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Omega Virus (Book 2): Gamma Hour

Page 9

by Jake A. Strife

  The walls were rough and jagged enough to have handholds. I grabbed one and climbed. It took most of my upper body strength, and energy, but I made it to the top. I rolled over the lip of the cliff and laid flat.

  My heart cracked.

  I rested on a ledge above the lake cavern. The light came from torches the cannibals placed. I crawled toward the edge and gazed upon the tribal-dressed men and women. Krool’s people were surrounding a fire pit, eating something, or more likely, someone. A low growl escaped my lips. They’d put us through hell.

  The booming from the caves of Hirool echoed up the shaft from behind me. One cannibal stood and looked. He shouted, and the rest rose, eyes darting. The cave itself shook.

  “What do we have here?”

  I rolled onto my back to defend myself from King Krool. His heavy foot landed on my chest, pinning me to the floor. He still held the sack of skulls, and beside him were the half-naked women, looking wild; ready to lunge and tear my flesh with their sharpened teeth.

  “Get off me!”

  He wagged his finger. “Not this time little girl.”

  “I survived the Gauntlet!” I dug my nails into his ankle, drawing blood. “Let me free!”

  “That was the original deal… for your friends. You kidnapped Dyonna and dragged her into that death trap.” He sniffed the air and scrunched his face. “You were in contact with those freaks below, weren’t you? No matter, we always wash our meat.”

  I punched his calf. “My friends will come!”

  He gave a hearty laugh. “They survived? Oh, I’ll send a few scouts. We’ll drag them back here for a reunion. Sorry, I mean a buffet.”

  “You assface! You would go back on your word?”

  “We need to eat! Natural deaths don’t occur often enough.” He looked between the women. “You get the first bites. Leave me the fat. I do so enjoy the breasts and ass.”

  The two wild women approached, both moving with swaying steps, smiling and gnashing their teeth. How had the apocalypse made everyone insane? The first of the two, leaped and seized my arm. I pulled back, but she held even tighter and sniffed my skin.

  “Let go! Or else!”

  Krool squatted next to me. “Or else what?”

  I snatched at his hair but missed. “You don’t know who I am! The Lonely Ones; they’ll come for me!”

  He showed his wicked sharp teeth. “They don’t care about anyone but themselves!”

  “That’s where you are wrong.” Mog appeared behind the women. He kicked at one, and she flew off the ledge, screaming. With a spin, he sent the other woman flying.

  Krool swung the bag of skulls.

  Mog brought up his arm to block, and the skulls shattered.

  “Freak!” The cannibal roared and threw punches at the Lonely One, none of which made contact. Another swift Mog kick had Krool bouncing and tumbling off the cliff. He landed amongst his panicking kin.

  “The exit is that way!” Mog pointed. “Let’s go—”

  But from that exit emerged Virgil. I dove behind a stalagmite.

  “Where is she?” Virgil sounded pissed.

  I thanked the gaming gods he didn’t spot me. On my hands and knees, I crawled, fearing they might come to blows. Below, cannibals fired arrows. Mog dodged one, and another found its way right between Virgil’s eyes. The Lonely leader collapsed in a heap.

  My eyes popped. “Holy shit.”

  Mog stared at Virgil’s prone form and shook his head. A rage unlike any other flashed across his face, and he dove toward the group of cannibals and tore the shooter’s arms off in one swift rip. Another Lonely One appeared and kneeled over Virgil, pulled out the arrow, and disappeared back into the hole with the body. Soon the cave filled with Silver Star guardians, diving to join the massacre.

  I took the only opportunity I saw, ran for the exit, and dashed into the woods. Outside, night had come. Two bright lights flared into my eyes. I raised my arms to guard my face. With a loud rumble, I prepared for the creature to attack.

  LEVEL 13:


  The creature’s engine roared, which made no sense. As I lowered my arms, I realized I was standing in a pair of headlights. I stepped out and joy filled me to the brim. A yellow Jeep sat before me. Charles was driving, and Arik rode shotgun. Kiki and Dyonna were in the back.

  “What are you doing?” Arik waved. “Get your ass in here, quick!”

  I grinned as wide as possible and took Dyonna’s hand. She pulled me into the backseat. I threw my arms around her, then leaned over and hugged Kiki. “I have never been happier to see somewhat sane people!”

  “Somewhat?” Arik slumped his shoulders and Kiki giggled. She held her backpack to her chest, and Bubsy peered out with huge eyes.

  I patted the zombeast’s head. “Good to see you, too, Bubsy!”

  The cat blinked and yawned; catty sarcasm.

  A scream of pain came from just within the cannibal’s cave. My heart leaped into my throat. “Drive, now! The Lonely freaks are looking for me, and the tribal idiots just shot Virgil in the face!”

  “Man!” Arik punched the glove box. “We came back for that!”

  “Well, hot damn.” Charles put the Jeep into gear and we reversed. “Looks like were fugitives now.”

  Charles floored it and we hit a bump. We went airborne for a second, and Arik screeched. I might have laughed, except that the whole Jeep bounced and rocked along the bumpy forest floor. It took strength to stay in my seat.

  Kiki hugged my arm, snuggling in her face. “I’m so glad you’re safe! I didn’t want to lose you. These idiots would’ve gotten killed and left me and Bubsy all alone!”

  I grinned ear to ear. “No one’s dying today!”

  We hit another large bump sending Kiki flying, but I pulled her onto my lap. “Seatbelt!”

  “There isn’t one!” She bounced, and I caught her.

  “Hold onto me!” I wrapped her in a tighter hug.

  Dyonna still wore a scowl plastered on her face. I leaned and punched her arm. “You could look less happy to see me!”

  She glared. “This is my happy face.”

  “Yeah, work on that.”

  The memory of Mog’s words struck me hard. “I have to tell you guys about Bellaire!”

  “What’s about it?” Arik turned, but screeched as a tree branch came inches from his head.

  “A Lonely One told me you would die there!” The wind battered my voice. “And one named Dante, asked me to destroy G.O.D. Mode; the company Virgil mentioned.

  “Why would we do favors for assholes?”

  “He wasn’t with the others. He set me free!”

  Charles steered hard to the right, and we lurched. “You think the freaks you heard on the radio are G.O.D. Mode?”

  I shrugged. “Who knows?”

  “We’ll just have to not die.” He made it a simple a task.

  Arik ducked, dodging another branch. “It’s never that easy! But I’m sure we’ll be fine if we’re all together.”

  “We have a full party.” I reached my hand above Kiki.

  She gave me a high five. “Shit yeah! We’re pretty kick-ass!”

  Her language wasn’t getting any better, but I laughed. After a few more agonizing bumps, we pulled onto to the road.

  I leaned forward. “Where’d you find this Jeep?”

  “On the edge of the forest.” Dyonna nodded back.

  “Luck is on our side!”

  She crossed her arms, looking as pissed as ever. “I ain’t found reason to agree.”

  I rolled my eyes. She had no shits to give.

  Arik looked in the rearview. “There was a weapon cache in an army truck! We were just about to come raise hell when you popped out of the cave!”

  I imagined my new friends rushing into Hirool wielding machine guns and firing up the place. Bubsy was even getting into the mess, jumping on the enemies and scratching their eyes out. I couldn’t help but burst into a fit of laughter. I hadn’t experienc
ed such joy since the ZPoc began.

  Arik and Kiki exchanged looks, and Charles glanced back. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m better than okay. It doesn’t get much better. Happiness is scarce, nowadays! Sunny skies ahead!” I grinned with closed eyes.

  “What a damn good day!” Arik reached back, and we fist bumped.

  “It’s night, idiot!” Dyonna smacked his head.

  Before Arik reacted, Charles slammed the brakes and Kiki launched, but I pulled her back, and our heads conked.

  Kiki whimpered. “What the hell?”

  “W-We’ve got trouble.” Arik pointed, with a trembling hand.

  Charles hung his head. “Big trouble.”

  I set Kiki beside me and stood. In front of us roamed hundreds of corpses, shoulder to shoulder. Many looked up, and the herd moved toward us.

  I slapped Charles shoulder. “Back into the woods! Go further!”

  Charles turned the Jeep, and we deserted the scene. Only a hundred yards later, lights came into view, headed in our direction. Charles hit the brakes again and cursed. Six motorcycles stopped just several yards away. On each sat a cannibal, but the biggest hog held the biggest asshat. King Krool. He glared past Charles and Arik and his eyes landed on me.

  “The one who escaped!” Krool clapped his hands. “We meet again.”

  Charles put his hand on his gun holster. “Sorry, but we can’t stick around anymore.”

  “Don’t misunderstand. The rest of you can go. Leave that girl with us. I’ll take care of her, I promise. Oh, and leave the little dark-skinned traitor, too!”

  “I’m so sick and tired of people trying to take away Tiffany!” Arik grabbed a rifle from his side and stood.

  “So, you’re forcing my hand.” Krool drew a large crossbow.

  “That thing is a toy.” Arik’s finger twitched. “We have more guns than your members.”

  “I’m a twelve-year running arbalest champion.”

  “We need to get outta here quick!” Dyonna lowered her voice. “Asshole ain’t lying!”

  Charles revved the engine.

  Krool held the crossbow ready. “Don’t flee. Then you’ll each have to die.”

  “Arik, sit!” Charles gave him a split-second warning, then stomped the gas.

  Again, we shot forward, and the cannibals leaped out of the way. Instead of trying to run them over, Charles spun the wheel, and we bounced into the forest.

  Kiki held onto Bubsy for dear life. “What’re we going to do?”

  “No damn clue!” Charles shook his head.

  “We don’t have a map anymore.” Arik recoiled as a branch smashed into our windshield, sending long cracks to the edges

  The motorcycles gave chase.

  “They be closing in!” Dyonna threw out her hand. “Give me a gun!”

  Kiki reached and handed the ex-cannibal a rifle. Dyonna spun and looked through the scope and fired off a burst of shots. She missed and only caused the six cyclists to scatter.

  “More firepowa, ya?” Dyonna pulled the second, lower trigger.

  A clunk sounded from the gun and a sphere shot out. A fiery explosion lit up the woods. One cycle vanished into the flames and didn’t come back out.

  “Hell yeah!” The victory cut short as a crossbow bolt shot the back of the driver’s chair.

  I reached forward. “Charles!”

  “I’m fine! Shoot that bastard!”

  Arik leaned out the side and fired bursts from his rifle. Bubsy hissed from inside the backpack. Even undead cats had sensitive ears.

  “Drive faster!” I punched the driver’s seat.

  Charles swerved around a huge boulder. “I’m doing my best!”

  Even with my gaming skills, I doubted I could do any better. We weren’t in a kart racing game.

  Another bolt soared past and shattered our windshield.

  “Screw this assface! Kiki hand me a rifle!” I faced the girl.

  She handed me an M16, and motorcycles flanked the Jeep. Dyonna blasted one, sending the rider flying in another explosion. I spun and aimed, but a tree cut between us and he rode to the side.

  I kept searching the forest. “Which direction are we heading?”

  “Can’t tell!” Charles swerved as Krool came out of the trees, forcing us to the left.

  “What’s he doing?” Arik aimed.

  Another cycle appeared in front, making us go right. A common tactic. They were herding us. Why and where?

  A landmark from the map manifested in my mind. “Watch out for the lake!”

  He cursed as we flew from the trees and toward the dark water. Charles swerved, and we flew onto a wide dock. The Jeep fishtailed. Our back end struck a post, bringing us to a dead stop.

  I slumped forward. “Shit that was close.”

  Kiki’s eyes darted around the lake. Her backpack sat empty in her lap. “Bubsy’s gone!”

  “There’s no time to find her!”

  The roar of motorcycles came from the woods as the bikes appeared. We turned and found Kiki’s cat sitting on the dock, back arched.

  “Bubsy! I thought I’d lost you!” She scrambled from the Jeep.

  “No, let her go!” I snatched her wrist, but she slipped through my grasp.

  Kiki bounded toward Bubsy, which scared the cat more. It took off, bolting across the dock. I leaped out but froze as one cycle came to a halt a dozen yards before Kiki.

  I lifted my gun as the rider, Krool, raised his crossbow.

  He aimed at the little girl, and looked at me, smiling with those wicked teeth. “You come with me, or I kill the child. Those are your only choices.”

  “She won’t be your dinner!” Dyonna aimed at Krool.

  “So, you’ve joined these losers? I am disappointed in you, Dyonna. Because of your blonde friend, those freaks attacked and killed most of my tribe. My ultimatum is fair!”

  I felt sick to my stomach as I stared, holding my rifle. My instincts told me to put a bullet between his eyes, but I knew I couldn’t. If I fired, I’d lose a part of myself. Something I’d never get back. I’d become the Zach from my visions; a murderer.

  “It is a shame. It seems we’ve come to an impasse.”

  Dyonna stepped to the dock. “One that won’t end well for you!”

  “To think I brought you into my home, you little bitch! I can’t let my kin have died in vain!”

  “Kiki, come back.” I took a hesitant step forward.

  “But Bubsy!” Her eyes locked onto the zombeast only feet away.

  “Please, Krool, leave us and we’ll never bother you again.”

  The king lowered his head as if he were considering my proposal. He nodded and raised his eyes. “No.”

  The world slowed as I watched that bolt fly. It stuck into Kiki’s chest; she grabbed the bolt and fell. My mouth fell open, and I tried to pull the trigger of my rifle, but I still couldn’t. Krool pointed and laughed. From far away, I dropped my gun and dove onto my knees. I caught Marilyn Kiki Shepard before she even hit the dock. From behind, Arik, Charles, and Dyonna opened fire. Krool died first. He collapsed off of his bike, taking several shots to the chest and face. Then the others, fell too.

  Kiki’s eyes closed forever.

  Tears overflowed as the gunfire ceased. I whispered her name as a wave of thoughts attacked. If I’d pulled the trigger, then Kiki... If I had been cold-hearted, and cruel, I could have saved my friend. The youngest one deserved to live the most. Her death fell on my shoulders. I should’ve gone with him.

  “She didn’t deserve to die. That cat was her everything, just as it was Emma’s.” My tears poured onto Kiki’s face. Did Zach go through a similar pain when he thought I’d killed myself? Was this how Jessie, my best friend felt, when she heard the news of my death? Jeff and Dave, too? Even Wesley?

  The pain tore apart my insides.

  That night I learned the pain of loss; to protect those I love by killing those who threaten. Zach did the right thing in Milpeg. They were necessary kills.
  “Kill the spiders to save the butterflies.”

  Where had I heard the quote? At the time, it made perfect sense. I ripped the bolt out of Kiki’s chest and sobbed, slamming a fist.

  My friends spoke to each other. They gave me time.

  Yes, I needed time, but we didn’t have such luxuries. Maybe I didn’t cry only for Kiki; I mourned for the entire world. The tears I’d held back for the past half a year came forth.

  These were the tears the human raced deserved; tears of anger, and hatred. I clenched my fist. Something snapped within me and in my heart, I knew I’d never hesitate again. If someone deserved it, they’d die. I’d kill them before they killed another of my friends. For that night only, I cried. After, I’d end the tears forever. For the final time, I allowed my tears to fall.

  LEVEL 14:


  At first, Bubsy came over, and rubbed her head against Kiki’s body, purring and wanting attention. She didn’t understand that Kiki could never pet her again. It broke my heart as the cat gave up and sulked into the forest. We never saw Bubsy again.

  Moans were coming from the nearby woods. The gunfire had alerted the entire undead population, so we didn’t give Kiki a proper burial. Charles gave me his uniform shirt, and I laid it over the poor girl’s face. It took Dyonna smacking me across the face to snap from of my depressive state. She pulled me into the Jeep because the corpses were coming. We left Marilyn Kiki Shepard on the docks and drove away.

  A heavy guilt hung over me. We should have brought her with us, I told myself, but that too might’ve been dangerous. What if she turned in death? We didn’t understand how the virus worked.

  Charles drove further northwest, bypassing the herd of corpses. Zombeasts blocked our path here and there, causing a dozen detours. One being bypassing Kentucky and lengthening our trip.

  A week passed, and one morning, as we drove in West Virginia, exhaustion caught up with me. I stayed awake every night; guilt kept me from resting. I could think only of death and cursed myself for becoming friends with anyone. Even Arik, Charles, and Dyonna had absolute doom in their near future.

  Dyonna squeezed my shoulder as I stared into the sunrise. I didn’t even bother glaring; I felt so absorbed in my pain.


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