actions.

  “Don’t frown at me,” he snaps.

  “Was it really necessary for you to rip it up?” I say sarcastically. Adrian rushes up from the sofa and makes his way into the kitchen. I readjust so that I can see what he is doing. He searches the fridge and takes a bottle of water. He shakes his head as he sips his beverage.

  “It is times like this that I wish I drank alcohol!” I am stunned by his confession but I try to forget his words as I ask him how he feels.

  “Adrian what are you thinking?” He rolls his eyes at me.

  “What do you think?” He says very smugly.

  “There is no need to b
e sarcastic!” I snap. Adrian’s face instantly falls and I can tell that I have angered him. He slams the bottle of water down onto the counter and he runs his fingers through his hair.

  “Alanna, this is not a time for you smart comments.”

  “Then what is it a time for?” Adrian’s eyes focus on mine as he walks over to me.

  “It is time for dinner,” I frown at him.

  “Adrian I am not really hungry right now. Did you not see the note? Do you not have something to say about it?”

  “Alanna, what do you want me to say? I told you yesterday that you were in danger. Did you not believe me?” Adrian says in harsh tone. I gaze at him and my annoyance is building.

  “Of course I believed you but what about the note? You are not telling me how you feel and you always have an opinion on everything!” Adrian leaps from the sofa and he begins to neurotically pace around the room.

  “Okay, you want my opinion? I am scared and I am guilty and hate that I put you through this. I am trying my best Alanna and nothing I do is ever good enough. I hate myself and some days I cannot hold back my rage. But you know what gets me through it? It’s the thought of you and the fact that you say that you love me. You have already been shot because of me and I am trying to prevent you from getting hurt again. I want to cherish every moment with you because I fear that I will lose you. So is that a good enough explanation for you?”


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