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His for the Week

Page 8

by Gaines, Alice

  So far, the ceiling hadn’t fallen in on Rae. None of her high school teachers materialized to call “shame.” And it really was nicer than the unrealistic stuff you got with porn.

  Nate glanced over at Rae, and she nodded her approval. With a smile, he tugged her a bit closer and pressed his lips to her temple. Solicitous. Sweet.

  The other couple took their time getting undressed. They seemed careful to make sure she and Nate got a good look at everything happening. The man’s shirt went next. He had a nice chest, but not as good as Nate’s. Come to think of it, no man had a better body than Nate. If that couple could see them, Rae would give them a show of male beauty.

  She turned to Nate and gave him a little kiss. Not much. Just enough to let him know she wasn’t afraid and they could get as intimate as he wanted. Then she nibbled at his neck while she undid the buttons of his shirt. Beneath lay the smooth skin she’d snuggled up to after sex, so she ran her palms over it all the way down to his abs.

  “You’re missing the show,” he whispered.

  “I have my own show going on.”

  “But she’s naked, and she’s about to unzip his fly.”

  That would be interesting. She stopped removing Nate’s clothing to watch. Sure enough, the woman stood before her partner, completely nude, and unzipped his pants. The man wasn’t wearing underwear, so his cock fell free. It was a nice one—thick although not especially long. Rae’d been right. No one did better than Nate in that department.

  Now the woman dropped to her knees and took her partner’s cock into her mouth. The man closed his eyes in bliss but still managed to ease the woman’s hair away from her face so Rae and Nate could see the woman’s lips sliding along his shaft.

  Suddenly, that seemed like the very best thing in the world—to suck on a lover’s erection. When Rae placed her hand over Nate’s crotch, the unmistakable outline of his erection gave her her answer. He was aroused. He wanted to do this. He’d probably let her do anything she wanted. So she unfastened his belt and popped the snap at the top of his fly.

  She undid the zipper slowly, running her knuckles over the cotton of his briefs to stroke the hard flesh beneath. When she’d finished, he rose briefly to push his pants and underwear down. When he sat again, his cock was all hers, and she went to work.

  She’d enjoyed giving him head before, but now his groans joined the ones coming from the other side of the room. As the other man had done, he pushed her hair away from her face. Good. Let them watch. She absolutely couldn’t get enough of him. Every inch was more that he’d use to give her pleasure, and her pride at his beauty, his skill as a lover, drove her on to take him as deep as she could manage.

  “Oh, baby,” he said after a bit. “You’re making me so hot.”

  Good. The hotter he got the better the sex.

  “Too hot.” He groaned. “You have to stop.”

  She pulled her mouth back but held his shaft in her fist. “Really?”

  “Really,” he said. “Besides, watch the others.”

  She released Nate and sat up. The other couple were completely nude and wrapped around each other as they kissed. She’d been right. This was so much sexier than porn. They obviously cared about each other and were performing out of affection and true desire. It was a privilege to watch. Their gift to her and Nate, to allow her and Nate to share their most intimate acts.

  Eventually, they broke apart, and the woman took her lover’s hand to guide him across the small distance to their bed. Once there, the woman got on her hands and knees, parting her legs in invitation for the man to join her.

  He did, climbing onto the bed. He guided his cock to her pussy and eased it in. Now it was the woman’s turn to gasp and moan with ecstasy. The muscles of Rae’s sex responded, clenching down. Searching for something—for Nate.

  She put her arms around his neck and brought her face close to his. “I want you to fuck me.”

  He smiled. “I can do that.”

  “I know you can.”

  “First, get naked.”

  So now she’d expose her body to strangers. Not that the other couple showed much interest in what she and Nate were doing. But if they took pleasure from watching as well as showing, they’d cast a glance her way at some point. So be it.

  She kicked out of her shoes and stood. When Nate untangled himself from his clothes and got his own shoes off, he joined her. Together, they worked on her clothing—a lot faster than the others had. This was no striptease but instead a way to get past barriers…now.

  When they’d removed all the trappings of civilization, they stood, facing each other, the way they’d come into the world. Without pretense. Naked before witnesses. Nate kissed her, his lips leading hers in a dance of promise. Reassuring her that he’d take her to heaven and bring her back to earth different but safe.

  Then he went to the table, opened a condom, and unfurled it over his erection. He grabbed one more item before going to the bench and lying on his back. “Ride me, baby?”

  “You got it, cowboy.”

  She went to the bench, swung her leg over, and lowered herself to him. Holding his cock, she placed the head at her entrance so that as she moved downward, she took him inside her.

  He felt so big in this position, claiming her utterly. She could also watch the others fuck while she had Nate’s hardness filling her. It was incredibly erotic—seeing the man’s livid flesh move in and out of his lover. He had to be close to orgasm, and both of them gave out the sounds of people nearing the edge. His groans had grown louder, and he held her hips as he moved faster. Her breathing had become erratic, and she cried “Oh!” from time to time.

  Nate was moving now, thrusting up into her. This time when her muscles clenched, they found a hard cock filling her. So intense. So beautiful.

  She could scarcely catch her own breath as her arousal grew. Soon, she’d be in the same state as the woman she was watching. Close. Needing just a little more…something…to send her into orgasm. A few more hard thrusts. A bit more friction against her clitoris. Something.

  Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound, and something rubbed against her clit. Nate had brought the tiny vibrator from the table, and now he’d turned it on and placed it between their bodies to hit her hottest spot. Oh, man. Ohmanohman. It was good. She held herself still, accepting the plunging of his sex into hers and keeping her clit against the vibrator.

  “Good?” he said.

  “Don’t stop.” The only words she could manage.

  Across the room, the woman’s cry said she’d climaxed. Amazing sound. So full of lust and life. The buzzing continued, the vibration against Rae’s clit, and Nate hadn’t slowed his thrusts down. This heaven wouldn’t last, but it wouldn’t truly leave her, either. It would live on in the physical memory of her body.

  The climax built slowly. At first, just the knowledge that it was inevitable and then the tension winding tighter and tighter. By the time she surrendered to it, it had built to a wave that swept her into a new reality. Her pussy went wild, clutching and releasing, and she shouted as the other woman had.

  Both men came at the same time, their voices seeming to bounce off the walls together. Nate thrust like a madman a few times, grasping her hips. The moment hung frozen in time as all four of them experienced the ultimate pleasure.

  The passion had to end eventually, and Rae rested against Nate’s chest as her heartbeat returned to something like normal. He wrapped his arms around her. The vibrator had fallen away after her climax and now lay buzzing on the floor next to them. She let it go.

  “You liked that,” he said after a while.

  “I did.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Rae looked across the room, but the screen had come down again. Maybe the other people controlled it and they wanted privacy for their afterglow. Or maybe they wanted to create the illusion that none of what had happened had been real.

  The magic worked. It put brackets around the last minutes, enclosing them i
n a sensual world bigger than real life. The experience had changed her, though. She’d never look at her columns—her work—the same way again. Somehow, she’d have to write about it. After the article was done and she went back to talking to her readers directly.

  Finally, the buzzing on the floor got to be too much, and she sat up. Nate moved as well, separating their bodies. She bent to pick up the vibrator and, after turning it off, marveled at how much pleasure she’d enjoyed because of such a little piece of equipment. She’d put that in a column, too.

  Nate got up and started gathering up their clothes. While she put on her blouse, he got back into his pants.

  “You done with the Barn for the day?” he asked.

  “I think I’ve done enough research for now.”

  “Good. Let’s take a walk.”


  For the longest time, Rae and Nate just walked. They didn’t talk. They didn’t interact with anyone except to exchange “hi’s” with people passing them along the running path. Although Rae might have expected the resort had kept so much of the grounds so people could dress up like wood nymphs and frolic, having gardens and wooded areas actually lent themselves to reflection.

  Not something she usually did. And definitely not up Désirée’s alley. And the very last thing she’d expect to be doing with the man she was sleeping with temporarily. Her Hook-Up Man.

  “Do you know what kind of tree that is?” he asked, pointing at the woods around them.

  “The man points at a forest and asks about a tree.”

  “That one.” He put an arm around her and pointed. “See?”

  She finally figured out which tree he was pointing to. It was tall, with spreading branches. A tree for sure.

  “Not a clue.”

  “You’re not into trees, then.”

  “I like them just fine. I don’t know the first thing about them,” she said. “Does it matter?”

  “Nope. I just wondered.”

  They walked some more with nothing but the light breeze and birdcalls as soundtrack to this new state of affairs. You didn’t share what they just had without it changing you at least a little. She almost wished she could take the makeup off and try being herself with him. He’d shown no interest in that version of her when she’d sat in the coffee shop with him day after day, week after week. She had no reason to believe that would change now. Instead, he might regret having become that intimate with someone he wasn’t particularly attracted to.

  Then again, they had their roles to play—hers as confident and uninhibited Désirée Knight and his as Hook-Up Man. They had this time together. She might as well live out the fantasy.

  “So not botany,” he said. “You must have some other interests.”

  “Movies and books,” she said. “I like good restaurants. Shopping. I assume you have interests.”

  “Sports,” he said. “I didn’t have time for much of anything else.”

  Pretty predictable and not likely to spark deep conversation.

  “You live alone?” he asked. “No roommates? Pets?”

  “Not a one. Not even a houseplant. What about you?”

  “I was always too busy with my company. Hope to be again someday,” he said. “I don’t want anyone depending on me.”

  “Wise choice.”

  “You must have time for a relationship,” he said. “Unless your column keeps you busy 24/7.”

  “Time but no interest,” she said. “I’m Single and Sexy, remember?”

  “Yeah.” He pointed toward a marble bench beside the path. “Let’s sit down for a minute.

  They sat. Again in silence as much of their walk had been. Odd how a new experience like the one she and Nate had just had could make you notice the world around you in more detail. Like how perfectly the lawn had been trimmed until the grass resembled a carpet. And how the air smelled sweet when you were surrounded by plants and trees. Maybe she should take up an interest in botany after all.

  “I do want to know you better,” he said after a while. “This is all wonderful, but it isn’t real.”

  Exactly. Neither was her column nor her public persona. But they were what she had, and she’d hold on to them through this week. She couldn’t expose herself now without admitting her fraud.

  “It’s not supposed to be real,” she said.

  “Even what we experienced back there?” he asked.

  “Especially that. They staged it all for us. Both the resort and the other couple.”

  “I don’t know.” He bent over, resting his elbows on his knees and lacing his fingers together. “The feelings were pretty intense.”

  “I thought guys didn’t like to talk about feelings,” she said.

  He turned his head and stared at her. Lately she’d been so hung up on the beauty of his body she forgot to admire his face. Especially his eyes. Clear hazel, now with a note of disapproval in them.

  “Well, guys usually don’t,” she said. The only time she’d gotten close enough to a man for him to have feelings about her, they’d mostly shown up as jealousy, control, and if control didn’t work, rage. Just like her mother’s men. So she’d decided single could be sexy, and she hadn’t looked back. It had worked for her, and she had no plans to change it.

  “Men have feelings, too,” he said.

  “I’m sure they do. I didn’t mean to insult you.”

  He gestured back toward the Barn. “Did that mean nothing to you?”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” It had been sex in a way she’d never experienced before. More, it had broken down a barrier she hadn’t known existed, freeing her from fear of others’ disapproval. Nate had shared it all with her. That had to have value. “It meant a lot. It just doesn’t change anything.”

  He blew out a breath. “I guess you’re right.”

  “It was wonderful, Nate. I’ll never forget it.”

  He straightened. “I won’t, either.”

  “Then, we won’t worry about it, will we?”

  “No. Only…”

  She waited for him to finish his sentence. She wasn’t about to guess what he was trying to say.

  “I hope we’re friends,” he said.

  “Sure we are.”

  “Not friends with benefits,” he said. “Friends. People who like each other.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. He could have asked for much more than that. “Of course, friend.”

  He extended his hand. “Shake on it.”

  She did. With someone else, she might have followed that with a hug. Any kind of physical contact with this man could lead to more. Even his hand in hers gave her a sense of warmth.

  The setting was romantic enough to fuel any number of fantasies. Adam and Eve. A dashing knight in a glade. She’d better hold on to reality of why they’d come and that it would all come to an end.

  Chapter Seven

  The makeup didn’t come off after dinner, not even after their conversation about getting to know each other. If anything, Désirée had refreshed her face paint. Disappointing, but he hadn’t given up yet. In fact, Nate had decided to spend the evening in doing one of his favorite things with a friend—sit around eating popcorn and making fun of a bad movie. Testing out the new relationship, as it were. Now, she sat next to him on the bed, propped up by a bunch of cushions against the headboard. She wore a negligee of emerald green lace and silk that made her red-brown hair really pop. She was quite a sight, as always, as she sat placing a single piece of popcorn between her red lips at a time.

  “I didn’t think a place like this would sell microwave popcorn,” she said.

  “I brought it from home, and I found a microwave in the room with the ice machine,” he said. “This isn’t really food, but it’s salty and crunchy.”

  “And the resort has a channel for cheesy science fiction movies?”

  “Nuh-huh. I found this on network.”

  “Oh, goody. Then we’ll get commercials, too,” she said.

  “Do you mind?”

  “Heck no.” She chuckled. “I like to clock how much time between the ‘ask your doctor’ commercial and one for a lawyer who wants to sue the company that made the drug.”

  “Too high-brow for this movie,” he said. “We’ll probably just get the payday loan and used car ads.”

  “Fine by me.”

  Another side to her personality—someone down-to-earth enough to enjoy microwave popcorn and bad television. Even though she was still in costume. She was also still wearing the pearl pendant, having shown no inclination at all to put it back in its box. She’d clearly been moved by the gift, although she insisted they meant nothing to each other. Just as well, given he wasn’t sure he was ready for a relationship yet. Still, it was nice to feel appreciated.

  “Oh boy, here it comes.” She pointed at the television. “The woman hears a noise outside at night and goes to explore. All alone. In her negligee.”

  “At least she put her slippers on.”

  “Slippers with heels she won’t be able to run in. So she’ll trip and have to kick them off.”

  “And the monster will get her, anyway,” he said. “Have you seen this movie?”

  “Maybe, or maybe twenty others like it.” She munched more popcorn.

  He sat beside her with only the popcorn between them. He could easily turn this time spent together into sex. He only had to kiss her to become aroused, and he knew her hot buttons well enough to get her pretty excited. They’d do that later and often, but for now, simply being together felt right.

  “See? There she goes,” Désirée said. “Don’t go around that tree.”

  On the screen, an actress dressed in flimsy white material to her ankles was walking right into the monster’s trap.

  “Don’t do it,” she said. “Go back into the house.”

  “Or get in your car and drive away,” he added.

  “They never listen. Never.”

  He had to laugh. The movie had probably been made twenty years ago, and for all that time, the woman had been walking around the wrong tree. This scene had probably scared people once upon a time.


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