Blood Purple

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Blood Purple Page 15

by Ashley Nemer

  She pushed against him. “No, I’m not. Go look at the fence line and see what the dogs found, and they killed him, one of the men who tortured me. He was here, Zayn, on our land, next to our home! I can’t stay; I am leaving and going with Alec while I’m still alive.”

  Alec came up behind Nikole and placed his arms around her waist protectively, “Zayn, they did attack someone. I will have to check the news feed back home to verify that it is the same person, but he was definitely on your grounds. Nikole will be safe with me. No one knows where I live but you and Nasir.” Alec pushed at the small of Nikole’s back and they moved past Zayn and into the house.

  Zayn reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone, calling Nasir while following after his okht. “Nasir, there was a break in. Go check it out. How the fuck does someone get on my property?! The dogs killed him, but you find out who was on duty, and I want him brought to me NOW!” Hanging up the phone, he walked into the house, calling out to his okht. “Nikole, stop! You can’t leave; you just can’t. Please, I can’t risk losing you again.”

  Adara stepped out of the living room and Nikole turned to her. “You were with my akh when I was taken. My best friend and you were WITH MY AKH! Did you two even miss me; did you notice I was gone?” Turning to Zayn, Nikole fought back tears. “I’m leaving. It is decided. You cannot control me and it is clear you cannot protect me. Goodbye.” Nikole felt Alec’s hands wrap around her waist and then one hand slip under her legs as he lifted her into his arms and started the climb up the stairwell. She turned her head into his chest as the tears streamed down her face. Adara felt Zayn’s pain and he could feel hers. Zayn moved to her and pulled her close as they both stood in silence as the most important person to them moved out of sight.


  The door slamming shut echoed through the house. Nikole was serious about leaving, and Zayn didn’t know what he was going to do about that. He didn’t trust her out there without him; they had been inseparable since she’d been born. He didn’t even know anything, really, about Alec. He felt Adara squeeze his waist tighter as they stood there in the foyer. Was this really what it came down to, his okht packing to leave? All of this caused because he didn’t want her in the army? He supposed that’s what the catch 22 was all about, seeing how things should have been but not acting accordingly at the time. Somehow he would fix this. He placed a kiss on top of Adara’s head and silently prayed that she and Nikole made up soon, because he knew neither one could go without the other.


  He looked up to see Nasir walking into the foyer. “The man who is dead on the lawn, we did confirm is the same one who killed Kevin. We pulled the surveillance. The man climbed the wall and fell to his death. It looked like he was speaking to someone but it doesn’t appear he was with anyone. I am still looking into who has been patrolling and why this wasn’t noticed.”

  Zayn released Adara and motioned his head to the library; she smiled at him and then left the two men alone. Zayn raised his body to his full height and turned to Nasir once Adara had shut the door. Zayn stalked towards Nasir, looking down at the man who’d swore an oath to protect this family.

  “Nasir, how did someone even get this close to us? This is unacceptable. I will not allow failure to work for me. If you do not fix this, and I mean right now, blood will be shed. No one endangers my family, MY OKHT outside of MY home!” Zayn’s voice was cold as ice, fierce and determined. “You will make sure this place is secure or the next blood that will be shed will be yours. I will not tolerate it! Not even you will put my okht and what’s mine in danger. Do. You. Understand?”

  Nasir stood to attention and bowed to his King respectfully. Never had Zayn taken this tone with him before, but part of him felt pride watching Zayn take charge and come into his kingdom. “Yes, Sire.”

  “Good, now leave. I don’t want to see you back here till you have given me answers as to how someone could fucking get on my property and possibly take Nikole again!” Zayn turned toward the closed door and walked away from Nasir, his back to him and carrying an arrogance that last week had not been present.

  Nikole and Alec walked into her room, leaving the door cracked so they could hear what was going on down stairs. Looking around her room, she started to inventory the possessions she had. She knew she could always come back for anything she wanted, but she didn’t want to have to see Zayn again for a while. Walking to the closet, she pulled out a suitcase then started to pick out what clothes she wanted. Alec came to her side and started to fold the clothes up into the suitcase neatly in silence.

  Neither broke their focus as if they would get it done faster if they keep distractions to a minimum. Walking back and forth from her closet to her bathroom, she passed a sketch of her and Zayn in a small picture frame. It was done in the early 1400’s. She picked it up and handed it to Alec to pack. She might be mad, but she still loved him. Taking a final look around her room she nodded to Alec who picked up the suitcase and grabbed her hand, placing a kiss on it before they stepped into the hallway.

  Zayn opened the door and slipped in, shutting it behind him. Adara looked up from her seat and saw his eyes glowing yellow, the bright shimmering color that the King was known for. She left the couch and came to him, embracing him tightly. “Are you alright, Zayn?” She could hear his heart racing from what just took place out in the foyer.

  “No, Adara, I’m not. I cannot lose her again. I will do anything to keep her here and I will not allow anyone to possibly hurt her, even if that means Nasir has to go.”

  Adara pulled away from him at his harsh words. She couldn’t blame him though; his okht was all the family he had left. She would be the same way. “I’ll be getting my things gathered and will be out within a few hours.” She moved away from him and headed to the door. How had she been so naive to think he would want to keep her around? She felt his hand grab her arm, stopping her from going any further.

  “What do you think you are doing? You are NOT leaving.”

  She turned around and looked up at him, those spectacular eyes, the perfect olive skin, sturdy jawline. “You just said you won’t let anyone hurt her, and you won’t let her leave. I have to go. I’ve hurt her, and as long as I’m here, she won’t be. I was selfish and foolish to think I could have you, to have this.” She pulled her arm out of his hand and opened the door stepping into the hallway.

  “Adara, I didn’t mean you! I meant everyone else but you! Stop now. Adara. STOP!”

  Halfway to the stairs she turned around and looked at him. “What do you mean everyone but me? You just said no one.” She turned around and wiped the tears from her eyes and started walking toward the stairs. “I am not going to come between you and my best friend. Period.” She started climbing up the stairs, fumbling with each step along the way.

  “Adara, stop!!”

  She ignored his calls; she couldn’t look at him right now, not when she was crying like this. Zayn flashed in front of her on the stairs, Adara ran right into him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her while she cried into his chest. “I have to go, Zayn. I can’t be the reason that you two fight. I can’t do that to my best friend; I just can’t.” She pushed past him and as she reached the top of the stairs, she saw Nikole and Alec standing there, looking at them. Unable to face her best friend, she just lowered her head and walked into her room, shutting it silently leaving them in the hallway.

  Adara grabbed her bag that was still mostly packed from her house and shoved the items of clothing she had into it. She knew this was crazy, yet she still foolishly thought she would be able to manage it. Who would have thought anything with the King of their people would be easy? He was the King and his okht was her best friend. She had to find a way to fix things with Nikole. No one deserved so much hurt and pain, but then to come home and have salt poured on the open wound… She truly was a horrible friend. She sat on the bed for a moment, looking around to make sure she gathered everything she’d brought.

  She could hear Nikole and the others in the hallway. Her stomach started churning in sickness at her actions. She rushed to the bathroom as the wave of nausea hit from the stress of this situation. She just wanted to go home and forget everything that happened, but she couldn’t.

  “Dear Gods, where am I going to stay?”

  Zayn and Nikole stared at each other in momentary silence, neither ready to say what needed to be said. Nikole felt Alec place his hand on the small of her back as he leaned over and picked up the suitcase she’d just packed. “Let’s go, Alec.” Nikole stepped around her akh and started her descent down the stairs.

  “You can’t take her. She can’t leave me, Alec.”

  Alec looked at his King and took a momentary breath before saying, “This is out of my control, and Nikole wants to come with me, that’s all I need to know.” Walking past Zayn, Alec started followed Nikole down.

  Nikole looked back up to her akh; she could see the pain and hurt in his eyes. She didn’t want to leave, but she had no choice. She had to get away from him, even if only for a few weeks. “Goodbye.” Taking Alec’s hand, she walked out of the front door. She felt her confidence fall as she pulled Alec into her, his arms wrapping around her protectively as he held her on the porch for a minute, letting her cry.

  “Am I acting wrong, Alec? Should I be staying in my home?” Nikole looked up at him with her bright violet eyes shining at him.

  “No, you are not wrong; you just don’t want to be here. You are entitled to be wherever you want.” She turned her head in the direction of the dead body that they’d found; Alec could feel her body shiver in his embrace. He was scared for her and would gladly bring her home so he didn’t have to worry anymore. He forgot how intense the blood bond was. “Come on, Nikole. Let’s go home, and we can figure this out tomorrow.”

  Zayn lowered himself on the first step of the stairs watching the door shut. His okht was gone. His heart broke into a million pieces as twice now in one week he had seen his okht vanish before his eyes. He heard Adara open her door and come up to him. “I’m sorry, Zayn. I just don’t know what else to do.” She walked down the stairs and he watched the other woman he had grown to love walk out of his life.

  Zayn’s body became flooded with grief and anger. Nikole and Adara walking out of his house and away from his life was the last straw to his sanity. With his scream piercing the quiet, the pipes began to shake as the foundation rumbled beneath him. His stark bright yellow eyes scanned the room as water began spewing from the walls. Seconds turned to minutes as Zayn’s final grasp of reality faded. He felt as though all was lost, and in that despair his rage fuelled hotter and deeper. He wouldn’t hurt anyone to satisfy and calm what was inside of him, he knew that, but as he took his last look around, he let his pain consume him as he destroyed the Kadin home.


  Glossary of Terms, Characters, and Historical Events or Locations


  Algula- Vampires who were originally settled in what is now the Middle East. They are even tempered on a day-to-day basis, but in a fight they are ruthless and deadly, and they possess psychic abilities. All family members can share telepathic thoughts with one another, and once bonded, mates use this technique to enhance their love and desires. Each family possesses something unique, different from the others. The Royal Family is known for their ability to teleport from place to place. Once their powers mature, they can carry objects and people as well. Other abilities families can possess are magik (the ability to control the basic elements), flight, mental shielding, and freezing. Some abilities are recessive and can only be triggered by a traumatic event. These abilities are rarer and can be deadly to the recipient. They are as follows: mind control, blood control (ability to control the flow in one’s body), gravitational pulls, and emotional control.

  Ghul- Algula warrior who serves The Royal Family, sworn to protect the innocent and maintain the peace in the community. They are born into service, passed down from abb to son. Ghuls are the heroes of the population and honored at every public event. The leader of the Ghuls is Nasir.

  Nexus- Algula term for marriage. It's when two people come together and form a union. A ritual is performed; it can be done alone or in front of individuals. For royalty, it is best to have that ritual performed in front of witnesses in the event that the lineage is challenged. The male Algula will say the following line: “(Insert female’s name), I take your hand and pledge to you my devotion, my service, my fealty. Forever I shall be faithful, and forever we shall remain.” Once this is said he will take her hand and expose her wrist. He will score her vein with his fangs then pour wax from his designated candle onto it. The female Algula will say the following line: “(Insert male’s name), I take your hand and pledge to you my service, my loyalty, my life. Forever I shall be yours, and forever I shall please you.” She will then expose his wrist, score his vein, and apply her wax to his wrist. The woman will then take the ceremonial knife and cut her wrist where the wax and skin have formed, and then the male will do the same. They then press their wrists together, bonding the two of them. Typically the ceremonial candles represent something from the people or families that are being joined, either their personalities, lineage, or magik traits. Once the nexus has been performed, it cannot be undone, except after one of the parties has died.

  Raheel Ritual - The ritual performed for a member of the Ghul and/or their spouse at their passing. It's the second highest form of respect that a priest can lay on a family in the time of mourning, and is reserved for those families who have fought to protect the Royal Family.

  Hayah Kayema - An experimental medicine the Algula have created to assist their females with their pregnancies. It's administered as a suppository, and will help the uterus accept the embryo and the body keep the pregnancy. It is still not 100% effective.

  Abb- The formal use of the word 'Father'

  Baba - The informal use of the word 'Dad'

  Omm - The formal use of the word 'Mother'

  Mama - The informal use of the word 'Mom'

  Gedi - Grandfather

  Siti – Grandmother

  Ebn' - Son

  Bent- Daughter

  Hafeeda -Granddaughter

  Hafeed -Grandson

  Akh - Brother

  Okht - Sister

  Amm - Uncle

  Amma - Aunt

  Bent Amm - Niece on Father’s side

  Ebn' Amm - Nephew on Father’s side

  Bent Amma - Niece on Mother’s side

  Ebn' Amma - Nephew on Mother’s side

  Bent Amty - Female cousin from Father’s side

  Eben Amty - Male cousin from Father’s side

  Shebeen - Godfather

  Shebeena - Godmother

  az-zaġāyah or assegai - A pole weapon typically used for throwing or hurling. It's a lightweight spear or javelin typically with an iron tip at the end of some type of hard, wooden handle. This was the primary weapon used during the Islamic Conquest (ranging from 634-750) and then later used well into the 20th century in the Middle East.

  Emir - A military Commander

  Characters -

  Hashim Khaled - King of the Algula, his name means destroyer of evil, with his family name meaning eternal. It was first recorded that his reign started around 4000 B.C. While under his rule, his subjects enjoyed peace and prosperity, their lands flourished with crops, and their people were wealthy. He possessed the ability to fly and control the earth. His eyes turned a shade of yellow when using his powers. He bonded to Afaf in 3850 B.C. He died around the year 500 A.D. They had two children, twins, son Haydar and daughter Ikram.

  Afaf Khoury- Queen of the Algula, her name means pure and loving. Her omm was a servant of the kings, and she grew up playing in his fields. She and Hashim first met at the river, where Afaf injured her leg and Hashim helped her home. The two courted for two months before he took her as his mate. She possessed the ability to control fire. She was the most c
herished treasure Hashim ever laid eyes on when they met. She died in the year 1273 A.D. Her dying wish was for her two children to mend their ties, but that day never came. She had fiery red hair and creamy, white skin. Her beauty was unmatched in her time. They say her hair was as soft as silk and she smelled of lilac. Her lips were full, her eyes sultry gray.

  Haydar- Prince of the Algula, his name means lion. He has a bad temper and no patience. He goes about his business with no care of his actions and lacks the control necessary to maintain peace. It is unknown who was born first, he or his sister, but he feels he is the rightful ruler of the Algula because he is male. His abb’s final betrayal of him, crowning Ikram as queen, sealed his fate. He is forever compelled to fight an uphill battle until the day he dies. He possesses his omm's ability to control fire. When his emotions take control of him, his eyes turn a shade of violet. He has the ability to control the elements as his omm did. He was born in the year 423 B.C. He was bonded to Sarah.

  Ikram- Queen of the Algula her name means generosity and hospitality. She was a loving ruler who tried to honor her abb’s memory by ruling in a fair and just way. She worried about her brother and the death he left behind in his wake. She possessed the ability to teleport and control minds. She controlled the element of earth. Her eyes turned shades of green when her emotions took control. She was born in the year 423 B.C. She was crowned queen around 500 A.D. She was bonded to Tamman in 700 B.C. They had a son, Zayn, and a daughter, Nikole. They settled in the mountains of Lebanon where they ruled. The city is present day called Zahle, Lebanon.


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