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The Steve Williams Series Boxed Set

Page 150

by J. E. Taylor

  “She lived with that for the last few years?”

  Tom nodded. Hell, I thought I was damaged. He let out a laugh.

  “And Tanya?”

  Tom shrugged, he had no idea what happened to her, last he knew, she followed the asshole when Steve blasted him from the room. Maybe she’s latched onto the Windwalker.

  CJ chuckled, “I hope she haunts him until he drops dead.”

  “Me too,” Tom signed and then met CJ’s gaze. What happened in court?

  “Dad made an appearance,” CJ answered. “But only after I threatened to blow the courthouse and everyone inside to pieces.”


  “Ah, man, it was epic. He came down with wings and all and laid down the facts. He also wrote a detailed letter explaining his position, and get this, the letter was dated the day after we were born.”

  The shock of that statement hit as pronounced as the ripple of an earthquake when standing over the epicenter. “He knew?”

  “Tom, he knew everything. Every god damn thing.” CJ shook his head in awe. “Maybe he really was a fallen angel.” He took a deep breath and shrugged. “Anyway, to make a long story short, they threw all the charges out except one.”

  Worry flared in Tom and he turned, meeting his brother’s gaze.

  “Don’t worry, his sentence didn’t include jail time or fines but he did lose his job because of what happened in Georgia. They said it was reckless and he should have never brought me down there, despite what I can do.”

  “He’s no longer in the FBI?” Tom asked and closed his bedroom door.

  “Nope,” CJ said and faced Tom. “So, where are you sleeping?”

  Tom glanced toward the guest room. “With her,” he signed.

  CJ grinned and poked Tom. “Yeah, right, like Jen and Steve would ever allow that.”

  Tom glared at him. “I’m not going to screw around with her; I just want to be there when she wakes up.”

  CJ’s smile faded and his eyebrows arched. “Holy shit! You’re in love with her, aren’t you?”

  Tom glanced toward the door and nodded. “She’s the one.”

  Chapter 50

  Tom pulled up to the cabin and set the car in park. His hands shook slightly as he glanced at Raven and offered a nervous smile. He’d planned this entire trip and prayed the flowers around the cove were in full bloom now that graduation was over and spring was on the cusp of summer. He jogged around to her side of the car and opened the door, helping her out onto the gravel.

  “This is absolutely lovely,” she said, looking over the lakefront view with awe.

  He just nodded and opened the trunk, pulling out the picnic basket and blanket. He cursed under his breath at the shakes gripping his form, and the nerves getting the best of him. With a deep breath, he closed the trunk and sent a smile her way. He headed toward the path in the woods, taking her hand as he passed her.

  “Where are we going?”

  He shook his head and when he got to the path, he stopped and put the basket down.

  “It’s a surprise. Just wait here, I’ll be right back for you in a minute,” he signed.

  Her dimples appeared and she met his gaze. “Okay,” she said and turned toward the lake view once more, heading toward the little gazebo and the glider inside.

  Tom took off down the winding path with the basket and blanket, his heart hammering harder than when he saw the Windwalker, but this time it was anxiety and not fear that drove it to pump in triple time. His conversation on the beach with Steve popped into his head as he spread the blanket over the soft moss of the cove, setting up the items from the basket and praying Steve was wrong, otherwise, this would be a very quick picnic.

  He stood back and surveyed the presentation. Satisfied, he wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and headed back to collect his date.

  Raven turned when he stepped out of the woods and he waved her over.

  “Ready?” he signed, shifting from foot to foot with the excess energy flooding his body.

  “Sure,” she said and took his hand.

  He rounded the corner and smiled at her gasp. Stepping onto the moss, he turned to face her and took a deep breath. “Welcome to Paradise Cove,” he said with perfect enunciation.

  Raven’s gaze snapped from the array of colorful wildflowers to his face, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open.

  “It’s the only place on earth that I can speak the way God intended me to,” he said and pulled her into his arms. “And the only place that I can do this.” He kissed her and nearly dropped to his knees at the sensation of her tongue dancing with his in slow seductive circles.

  When he pulled away, he opened his eyes, taking in the shocked excitement in her eyes and the slow smile that surfaced on her face.

  “Wow. And I thought you were good before,” she said, her voice had that breathless quality, making it husky and sexy beyond his wildest expectations.

  He took her hand and led her to the blanket and she went to sit down.

  “No, not yet,” he said putting his hands up to stop her. He turned, rummaging through the basket until his hand closed on the little velvet box. He stood with his back to her and took a deep breath before facing her.

  “I can’t begin to tell you how much you mean to me,” he said and wiped a stray hair out of her face. “If it wasn’t for you, I’m not sure I would have gotten through everything that happened this year.”

  “Tom,” she started.

  “Just let me finish and then you can have your say,” he said. “All right?”

  Raven looked at the ground and nodded, he could tell from her expression that she was expecting an entirely different conversation.

  He dropped to one knee, looking up at her and brought the box into her field of view. “This is the ring my biological father gave my mother when he asked her to marry him. I’d like you to accept this as my promise for a lifetime of laughter and steam,” he said and took a shaky breath, opening the blue velvet box. “Raven Adams, will you marry me?”

  She blinked and her mouth dropped open at the exquisite diamond sitting on the velvet platform. Her gaze jumped to his and her hand flew over her open mouth.

  “I wanted to do this where you could hear the words,” he said and every second she stared at him brought forth a bigger lump in his throat and increased panic in his heart. “I love you, Raven,” he whispered.

  Her hand dropped from her mouth and she threw her arms around his neck, tackling him to the ground with a kiss that made him forget to breathe. When she broke the kiss, he looked up at her.

  “Does that mean yes?”

  “Yes, you idiot, that means I’ll marry you,” she grinned.

  The End


  J.E. Taylor is a writer, a publisher, an editor, a manuscript formatter, a mother, a wife and a business analyst, not necessarily in that order. She first sat down to seriously write in February of 2007 after her daughter asked:

  “Mom, if you could do anything, what would you do?”

  From that moment on, she hasn’t looked back and now her writing résumé includes more than half a dozen published novels along with several short stories on the virtual shelves including a few within eXcessica anthologies.

  In addition to being co-owner of Novel Concept Publishing (, Ms. Taylor also moonlights as a Senior Editor of Allegory (, an online venue for Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror. She has been known to edit a book or two and also offers her services judging writing contests for various RWA chapters.

  She lives in Connecticut with her husband and two children and during the summer months enjoys her weekends on the shore in southern Maine.

  Visit her at

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  “J E Taylor writes a thrilling and engaging paranormal horror, “DARK RECKONING”. The absorbing, fluid plot builds slowly towards its divergent terror-driven climax. I do love a great horror story, so I’m adding this beauty to my ebook collection. Marking it for a repeat read too.” Pamela Jenewein – Romance At Heart Reviews

  "J.E. Taylor has penned a tale of terror worthy of Lovecraft. The strong characters, edgy atmosphere, and unflinching narrative hooked me from the first and kept me riveted all the way through to its horrifying conclusion - a solid piece of storytelling!" Ty Drago, Editor of Allegory and author of PHOBOS

  “I loved DARK RECKONING - always had a soft spot for demon type horror/thrillers and this is fabulous. Just the right mix of terror and calm so I didn't have a heart attack while reading but came close! Excellent read for anyone who loves horror and a good love story.” Cat Connor author of killerbyte and terrorbyte

  VENGEANCE (Book 2):

  Living large in New York City as a corporate lawyer for the most savvy drug lord on the East Coast, Special Agent Steve Williams carefully plots Charlie Wisnowski's downfall. His plans go to hell when his wife Jennifer survives an attack by a serial killer. With her life in jeopardy and his undercover guise threatening to unravel, he orders Charlie’s arrest. But the sting goes woefully wrong and Steve becomes the target of a mafia assassin hired by the biggest crime boss in America.

  Escaping from the city, Steve and Jennifer settle back into their quiet life on the banks of Mirror Lake. Their peaceful existence shatters with a crippling loss and Jennifer’s visions escalate, forecasting a brutal assault on their family.

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  “VENGEANCE follows FBI agent Steve Williams deep undercover inside a cocaine ring. With each chapter the tension mounts as Taylor turns the screws using multiple and excellent techniques to grip the reader. It’s a great crime thriller – an excellent read, it moves at a frenetic pace with multiple character threads woven through it to culminate in an explosive ending. I recommend it as a gripping read you won’t be able to put down.” Poppet – author of Darkroom and Seithe


  When Kyle Winslow escapes from custody and targets everyone Special Agent Steve Williams cares about, a turn of fate brings Steve face to face with Ty Aris – a criminal mastermind topping the FBI’s most wanted list.

  Torn between justice and vengeance, Steve must make a decision.

  Join alliances with Ty, or arrest him and lose his best chance to catch the bastard who destroyed his family.

  "Unstoppable, breath stealing, and terrifying all at once." - Cat Connor, author of killerbyte, terrorbyte, and exacerbyte.

  "Hunting Season goes where few venture, mixing a compelling crime thriller with supernatural forces. The action and drama is thick and fast and I guarantee you will not be able to put this book down." - Poppet, author of Seithe and Darkroom.


  Special Agent Steve Williams, still reeling from the death of Chris Ryan and his unexpected inheritance, isn’t ready to step back into the line of fire. Relations with his wife are strained at best, and now he’s saddled with a new partner and a not so silent guardian angel.

  When his boss calls with news of another case, a serial killer in Atlanta targeting children, it strikes a nerve in Steve. Caught between responsibility and instinct, he makes a choice – a choice he’ll regret forever.

  “Georgia Reign is impossible to ignore or put down. Once you start reading, you are stuck; the great writing hooks you and makes you feel like a part of each scene. A good author gets you emotionally invested with the characters, and Taylor is an exceptional thriller author. I wasn't ready to say goodbye to these characters again, I simply wanted to keep reading to find out what happens next. If you love crime thrillers, you really HAVE to start reading the Steve Williams novels by J.E. Taylor. She takes you on a ride you will never forget. Gripping, disturbing, page turning crime thrillers don't get better than this.” Poppet / Gemma Rice – Author of Seithe, Darkroom and Djinn

  “Eeek... I loved this book. It had me on edge with tingling sensation of dread and hope for the characters of the book. This series had me at hello. Taylor has a way of telling stories in which it is very hard to put them down. So enthralling that you go to bed dreaming of the events unfolding on the page. So looking forward to more from this very talented Author!!!” 5-Stars from Ladymaryjane on Amazon


  Assistant D.A. Carolyn Hastings has an uncanny knack for putting away criminals. With one of the best prosecution records in recent history, her future as Manhattan’s next District Attorney looks certain. But her sixth sense for winning cases threatens to work against her when she starts seeing a string of murders through the eyes of the killer.

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  And he knows it’s only a matter of time before this psychopath knocks on her door.

  “Taylor has a strong thriller where every single character has reasonable doubt flashing like a neon sign hanging over them, and right from the beginning you are trying to guess who the killer really is. Gripping, rich and magnificent - crime whodunnits don't get any better than this!” Author Poppet / Gemma Rice – Author of QUISLINGS, BLINDSIDED, DJINN and DUSAN

  “CRYSTAL ILLUSIONS is a dizzying thriller with a terrifying killer, a unique detective, and some twists you will not see coming! This is Steve Williams’ most addictive adventure so far and J.E. Taylor at her very best!” Ty Drago - Author of PHOBOS and THE UNDERTAKERS: RISE OF THE CORPSES and Managing Editor/Publisher of ALLEGORY E-zine.

  "This has to be one of the best mysteries I have ever read. Move over Agatha Christie there's a new sheriff in town, and she is great." - PRG Reviews

  SAVING FACE (Book 6):

  The Windwalker Serial Killer stalks the inlets of southern Maine for the next beauty to advance his collection and Special Agent Steve Williams is frustrated with always being a breath behind the slippery psychopath. Escalating the pressure, Steve’s adopted sons, CJ and Tom Ryan, take teenage rebellion to an entirely new level, leaving Steve in an explosive situation.

  When the Windwalker slaughters Tom’s ex-girlfriend, taking her face as a macabre trinket, Tom is found on the scene covered in her blood, with her scalped body draped across his lap. Damning evidence against him is unearthed, his father's secret identity is about to be exposed, and he's charged with Tanya’s traumatic murder.

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  “I rarely write a review, but this one kept me up nights. Nightmarishly delicious without a hint of shying away from the seductively scrumptious flavor from one page to the next. Horror, torture, hate, fear, and sensuality. This story has a little bit of everything in it with the grim intensity of eliciting these emotions in the reader.” Amazon 5 Star Review by Anna


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