Book Read Free

The Steve Williams Series Boxed Set

Page 19

by J. E. Taylor

  “I walked to campus this morning. If you drop me at the frat house, I’ll follow you.”


  “What did you see in the notebook?”

  Jennifer started the car without speaking. “It doesn’t matter because it’s not going to happen.”

  “What did it say?”

  Jennifer glanced at him. “It said it was going to kill you.” She looked back at the road.

  “I am not dying and neither are you,” Steve said. “I told you that the other day.” He looked out the window and gripped the door handle like it was the last rung on a crumbling ladder.

  Jennifer glanced at his pale white knuckles.” You have a problem with my driving?”


  “Then why do you have a death grip on the door?”

  “I don’t like being a passenger in any car. Lack of control thing.”

  “Control freak?”

  “Why do you think I’m a cop?”

  “I don’t know, I just thought you liked handcuffs.”

  His smirk morphed to a grin.

  Jennifer pulled into the fraternity parking lot next to his car. “Can we just forget about all this for the rest of today?”

  “Fine by me. I’ll be right behind you.” He hopped out of her car and dug the keys out of his pocket. He pressed the play button on the CD player and spun his wheels, peeling out behind her. The music filled the car and he sang while navigating the streets back to the apartment, trying to let the tune relax the tension wiring his entire body.

  Jennifer might be able to forget for a while, but there was no way he would get that vision out of his head and he doubted anything short of a drinking binge would wipe it away. He pulled in next to her, hesitant to shut off the car and face reality. She approached his open door, and the way she stared at him woke up his libido and he grinned, finishing the song before shutting the car off.

  He offered her his hand and the moment her skin met his, the fire in his heart bloomed. There was no way he’d stand by and let harm come to her and he made a silent vow to protect her at all costs.

  “You could sing that song to me every day of my life and it still wouldn’t be enough,” she said, opening the door to her apartment and stepping aside so he could enter.

  Steve grinned and put his arm around her waist, swinging the door closed. He sang the chorus of Far Away, twirling her around the entry. “I’ll sing every day if you promise to always look at me like that.” He didn’t wait for an answer, yanking her close he crushed her lips under his, his tongue slipping in her mouth, mingling with hers and blocking the vision of the bleeding notebook.

  When the kiss broke, his mind drifted back to the case and the levity disappeared. “I know you didn’t want to think about what happened today, but after what happened yesterday I want to take you out of Brooksfield.” He wiped the hair away from her face. “I don’t think it’s safe for you here.”

  “You’re the one it threatened.”

  “I’m a big boy, Jen. I can take care of myself. Besides, based on my research, whoever is doing this may be mimicking that old legend you told me about.”

  Her eyebrows shot up. “You still think it’s a human after today?”

  “Humans are capable of horrifying things, Jen,” he said. “And Murphy tells me there are some out there with the mental power to induce hallucinations like we saw today.”

  She peeled herself out of his grip, grabbed her book bag, and took a seat on the cushy couch, sending him an exasperated look.

  “Human or not, based on the notes I’m seeing, it is setting its sights on you and I’m just in the way.”

  “I need to study,” she said, opening the book in her lap. “And I really don’t want to talk about this.”

  “I want you out of Brooksfield.”

  Her gaze shot to his. “For how long?”

  “For however long it takes to catch this guy,” Steve answered.

  “I can’t just drop out of school because someone’s terrorizing the town.”

  Frustration soured his mouth and he ran his hand through his hair. “Then why don’t you stay at my place?”

  “Oh, yeah, alone in the woods. That’s just where I want to be.” She rolled her eyes and dropped her gaze to the book in her lap.

  “Can you just leave town for the weekend then?” Every nerve ending in his body shouted to haul her away against her will, but he knew the second he turned his back, she’d find a way to come back into the hot zone.

  She sighed and met his gaze. “Where do you want me to go?”

  “I’ll see if Murphy can arrange a safe house for you for the weekend.”

  “You’re really serious about this,” she said, putting her book on the table.

  “Yes, I’m dead serious. After we meet him for lunch, I’ll have him take you into protective custody for the weekend and I’ll personally pick you up on Sunday.”

  “What am I going to tell Tracy?”

  “I don’t know. Tell her you’re meeting your parents for the weekend.”

  She bit her lip and nodded. “Fine. But I’m not running off and hiding every time you think I might be in danger, understand?”

  He couldn’t help the smirk that surfaced. In twenty-four hours, he’d be able to breathe and concentrate on the case without worrying about her every waking moment.

  “Don’t you have homework?”

  “You’re kidding, right?”

  “No. We have some stuff for the Public Relations class. Did you even look at the syllabus he handed out Tuesday?”

  Steve laughed.

  “I may be dating you and willing to surrender into protective custody for you, but I am not doing your homework for you.”

  “I would never dream of asking you to do that.”


  He grinned. “Well, maybe.”

  “If you’re here at the school, you’ve got to do the work.” She dropped her notebook on the table and rummaged for a pen.

  He crossed behind her and laid his hands on her shoulder, leaning close and kissing her neck. “Maybe I’ll just make love to you for the next twenty-four hours.”

  “Tempting as that may sound, I really have to get some work done,” she said over her shoulder and broke away from his playful grip. “I am actually a student, remember?” She disappeared into her room, coming out a few minutes later with the rest of her books and a laptop computer.

  Steve wandered into the kitchen to assess what they had for food. He took four chicken breasts out and put them on a plate on the counter.

  “What are you doing?” Jennifer asked from the kitchen door.

  “I figured I’d make myself useful and make dinner tonight.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Go study, I have to make sure you have everything I need,” he said and continued his inventory, placing the ingredients that did not require refrigeration on the counter next to the thawing chicken breasts. He found a pad of paper, scribbled the few missing ingredients, and headed to the living room. “I’ll be back in a few.”

  “Wait,” Jennifer said and tossed him her keys. “Take my keys so you can get in when you get back.”

  “Where are you going to be?”

  “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere. I might not hear you knock.” She held up her MP3 player.

  “Okay. I’ll be back.” He disappeared out of the apartment. The grocery store was just around the corner and it didn’t take long for him to get the items on the list.

  Jennifer was on the couch reading one of her textbooks when he came in. She didn’t even glance up as he walked through the room with the grocery bag. That didn’t sit well with him. She needed to be more aware of her surroundings, especially with the level of danger in the air. He put the food away and came back out in the living room, standing and watching her, every second that ticked by increased his unease.

  Finally, she looked up.

  “You’re back already?” She removed the earphones.

sp; “You didn’t even look up when I came in. That’s not smart, Jen. You always should be aware of your surroundings.”

  “I’m studying.”

  “What if it wasn’t me?” He took a seat across from her.

  Jennifer rolled her eyes. “Who else would it be?”

  “Sometimes you can be so naïve,” he said. “This is an apartment building. The front doors are open during the day. Anyone can walk in. Anyone.”

  “So?” she replied with a shrug.

  “Look, I know you think this place is safe, but it isn’t. My first bust was a serial rapist.”

  Jennifer raised her eyebrows.

  “At Yale.” His eyes bore into her. “A college campus. Now, I understand your apartment isn’t on campus, but the security here is just as lax as most of those dorms were.”

  “But the door automatically locks when you shut it.”

  Steve hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “That lock is a cinch to pick. The deadbolt is a different story. You should have that engaged whenever you’re here alone and when you leave the apartment.”

  Jennifer pursed her lips and mimicked Steve. “I should have the dead-bolt engaged.”

  “I’m serious, Jennifer!”

  She smirked and nodded. “I know.”

  “You’re incorrigible.” He shook his head and crossed to the slider, scanning the view before turning back to her. “Do you ever use the deadbolt?”

  Jennifer turned and shook her head.

  “Not smart, babe,” he said. “I would hate like hell to see you get hurt like those girls did. They all thought it was safe where they were, too.”

  “That’s New Haven. This is Brooksfield, New Hampshire,” Jennifer scoffed.

  “And the nice man who raped thirty four women was from some little unknown place in Pennsylvania, smaller than Brooksfield, as a matter of fact,” he snapped. “It doesn’t matter where you are. There are psychos everywhere. You could at least flip the deadbolt when you’re alone and lock it when you leave.”

  * * * *

  I’m more concerned about what may be in this apartment. Jennifer glanced at the hallway leading to the bedrooms and then at the door. The idea of the dead bolt preventing her from getting away from the thing in the closet was more unnerving.

  She returned her attention to Steve and nodded.

  “Promise?” he asked.

  “Promise,” she agreed.

  Steve nodded. “I’m going to go take a nap on the balcony.”

  Jennifer watched him for a while and then went back to reading the textbook. By the time the clock read three, she had finished most of her work.

  Tracy waltzed in from her classes, lugging her backpack and juggling extra textbooks. “Where’s Steve?” she asked, looking around. “I saw his car.”

  “Out here,” he called.

  “I’m studying, he’s relaxing.” Jennifer rolled her eyes.

  “Must be nice,” Tracy replied.

  Steve walked into the living room, grabbing a soda from the refrigerator behind the bar. “I’m cooking dinner tonight. Is Bill coming over?” he asked.

  “You’re cooking?” Tracy asked.

  “Yes. Is Bill coming over?” he asked again.

  “Nah, he has prep to do for initiation tomorrow night.” She shrugged. “I’m surprised you’re here with all that going on.”

  Steve glanced at Jennifer. “I’d much rather be here with Jen.”

  “Ah, if only I could find a love like that,” Tracy said in a mocking tone. “He cooks, he dotes on you, and my, my, my, he is just delicious to look at.”

  Steve laughed. “So, it’s just the three of us.”

  “Ménage a trois?” Tracy asked raising an eyebrow and licking her lips suggestively.

  “No, thanks,” Steve replied before Jennifer could admonish her friend.

  “I thought that was every man’s fantasy.”

  “I’ve only got one fantasy and she’s sitting right there.” Steve pointed at Jennifer.

  “God, Jen, he is just too good to be true.” Tracy plopped herself on the couch and flipped the television on.

  “Soap opera?” Steve gawked at the television as Jennifer closed her books and leaned back to watch the program. “Ah,” he grumbled and went back out on the balcony.

  Jennifer exchanged a grin with Tracy.

  “He isn’t perfect after all.”

  “Close to it, though,” Jennifer said, and glanced over her shoulder. “And I am going to marry him someday.”

  Tracy grinned. “Will I be the maid of honor?”

  “Absolutely. I promise to pick out the most hideous bridesmaid dress just for you.”

  Tracy giggled. “Teal… or, better yet, pumpkin-colored, right?”

  “Oh, don’t make me gag,” Jennifer giggled along with her friend.

  Jennifer and Tracy settled in to watch the soap opera and Steve disappeared into the kitchen to begin preparations for dinner.

  Delectable scents wafted from the kitchen and Jennifer and Tracy exchanged a look, both hopping to their feet and heading into the kitchen. A red sauce bubbled on the stove and the scent of fresh roasted garlic filled the air along with warm Italian bread.

  “Out.” He shooed them away. “I’ll call you when it’s ready.” He closed the door on both of their questioning eyes.

  Jennifer stared at the kitchen door, surprised. “How am I supposed to learn to cook?” She turned her arched eyebrows in Tracy’s direction.

  “Why would you want to, with a man like him?” Tracy grabbed two wine coolers from the bar, handing one to Jennifer and heading onto the balcony. She took a long draw on the drink, draining half of it. “Seriously, Jen. He is really wonderful.”

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Jennifer said and took a liberal sip of the cooler. “I’m so in love with that man I can’t think straight when he’s around.”

  “Is he as good in bed as he is with everything else?”

  Jennifer blushed. “Tracy…”


  Jennifer tried not to smile. “Come on,” she let out a little laugh.

  “Is he?”

  “Yes, amazing, now stop.”

  “You have to give me details,” Tracy said, finishing her drink.

  “That’s just crude.”

  “I want to live vicariously through you at this moment, so give me details.”

  “No. Besides, you have Billy.”

  Tracy let out a sarcastic humph.

  “You do have Billy, right?”

  “I don’t know, Jen. He’s been acting downright weird lately. First, he doesn’t seem interested, then he’s all over me and back again. I’m getting sick of his hot and cold behavior. Nothing is going to ever come out of the relationship anyway. We never talked about marriage, ever. I’m just an easy lay for him,” Tracy said, getting up and disappearing. Seconds later, she returned with two more wine coolers. “And he’s just a substitute for a vibrator for me at this point. And a bad one at that.” She opened the cooler.

  “I’m sorry,” Jennifer said, cracking her second drink open.

  “Don’t be. At least I realized he was a shmuck now.” She looked at Jennifer. “So tell me about him.” She pointed her thumb toward the kitchen.

  “He can make me hot just with a look,” Jennifer admitted. “And when he touches me, oh my God Tracy, it’s like my skin’s on fire.”

  “His smile could make any woman hot.”

  “Yeah, well, getting that caught up isn’t always a good thing. We both have forgotten protection more than once.”


  “Haven’t you ever been that swept away?”

  She shook her head. “Never.”

  “It’s kind of scary,” Jennifer said glancing over at the kitchen entry. “I’d sell my soul to be in his arms for the rest of my life.”

  Tracy shivered and shot a glance at the lake. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Yes, I do.” Jennifer finished the rest of t
he first cooler and started the second one. “Will you be our children’s godmother?” Jennifer asked, looking out at the lake.

  Tracy didn’t respond at first. “I would be honored,” she said.

  They sat in comfortable silence and drained their drinks.

  Steve stepped onto the balcony a little while later and gave Jennifer a kiss. “Dinner will be ready in about twenty minutes,” he said. He glanced at Tracy. “Where’s the wine?”

  Tracy got up and went into the kitchen with Steve, leaving Jennifer on the balcony to dissect the conversation. Tracy and Bill were having issues, which could explain his sudden intense interest. She huffed at the thought. It was much more than that and she knew it.

  She couldn’t wait to be out of this town this weekend, but she’d never admit that to Steve. Just like him, she thought there was a connection and time was ticking.

  Tracy stepped back onto the deck. “How come you always get the good ones?” she mumbled and sat next to Jennifer.

  “You’ll meet Mr. Right someday.”

  “I hope so,” Tracy said, finishing her drink.

  Steve poked his head out. “Dinner is served.” He bowed graciously and led them into the kitchen, helping them with their chairs before taking the seat at the head of the table.

  The presentation of the meal was restaurant quality. A chicken parmesan cutlet sat in the center of each plate, surrounded by angel hair pasta drizzled in sauce. In the center of each cutlet was a small sprig of parsley. Even the salad was fancy with sliced tomatoes, shredded carrots and fancy cut cucumber in the shape of a rose in the center of the bed of mixed greens. The loaf of toasted Italian bread graced the center of the table, surrounded with roasted garlic halves strategically placed around the slices.

  “I’m impressed.” Tracy looked at the spread before her. “Very impressed.”

  He filled each of their glasses with the wine, graciously accepting the praise. “Thanks,” he said placing the bottle on the table.

  Jennifer took a bite. “This is delicious!”

  Tracy swallowed her first bite. “Oh, my, God, this is heaven.”

  Steve smiled. “Glad you like it.”

  “If you don’t marry him, I will,” Tracy said to Jennifer.

  Steve laughed and dug into his food.

  “You’re a law major, right?” Tracy asked as she washed down her food with the wine.


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