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Page 21

by T. C. Edge

  They notice the sudden movement in me, Marcus jumping from his seat, zipping over.

  "Now tell me you've found something!" he says. "You've been standing there for over an hour..."

  I frown. "An hour? Time usually slows in the mind."

  "Well, not enough," says Marcus. "So, what do you have? You got in, right?"

  I nod slowly, my mind trying to put everything together, order all that I've learned. The city of Olympus. The Fringe. The Chosen and the Heralds. The Prime...not a single figure, but two, a man and a woman, holding control of the entire nation.

  "I know exactly where Olympus is," I say, half to myself, my mind suddenly taken by that land far to the north, thousands of miles from here. "I know about the Prime, about these people..."

  "And what of their strategy?" asks Burns fervently, stepping forward. "Did you discover what their intentions are?"

  I continue to nod, my voice still a whisper as I speak. "They're...they're looking for a way into Inner Haven," I say. "This bombardment, it's serving a single purpose." I look up, turning to Burns and Ares. "They are forcing us to evacuate and retreat. They want us all in a barrel. They want to kill us all, man, woman, and child."

  I look down at Perses again, so confused by the man. He is the leader of their army, the most powerful warrior they have. Yet, this strategy, it wasn't his own. I could sense his conflict, his nature more...caring than I'd have thought. No, this plan was not of his making. It is his master and mistress, his Mother and Father, who call for the genocide of our people.

  "It's barbaric," grows Marcus. "This is war. The citizens should not be harmed..."

  "It's the Prime," I say, staring into Perses's pale, lifeless face. "They wish us gone. They know we can never be contained. They are trying to destroy us all."

  "How?" says Ares, his voice rumbling through the room.

  "Their Fire Elementals," I whisper. "Or...Fire-Bloods as they call them. They plan to use their two most powerful to burn us all down. To create an inferno that will spread right from the core, destroying everything in its wake."

  "Who are these two?" asks Burns. "Can we strike at them, remove them as a threat?" He looks to Ares, as though he's an assassin under his charge. "Might you be able to get to them, Ares?"

  Ares doesn't answer. His eyes fall to me, seeking a response to Burn's first question.

  " a Chosen," I say. "They are picked by the Prime, the most gifted of any specific type of Enhanced. They are worshiped above almost all others within the city and lands beyond. The other is another Herald of War, like Perses. She's the most powerful all their Fire-Bloods. Raw, but with incredible potential. They have both been brought here with the explicit purpose of killing us all." I shake my head. "I...I don't think they know. The Herald, she...I think she's the girl you saw, Ares. The one who buried Perses. He...he cares deeply for her. He sees her as the daughter he never had."

  Ares nods, his chin stiffening. "She was...upset," he says. "I felt sorry for her."

  "Well, upset or not," Burns says, "perhaps it would have been better for you to have dealt with her then." His words draw a rather fierce glare from the Neoroman. "Whether she's being used or not, if these two see this through..."

  "They won't," I say, adamant. "We know what their plans are now, and we won't let it happen. We have the Oasis. We must evacuate immediately. They don't know of its location. Few of us even know the way in..."

  "But you do, Brie," says Burns. "You didn't mention this to Director Cromwell, did you?"

  "Of course not," I say. "He knows nothing about it. The Olympians can't have a clue about it either. It would make no sense if they did."

  Burns begins to nod. "I'm certain you're right," he says. "However, the Oasis isn't completed yet. Going there carries its own risks. Though" he adds, eyes pensive, "it seems we have no choice."

  "We don't," I say. " This is what we built it for. Ready or not, we must move the people there."

  " exactly are the Olympians planning to get into Inner Haven?" Markus asks. "They're still bombarding the outer walls. This sounds like more of a sneak attack, the way you're speaking."

  "It is. That's their plan. They expect to use the underlands," I say, "a network of tunnels and caverns beneath the city. They're hardly ever used anymore, and they seem to think that they'll be able to navigate their way through the maze, and come up right beneath us in the central square of inner Haven. Though, to do that, they'd have to get in without us knowing, and that means doing so from outside the city. There's only one place where that's possible."

  "The entrance at the old Nameless HQ," says Burns, nodding along. "It is the only way." His eyes turn around the group. "We must take this to President Orlando immediately. We have the pieces now to derail their strategy without them knowing. But to do it, we must be smart. Follow me, all of you. This cannot wait another moment."

  He marches off energetically, Ares joining his side as they go, the gigantic Neoroman looming above him. Marcus follows, stopping at the door. He turns back to find that I haven't yet moved. I stare into Perses's face, still so fascinated by the man, knowing there's more to learn in that mind of his. Knowing I have only scratched the surface of what I might discover.

  "Er, Brie, you coming?" he asks.

  I turn my eyes back up, but then find myself hesitating for another reason. If there's to be a meeting, then Adryan will surely be there.

  The thoughts sets my insides churning uncomfortably. It's the last thing I want to deal with right now.

  But, I really don't have a choice.

  Uprooting, I move towards Marcus, and we follow the others towards the Presidential HQ.



  "Well, Brie, tell us all what you saw?"

  I come to, the words spilling from my grandmother's lips, once again adopting the required directness of a president and forgetting, amid this company, that we are related.

  Around the room, the usual suspects have come together, hastily drawn from their various functions. Though most meetings regarding military operations only require the presence of the military leaders themselves, this time several of the other members of the council are here too. This, it would seem, is a citywide operation, not just a military one.

  I move my eyes up to my grandmother, working them from the target that had me losing my concentration in the first place. That target, of course, is my husband, sitting near to the President's side, trying his hardest not to look at me.

  I thought I'd step into the room feeling the same, but something else has manifested. A hardly containable anger towards him, abandoning me when I need him most.

  How could he do this to me at a time like this? I think. How could he put this on me too when my plate is already so full?

  Yet, another part, more thoughtful, more understanding, asks a very different question.

  What have you done to him, it says, to make him act like this? What, Brie, have you become?

  "Brie spoke to us briefly already, as I mentioned to you, President Orlando." It's Secretary Burns, picking up at the slack, looking over at me questioningly as I sit there, appearing so distracted. "She has informed us that the enemy strategy is to corner us here in Inner Haven, and then burn the entire place down with their most potent Fire Elementals. It is complete and utter destruction," he says, "that they desire. Of our people, and our city itself. Naturally, we are not going to let this happen."

  "And how will they achieve this?" asks the President, remaining calm even under such stark news.

  "Using the underlands," says Burns. "They expect to be able to come up right beneath us, and unleash these powerful Elementals upon us. Burning all before them, much as we did in the woods several nights ago. However, as we understand it, they do not yet know how to access the subterranean portion of the city. It appears that they are aware of the existence of an underground passage providing access from outside of the city, allowing them to enter without us knowing. Thankfully, they haven'
t discovered its precise location yet."

  "And how do you know that, Secretary Burns," asks Secretary Smith, whose outstandingly dull and irritating manner I could do without right now.

  "Because, my dear man, we are sill here," Burns replies. "If they already knew, they'd have carried out this plan by now. We can thank the heavens that that isn't the case. It will enable us to stay one step ahead of them. How, and what we do to counter them, is what we need to decide."

  His eyes work around the room, searching for suggestions. It is Katherine Marr, the sweet natured Social Secretary who, perhaps oddly, speaks first.

  "Well," she says, raising her hand as if she thinks she needs to, "we ought to evacuate first," she says. "Just in case, um, they spring this dreadful plan upon us when we're not expecting it."

  Burns nods, and looks to the President. She, too, smiles at the kindly nature of Secretary Marr, always with the people in mind, first and foremost.

  "It sounds as if that is the only option available to us," my grandmother says. "We developed the Oasis for this purpose, to give us sanctuary in such a situation. We shall need to activate phase two of the evacuation immediately."

  "But the Oasis is unfinished, Madam President," comes the voice of Everett Linney, Secretary for Development. "We have been working hard to finish the project but it remains many weeks, even months, from completion. Leading the entire population down there would put them at risk. We have suffered numerous cave-ins in recent months, and flooding remains an issue during the rains..."

  "Well, you'll have to house them in areas that are complete, Secretary Linney," says the President, quite firm in her conviction. I've noticed that she tends to treat Linney particularly harshly at times, owing, I imagine, to his previous affiliations with Director Cromwell.

  "That will be...difficult, I'm afraid to say," says Linney. "The areas that are entirely complete may be safe, but they are too small to accommodate everyone, and that's to say nothing of the furnishings, which are woefully underdeveloped thus far..."

  "This isn't a holiday weekend, Everett," returns the President. "It is a short term evacuation to a safe location. Comfort is not a high priority. If the people have to squeeze tight, then so be it. Better that than the alternative."

  "Y-Yes, Madam President."

  "We shall need to initiate this immediately," she goes on, not willing to consider Linney's hesitancy any longer. "It will take time, and we must make sure that the enemy do not attack during it. Is there anything we can do to keep them busy?"

  "More raids," suggests Commander Hendricks. "They've been working so far to keep them distracted."

  "OK, that sounds reasonable. However, we need to make sure we keep our best men fit and available to fight. I assume these raids are an annoyance for them, and nothing more. Are our men seeing any results? Are they managing to kill any enemy soldiers?"

  "It's hard to tell, really," says Hendricks. "We have taken down a number of them, but the prevailing thought is that they are merely workers there. They have separate camps for their soldiers and slaves, and the slaves are commonly sent out to perform repairs on any sentry posts we hit."

  "So, we're merely killing slaves," says the President, shaking her head. "Poor souls," she adds with a whisper. "What do you know of this, Brie? Did you see any such thing during your excursion with Captain Marcus?"

  I look to Marcus, sitting by my side. I hope Adryan looks at him jealously now. Hell, I've half a mind to give him something to be jealous about...

  "I know the layout of their camp," I say. "I learned it in the minds of several sentries. The slaves themselves...well, they are from a place called the Fringe, a place my grandfather mentioned to me before."

  I see her eyes narrow a little as I refer to him in such terms. "And?" she says.

  "It is a place subjugated by the people of Olympus," I say. "Very similar, actually, to the class system that developed here between the Enhanced and Unenhanced. Only...worse, in a way. And," I frown, "better." I shake my head. "It's confusing. I saw it in the mind of Perses, but I need more time..."

  "Well, be that as it may, the class system of Olympus isn't of immediate concern to us, reprehensible as it may be. That is a topic for another day. What it sounds like to me, is that these raids are having little impact on their numbers. That is what I am trying to ascertain."

  "Well, in that case," says Hendricks, "no, no impact at all. They are a force numbering almost five thousand. Sniping a few soldiers isn't going to make a dent."

  "But we're talking about distraction here, to ensure our people get below ground in time," says Burns. "It will take a couple of days, I should think." He looks to Marr, considers it and then nods quietly. "I have another idea that will give them something to think about," Burns goes on, looking around the room.

  "Yes, Leyton?" says the President.

  "We should march out," he says, drawing a sly smile. "March out to meet them, white flags aloft, and speak with them directly. It would perhaps give Brie an opportunity to further her good work, and see if she can discover more of what they know. Sneak into their minds as we perform a feigned negotiation."

  My grandmother purses her thin lips, her spindly fingers running through her grey hair. "A reasonable suggestion, Leyton," she says. "And one I rather like. However, we would need to ensure that these heathens are willing to abide by the rules of war. It would not serve us well to step out there, only to be slaughtered."

  "I agree," nods Burns. "We will naturally take an armed escort. And, I would suggest Commander Ares accompanies us, if that's agreeable?"

  Ares nods his square chin. "I would not want to miss it," he says, his exotic accent rumbling around the room. "Captain Marcus can arrange for some of our men to offer protection."

  "Excellent," says Burns. "They can accompany some of our own. Deputy Commander Rycard can see to that." He looks to Rycard, who takes on the order quietly. "We will venture beyond the city, and await their response from afar," he goes on. "If they choose to fire upon us, we will be able to retreat in time. I highly doubt that would happen. I'm certain they would find such a meeting just as intriguing as us. It is likely they will assume we are considering a surrender, and wouldn't want to jeopardise that by acting rashly."

  "When?" asks the President abruptly. "The day is getting on. I would think tomorrow, in the morning, would be an ideal time."

  "I would think the same, Madam President," says Burns. "And," he says, a sudden twinkle in his eye, "might I suggest one more thing."

  "Please, enlighten us, Leyton."

  He places his hand to his chin, stroking gently. "Once our people are evacuated to the Oasis, and the city left safe, perhaps...perhaps we might wish to take a more aggressive approach."

  His words draw an interested silence to the room. I see the likes of Hendricks, Hatcher, Rycard, and Ares all leaning in a little, ever intrigued by the idea of resorting to an offensive strategy. Marcus, beside me, appears particularly enthused by the prospect, shifting his weight forward, eyes turning eager.

  "When the people are safely hidden," Burns goes on, measuring the words out carefully, "then perhaps it would be wise to leak the location of the underground passage. Give them access to the underlands from beyond the city. Allow them in."

  A few murmurs hum within the room. I see the older Secretaries frowning their confusion. But not my grandmother. No, she nods. She knows what he's getting at.

  "A lure," she says, nodding pensively. "You are suggesting that we draw them in when the city is empty. And..."

  "And attack when half their forces are gone," Burns continues. "Assault their own base as they have ours." He turns to me. "You know the layout of their camp, Brie. Are there any points you believe we could target?"

  I think for a moment, the layout of the camp materialising in my mind. "The shield isn't easy to penetrate," I say. "And they may well be wise to the trick I played the other night. Getting through it could prove difficult. But..." I say, narrowing my eyes, "th
eir soldiers...they're inexperienced. They're not accustomed to war. If we can draw them into a fight on the plains, we will have our best shot at disabling a large portion of their army."

  "The wall," says Marcus, adding his voice. I see Adryan's eyes dart to him as he speaks, hidden beneath a frown, before looking away. "We attack their main wall and they'll be forced to meet us on the battlefield. Other groups can probe at the shield defences, spreading the point of attack. But, if we can work to bring down that wall, they will have no choice but to meet us head on."

  "And that's wise, is it?" comes the insufferable voice of Secretary Smith. "What will an attack like this accomplish? Do they not have a far larger force than us? And...we have the city walls. Why leave the safety of our own defences?"

  "Because there is a large breach in the outer walls, Secretary Smith," says Burns, "and the inner walls will suffer the same, in time, if we don't act."

  "But the Oasis..."

  "Is a temporary solution only," says Burns immediately, and rather dismissively. "And, as Secretary Linney says, a potentially hazardous one. We cannot lead our people down there, only to have the enemy resume their bombing. If they do so above the southern reaches of the city, which they may well do soon enough, then it could cause massive cave ins."

  "So, we just invite the enemy right into the heart of Inner Haven?" asks Smith, incredulous. Or, as incredulous as an emotionless Savant can be. "What if they find no one there, and then choose to burn the place down anyway? We can't leave our city so undefended as that..."

  "It's a risk," admits Burns, "but one I feel we must take. We know this is their intention, and must make it work in our favour. When they arrive at the heart of Inner Haven to find it empty, our forces will have begun the assault on their base. They will waste no time in hurrying to join the fight. We must make sure we do as much damage as possible before they get there."


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