Blood Purple

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Blood Purple Page 14

by Ashley Nemer

  “Shall I take you to the mansion first, or do you want to meet up with our people gathering in the foothills?” Leigh asked as she pulled out onto the highway.

  “Foothills, I want to see what kind of mess my idiot ebn’s made, then, my dear bent, we will extract our revenge.” Haydar pulled out an envelope from his breast pocket, showing it to his bent. “One of your akhs sent this to me before they died. I haven’t opened it yet as I wanted to share this honor with you. The man who delivered this letter to me said that your akh had been begging forgiveness to someone. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”

  Leigh looked at her abb, the approving smirk on his face telling her he already knew. “Derrik wanted to let the bitch go. I told him no. He begged like a little coward. I simply told him if he begged again, I would take his balls, nothing unreasonable. He was acting like a female, so I was going to make him one.”

  Haydar rolled the window down crumpling the letter up and tossing it out onto the pavement. “Have I told you how proud I am of you? I still do not know how those two akhs of yours were my ebn’s with the horrible success rate they had in combat and torture, but you, my dear,” he said, reaching over and clasping her hand, squeezing it and smiling at her, “you make an abb proud.”

  Leigh took them down Interstate 24, and then pulled off onto a dirt road leading to the base of the mountains. Passing through three checkpoints, she finally entered a small compound and pulled up to the cabin house.

  “I like the security; good job on that, Leigh. You were always my most paranoid General,” Haydar said while getting out of the car and walking toward the steps.

  “You know, Abb, Zayn and his men are everywhere, and I’m careful and keep everyone questionable out. I want to maintain the element of surprise. Besides, they don’t even know about me. Unlike the other two idiots I never let my presence be known. We will be able to come in and attack swiftly and efficiently.” She climbed the steps two by two then opened the cabin door. Silence filled the air as she entered, her men always too scared to speak right away.

  “Attention!” she called out as her men jumped to their feet, the sound of hands falling to their sides echoing around. She looked out across the room, fifty men lined up for her disposal. She loved the smell of the testosterone filling the air. The power, desire, and hunger to kill always caused her to lust for battle. Leigh watched her abb walk in between the men, inspecting each as he walked by. Her men always wore properly pressed uniforms, clean shaven and hair styled properly. She refused to have anyone serve under her who didn’t tend to themselves accordingly. All her men were single, childless, no strings attached. The moment they fell for a woman she kicked them out of her ranks. She turned to her abb and motioned for him to start, taking her place at the front of the lines.

  “Men, we will be taking the throne back! We will be killing the last of that traitorous family. They do not deserve to rule, and they are ruining our people.” The men started to cheer as Haydar spoke of overthrowing them. “Remember, this is not going to be an easy battle. We will have challenges, and some of our akhs in arms have died, but we will avenge their deaths. My two ebn’s gave their lives to the cause and now it’s time to show Zayn who the true King is!” The room echoed with applause and hollering as the men cheered for victory. Haydar looked at Leigh and extended his hand to her. Walking up to him and grabbing it, he presented her to the men. “My bent and I will take our people into the future. We will wipe out the humans and rule this world.” Her men cheered for her and her abb. She knew their loyalty, their dedication to the cause. No one would be able to take this away from them. No one.


  The sunlight broke through the blinds of the living room of Zayn and Nikole’s home the next morning. Nikole’s eyes fluttered open as the light hit her face. She moved her neck around, loosening her body, her muscles still sore. Off in the distance she could hear servants preparing tasks for the day. Closing her eyes, she thought back to last night and her fight with Zayn. Yes, that mental connection was, at times, the worst torture created. Adjusting to get off the couch and go for a walk, she noticed that she was wrapped in a blanket. Looking around the room she saw a white rose was placed on the table. Zayn must’ve come and tucked her in overnight. What was he trying to do? Make up for being a total ass? He knew she had a soft spot when he did things like that. Only he could get away with that. Nikole sat up on the couch and reached for the rose, pulling it to her nose, inhaling the sweet scent. Sliding the blanket off and standing up from the couch, she started walking out into the foyer. What was she going to tell Zayn? What was she going to say to Adara? The overwhelming sense of betrayal was still too fresh and potent for any decisions to be made.

  She made her way to the front door and slipped outside, letting the cool morning breezes brush over her skin, cooling down her temper. She always enjoyed the smell of the fresh air right at dawn. Stepping off the porch and onto the lawn, she leaned over, stretching her body and muscles, loosening everything up. Deciding to head around the house a few times, Nikole moved slowly at first, half out of habit for the injury and half because she was contemplating Zayn and Adara. She could feel the betrayal deep in her gut, the knot as big as a grapefruit. She had to move on and she had to get over this. Her akh was sorry for his actions last night, showed her he was, but her mind didn’t care. All he could focus on was her, HER. There had to be a better way to find comfort than this. Taking the rose and letting its smell calm her nerves, she pressed the stem to her chest as if giving it a hug.

  “Enjoying my present, Nikole?” She spun around to see Alec standing behind her. Looking up into his eyes, she remained speechless as she took him in. His skin shining from the sun’s rays made him look positively breathtaking.

  “What are you doing here?” She couldn’t believe she was looking at him.

  He reached out and moved a strand of hair from her face and let a grin creep across his face. “I felt your anger and panic. I got worried about you. After about twenty minutes of it I left my cabin and headed out here. I was ready to kill whoever it was who got you so worked up.”

  Nikole watched him intently as he leaned in, lifting her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss on top of it. “You were worried for me? I don’t know what to say…” She caught a whiff of the rose’s scent. “You left this?” A light pink coloring flushed her cheeks again, thinking of him wrapping her in the blanket.

  “When I arrived, your akh greeted me at the door, we shared a few words and I just knew you were cold. I haven’t shared my blood with anyone in over 300 years, it was very nerve racking knowing you were in some kind of pain and not being here to help you.”

  She focused her eyes on his thumb rubbing her hand, the inside of her palm. Kevin had never been worried for her like this after they shared blood, yet this man she just met cared, he really cared. “What did you and my akh talk about? Was he mad that you came to our home?”

  Alec led Nikole over to a bench where they sat down. He looked at her, running his finger over her cheek. “You know, some of this and that. He didn’t want to let me in. He said you were sleeping, but I could feel you were cold. Finally I just pushed my way through. Your servant showed me you were on the couch, sleeping with a book. I hope you do not mind.”

  How could she mind? “No, Alec, thank you. That was very sweet of you to be so concerned for my wellbeing. You have done so much for me already. I wish I could repay you somehow.”

  Alec’s hands felt good holding hers; she was enjoying his warmth. “A kiss, you could let me give you a kiss,” he said to her.

  She blinked up at him, smiling. “A kiss, only one?”

  He shook his head at her smiling; she couldn’t help but enjoy his splendor. She reached up to his face with her left hand. Cupping his cheek, she leaned in. He met her half way as her soft lips pressed against his cool mouth. Her tongue teased and guided his mouth open, brushing against his fangs, sending chills up her back. Alec let h
er tongue explore his mouth as his pushed against hers in a dance of seduction. Fifteen seconds went by before he released her. “Debt paid, my sweet Princess.”

  Her hand dropped from his face but landed on his arm, running down his bicep. “I think I like being indebted to you. I really can’t thank you enough for everything you did for me.”

  She stood up from the bench and took two steps forward then turned back to him. “I am going on a walk, please join me.” Reaching her hand out to him, he grabbed it. While standing and interlocking their fingers, they started walking around the grounds. They watched the sun rise over the mountains, the orange and reds coloring the sky.

  “Do you want to talk about what had you so angry and hurt last night? Sometimes it helps to talk.”

  She let his question go unanswered for a few moments; a few heart beats of dreaded silence. “My akh found himself a girlfriend, and it’s just not any old girl; it’s my best friend. And what makes things worse is they found each other while I was off being tortured.”

  Alec squeezed her hand a bit as they kept walking across the lawn. “Don’t you think that’s good? That way you get along with your akh’s woman? I’m sure the timing wasn’t planned, Nikole. Maybe it just happened.”

  No one understood what she was going through. How could they not see what had her so angry?

  “Princess, I feel your anger; please stop. I’m not trying to upset you, just comfort. I get it, you are mad that you were suffering and they were back home finding love.”

  She turned her head and gave him a pointed stare. “It is not love.”

  Alec stopped them there on the lawn and pulled her to him. Their bodies pressed against each other, his hands pressing on the small of her back, holding her in place. “I know he loves you and was worried while you were gone. We spoke about the efforts they took to try and find you. They actually would have saved you had I not shown up a few hours ahead of them. You would have never had to come to my home even. So maybe things happen for a reason.” He took his forefinger and pressed it under her chin lifting her head up. “I, for one, am glad I found you and not your akh.” Alec leaned down and placed a heated kiss on her lips.

  She let her hands explore his hard body, the muscles in his arms, his abs, the muscles he had running down his body. Nikole could feel his blood inside her veins, the cells heating up with his excitement like they knew it was him she was kissing. She moved her arms around his neck, her hand resting in his hair. Pulling back from the kiss, she looked up at him, smiling. “I am glad you rescued me as well.” They heard the dogs coming up along the side of the house breaking the serenity of the moment. She looked over Alec’s shoulder as they rushed them. What did they have on their coats? Did they get into something last night?

  “Alec, does that look like blood on the dog’s coats?” Alec turned around and looked at the two dogs approaching them. Walking toward them, he leaned down, running his hands over the sticky substance, and brought his hand to his nose, smelling it. Wiping his hand on the grass cleaning the blood off of it, he looked back to Nikole.

  “They probably found a deer or something to eat, most likely no big deal.”

  Nikole started to walk the path the dogs just came from. “Let’s check to make sure it’s dead then. I hate to see creatures suffer needlessly.” They walked a hundred feet, taking the curve of the path, when Alec saw the body off in the distance.

  “It wasn’t a deer.” He pointed to the body by the fence hanging off the metal rod. “Dear Gods…I always hated those things, but I guess Zayn was right for installing them.” Alec reached the body first, assessing the damage of the trespasser. He heard Nikole gasp when she saw what was left of the man’s face.

  “It’s Dominic. The man who wanted me dead, the one who, who hurt me.” Alec put his arm around her and pulled her into his body away from the carcass. “Come; let’s go tell your akh. We don’t need to stand here and look at this any longer.”


  Zayn leaned in and kissed Adara’s cheek while watching the sunlight slowly fill his room. He could feel her stirring in his arms, the night playing over and over in his mind. He was unsure of what to do to fix the fight with his okht. He loved her but he couldn’t let Adara go. Adara felt responsible for the fight. Was this what life was going to be like, the two women in his life always at odds with each other? Surely not, they were best friends. Nikole would come to reason and understand that she couldn’t be mad at them. It just wasn’t logical; they needed each other. She had to get over it. Zayn watched Adara roll over, smiling at him. This was a sight he wanted to see every time he woke up.

  “Good Morning, Beautiful,” he said as he leaned in, kissing her soft lips.

  She moaned into the kiss, forgetting the rest of the world as he melted her body with his roaming tongue. “Mhmm. Yes, it is a good morning. Did you sleep well, my King?”

  Zayn laughed at her comment then rolled on his back, bringing her body along with his. Her hair fell down around his face as he took his hand and brushed it out of the way. “Yes, I did. What about you? I didn’t wake you up or anything when I had to get up in the middle of the night did I? I hope not.”

  She shook her head no, looking down at him grinning like a teenage school girl. “No, you wore me out. I slept like a rock.”

  Zayn ran his hand down her side to her ass and cupped it. “One sexy rock, if I do say so.” He gave her a small spank, making her jump and laugh at the same time.

  “What made you get up in the middle of the night? I didn’t snore did I?” Leaning up Adara shook her hair back and looked around for her clothes.

  “No,” Zayn said as his hands started to explore his woman’s body as he stared up at her. “Alec showed up last night, looking for Nikole. He was worried she was hurt. Apparently he gave her some blood and could feel our fight. He ended up staying over, but he is going home today. I don’t want a stranger in my home.”

  Adara looked at him with a confused expression. “What if Nikole wants him around? Are you still going to make him leave? Maybe he would be good for her. I’m sure she is going to need to feed again, and well, it’s not like you can feed her.”

  He ignored her, pulling her down to him and placing kisses across her collar bone. “Mhmm, I think you need to feed.” He scraped his teeth across her skin watching as goose bumps popped up. Licking her skin and teasing her playfully, he heard her let out a soft moan as her hands ran through his hair.

  “I think we should go check on your okht. She was very upset last night. I could hear you two fighting. Come on.” Adara tried to wiggle out of his hold, making him hold her tighter.

  “Just give me ten minutes. I promise you won’t regret them. Please.” He kissed down her chest while she kept wiggling.

  “No, Zayn, come on.” Breaking his embrace, she saw disappointment on his face and laughed. “I promise later, baby, you and I will finish this.” Leaning over, she kissed him quickly before jumping out of the bed and collecting her clothes, slipping them on as he watched her with a hunger he didn’t understand. Zayn sighed. How could he want her so badly? It was like he hadn’t lived before she entered his world. She leaned over and slipped her jeans on and he damn near died, her firm body, the muscles and curves. Completely engulfed in her beauty, he didn’t notice her laughing at him. She grabbed a pillow off the floor and tossed it at him.

  “Hey, focus. My eyes are up here!” Laughing at him, she crawled back in bed and let him wrap her in his arms, kissing her with a new passion he’d never felt.

  “I can’t help it, Adara. You captivate my every sense.” Adara moved out of the bed and pulled on his hand for him to join her. She tossed him his pants and headed to the bathroom to fix her hair. Zayn dressed then, quickly looked for his cell phone, and noticed he had missed a call from Nasir. Maybe he had more information on the person who was killed at Adara’s home. Adara rejoined him and they walked out of his room together. Zayn led her down to the living room where he last saw Nikol

  “Looks like she is awake,” Adara said when she noticed the blanket still laid out on the couch.

  “Yeah, it does. Wonder where she is.” Zayn brought Adara’s hand to his lips and placed a kiss on it when he heard something outside. It sounded like people yelling. “Excuse me; I’m going to see what’s got everyone yelling. I’ll be right back.” He left her exploring the book shelves and headed outside.

  “How would he have known we lived here? This is too much; I am not safe anywhere! I want to go back with you. Right now let’s just leave; I don’t have anything keeping me here.” Nikole told Alec as they were making their way back to the front of the mansion.

  “What is this about you leaving?” Zayn said as he heard them come around the corner. “You’re not going anywhere, Nikole. I won’t let you.”

  Nikole and Alec stopped at the sound of Zayn’s voice. “Oh, like you have a say in this. You abandoned me three days ago while I was being tortured! I am going home with Alec. At least no one can find me there, and I can heal.”

  Zayn was confused at where this paranoia was coming from. “Nikole, no one is going to get you here. What are you so worried about? I refuse to let you go somewhere we don’t have complete access to with a total stranger.”

  Alec followed behind Nikole as she marched up to her akh. “Oh, you will protect me you say. Where were you were when someone broke onto our property? Tell me that, mister King. Where were you? Oh yes, let me think, in bed with my best friend!” Nikole yelled out to her akh.

  Zayn placed his arms on Nikole’s shoulders just to have her push him off of her. “Nikole, what are you talking about? No one broke in! It must have been a nightmare, you’re safe, I promise!”


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