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The Steve Williams Series Boxed Set

Page 102

by J. E. Taylor

  “I don’t think so.” The gun leveled again.

  “Why not?”

  “Because he can’t handle the truth!”

  Steve almost burst out laughing at the audacity of the statement, especially when paired with the Jack Nicolson delivery. This bastard was playing with him; sick or not, this had to end here.

  He took another step forward, the movement cascading pain through his shattered shoulder and he focused on destroying those things that mattered to this heartless bastard controlling the Lieutenant. “Which one of these babies is your favorite?” He waved toward the cars surrounding them.

  Danforth pressed the trigger again in frustration, but the gun jammed.

  “The Aston Martin?” With a tilt of his head, the little silver car blew up, sending pieces of metal flying over their heads.

  “You bastard!” Danforth flipped the safety off but, before he could get his finger around the trigger, the gun was yanked from his hand and was tossed clear across the floor, discharging as it hit the ground, and the bullet pierced the door of the Stingray.

  “What do you care? These are your brother’s cars.”

  “They’re mine you asshole! They were always mine!”

  “What about the Maserati?” Another explosion followed a tilt of his head, the anger growing, along with satisfaction from the horror etched into Danforth’s face, his mouth falling open, and his eyes staring at the destruction. He swung his gaze back toward Steve.

  The fury took hold and Steve lost control. The ground rumbled, rippling with the power escaping from Steve. The building around them disintegrated behind the wall of power traveling out from Steve’s center, attacking and bowing over everything that didn’t have a heartbeat.

  The gorgeous southern mansion that stood for nearly a hundred years crumbled as if a giant foot crashed down on a toy house, flattening it into the ground. A plume of dust and smoke filled the sky, blocking the stars from view.

  “What are you?” Danforth asked, visibly shaking.

  Steve’s laugh echoed into the night, gloriously similar to that of Chris Ryan’s. “I’m your worst fucking nightmare!” The power grew, filling his skin, threatening to strike out again and Steve clenched his fists holding on, reining it in, keeping it in check.

  Danforth’s face molded into a mask of fury.

  Kill him! CJ’s voice echoed in Steve’s mind and choked off the laugh. “Why should I let you live?” The question was almost lost in the sound of sirens nearing the destruction. He took another step and it was Tommy’s hand on his arm that held him back.

  “You can’t kill him.”

  The small voice came from behind him and Steve turned. “Why not?”

  You can’t. Chris’s voice echoed Tommy’s thoughts.

  The shuffle of feet caught his attention and he turned in time to see a shard of metal flying through the air. He parried and the edge stuck into his arm. Danforth charged and Steve thrust the heel of his hand into the Lieutenant’s throat as hard as he could. Danforth’s head snapped forward and his feet flew out from underneath him. The crack of his skull on the concrete floor echoed into the night. Steve yanked the blade out of his arm and grabbed Tommy’s hand, leading both him and Annalee out of the ruined garage and into the flashing red and blue night.

  Chapter 69

  The police car slid to a stop in the driveway and Sarah hopped out, the ground rumbling below her as she ran to the form lying face down on the edge of the path leading to the garage. Fear, thick and pungent as the burning metallic stench hanging on the air, assaulted her. Her heart knocked painfully on her rib cage and her breath caught in her lungs. God, please don’t be Steve.

  She slowed, scanning the body as she approached it and sighed, relief flooding her until she rolled the body over and looked at the bruised face of her boss. The mansion imploded, crumbling and creating a dust storm around her, surrounding the garage in thick smoke.

  She pulled her gun and trained it on the side of the garage where the door had been moments ago ignoring the sirens that pulled to a stop behind her.

  A shrouded figure stepped out.

  “Freeze!” Sarah commanded.

  “Sarah, it’s me, I’ve got the kids,” Steve called, raising his hands in the air and stepping out of the fog. Tommy and Annalee followed and Steve walked toward Sarah, his hands in full view of the swarming police force. “Lieutenant Danforth is unconscious inside. He’s the one responsible for the murders.”

  “Bullshit!” Officer Clemmons growled, stepping into view with his gun trained on Steve. His face formed into a mask of hostility until his eyes landed on Annalee and Tommy. “Jesus,” he whispered, lowering his gun with wide eyes. His gaze traveled to Steve and he nodded his apology before bellowing, “I need an ambulance now!” Officer Clemmons holstered his gun and collected Tommy and Annalee, leading them toward the make-shift command center at the edge of the driveway.

  * * * *

  Steve crouched next to Sarah and pressed his hand to Cleary’s chest. The strong beat of Cleary’s heart met the flesh of his palm and he closed his eyes in relief. A wave of dizziness overtook him and he sat on the ground, his shoulder screaming in protest at the jolt.

  “What happened?” Sarah asked.

  “Danforth snapped, psychotic break, split personality—call it what you will, but the bastard snapped.”

  “How are we going to explain this?” She waved at the destruction.

  “I don’t know and frankly, I don’t care. What I need right now is Jennifer,” he said and closed his eyes, letting the fatigue take over.

  Chapter 70

  Jennifer ran into the emergency room, her eyes frantically searching the officers for a face she recognized. Thoughts swarmed and she couldn’t concentrate until CJ took her hand.

  “He’s this way.”

  She nodded and let CJ lead her to the hall outside the operating rooms. Steve lay unconscious on a gurney, blood seeping through the fabric of his shirt and Jennifer shot to his side, pressing her lips to his and pushing the healing power rattling through her body into Steve.

  His eyes flew open and a rush enveloped them, the sound like a rising storm penetrated, whirling around, looming, threatening, depleting.

  Jennifer felt the vacuum draining the power from her.

  Steve gasped and pulled away. Light danced over his skin closing both the bullet wound in his shoulder and the gash in his arm. Then the power settled, transfixed, bonded to the darker influence he held inside.

  The yin and yang, coupled in one being where it rightfully belonged.

  “Holy shit.” He sat up, his staring at her and his gaze traveled to CJ. He flexed his hands, gaining control of the surge before it transcended to something else. Something he couldn’t control.

  Holy shit is right! Chris’s voice pierced the silence.

  “What the hell was that?” Jennifer’s green eyes widened. Residual traces of the power still sparkled on her skin, but she could no longer hear the constant din of thoughts or feel the surge in her veins.

  * * * *

  His shoulders rose and fell and he blinked, looking at his hands, flexing and straightening his fingers. The combined power raging in him was formidable, but he didn’t know if it would be enough to put Tommy back together again.

  “I have to get Tommy out of here, pull the car around to the emergency entrance and I’ll be out soon. While you’re waiting, call Ted and tell him I’ll pay him whatever it takes to get down here in an hour,” he said, digging the phone out of his pocket and handing it to her. “Stay with her, CJ. It’ll be easier to get him out on my own,” he said, halting CJ’s progress.

  Steve left them in the hallway, heading toward the pre-op room where they had Tommy. Ignoring the scowls, he crossed the room to Tommy’s bedside, his gaze locked on Tommy’s frightened, pain-filled eyes. “How’d you like to go home?” he offered Tommy a smile.

  Before Tommy could nod, the surgeon waiting for his release forms interrupted. “He ne
eds medical attention. I can’t release him until…”

  Steve turned toward the voice, flipping his badge open. “I assure you, he will get the very best medicine has to offer; now if you don’t mind, I’m taking him home.”

  “But, sir?”

  Steve leveled his gaze and pushed his voice to a low commanding growl, “Sign the release forms.”

  The doctor blinked and nodded, shuffling away to the counter and scribbling out a release form, signing Tommy over to the custody of Special Agent Steve Williams. He handed the paperwork over and focused his attention on the girl in the next bay.

  Steve removed the IV tube and the oxygen mask and picked Tommy up, depositing him in a wheelchair before wrapping a blanket around him. “I can patch you up, but we have to wait until we’re out of here. Okay?”

  Tommy nodded although his brow creased. You have it now?

  “Aye-up,” Steve said. “CJ’s here, too, and he can’t wait to see you,” he added and pushed the wheelchair out into the heart of the emergency room. He got as far as the doors when an angry voice interrupted his progression.

  “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

  Steve turned and stared at his boss. “I’m taking the boys home. Jennifer’s waiting outside for me.” He waved toward the car idling outside the doors.

  Cleary marched up to Steve. “He needs…”

  “…to be fixed,” Steve whispered.

  Cleary raised an eyebrow, his gaze traveled to Steve’s bloody but perfect arm. “We still need to talk.”

  “We can talk on the plane. I’ll spring for a round trip if you need to be back here in the morning, but the boys need to be in a place where they feel safe,” Steve said.

  “And where’s that?”

  “I’m taking them to their grandparent’s house in Connecticut. I’ll get the address from my lawyer once we take off.” Steve turned his gaze to Sarah when she stepped by Cleary’s side. “Thanks,” he directed to her.

  “No problem, although I’d prefer to do without the mental phone call. Use the cell next time.”

  Steve shrugged. “Sorry, but Jennifer has my phone. Do you mind meeting us at hangar twelve at the Atlanta airport? I have a private plane booked to take off within the hour.”

  “Sure,” Sarah agreed.

  “Thanks.” Steve traded a last look with Cleary before pushing Tommy out to the waiting car.

  Cleary swore under his breath and followed, with Sarah close behind.

  Chapter 71

  The door to the hangar opened and Steve stepped inside, carrying Tommy in his arms. He kept his mind focused on Tommy, making sure the kid didn’t slip into shock before they had a chance to board the private plane. CJ and Jennifer trailed, dragging the collection of suitcases and carry-on bags behind them.

  Cleary and Sarah stood, trading glances with Steve.

  “We stopped to grab their stuff,” he said and set Tommy down on the couch, wrapping the blanket tighter around him. “You hanging in there?” Tommy nodded, but the rings around his eyes seemed deeper than before and Steve knew time was running out.

  He turned toward the counter, crossing the distance, but before he could ask about their flight, the outer door swung open.

  “I got here as soon as I could,” Ted said, striding toward Steve in his fancy flight suit reserved for the more elite clientele.

  “Man, you are a sight for sore eyes,” Steve said, the relief sweeping through him. “Where did I pull you from?”

  “I was down in Boca Raton when I got your wife’s call.”

  “I really appreciate it, Ted. I need to get those kids on board as soon as we can,” Steve said and glanced over his shoulder toward the group. Cleary approached with lines of irritation etched in his face.

  “Jennifer said it was an emergency, are they okay?”

  “CJ is, but his brother is in rough shape. I’ll fill you in when we’re in the air. In the meantime, this is my boss, Assistant Director Ron Cleary. Ron, this is Ted Beaumont, a good friend of mine from Yale.”

  Handshakes were traded and Ted glanced in Steve’s direction. You are in a shit load of trouble, aren’t you?

  “Aye-up,” Steve agreed to Ted’s thought and winked at his friend. “We about ready to go?”

  “Yes. If you’ll follow me, I’ll get you settled in, and you can tell me what you need for the boy,” he said pointing his chin in the direction of Tommy.

  Steve carried Tommy on board and laid him on the soft couch.

  “What do you need?” Ted asked, helping Jennifer with the bags.

  “You wouldn’t have a bathtub onboard?”

  Ted laughed. “No, but we do have an executive washroom through the galley on the right. It’s small but we’re carrying enough water for you to fill the sink at least a dozen times. I’ve also got some cloth towels under the sink too, so you can clean up reasonably well.” His gaze turned toward Tommy.

  When Ted disappeared into the cockpit, Steve turned to Tommy. “I’m sorry I didn’t do this at the hospital but…” he trailed off and shrugged.

  “It would have been hard to explain,” CJ finished the sentence for Steve and squeezed his brother’s hand.

  Ignoring the small crowd of eyes staring at him, Steve gathered the healing power until his entire body tingled with it. Harnessing the magic, he put his hand on Tommy and willed enough juice into Tommy to erase his wounds.

  Light leapt from Steve’s hand, encompassing Tommy in the warm glow of sparks. Tommy cried out in pain and Steve closed his eyes, his heart breaking at the added torture he had to endure to heal. “I know it hurts, Tommy, but the pain only lasts a few minutes.”

  Tommy’s cries turned to whimpers and Steve pulled his hand back, unfolding the blanket and watching the scars traversing Tommy’s stomach fade away. He pressed his lips together saying a silent prayer, one to return Tommy back to normal, for him to regenerate his lost tongue.

  Tommy’s eyes blinked open, the dark circles gone and his eyes bright with a healthy glow.

  “Feeling better?”

  Tommy nodded. “Es,” he said and his expression fell, his eyes reflecting the horror present in his mind. Some things never grow back and his missing tongue fell into that category. Devastation brought tears to his eyes.

  “You’re alive, Tommy,” CJ said and slid next to his brother, wrapping his arms around him in a bear hug. Tommy returned the hug.

  “Do you want to clean up and put on something from your suitcase?” Steve asked and pointed toward the line of suitcases near the galley.

  Tommy nodded and stood.

  “Why don’t you help him, CJ,” Steve said and watched the two boys retreat to the washroom before standing and turning toward the audience of onlookers.

  Cleary looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head any second, his gaze traveling between the galley and Steve, his mind trying to reconcile what he just saw, and misfiring.

  “So, you want my badge,” Steve said.

  Cleary blinked, focusing on Steve, his open mouth popping closed. “You broke the law, Steve.”

  “What are you talking about?” Sarah interjected.

  “Aiding and abetting a known felon,” Cleary said, sending a glare that silenced Sarah.

  “He wanted to help track Kyle down, and knowing what I knew about the level of his gifts, you bet your ass I leveraged him. He was a fucking genius at computers and he found Kyle in a matter of days. Days, Ron. We hunted that bastard for years and Chris pulled it off within a week.”

  “But what he did wasn’t legal, was it?”

  Steve inhaled and turned away for a second, his gaze landing on Jennifer. Her stark stare bore into him, willing him to come clean because their life would go nowhere if it was shrouded in lies. “No, he didn’t exactly use legal means to track Kyle down.”

  “Do you know what that does to our case?”

  Steve spun toward his boss. “The FBI didn’t find Kyle. He kidnapped Jessica, Sarah and Jennifer and the on
ly reason Kyle’s in custody and facing a death sentence is because of Chris Ryan. I admit, the siphoning of Kyle’s accounts was a little over the top, but if you’d like me to give the ten million dollars to the government as confiscated funds, I certainly can.”

  “How was Chris Ryan a felon?” Sarah asked, her mind racing to follow the conversation.

  “Ty Aris,” Both Steve and Cleary said at the same time.

  Sarah’s eyes narrowed at Steve. “You told me he wasn’t Ty Aris.”

  “Technically, his proper name was Ty Alexander Ryan,” CJ said from the galley.

  All heads swiveled in his direction.

  “CJ, this isn’t your fight,” Steve said.

  “Folks, I hate to interrupt the love fest, but you all need to strap in,” Ted said from the cockpit door. Shitload of trouble is an understatement.

  Steve nodded. Ted witnessed the healing of Tommy and the rest of the ugly conversation and his eyes now reflected doubt and unease. Ted was the only real friend left and Steve kicked himself for putting that look in his eyes. “Did you want a co-pilot?”

  Ted’s gaze traveled to Steve’s boss and back and he shrugged. “I’d love to have the kids up here once we get to cruising altitude.”

  Message clear. He had burned another bridge.


  “Now what?” CJ asked, loosening his seatbelt.

  Steve shook his head. “I don’t know. I guess I’ve got to figure out what I’m going to do with my life now that I’m no longer an FBI Agent.”

  “I never said you were fired,” Cleary said.

  “I just assumed…”

  “I’m not about to let you run around in the general public with whatever’s burning inside you.”


  Cleary held up his hand. “—I should take your badge, but I’ve been thinking about this since we found their mother. I don’t want to drag her name through the mud, and now that I would classify you as a secret weapon, it would be irresponsible for me to cut you loose. Besides, Sarah will keep an eye on you.”


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